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      • KCI등재

        친디아 IT 클러스터의 혁신 관리

        이명무(Lee, Myung-Moo),김윤호(Kim, Yun-Ho) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2011 남아시아연구 Vol.16 No.3

        1990년대 중반부터 산업 클러스터는 정부, 연구기관, 대학, 기업 등과 같은 경제주체들이 협력적인 관계를 유지하면서 주체들 간의 상호작용을 통해 과학기술 수준을 향상시키고자 하는 접근방법으로 각광받고 있다. 특히 선진국인 미국과 유럽, 일본뿐만 아니라 신흥강대국으로 부상하고 있는 중국, 인도에서도 크게 각광받고 있다. 인도와 중국은 세계 경제의 새로운 강대국으로 급부상하고 있으며, 친디아(Chindia)로 일컬어지는 이들 두 국가는 방대한 영토와 압도적인 인구, 풍부한 천연자원을 바탕으로 고도의 경제성장을 지속하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 정부, 연구기관, 시장이라는 서로 다른 목적을 가진 세 가지 섹터가 상호 협력한다는 관점에서 인도의 뱅갈로르와 중국 중관촌의 IT 클러스터 성장과정을 탐구하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 클러스터 형성에 영향을 미치는 제도적 구성, 기술 변화와 같은 요인이나 메커니즘을 이해하기 위해 연대기적(History-friendly) 접근방법을 선택하였다. 인도와 중국의 IT 클러스터의 혁신에 관한 질문에 답하기 위해 네 가지 논점(혁신의 기원, 혁신의 관리 프로세스,혁신의 유지 및 추동 조건, 혁신을 위한 기술 원천)을 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다. 결론적으로 뱅갈로르와 중관촌이 동일한 목적을 가지고 비슷한 환경에서 IT 클러스터에 대한 이론적 배경을 적용하더라도 혁신 정책을 개발하고 관리하는 전략과 메커니즘은 서로 다르다는 점을 고려할 필요가 있다. In the recent decades, the policies of national economic growth have led the increasing interests on regional economies. Since the mid-1990s, the concepts of Regional Innovation Systems and Industrial Cluster have made the movement very popular. In fact, the approaches have been widely adopted in creating and implementing regional economic policies not only in the advanced countries, such as Japan, the US and the UK, but also in developing countries, such as India and China. Recently, Chindia is rising as new global economic powers. These two countries have grown rapidly owing to enormous natural resource, huge territory, and overwhelming population. This paper is aimed at analysing the factors of backgrounds the growth of information technology (IT) clusters in Bangalore, India and Zhongguancun, China in the light of the interplay of the state, the market, and the research institute. Drawing on the history of the origins of IT clusters in these two cities, we examine the formation of clusters to understand the mechanisms and factors, such as technological change and institutional reform, which influenced the formation of these clusters. Presented in stylized form, the conceptual model of this study is an appreciative theory of managing innovation in the origins of IT clusters, which integrates, synthesizes, and explains the observed institutional and entrepreneurial moves in sequences. We discuss the issues concerning the process of managing innovation, the conditions that trigger and/or maintain innovation, and the source of technology for innovation. We conclude that successful innovation in origins of IT clusters is the result of the interplay between the state, the market, and the research institute. This paper concludes that, even if the two countries have adopted the same theoretical base, in the same time-frame and similar circumstance, with the same purposes, the mechanisms and strategies of creating and managing innovation policies in each country are considerably different.

