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      • The Scarelt Letter 에 나타난 죄와 고립 그리고 구원의 문제

        이범두 한국강원영어영문학회 1993 영어영문학 Vol.12 No.1

        Hawthorne is a Puritan moralist at heart. But, in The Scarlet Letter, he deals with crime not so much in terms of evangelical Puritanism as in terms of absolute one. Through the symbolic judgement of Hester, a sinner of Adultery, by Puritan community, he criticizes the narrow-minded community because he does not believe that an incomplete human being can judge others. Hawthorne, unlike Puritans, does not think that Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth are deadly sinners. On the contrary, he insists that sin should be equivalent to redemption. This parodoxical point of view is deeply connected with $quot;Fortunate Fall$quot; or $quot;the deucation of sin$quot;. But it must be noticed that this view of sin of his does not justify all the possible crimes. That is, we should not make a logical fallacy that because sin is instructive, it follows that we may commit any crimes. He, in this perspective, sees those three sinners as pardonable. It seems that he does not like severe Puritanism, which suppresses human thoughts and free behaviors without reason. Instead, he is attracted by Hester who regards as a higher law the natural law which makes it possible for her to respond to her instinct and insight faithfully. He tried to give a flexible interpretation of sin of passion. Arthur Dimmesdale is the very picture of Puritanism. He, Hester's partner, must also be of sinful passion in the light of law of Puritanism. Sin of hypocrisy is added to his sin of instinct one after another. Hawthorne, however, reveals that the end of sins of both passion and hypocrisy lies in the beginning of $quot;Public confession.$quot; It indicates that the confession is the only way to salvation. Finally, Chillingworth, a well-known sinner as unforgivable, is a soul-destoryer. He is seen as the worst of the three sinners. But it becomes clear that he will have a ray of redemption in that he tried to probe a family bond long lost by bequeathing his large sum of fortune to Pearl, Hester's daughter. In consequence, Hawthorne does not think that all sorts of sins would be irrevocable. Having the probability that every one is apt to sin, he has a broader viewpoint to approve human weakness, and to forgive and include it. Sin is not an absolute precedent condition to salvation. It must be understood that ultimate redemption comes from the true penitence with a long agony in mind and physical torture, instead. Hawthorne says that man could not reach moral maturity without a thoroughgoing recognition of sin and a piercing anguish from it. He claims that any sinner should pay too high a price for sheer salvation.

      • The Scarelt Letter에 나타난 죄와 고립 그리고 구원의 문제

        이범두 한국강원영어영문학회 1993 영어영문학 Vol.- No.12

        Hawthorne is a Puritan moralist at heart. But, in The Scarlet Letter, he deals with crime not so much in terms of evangelical Puritanism as in terms of absolute one. Through the symbolic judgement of Hester, a sinner of Adultery, by Puritan community, he criticizes the narrow-minded community because he does not believe that an incomplete human being can judge others. Hawthorne, unlike Puritans, does not think that Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth are deadly sinners. On the contrary, he insists that sin should be equivalent to redemption. This parodoxical point of view is deeply connected with "Fortunate Fall" or "the deucation of sin". But it must be noticed that this view of sin of his does not justify all the possible crimes. That is, we should not make a logical fallacy that because sin is instructive, it follows that we may commit any crimes. He, in this perspective, sees those three sinners as pardonable. It seems that he does not like severe Puritanism, which suppresses human thoughts and free behaviors without reason. Instead, he is attracted by Hester who regards as a higher law the natural law which makes it possible for her to respond to her instinct and insight faithfully. He tried to give a flexible interpretation of sin of passion. Arthur Dimmesdale is the very picture of Puritanism. He, Hester's partner, must also be of sinful passion in the light of law of Puritanism. Sin of hypocrisy is added to his sin of instinct one after another. Hawthorne, however, reveals that the end of sins of both passion and hypocrisy lies in the beginning of "Public confession." It indicates that the confession is the only way to salvation. Finally, Chillingworth, a well-known sinner as unforgivable, is a soul-destoryer. He is seen as the worst of the three sinners. But it becomes clear that he will have a ray of redemption in that he tried to probe a family bond long lost by bequeathing his large sum of fortune to Pearl, Hester's daughter. In consequence, Hawthorne does not think that all sorts of sins would be irrevocable. Having the probability that every one is apt to sin, he has a broader viewpoint to approve human weakness, and to forgive and include it. Sin is not an absolute precedent condition to salvation. It must be understood that ultimate redemption comes from the true penitence with a long agony in mind and physical torture, instead. Hawthorne says that man could not reach moral maturity without a thoroughgoing recognition of sin and a piercing anguish from it. He claims that any sinner should pay too high a price for sheer salvation.

      • Great Expectations : Joe's Forge as Dickensean Home Joe의 대장간

        Lee, Beom-Doo 한국강원영어영문학회 1996 영어영문학 Vol.15 No.1

        Dickens는 빅토리아朝 英國社會의 拜金主義, 出世主義 등 非人間的 風潮를 批判하면서 純粹한 인간성을 지닌 인물들을 통해 끊임없이 社會全般외 改善, 道德性 回復 및 잃어버린 純眞無垢한 人間性의 回復을 그렸다. Dickens의 많은 주인공들은 자신이 속한 사회속에서 精神的, 肉體的 墮落과 苦痛을 처절하게 經驗하면서 결국은 Dickens的 樂圈에 이르게 된다. 자신들의 행위에 相應한 應報틀 치르고 난 후, 즉, 죽음의 문덕을 넘나드는 試鍊을 겪은 뒤에야 진정한 살의 價値를 발견한다. Mrs. Joe가 思考와 言行에서 Estella와 현저한 對照를 이루면서 Joe와 幸福한 보금자리를 틀게 되는 締結을 갖는다. Magwitch의 出監, Pip의 London에서의 歸鄕, Estella외 Satis House 家出이나, Hard Times에서 Louisa 와 Gradgrind가 Coketown의 俗世를 벗어버리고 love, fancy 그리고 emotion의 世界로 들어가는 것도, Joe가 진정한 自我(real-self)를 잃지 않고 시종여일 대장간의 삶을 營爲하는 두 範疇의 참의 倂置는 Dickens의 藝術의 極致이다. 夫唱婦隨하는 Biddy를 얻어 삶의 至順한 香氣를 내는 Joe의 대장간이야말로 진정한 인간의 價値가 喪失된 惡과 僞善의 사회의 對照點에 우뚝서 수고하고 무거운 짐진자들을 위해 빛나는 Dickens的 故鄕의 메타퍼이다.

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