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        일 실업계 고등학생의 자가간호역량과 정신건강과의 관계 연구

        이광숙 韓國學校保健學會 1997 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.10 No.2

        This study was designed to identify the relation between Self-care . Agency and mental health in vocational high school students of a rural area. The subjects for this study were 210 students living in Chonnam province: the breakdown of first, second and third grade students were 74,78 and 58 respectively. The data were collected from April 1 to 4, 1997. The instruments used in this study were the Self-Care Agency Questionnaire developed by Deneys (1981) and the simplified SCL-90 developed by Lee, H. K (1986) for measuring Mental Health. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA Pearson's correlation using the SAS PC+ Program. The results were as follows: 1. The mean score of the Self-care Agency was 2.43.2. The mean score of Mental Health was 2.11.3. There were significant differences in sex (t=6.13,p= .014), religion (t=4.65, p= .032), the educational level of the father (F=3.62, p= .O32), economic status (F=5.90, p= .003), and school performance (F=5.94, p= .003) with respect to selfeare agenecy. 4. There were significant differences in dwelling place (t=3.18, p= .025), economic status (F=4.55, p= .012), school performance (F=6.72, p= .002) and health problems (t=5.41, p= .021) with respect to mental health. 5. The relationship between self care agency and mental health revealed a significant correlation (r=-.24, p= .005). The results showed that a low level of self care agency has an effect on mental health. We need an effective health education program to promote mental health.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대한제국 법어학교에 관한 연구

        이광숙 서울대학교 언어교육원 2012 語學硏究 Vol.48 No.1

        The French Language School of the Korean Empire was established in 1895 and lasted until 1911. The development of the French School occurred in three stages, like the development of five other foreign language schools (English, Japanese, Chinese, German and Russian language schools) in the Empire. During the first stage (1895-1906), the French School was the third most prosperous school, after the English and Japanese schools. A large number of students entered the School, and the employment rates of its students were high. This is because the strong diplomatic power of France during this period leads to the introduction of the French system in areas such as the government’s postal services and construction and the hiring of professionals who can speak French. The classes were held at the house of Emile Martel, a teacher at the French School, before the School found a site. Lee Nung- Hwa was a talented Korean instructor at the School, who also served as the principal. The curriculum of the School was divided into two: the language acquisition classes, which accounted for more than 60 percent, and the other subjects (history, geography, science and mathematics). The second stage of the development (1906-1098) saw the increasing influence of the Japanese government. During the third stage (1908-1911), all the foreign language schools were merged to form one school, where the French School became the Department of French Language. Japanese language is included in the curriculum of each department as an elective course during this period.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        社會階層과 作名

        李光淑 서울대학교 어학연구소 1981 語學硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, die Namengebung in Heidelberg seit 1960 in zwei ausgewa"hlten Jahren (1961 und 1976) empirisch zu untersuchen. Das besondere Augenmerk der Arbeit ist dabei auf das interdependente Verha"ltnis von Name und Namengeber und deren gesellschaftlicher bzw. beruflicher Stellung gerichtet. Dabei soll im einzelnen u"berpru"ft werden, ob und inwieweit sich die Namengebung innerhalb dieses Zeitraums vera"ndert hat. Um die Abha"ngigkeit zwischen der Namenwahl und der sozialen Stellung der Namengeber zu erfassen, werden die Namengeber in bestimmte Gruppen eingeteilt. Fu"r die Einteilung wird das Schichtenmodell von Moore und Kleinig verwendet, das auf dem Merkmal 'stellung im Beruf' aufbaute. Das eindimensionale Modell ist fu"r die Untersuchung besonders geeignet, weil das Untersuchungsmaterial Angaben zum Beruf entha"lt, aber nicht zur sonstigen Stellung. Die Untersuchung der Namengebung beider Jahrga"nge zeigt, daß erkennbare Vera"nderungen bei der Namengebung in Heidelberg zwischen 1961 und 1976 eingetreten sind, und zwar einmail bezu"glich des Verha"ltnisses von Jungen-und Ma"dchennamen und zum anderen bezu"glich der Verteilungen in den verschiedenen sozialen Schichten. Der Wandel der Namengebung kommt sowohl bei der Ha"ufigkeits-wie auch bei der Gesamtverteilung der Namen zum Ausdruck. In der Ha"ufigkeitsverteilung tritt besonders im Namenschatz, bei den Prozentanteilen und bei der Herkunft der ha"ufigsten Jungen-und Ma"dchennamen eine starke Vera¨nderung auf. In der Gesamtverteilung gibt es gro"ßere verschiebungen bei der Herkunft, bei den Kurzformen und bei den nur einmal vergebenen Jungen- und Ma"dchennamen. Es wurde dabei festgestellt, daß shoche Vera''nderungen (trotz der a"ußerlich uneinheitlichen Erscheinungsformen) eine u"berregional erkennbare Tendenz der heutigen Namengebung aufweisen. Die untersuchung besta"tigt die Auffassung, daß die Namengebung auch heute noch schichtenspezifisch gepra"gt ist. Der Namengeber ist heute nicht als Mitgleid eines hierarchischen Sta''ndesystems anzusehen, sondern als Mitglied von Gruppen, mit denen er Gemeinsamkeiten in der Mentalita"t und im Selbstbewußtsein hat und an deren Erwartungsnormen er sich auch bei der Namenwahl orientiert.

      • KCI등재후보

        심장질환의 외과적 치료

        이광숙 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1982 계명의대학술지 Vol.1 No.1

        One hundred eleven patients underwent open heart surgery with the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass from November, 1980 through September, 1982. There were 57 cases of congenital anomaly and 54 cases of acquired disease. In 57 congenital anomaly 35 patients were men and 22 were women, ranging from 4 to 37 years of age with a mean 13.9 years. The most frequently operated congenital anomaly was tetralogy of Fallot. Hospital mortality rates for 40 acyanotic and 17 cyanotic patients were 2.5% and 41% respectively. Overall mortality rates in 57 congenital anomaly was 14%. In 54 acquired disease 22 patients were men and 32 were women, ranging from 13 to 53 years with a mean 29.4 years. All acquired lesions, except one left atrial myxoma, were valvular heart disease. Among 54 acquired lesion, three patients died in the hospital and five during the period of late follow-up. Forty-eight patients underwent valve replacement. There were 41 mitral valve replacement, 5 aortic valve replacement, and 2 double valve replacement. Operative mortality for valve replacement was 5.7%. In valve replacement Carpentier-Edwards Porcine Xenobioprosthesis were routinely used.

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