      • KCI등재

        모바일 메일의 사용의도

        이명무(Myung-Moo Lee),김윤호(Yun- Ho Kim) 한국IT서비스학회 2010 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        The speed and magnitude of mobile phone adoption is a recent worldwide phenomenon akin to those of the television in the middle of the 20th century and the Internet in the late 20th century. During the 2000s, mobile phone adoption was exploded and subscriptions reached 3 billion around the globe. Korea and Japan have been ahead of the rest of the world in introducing new handset and service capabilities. They were the first markets to launch 3G services and are currently the only markets to have achieved mainstream adoption of 3G with over one-third of customers in both markets subscribing to 3G services. The purpose of this article is to explore the cultural similarities and differences associated with mobile mail by presenting findings from a cross-cultural comparison of perceptions and uses of the technology. The results of the study are as follows:Of the characteristics that make up the mobile text-messaging service in Korea, a person’s perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment was found to have a positive effect on use attitude. Among the characteristics that make up a person’s perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment was found to have a positive effect on use intention. And use attitude was found to have positive effects on use intention. But, of the characteristics that make up the mobile text-messaging service in Japan, a person’s perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment were found to have a positive effect on use attitude. Among the characteristics that make up a person’s perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment were found to have a positive effect on use intention. And use attitude was found to have positive effects on use intention. This study contributes to telecommunications research by delineating the various stimuli to consider for successful technology acceptance in a global setting, which can account for differential impacts across regions. The findings of this study can assist telecommunications operators in formulating an effective region-specific strategy when launching a wireless data service in a particular environment.

      • KCI등재

        인도 IT서비스 산업의 인수합병(M&A)에 관한 연구

        이명무(Lee, Myung-Moo),김윤호(Kim, Yun-Ho) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2010 남아시아연구 Vol.16 No.1

