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        북한 가족법의 변화와 전망

        이근정(Lee Eun Jung) 북한법연구회 2004 북한법연구 Vol.7 No.-

        A long time, over half a century, has passed since the division of North and South Korea and the establishment of each government, and North Korea has created and amended many sections of law includir^ its constitution, and through this, North Korea has formed a legal system in its own way. Because North Korea and we are conflicting in pursued ideologies, it is hard to find similar qualities in legal systems amor평 each other. However, amor병 these legal systems, the field of family rights law alone has many similarities in quality between the Korcas. North Korea and we both have basic principles such as gender equality, protection of maternity and benefits of children, and so the related regulations are similar, and as family r^hts law has customary characteristics, the traditional family system remains within the regulations of family r^hts law. The wide range of restrictions in marriage is a typical example. However, as the divided situation of the North and South becomes longer, North and South Korea s family r^hts law arc becoming more different as much as it was similar during eariy st^es of the governments, and this thought to be caused by the formation of North Korean Societys formation of a unique legal system. This text will examine basically the chaises so far and the changes ahead in North Korean family rights law, and will first study the chaises in the form of legislature and contents of legal regulations, and then foresee the changes in North Korean family rights law. When looking at the changes in the form of legislature, individual statutes were enacted to regulate family relations, after going through legislative procedures such as ‘civil regulations’ and ‘family r^hts law reference materials,family r^hts law was enacted in 199ᄋ,and after applying individual statutes on divorce procedures as well, the specific contents of the individual statute were provided for within the civil procedural law in 1976 and divorce procedures were settled through civil trial procedures, and divorce procedure regulations’, separated from civil procedures, were adopted in 1999. When looking at the changes in contents of legal regulations, the basic principles of socialist family r^hts law from early stages of the government such as gender equality and protection of maternity and benefits of children arc maintained, and within the range of these principles the regulations of legislative action to solidify the North Korean family arc the most significant change. The family property system especially is difficult to find similar regulations in other legislative examples. This direction of change in family r^hts law shows considerable difference compared to the individualistic trend of legislature of modem family rights law. Although the socialist principle of puttir^ the collective before the individual makes such legislative behavior understandable, but compared to China and family r^hts law of other socialist countries, this is not unrelated to the policy of the North Korean authorities to maintain socialism through the socialist lar^e family. If so, will this legislative behavior be maintained? Although careful, economically openii^ to fore^n countries will entail social, economic changes and these changes must effect family relations, so revision of the regulations which are arranged to maintain solidification of the fam il/ will be necessary. The recent increase in divorce rates within North Korean society allows these forecasts to be possible, and to minimize the alienation between law and reality, revision of the divorce system and family property system will become unavoidable. 남북이 갈라진 채 각각의 정권이 수립된 후 반세기가 넘는 오랜 세월이 흘렀으며,북한도 그동안 헌법을 비롯하여 많은 법부문의 제,개정이 있어 왔고^ 이를 통하여 나름대로의 법제도를 형성하여 가고 있다. 우리와 북한은 그 추구하는 이념 자체가 서로 대립하고 있으므로 법제도 역시 서로의 동질성을 찾기 힘들다. 그러나 이러한 법제도 중에서 가족법만은 그 특성상 남북한이 서로 많은 공통점을 가지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 우리나 북한 모두 남녀평등,모성과 아동의 이익 보호 등을 가족법의 기본원칙으로 삼고 있으므로 이와 관련한 규정들은 서로 유사하며,가족법의 관습성이라는 특성상 전통적인 가족제도가 가족법 규정에 남아있는 것 또한 그러하다. 넓은 금혼 범위는 그 대표적인 규정이다. 그런데 남북이 단절된 상태가 장기화되면서 남북한의 가족법은 정권 초기의 동질성 못지않게 그 차이점이 두드러지고 있는데,이는 북한사회의 독자적인 법제도의 형성에 기인하는 것이라고 생각된다. 이 글은 북한 가족법의 그 동안의 변화와 앞으로의 변화 방향을 중심으로 검토하였으며 먼저 법제정 형식상의 변화와 법규정 내용상의 변화를 고찰한 다음,북한 가족법의 변화를 전망하여 보았다. 법제정 형식상의 변화를 보면 정권초기에는 가족관계를 개별 법령들의 제정을 통하여 규율하여 오다가,‘민사규정’과 ‘가족법 참고자료’ 둥의 입법과정을 거쳐 1990년 가족법을 제정하였으며,이혼절차에 대해서도 개별 법령을 적용하여 오다가,1976년 민사소송법에 개별법령에 있던 구체적인 내용까지 규정하여 이혼절차를 민사재판 절차로 해결하였으며, 1999년에는 민사소송과는 별도로 ‘이혼소송규정’을 채택하였다. 법규정의 내용상의 변화를 보면,정권초기 남녀평등의 원칙과 모성과 아동의 보호둥 사회주의가족법의 기본원칙은 그대로 유지하면서도 이에 반하지 않는 범위 안에서 북한 가정의 공고화를 위한 입법조치들을 규정하고 있는 점이 가장 큰 변화라고 생각된다. 특히 가정재산제도는 다른 입범례에서는 유사한 규정을 찾아보기 어렵다. 이러한 가족법의 변화 방향은 현대 가족법의 개인주의적 입법경향과 비교해 보면 상당한 차이를 보인다. 개인주의 보다 집단주의를 우선하는 사회주의의 원칙상 일응 이러한 입법태도가 이해되기도 하지만,중국 등 다른 사회주의 국가의 가족법과 비교해 볼 때,이는 사회주의대가정을 통하여 그 체제를 유지하고자 하는 북한 당국의 정책과 무관하지 않다고 본다. 그렇다면 앞으로도 이러한 입법태도가 그대로 유지될 수 있을 것인가구 조심스럽기는 하지만 대외경제개방 등을 통하여 사회,경제적 변화가 뒤따르게 되고 이러한 변화는 가족관계에도 영향을 미칠 수밖에 없으며,따라서 ‘가족의 공고화’를 유지하기 위한 규정들도 개정의 필요성에 처하게 될 것으로 보인다. 최근 북한 사회의 이혼율의 증가는 이러한 전망을 가능하게 해주며, 법과 현실의 괴리를 좁히기 위해서는 이혼제도나 가정재산제도 등의 개정이 부득이 하지 않을까 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        질적 연구를 통한 대형병원 환자집중의 영향 요인 분석 : 대형병원 의료이용자와 관리자 관점에서

