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        중국물권법상(中國物權法上) 토지(土地)에 대한 용익물권(用益物權)에 관한 개관(槪觀)

        윤형열,이박호 연세법학회 2015 연세법학 Vol.26 No.-

        China adopts the socialist co-ownership system for land as a national system, and accordingly the ownership of lands all belongs to the state and the people. Therefore, the use and benefit for land is urgent, so the usufruct for such is developed. In such usufruct of real estate law in China, “land subcontract management right” is recognized in relation to agriculture, which can be set only for agricultural land. As for the usufruct for land that can be used for human residence construction, there are building site usage right and housing site usage right. This is again divided between city and farming area, where the former is usufruct for land recognized for new buildings in the city, and the latter is usufruct for land recognized for farming area residents. Especially the latter housing site usage right is recognized for farming area group villages for free according to the farmer preference policy. The “easement” of China is characteristic in that it is not based on the ownership of land and easement of our law of reality. Therefore, the difference from our law of reality and easement is that it can be set derivatively based on the usufruct of others in order to realize the usufruct authority of land subcontract management right and such, where this should be seen as being derived from the fact that the land is nationally-owned in China.

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