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      • 철도역 개발동향에 관한연구 : 일본사례를 중심으로

        이경철(Lee Kyung-Chul),이진선(Lee Jinsun),김경태(Kim Kyong-Tae) 한국철도학회 2004 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        A railway station is a place where the railway operator concretize his marketing policy to meet the internal and external changes of a railway. Hence the analysis on the railway stations could give some useful information on the conditions which influence the shape of railway station. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of Japanese railway stations. This study shows that the influencing factors on the shape of Japanese railway stations are as follows : invitation of investment from outside the japanese railway, necessity to define measures against the cut off the urban fabric by the railway facilities, profitability of the railway operator by the creation of subsidiary business, integration of administrative or public function into the station building. And the future of Japanese railway stations is now preparing by the policies on the accessibility and commodity of users and by the research projects on the environmental quality, user satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        한국한자음(韓國漢字音)의 일음절화(一音節化) 경향에 대하여 - 1·2등운(等韻)을 중심으로 -

        李京哲 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.62

        본 논문에서는 AC의 1*2等韻이 SK에 어떻게 반영되었는지 1音節受容의 관점에서 고찰해 보았다. 이를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1) AC의 [Vø]는 SK에서 [Vø]로 AC의 [VøC]는 SK에서 [VøC]로 출현한다. 2) AC의 [Vu]는 SK에서 αu.?u⇒[오]o, au⇒[요]jo와 같이 結合하며,au⇒[우]u와 같이 脫落하여 1音節化한다. 3) AC의 [Vi]는 SK에서 [Vi]로 출현한다. 4) AC의 ?i는 SK에서 어느 한쪽을 脫落시켜 [어]? 또는 [으]i로 출현한다. 5) AC의 [wV]는 SK에서 母音調和로 [oV]와 [uV]로 나뉜다. 6) SK에서 開口 [?]?i의 合口는 [외]oi로, 開口 [의]ii의 合口는 [위]ui로 1音節化한다. 7) SK에 반영된 單母音體系는 현대 한국어의 單母音體系와 거의 차이가 보이지 않으므로 중세 한국어에서 母音推移가 일어났다고는 할 수 없다. In this paper, I researched how first rhymes and second rhymes reflected to Sino-Korean mainly focused on the changing to one syllable. The study results are summarized as follows. 1) The /Vø/ structure in Ancient Chinese was reflected /Vø/ in Sino-Korean and the /VøC/ in Ancient Chinese was reflected /VøC/ in Sino-Korean. 2) In the /Vu/ structure of Ancient Chinese, The /αu/ and·/?u/ was changed to one syllable /o/ and the /au/ was changed to one syllable /jo/ in Sino-Korean. 3) The /Vi/ structure in Ancient Chinese was reflected /Vi/ in Sino-Korean. 4) The /?i/ in Ancient Chinese was changed to one syllable /?/ or /i/ in Sino-Korean. 5) The /wV/ in Ancient Chinese was changed to /oV/ or /uV/ in Sino-Korean by vowel harmony. 6) The open syllable /?i/ became to /oi/ on closed syllable and the open syllable /ii/ became to /ui/ on closed syllable in Sino-Korean, 7) The vowel shift do not occurred in Middle Korean because vowel structure of Sino-Korea is not different with vowel structure of Modern Korean.

      • KCI등재

        韓國漢字音에 나타나는 i母音添加現象에 대하여

        李京哲(Lee, Kyong-Chul),崔志守(Choi, Ji-Soo) 한국일본문화학회 2015 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.67

        This study extracts some examples of consonant form with i vowel added in the Sino Korean according to each the rhymes and makes a comparative analysis of the Middle Chinese, Sino Japanese Go’on and Kan’on and the Sino Vietnamese. The results are as follows: The rhymes that have consonant form with i vowel added in the Sino Korean correspond to examine this according to each vowel in Korean language, it is found in almost all vowels and this cannot be regarded as a phenomenon in agreement with monophthongization. Initial that has the form of added i vowel in the Sino Korean appears after almost all of the consonants. Therefore, it cannot be considered that occurred by the effect of palatal consonants. The rhymes that have the consonant form of added i vowel in the Sino Korean seem to have derived not from the influence of Chinese language but from i vowel addition of Koran language itself since no factor to add i vowel is found in the history of phoneme of Chinese language or in the comparison with the Chinese character sound in other languages. I vowel addition in Korean language was proceeding before the 15th century, and this is still under way today.

      • KCI등재


        이경철 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.41

        韓國漢字音と日本吳音·漢音は、5世紀から9世紀にかけての中國中古音を母胎にしているため、殆んどの漢字音が互いに對應關係を成しており、その對應關係を規則化することもできる。 從って、兩國の漢字音を中古音の體系に從って分韻表を作成して比較すると、兩國漢字音の字音形、その母胎、自國語の音韻史、中國語の音韻史などに關する硏究及び兩國語の漢字音の敎育などに幅廣く活用できる。 本稿では、筆者がこれまで作成·硏究·指導した例を中心に分韻表の作成例及び活用法について紹介した。 これは、韓國語と日本語のみならず、漢語を多量に含んでいるベトナム語などにも同樣に適用でき、且つ、中國の各方言及び台灣語、他にも漢語の一部を使っているどの國の言語についても、同じ方法を利用して互いの言語に對する分析·硏究·敎育に利用できるのである。 This is a study on how to use the rhyme chart on Chinese characters. The results of the research are as follows. Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese Go’on and Sino-Japanese Kan’on ware corresponded with each other because they originated from Ancient Chinese from 5 century to 9 century. Therefore, the Rhyme chart on Chinese characters based on Ancient Chinese is generally used to study the origin of pronunciation on Chinese characters and phonological as well as education of pronunciation on Chinese characters in Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and directs of Chinese. And the rhyme chart on Chinese characters used for teaching and learning pronunciation of Chinese characters very effective in Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese.

