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      • KCI등재

        중앙행정부처 남녀관리자의 리더십 비교

        이동수(lee Tong-Soo) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2009 한국사회과학연구 Vol.28 No.1

        This study analyzes the managerial skills, competencies, and types of leaders who are in managerial positions of Korea's central government organizations. Especially, it focuses on comparing two groups of male and female leaders with regard to the strength, discrepancy, and congruence of their leadership. Out of the total of 400 questionnaires distributed to 40 departments of the organizations, 339 were returned, representing a response rate of 84.7%. 306(162 for male-leader group, 144 for female-leader group) were used for analysis after discarding spoilt questionnaires. The responses were assessed using Cameron & Quinn's Management Skills Assessment Instrument(MSAI) based on Competing Values Model. The results can be summarized as follows: First, male leaderships are higher than female in the strength of four types and most managerial competencies. Second, female show greater discrepancies than male in both leadership types and managerial competencies. Third, male and female leaders are congruent in both current and preferred leaderships, although whether each leadership type is congruent or not is slightly different between the two groups.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학생의 안보의식과 영향요인에 관한 연구

        이동수(Lee, Tong Soo),전상조(Jeon, Sang Jo) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 한국사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        This study defines the factors that affect the sense of national security amongst college students and verifies how and how much those factors influence the students’ sense of national security. The factors that affect the sense of national security were organized in seven categories: the national system, social stability, national defense capability, pride in society and culture, cyber threats, international relations, and threats from North Korea. Those categories above except wariness of cyber threats appeared to be meaningful in affecting the students’ sense of national security. And external threats such as provocations of North Korea are directly related to and appear to have the greatest impact on national security. There were found to be meaningful differences in perception of national security by gender, grade, region of birth, income level, fulfillment of military duty, education of national security and history. There are various potential measures that can be applied to improve college students’ sense of national security. First and foremost, students must become clearly aware of North Korean threats and the national security environment. In order to achieve such ideal, national security issues should be publicized in a more active manner, and simultaneously develope educational programs to provide proper information to students. It is also necessary for students to have pride and faith in ou nation’s identity and political ideals. Such faithful attitude can be nurtured through defense capability and Korea-US alliance. As a result, it is significant for the state to win trust and support from its’ citizens to fuel the growth of defense capability. Finally, the importance of cooperation with surrounding nations should not be overlooked.

      • KCI등재

        인구통계학적 요인에 따른 자타평가 불일치에 대한 경험적 연구

        이동수(Tong Soo Lee) 한국정부학회 2013 한국행정논집 Vol.25 No.3

        이 연구는 한국 행정조직을 대상으로 리더십에 대한 관리자와 부하직원의 자타평가에 불일치가 존재하며, 자타간 불일치의 주요 변수로 성별, 나이, 경력, 학력 등과 같은 인구통계학적 특성을 상정하고, 이들에 대한 가설을 설정하여 실증적 분석을 통해 검정하였다. 이를 위해 중앙행정기관인 부·처·청의 각 부서(과 단위)를 분석단위로 설정하고 25개 기관으로부터 무작위로 각각 10개 부서를 추출하여 250개 사례를 분석단위로 선정하여, 각 사례에 속한 관리자와 그 부하직원들에게 각각 1부와 4부씩 총 1,250부(관리자집단 250부, 피관리자집단 1,000부)를 배부하였다. 최종적으로 분석에 사용된 유효사례는 189개(유효율 75.6%)이고 설문지는 관리자 189부, 부하 583부이다. 분석결과를 요약하자면, 조직의 리더십에 대한 관리자의 자기평가가 부하직원의 타인평가에 비해 높아 자타평가 간에 불일치가 존재한다. 남성이 여성에 비해 리더십에 대한 평가가 더 긍정적이며, 관리자의 성별이 자기평가와 타인평가에 영향을 미치고, 부하성별이 타인평가에 영향을 미치며, 관리자성별과 부하성별의 상호작용의 영향은 없다. 나이가 많을수록 또는 경력이 오래될수록 리더십에 대한 평가가 더 긍정적이지만, 나이나 경력이 자타평가 불일치의 정도에 영향을 미치지는 않는다. 한편, 학력은 관리자와 부하직원의 자타평가에 영향을 미치지 않는다. 결국, 한국 행정조직에서 리더십에 대한 관리자의 자기평가가 부하직원의 타인평가에 비해 높아서 자타평가가 불일치하게 나타나는데, 이는 행정조직 내에서 다수를 차지하고 있는 남성 관리자의 자신에 대한 과대평가가 주된 원인이다. This study examines empirically which factors among sex, age, career, and education affect self-other rating disagreement on leadership in Korean public organizations. The examination presupposes that there is self-other disagreement between leaders and their subordinates in rating their leadership. 189 cases consisting of 189 managers(self) and 583 subordinates(other) are used for the examination. The result verifies that self-rating does not agree with other-rating due to self-overrating their leadership behavior, and a significant portion of the discrepancy in self-other ratings is accounted for by the overrating of male leaders. The other factors except for sex do not significantly affect the self-other disagreement.