        이근정 ( Keun Jung Lee ),엄혜은 ( Hye Eun Eom ),고정애 ( Jung Ae Ko ),박다혜 ( Da Hye Park ) 한국병원경영학회 2021 병원경영학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influencing factors of the patient leaning phenomenon in tertiary hospitals. Based on the results of this study, we intended to find implications for improving the problems of the delivery system imbalance in tertiary hospitals caused by patient leaning phenomenon. Methodology/Approach: Qualitative studies were conducted, using focus group interviews and in-depth interviews. The focus group interviews were conducted for 12 users of tertiary hospitals by 2 groups. And in-depth interviews were conducted for 6 tertiary hospital managers. This was considered to be the most effective approach to gather diverse and in-depth information about the influencing factor of patient leaning phenomenon in tertiary hospitals. Findings: In focus group interviews, the reason for choosing tertiary hospitals was the reliability of the hospital(physician, reputation, etc.). And the effect of the policy to strengthen coverage of National Health Insurance and private medical insurance was relatively small. In other words, we found that the individual's desire to receive medical services suitable for one's health status and disease condition was the biggest factor, rather than the cost and policy factors. Practical Implications: We suggested that the appropriate medical care provision should be strengthened according to the role and function of medical institutions. In addition, the education system needs to be reorganized to activate the referral program, expand community medical capabilities, and foster quality primary medical care.

      • KCI등재

        외국의 묶음지불제도 도입 현황 및 한국에의 시사점 : 미국, 영국, 호주를 중심으로

        서은원 ( Eun-won Seo ),위세아 ( Se-ah Wee ),신양준 ( Yang-jun Shin ),이근정 ( Keun-jung Lee ),이진용 ( Jin-yong Lee ) 한국보건경제정책학회 2021 보건경제와 정책연구 Vol.27 No.2

        This study aims to offer policy implications for introducing the bundled payment system in Korea by looking into other countries’ experience. Three countries, which include the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, were selected through the method of purposive sampling. These countries have adopted Bundled payment models with the aims of improving the quality of care, reducing cost, and enhancing care coordination, while addressing the limitations of existing payment systems. The U.S. and the U.K.’s application of bundled payment models focuses on certain conditions or treatments, and Australia’s targets chronic condition management. The introduction of the bundled payment system in these countries resulted in having a positive effect on managing the quality of care and reducing medical spending. Such results suggest that Korea may consider introducing pilot initiatives that implement bundled payment models for certain conditions, with clearly identifiable targets, which require comprehensive and continuous services. Pilot implementations of the system will provide an opportunity to examine applicability of the system and improve the details, which, in turn, will contribute to making policies for enhancing financial sustainability of Korea’s health insurance system.

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