        지난 10년 동안 인도 IT서비스 산업은 매출액 증가, 고용 증대, 새로운 가치 창조면에서 눈부신 발전을 거듭해 오면서 인도의 핵심 성장 동력으로 자리매김해왔다. 그 결과 IT서비스 산업은 글로벌 시장에서 인도를 대표하는 산업이 되었다. 인도 IT서비스 산업의 경쟁력의 원천은 다음 세 가지로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 각 엔지니어가 보유하고 있는 기술이나 노하우 같은 지식의 축적, 둘째, 반복적인 업무 프로세스를 체계적으로 수행할 수 있는 조직의 능력, 셋째, 다양한 비즈니스 모델의 존재이다. 본 연구에서는 인도 IT서비스 산업의 M&A 사례를 조사하여 리더 기업과 도전자 기업으로 나누어 분석하였다. 인도의 주요 IT서비스 기업을 대상으로 1999-2009년까지 M&A 실적을 분석해 보면, IT서비스 산업의 리더 기업인 TCS는 인수 8건, 지분참여 3건, 자산매각 0건, Infosys는 인수 7건, 지분참여 2건, 자산매각 4건을 기록하였다. 반면 도전자 기업인 Satyam은 인수 5건, 지분참여 5건, 자산매각 9건을 기록하였으며, Patni는 인수 5건, 지분 참여 0건, 자산매각 4건을 기록했다. 리더 기업인 TCS와 Infosys는 인수에 집중하면서 회사 규모를 키웠다. 이에 비해 도전자기업인 Satyam은 자산매각을 중심으로 규모를 줄인 반면, Patni는 활발한 인수를 통해 기업을 키워왔다. 인도 IT서비스 기업의 M&A에 대한 사례 분석을 바탕으로 리더 기업과 도전자 기업의 대응방안을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, M&A의 리더 기업(TCS, Infosys)은 미국, 유럽 시장에서 준대형급의 위치로 성장하고 있다. 북미와 영국에서도 이미 고객 기반이 있고, 인수 타깃이 되는 중간급 규모의 우량기업이 적기 때문에 자체 성장을 중심으로 특정 산업용 솔루션의 소프트웨어 패키지나 SaaS 등의 지적재산 획득을 목표로 한 인수가 예상된다. 둘째, M&A의 도전자기업(Satyam, Patni)은 리더 기업과 유사하여 각 시장에서 리더와 경쟁하는 경우가 많다. 이미 영어권시장에서 존재감을 확립하고 있다는 점에서 리더 기업을 따라잡을 수 있는 규모 확대를 위해 노력하는 동시에 차별화 전략을 세우는 것이 중요하다. 유럽, 미국 시장 모두 자체 성장에 덧붙여 중형기업의 인수가 관건이 된다. 한국 기업과 정부에 주는 시사점을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 한국의 IT서비스 산업은 국내외 기업간의 경합 속에서 경쟁력을 확보하기 위한 사업 영역ㆍ비즈니스모델의 재검토나 오프쇼어 거점을 축으로 한 끊임 없는 지원 서비스 체제의 구축을 추구해야 한다. 정부 차원에서 대응 방안을 살펴보면, 인도 IT서비스 산업의 급속한 성장의 배경에는 정부의 지원 등이 있었다는 것을 감안하면 한국 정부도 강점분야의 선택과 집중을 통해 적극적인 한-인도간 제휴 촉진을 위한 구체적인 지원책을 검토해야 한다. Over the past decade, the Indian IT Service sector has become the country’s premier growth engine, crossing significant milestones in terms of revenue growth, employment generation and value creation, in addition to becoming the global brand ambassador for India. The source of the competitive advantage of Indian companies is found in (1) the accumulation of technology and know-how by way of an in-house completion type delivery structure, (2) organizational capabilities to carry out projects based on standardized processes, and (3) a global delivery model with Indian offshore centers at its core. These three elements enhance such strategies as high value-added services, diversification to boost earnings and spread risk, and increasing offshore ratios in order to maintain healthy profit ratios. The aim of this study is to examine the case of the M&A in the Indian IT services industry. Specifically, we will examine the strategic alliance as it relates to the following: ① global trends in strategic alliances in the IT industry, ② analysis of Indian IT services companies, ③ Indian government and corporate level strategies for improving competitiveness. This study will summarize these corporate M&A strategies from a more detailed viewpoint and weigh their attributes. Based on sales amount, employee numbers and market standing, Indian IT services firms can be categorized as either leaders or challengers. For example, Leaders would be TCS and Infosys and Challengers would be Satyam and Patni. According to a 1999-2009 survey of four companies by M&A, Tata has made 8 acquisitions while taking stakes in 3 companies. Tata has 0 divestiture during this period. Infosys has made 4 acquisitions while taking stakes in 2 companies. Infosys has 4 divestitures during this period. Satyam has made 5 acquisitions while taking stakes in 5 companies. Satyam has 9 divestitures during this period. Patni has made 5 acquisitions while taking stakes in 0 companies. Patni has 3 divestitures during this period. Major results of this study can be condensed into two. First, let’s look into M&A strategies of leader firms. TCS and Infosys have already developed their businesses in European markets to the extent of establishing themselves as semi-major class firms. In North America and the UK, they already have an established customer base, but because of a lack of medium-sized blue-chip firms worthy of being targeted for acquisition, one can predict that these leader firms will carry out organic growth-based takeovers that focus on the acquisition of software package solutions for specific industries and IP such as SaaS. Second, we analyzed M&A the strategies of challenger firms. The types of businesses that challenger firms engage in are similar to that of leaders and in many cases, Satyam and Patni compete with leader firms in various markets. In particular, while maintaining a customer base, it is likely that both parties can enjoy the benefits of an M&A when a challenger firm acquires another country’s medium-sized firm that is lagging in terms of overseas operations and offshore initiatives. Here are the implications associated with strengthening Korea’s IT services industry that can be drawn from the above. Korean companies must review competition within their groups both domestically and overseas, as witnessed already by some firms, and strengthen their offshore center-based seamless support services structure. IT services firms themselves must do their best to boost their global competitiveness, but in light of the fact that India’s rapid growth can be explained by government support measures, one feels that the time has come for the Korean government to also consider concrete support measures by selecting and focusing on certain areas needing to be strengthened.

