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      • KCI등재

        사회과교육의 창의력 개발 방안

        이남구 ( Nam Ku Lee ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2003 중등교육연구 Vol.51 No.1

        The purpose of this study is intended to investigate the concept, characteristics and structure of creativity, and to suggest some practical methods to stimulate creative thinking in the learning process of Social Studies. The steps in creative thinking are preparation, incubation, insight and revision. The practical methods to stimulate creative thinking are usually something like the following; 1) Utilize the pupils` motives and capitalize on their curiousties. 2) Make the activities and potential learning seem worthwhile. 3) Fit the teaching to pupils` attitudes, interests, ideals, and goals. 4) Try to create an atmosphere that encourages each pupil to try out his ideas and do his best without fear of reprisals if he makes honest mistakes or errors. 5) Show pupils you think their ideas are valuable. Treat their ideas and questions with respect. 6) Take your time. Give the class a chance to relax and to ponder. 7) Let pupils do things themselves. Autonomy is a prerequisite for effective thinking. 8) Avoid discouraging pupils. Be patient. Do not rush them. (Kyungpook National Univ.)

      • KCI등재

        시민교육의 인성개발과제

        이남구 ( Nam Ku Lee ) 한국사회과교육학회 2002 시민교육연구 Vol.34 No.2

        A healthy personality has a marketable value in contemporary complex society, highly prized and sought after. Today all the social conditions are changed extensively and rapidly, and in practically every life role, personality is of major significance. The social studies program should be help future citizen to become rational decision-makers so that they can resolve personal problems and influence public policy through effective social actions. On the ground of our social situation and these educational motivations, the purpose of this study is intended to investigate, ① the personality patterns and the self-concept, ② some personality theories related to the citizenship education, and ③ the differences in personality patterns. Based on the results above, this study suggests some educational tasks and methods to develop healthy personality in the citizenship education. The methods and strategies for them are as follows ; 1) Organize the available program to develop healthy personalities in due regard to the developmental stages and characteristics of the students. 2) Modify the program`s structure and it`s objectives in view of students. 3) Use inductive methods, problem-solving case studies, and other approaches in which the students find their own answers. 4) Use group procedures such as role playing and discussion groups. 5) Contrive incidents for the students to discuss and draw conclusions from. 6) Utilize the activities of discussion, social survey and observation, the field trips and so forth. 7) Help the students examine repeated behaviors or patterns in their lives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        FTA 활용이 농식품 중소기업의 수출 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -기업 내 인적 요인 분석을 중심으로-

        이남구 ( Lee Nam Ku ),양석준 ( Yang Suk Joon ) 한국식품유통학회 2016 食品流通硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze what the human factors in enterprises to impact on the FTA utilization are in the fields of Korean agro-food of Small & Medium Enterprises(SMEs), and to verify if FTA utilization can affect the business performance of the SMEs. In addition, this study was reviewed what kind of supports are required to enhance the FTA utilization. The human factors in enterprises to impact on the FTA utilization were extracted by 3 factors of FTA understanding rate, Information acquisition force and CEO``s export commitment. Such 3 factors were found to positively impact on the FTA utilization. Also FTA utilization was found to impact positively on the export management performance of Korean Agro-food SMEs. Finally the author suggested that the government should support SMEs to get free education opportunity to understand the contents of FTA as well as to acquire overseas market information which are needed in order to enhance the FTA utilization in Korean agro-food SMEs.

      • KCI등재
      • 農村指導者들에 關한 一調査硏究 : 主로 慶北 中北部 一帶를 中心으로

        이남구 安東敎育大學 1975 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        I. Introduction In the developing country, the subjects about farmers, the rural community and farming are always restored and returned to the problem of human self-ditermination will and ability essentially in spite of the properties of their territories. To tide over the obstacles of the small-farming structures and conditions, and to established a self-supporting and prosperious life, the movement that the farmers themselves set up their power, systematize an innovated life and make it a rule to be accustomed with the reasonable attitude for treatment of things is considered as a guidingspirit of leading the self-government organization of rural community by the modern meaning. In this view point, the roles of the rural community leaders are very significent for the development and self-governing movement of the rural community. Therefore, in this paper, the writer intended to get some basic materials needed for the process of understanding of them, ie, (i) the socio-economic rank, (ii) their value-orientation (iii) and their attitude of present jobs and positions. Each stage of process was composed of (1) basic survey (A), (ii) the survey of the related area (A'), (iii) and that of central area which was considered essential for the process of understanding of them(A"), II. The Analysis of Their Responses 1) It was a gradual trend that the school career and income of the leaders of Sae-ma-eul(새마을) were higher than those of the leaders of Dong(洞). There were much believers in former group than those of latter group(limitted to Christianity, Budhism and Confucianism). There were some different views and ideas of the consciousness structure of calling and position between them. 2) Both group were, for the most part, the first-born of the middle class in their regions and the men who have been got up their leading ranks and positions by their constant exertions. 3) The attitudes of both groups were moderate and conservative orientation to the reformation of conventionalities and traditional rules. 4) They have a concept of leader-ship centered method for the movement of self-government and the development of the rural community. 5) Basically, there was no one which did not construct the world of utopia in his imagination as against the real world in which he lived. In both group. they have some ideal structures of cooperative human relationship and harmonical rules to pursue their peaceful life. 6) It was reasonable that they would get above all the confidences of their villagers through impartial manipulation of the village affairs. III. Conclusion In order to make the rural community development works play their important role, the development of human and material resources as well as the socioeconomic development must be combined to reinforce each other. In this view point, it seems a task imposed on this writer to discover new methods in education and system for the development of their leaderships and the movement of their self-determinations.