      • KCI등재후보

        경쟁가치모형을 적용한 중앙행정조직 관리자의 리더십 분석

        이동수(Tong Soo Lee) 한국공공관리학회 2009 한국공공관리학보 Vol.23 No.1

        이 연구는 조직에 내재된 다양한 모순적 요소들을 포괄적으로 수용하는 경쟁가치모형을 사용하여, 우리나라 중앙행정기관 관리자(과장급이상)의 리더십에 대한 피관리자의 인식을 토대로 행정조직 관리자의 리더십 프로필을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 측정도 구인 MSAI의 타당성과 신뢰성, 리더십의 유형ㆍ강도ㆍ일관도ㆍ불일치도, 조직별 특성 등을 파악하는데 초점을 두었다. 이 연구의 결과는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 첫째, 경쟁가치적 접근의 MSAI의 활용가능성이 타당성과 신뢰성 검증을 통해 확인되었다. 둘째, 현재의 지배적인 리더십은 4가지 리더십 유형들 간에 비교적 균형성을 보이지만, 관계지향성과 위계지향성이 강하고 혁신지향성이 상대적으로 약한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 선호하는 리더십 프로필은 모든 경쟁적 가치들이 균형적으로 강하게 선호되지만, 특히 관계지향적 리더십과 혁신지향적 리더십에 대한 선호가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 리더십 프로필이 높은 일관성을 지니며, 현재와 선호의 리더십 프로필간 불일치도가 비교적 큰 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 조직간 비교에 있어서 군집화된 세 집단이 리더십의 유형에 있어서 대체로 유사하지만 그 강도에 있어서 높고 낮음의 공통된 차이를 보였다. This study profiled leadership styles of superiors who are in managerial positions of Korea's central government organizations. 31 government organizations were surveyed during October and December 2003. Out of the total of 2,500 questionnaires distributed, 1,825 from 25 organizations were returned, representing a response rate of 73%. 1,484 were used for analysis after discarding spoilt questionnaires. The responses were compared with their management style as assessed using Cameron & Quinn's Management Skills Assessment Instrument(MSAI). The results can be summarized as follows: First, psychometric soundness of the MSAI was reverified by focusing on its reliability and validity of in this study for Korea's government organizations; Second, perceived current leadership profiles showed dominantly higher emphasis on hierarchy and clan styles, with relatively lower emphasis on adhocracy and market; Third, preferred future profiles had high scores for all leadership types in their strength and congruence relatively to the perceived current profiles; Finally, leadership profiles revealed considerably high discrepancies between perceived current and preferred future leadership styles.

      • KCI등재

        조직문화유형 척도 OCAI의 측정속성적 건전성

        이동수(Lee Tong-Soo) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 한국사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Recent literature shows that the quantitative assessment of organizational culture has been dominated by studies adopting the Competing Values Model(CVM). The 4 cultural types depicted by the CVM can be used to represent the culture of an organization and serve as a basis upon which one organization can be differentiated from others. Various researches have validated that the CVM provides not only a representation of organizational culture but also a common metric for multi-level, trans-organizational, and cross-cultural analyses. Focused on assessing the psychometric soundness, this research tests the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument(OCAI) developed by Cameron and Quinn. Using a sample drawn from 25 organizations of the Korean Central Government, the psychometric soundness assessment of the OCAI produces strong support for a structure of organizational cultural values consistent with the CVM.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        행정조직 구성원의 조직인식의 성차에 대한 분석

        이동수(Lee, Tong-Soo) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 한국사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.1

        This study focuses on gender difference with comparing two groups" organizational awareness in Korea"s central government organizations. Out of the total of 1,000 questionnaires distributed to 250 departments of the organizations, 698 were returned, representing a response rate of 69.8%. 589(470 for male group, 113 for female group) were used for analysis after discarding spoilt questionnaires. The responses were assessed using Cameron & Quinn"s Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument(OCAI) and Management Skills Assessment Instrument(MSAI) based on Competing Values Model. The result shows that male leaderships are higher than female in the strength of four types and statistically significant difference between two groups exists in the flexibility and discretion dimension.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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