      • KCI등재

        BoP (저소득층) 비즈니스의 개념과 전략적 진화

        이명무(Myung Moo Lee),이건창(Kun Chang Lee) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.4

        After ‘Next Market’ by Professor C. K. Prahalad was published, a new perspective in which BoP needs to be viewed as a market has been established very fast in the field of BoP studies. The debate started with Prahalad and Hammond(2002), and Prahalad and Hart(2002). MNCs (multinational companies) try to expand their business realms by serving those poor consumers belonging to the BoP. This kind of strategic approach is called BoP version 1.0 where companies adopt only a selling strategy. However, the BoP version 1.0 approach had been receiving criticisms due to the fact that it ignored a more effective option of helping the BoP people maintain their own economically self-sustaining businesses. This latter approach is called BoP version 2.0 approach. This paper aims to suggest a basic framework of BoP 2.0 and discuss its relevant cases. For the sake of fulfilling this research objective, we revisited the BoP 2.0 concept, delineating its four aspects in comparison with the BoP 1.0. First, we investigated conventional wisdom of BoP approaches from a critical viewpoint. Second, we compared non-profit BoP businesses with profit-seeking BoP businesses, demonstrating, therefore, a discrepancy between the two approaches. Third, relationships between BoP businesses and traditional CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) were addressed. Fourth, the need to turn from the BoP 1.0 (selling to the poor people) to the BoP 2.0 (working with the poor people to help them create their own businesses) was proposed with relevant cases such as D.Light solar lantern that penetrated into Tanzania successfully.

      • Upcycle Plastic Development: Case of FabLab Bohol in Philippines

        이명무(Myung Moo Lee),김윤호(Yun Ho Kim) 적정기술학회 2017 적정기술학회지(Journal of Appropriate Technology) Vol.3 No.1

        FabLabs are a global network of local labs that enable invention by providing people with access to tools for digital fabrication. FabLabs share an evolving inventory of core capabilities to make (almost) anything, allowing people and projects to be shared. The FabLab grass roots movement has now expanded to more than 1,004 locations in 78 developed and developing countries. The aim of this research is analyzing the ‘Developing Upcycle Plastic Project’, which was accomplished by Philippino FabLab, Bohol. For this process, first, examine former researches about Digital Fabrication and Fab-Lab. Second, based on Appropriate Technology 2.0 Framework by Polak and Warwick (2014), introduce innovation case through Upcycle Plastic Development by Philippines Fab Lab Bohol. Last, according to Schrader et al. (2012)’s Business Strategy Model, carry out comparative analysis about Developing Upcycle Plastic Project by Philippines FabLab Bohol and rag oil production facility item using plastic waste, one of Korean Appropriate Technology Action Plans. This study introduces upcycle plastic development project of FabLab Bohol in Philippines. They are spot-lighted as a means of improving people s quality of life in developing countries. On the lessons learned from FabLab Bohol case, this study proposes future directions of Korean government policy about the appropriate technology. 팹랩(FabLab)은 3D프린터와 커팅머신 등으로 대표되는 디지털 공작 기계를 갖춘 개방형 실험 공방을 의미한다. 각 지 역의 팹랩은 인터넷 망을 통하여 전 세계적으로 연결되어 있으며, 팹랩 참여자들끼리 노하우와 아이디어를 공유하는 혁신 공동체를 지향하고 있다. 지역에 기반으로 두고 풀뿌리처럼 확산되고 있는 팹랩은 한국을 비롯한 전 세계 78개 국에서 1,004개가 운영되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 개발도상국 주민의 삶의 질 향상에 기여하면서, 적정기술의 외연을 확 장시킬 수 있는 수단으로 각광받고 있는 필리핀 보홀의 업사이클 플라스틱 개발 프로젝트를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 첫 째, 디지털 패브리케이션인 팹랩에 관한 선행 연구를 살펴보고, 둘째, Polak and Warwick (2014)의 적정기술 2.0 프레 임워크를 바탕으로 필리핀 팹랩 보홀에서 실시된 업사이클 플라스틱 개발의 혁신 사례를 소개하였다. 셋째, Schrader et al. (2012)의 비즈니스 전략 모형을 바탕으로 필리핀 팹랩 보홀의 업사이클 플라스틱 개발 프로젝트와 국내 정부산 하기관에서 추진 중인 적정산업기술을 활용하여 플라스틱 폐기물에서 재생유를 생산하려는 설비 아이템을 비교 분석 하였다. 이를 바탕으로 필리핀 보홀의 적정기술 성공 사례가 우리나라 정부 및 기업에 주는 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • 플로우 경험이 모바일 앱 사용자의 충성도에 미치는 영향 분석: 인도시장을 중심으로