      • KCI등재

        바람직한 사회의식의 개발을 위한 사회조사 학습방법

        이남구 경북대학교 사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2003 중등교육연구 Vol.51 No.2

        In this study process, first, I would analyze the meaning structures, characteristics, formative procedures and the social restrictive conditions of social cognition and consciousness, through the integrated study process of the philosophical, social psychological and sociological parts related to them. Second, with the effects of these investigations, I would explore a possible model applicable to the practical social studies program in high school, which is composed of some methodological factors and items . The model of the social research study, proposed in this study, contains the investigated contents of it`s character, the educational objectives, applicable extent, procedures and stages of social research. The stages of this model are composed of a series of following elements; ① expressing doubt or concern, ② formulating a problem and recognizing the structure and characteristic of the problem, and theoretical position or values implicit in it, ③ formulating working hypotheses, ④ defining or clarifying key terms in the hypotheses, ⑤ collecting date, ⑥ analyzing and evaluating the data, ⑦ testing the hypotheses and deriving generalization, ⑧ applying it to the concrete case of present society.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 원초적 공동체사회의식과 사회과교육

        이남구 한국사회과교육학회 1999 시민교육연구 Vol.28 No.1

        이 연구는 언어학적 연구방법을 통하여 한국인의 원초적 공동체사회의식의 특성을 밝히고, 새로운 사회변동에 슬기롭게 대응할 수 있는 바람직한 사회의식의 개발을 위한, 사회과의 학습지도방안을 탐색하고자 시도한 것이다. 먼저 언어학적 연구과정에서는 한국인의 원초적 사회의식이 언어적 상징을 통하여 표출되어 온 각 부분들의 의미구조를 분석하고, 이들을 연결·비교·종합하는 고찰과정을 통하여 그 지향적 특성을 밝혀보고자 하였다. 이 연구과정을 통하여 밝혀진 내용을 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 1) 우리의식은 이해와 사랑으로 뭉친 공동체의식의 제1차적 표현유형이었다. 여기에는 「우리-울-얼-어리」 등이 소리와 뜻의 양면에 걸쳐서 연결되었다. 2) 마을공동체의 자치생활은 우리 의식을 공동체사회의식으로 승화·발전시켜준 가장 기초적인 바탕이었다. 여기서 마을의 어간인 「말」은 「물·몰·믈」과 관련되었으며, 그 상징의 원초적인 핵심어는 「물」이었던 것으로 이해되었다. 물이 이와 같이 마을의 명칭에 상징화된 것은 사람들이 서로 이해하고 협력하여, 서로간에 차별·단절·소외가 없는 공동체 사회를 이룩하려는 생활의식이 투영된 것으로 인식되었다. 3) 그 밖에 사회의식에 관련된 용례로써, 물의 의미적 요소들은 지명·인명·부족명·관직명·왕호·성읍명·부족국가명 및 나라의 통상명칭, 누리 등의 의미구조에도 투영되었다. 4) 우리 민족의 원초적인 공동체사회의식은 건전하고 이상지향적인 것이었다. 그러나 그것이 여러 가지 사회요인들에 의하여 건전하게 발전되지 못해 온 것으로 파악되었다. 5) 끝으로 미래지향적인 바람직한 공동체의식을 개발하기 위하여, 교재내용의 개선과 학습방법 및 평가과정을 연결-조정하는 통합모형의 연구과제를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the primitive community social consciousness of ancient Koreans by the linguistic approach, and to suggest some teaching methods of the Social Studies for the development of desirable social consciousness in changing society. The essence of the Social Studies is to develop them for future life. On the ground of this viewpoint, first of all, I would analyze the meaning structures of some words which imply the ancient Korean social consciousness, and find out their characteristics through the working process to correlate, compare with and synthesize each other. Some findings of this study can be summerized as follows: 1) We-feeling is the first typical pattern of community social consciousness which was integrated in mutual understanding and sympathy. Ul(울), the stem of Uri(우리), and Al(알), Erl(얼), Eri(어리), the other words of similar sound lineage, were correlated to each other in their meaning structures. 2) The self-governmental life of Maul community was important foundation on which we-feeling was grown up and sublimated to the community social consciousness. Mal(말), the stem of Maul, was correlated with Mol(몰) and Mul(물) both in sound and meaning structure, and the primitive word of them has been turned out to be Mul(물). 3) It can be considered that the latent intentions in such symbolization of water has given expression to the social living consciousness to construct the ideal community in which there should not be social discrimination, discontinuation and alienation in human relations. 4) As with the other cases which were related with the social consciousness, the meaning essential elements of water was symbolized in the names of men, districts, tribes, official posts, kings, castle towns, the nations of tribal union, and finally Nara(나라), the common name of nation, in our ancient society. 5) We are confronted with the important educational problems to develop the desirable social consciousness of students to take the appropriate measure for the rapid social changes in 21th century. Therefore, the researcher will suggest some teaching models of the Social Studies to solve these problems. Although the procedures and methods are discussed in this study, more systematic studies should be followed, since this is a tentative one.

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