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        용수(龍樹) 중론(中論)의 선적(禪的) 고찰(考察)

        이법산 ( Beop San Lee ) 인도철학회 2010 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.29

        The Madhyamaka Karika of Nagarjuna consisted of 500 stanzas in 27 chapters. It has been known to be one of the best theoretical summary of the 600 volumes of the wisdom sutras. In this text, Nagarjuna clarifies the absolute absence of intrinsic nature within all dharmas from the perspective of dependent origination so that one can eventually realizes the true intrinsic nature of all things. In this aspect, language could only be a means to deliver a certain message of which its role will ends after the delivery completed. Within the Seon tradition, the mind is the key to actualize such message. In this respect, seon could be said to practice at the edge of language in order to realize the true meaning of the intrinsic nature both within us and above the whole universe. According to the Chan (Chinese equivalent of Korean Seon) tradition, Nagarjuna was regarded as the 14th Chan Master in the tradition lineage starting from Mahakasyapa. The languages used by Chinese Chan tradition cannot easily be understood from the normal linguistic structure. Through the doubts from the paradoxical question delivered by means of language, seon meditation pursuits the realization of the meaning of the true nature. In my opinion, the paradoxical question used within the Chan tradition could be in the line of the utilization from theabsolute negative logic used by Nagarjuna in his Madhyamaka Karika and in use of the practising method of the Chan meditation. Nirvana could be defined as the destruction of defilements, while the truth could be realized through the cessation of the spoiled mind. The paradoxical question could be the best means to destroy such spoiled delusion. By establishing the right view through destroying biased views, one can not only destroy ignorance but one can also realize the perfect wisdom. In this respect, one can safely say that the theoretical aspect of the Nagarjuna`s Madhyamaka Karika can be practiced through the seon meditation methods.

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