        이명무 ( Myung Moo Lee ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2013 유통정보학회지 Vol.16 No.6

        본 연구는 글로벌 앱 시장을 이끌어갈 주요 국가로 부상할 전망이 기대되는 인도시장을 대상으로 모바일 앱 사용자의 플로우 경험이 충성도에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 세부적으로 신뢰와 플로우 경험에 영향을 미치는 정보품질과 시스템품질의 효과에 대해 조사하고, 이들이 사용자 충성도에 미치는 영향을 분석함으로써 기존의 검증된 모바일 앱의 모형이 인도의 모바일 시장에서 어떻게 적용되는지는 살펴보았다. 연구결과 인도에서도 플로우 경험이 모바일 앱 사용자들의 충성도에 중요한 영향을 미친다는 것을 발견했다. 본 연구에서는 정보품질과 시스템품질이 신뢰와 플로우 경험에 영향을 미치면서 사용자의 충성도를 결정한다는 것을 알아냈다. 이것은 높은 품질의 인터페이스를 사용자에게 제공하는 것을 주장하는 이전에 만들어진 논의들과 다르게 보다 많은 지원을 제공하는 것이 그들의 경험에 중요하다는 것을 보여준다. 또한 본 연구에서는 플로우 경험을 측정하는 주요 요인으로 지각된 즐거움, 지각된 통제,그리고 주의집중이 사용된다는 점도 확인했다. 이 차원들 중에서, 지각된 통제는 플로우 경험에서 상대적으로 높은 적재량을 나타낸 반면, 지각된 즐거움과 주의집중은 상대적으로 낮은 적재량을 나타냈다. 따라서 지각된 통제가 모바일 앱 사용자의 플로우 경험에서 가장 중요한 요소이다. 그러므로 모바일 앱서비스 제공자들은 모바일 앱을 사용자들에게 제공할 때, 이와 같은 측면에 집중할 필요가 있다. 사용자 신뢰를 쌓고, 더불어 지각된 통제와 사용자 경험을 향상시키기 위해서, 그들은 모바일 앱 스토어 플랫폼의 정보품질과 시스템품질을 증가시켜야한다. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of flow experience on mobile app users` loyalty in India. Based on 260 valid responses collected from a survey questionnaire, structural equation modeling (SEM) technology was employed to examine the research model. The results of the study are as follows: Of the characteristics that make up the mobile app service in India, information quality and system quality were found to have a positive effect on trust and flow experience. Among the characteristics that make up a person`s trust was found to have a positive effect on flow experience. And trust and flow experience were found to have positive effects on customer loyalty. The results show that both information quality and system quality impact significantly on trust and flow experience, which further determine mobile app users` loyalty in India. Especially, flow experience has a larger effect on users` loyalty. Thus, mobile app providers need to improve their interfaces and provide users with a compelling experience. Mobile app providers need to consider user experience when seeking users` loyalty. They should enhance information quality and system quality in order to improve user trust and flow experience. From a managerial perspective, our results show that mobile service providers need to be concerned with users` flow experience if they wish to develop and increase their users`` loyalty. We found that perceived control is an important component of user flow. This study contributes to mobile app research by delineating the various stimuli to consider for successful technology acceptance in a global setting, which can account for differential impacts across regions. The findings of this study can assist mobile app in formulating an effective region-specific strategy when launching a wireless data service in a particular environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 앱 스토어의 서비스 품질이 재구매 의도에 미치는 요인에 관한 실증연구

        이명무(Myung Moo Lee),이건창(Kun Chang Lee) 한국IT서비스학회 2015 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Recent trends of mobile convergence has already brought about many changes in our digitally-powered society. Especially, taking advantage of strengths of existing mobile devices and smart phones have already been established as a primary standard in the business intelligence world. Such high-powered digital devices equipped with mobile convergence functions are getting more momentum as app stores are prevailing. Basically, the app stores are administered by smart phone manufacturers, creating a new business ecosystem among app developers and endusers. However, there are paucity of studies tackling an issue about how users' repurchase intention of the apps is influenced by the service qualities of the app stores. In this respect, this study aims to investigate the effect of app store service quality on users' satisfaction and repurchase intention. As the value of loyal customers is incomparably high in app commerce, winning customers’ loyalty is vital to the success of app stores. In this study, a customer is defined as one who has purchased goods or services at least once from the app stores. The proposed research model includes a number of constructs such as app perceptions, customer service, perceived ease of use, design, promotion, perceived consumer risk and connectivity. Empirical results revealed that perceived consumer risk has a negative relationship with consumer's perceived repurchase intention. All the other variables-app perceptions, customer service, perceived ease of use, design, promotion, connectivity- are found to be positively related with the repurchase intentions.

      • KCI등재

        국내기업의 친디아(Chindia) IT산업 진출 방안

        이명무(Lee Myung-Moo),김윤호(Kim Yun-Ho) 한국인도학회 2008 印度硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        Recently, Chindia is rising as new global economic powers; and these two countries continue to grow rapidly by huge territory, overwhelming population, and enormous natural resources. Korea, maintaining national competitiveness through export, is reaching to 40% exportation in IT industry. From that, export proportion of China has exceeded 30% and India is IT exporting country which is spotlight on the foundation of huge young population. This study is to find a way for successful Chindia IT industry and mutual cooperation strategy in Korean business environment through identifying CSFs(Critical Success Factors). CSFs study has been selected as the most appropriate research method as successful Chindia IT industry and mutual cooperation strategy in Korea is in the early stage of development. Major results of this study can be condensed into these two. First, let’s look into major success factors of advancing into Chindia. In case of China, responders answered professionalism of IT as the best. The other factors were considered to be important in order of innovation leader, effect of company, industrial type, and familiarity to Korea. On the contrary, these were considered unimportant: maturity of information system, pressure of competition, and infrastructure. In case of India, innovation leader was the most important. The other was in order of effect of company, the time elapsed, understanding culture of advancing country, and educational level. But responders considered these factors as unimportant: uncertainty of circumstance, supporting from government, pressure of competition. It was revealed that both of Chinese and Indian responders considered innovation leader and effect of company as important factors. Second, we analyzed difference of success factors between responders of China and India. It was showed that they had different valuation except for innovation leader, industrial type, pressure of competition, educational level, uncertainty of circumstance, vertical relationship, condensability of information, and technologic policy of company. Among the success factors, educational characteristics (the time elapsed, educational level, understanding culture of advancing country) was estimated more important by responders of company advanced into India than China. Responders of China put more importance on characteristics of policy (supporting from government, technologic policy of company). As the extension line of dynamic national Internet business, these results indicate standard of successful advancing into Chindia. So it shows business model to advance into Chindia of national companies and it is expected to contribute to raising national competitiveness power at the end. From the point of company’s strategy, especially through developing successful business model which reflected real state of national companies, it can help companies to make strategy by giving practical device to revitalizing of advancing into Chindia.

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