      • KCI등재

        한국한자음(韓國漢字音)의 일음절화(一音節化) 경향에 대하여 -합구(合口) 3등(等) 음성운(陰聲韻)을 중심으로 -

        이경철 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.63

        본 논문에서는 AC의 3等合口陰聲韻이 SK에 어떻게 반영되었는지 1音節수용의 관점에서 고찰해 보았다. 이를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1) SK에서 3等合口韻의 丁類는 拗音ï를 생략하고 u나 o로 合口性을 반영하고 있으며, 丙類는 合口w를 생략하고 I母音이 들어간 형태로 拗音性만을 반영하여 1音節化한다. 2) 戈韻은 SK에서 <우으아>uïa → <우아>ua → <와>oa로 1音節化한다. 3) 祭韻丁類가 _ui형으로 나타나는 것은 LAC 이후를 반영한 결과이다. 4) 祭韻丙類는 SK에서 <위에>uiəi → <예>jəi로 1音節化한다. 5) 廢韻脣音字가 SK에서 -jəi형으로 출현하는 것은 LAC 이전에 輕脣音化를 거치지 않고 -wiei화한 방언이 존재했었다고 보아야 한다. 6) 支韻·脂韻丁類는 SK에서 각각 <우으□이>uïɐi → <우□이>uɐi → <위>ui와 <우으어이>uïəi → <우어이>uəi → <위>ui로 1音節化한다. 7) 微韻은 SK에서 <우으에>uïəi → <우에>uəi → <위>ui로 1音節化한다. 단지 微韻脣音字의 _i형은 <븨·믜>pïi·mïi로 수용하여 <비·미>pi·mi로 변했을 가능성이 높다. 8) 支韻·脂韻丙類는 SK에서 <우이우이>uiui → <이우이>iui → <유>ju로 1音節化한다. In this paper, I researched how third rounded rhymes contained vowel finals reflected to Sino-Korean mainly focused on the changing to one syllable. The study results are summarized as follows. 1) In Sino-Korean, B type of third rounded rhymes appeared as a one syllable /o-/ or /u-/ and A type appeared as a one syllable /j-/. 2) Rhyme Ge(戈) changed to one syllable as like uïa→ua→oa in Sino-Korean. 3) B type of rhyme Zhai(祭) appeared -ui type in Sino-Korean. It is a reflection of Late Ancient Chinese. 4) A type of rhyme Zhai(祭) changed to one syllable as like uiəi→jəi in Sino-Korean. 5) The labial of rhyme Fei(廢) appeared -jəi type in Sino-Korean. It is a reflection of direct of changed to /wiei/. 6) A type of rhyme Zhi(支) and Zhi(脂) changed to one syllable as like uïɐi→uɐi→ui, uïəi→uəi→ui in Sino-Korean. 7) Rhyme Wei(微) changed to one syllable as like uïəi→uəi→ui in Sino-Korean. but The labial of rhyme Wei(微) appeared -i type changed form -ïi type in Sino-Korean. 8) B type of rhyme Zhi(支) and Zhi(脂) changed to one syllable as like uiui →iui→ju in Sino-Korean.

      • KCI등재

        상용한자표(常用漢字表) 진섭운(臻攝韻)의 자음(字音) 분류

        이경철 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일본근대학회 2017 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        2010년의 新常用漢字 중에서 臻攝韻에 해당하는 169字 187音을 대상으로, 이를 吳·漢音 동형, 吳音, 漢音, 唐音, 慣用音으로 분류하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 분포를 보였다. 위의 표와 같이 臻攝韻에 해당하는 169字 187音 중에서 吳·漢音 동형이 76音, 漢音이 52音, 吳音이 51音, 慣用音이 8音이라는 분포를 보이고 있다. 臻攝韻에서는 다른 韻과 달리 吳音과 漢音이 동일한 분포를 보이고 있다. This research is to classify sounds of Joyokanjihyo(2010) into 5 types of Go`on and Kan`on, Go`on, Kan`on, To`on, Kan`yo`on; mainly on the 169 characters 187 sounds in groups of Zhen(臻). The results of this research as next. As like chart, it was classified that 76 sounds of Go`on & Kan`on, 52 sounds of Kan`on, 51 sounds of Go`on, 8 sounds of Kan`yo`on in the 187 sounds in group of Zhen. Go`on and Kan`on occupied same proportion in this groups of Zhen differently another groups.

      • KCI등재

        상용한자표(常用漢字表) 산섭운자(山攝韻字)의 자음(字音) 분류

        이경철 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.100 No.1

        This research is to classify sounds of Joyokanjihyo(2010) into 5 types of Go`on and Kan`on, Go`on, Kan`on, To`on, Kan`yo`on; mainly on the 288 characters 314 sounds in groups of Shan(山). As like chart, in the results of this research, it was classified that 134 sounds of Go`on & Kan`on, 92 sounds of Kan`on, 77 sounds of Go`on, 10 sounds of Kan`yo`on 1 sounds of To`on in the 315 sounds in groups of Shan(山). Same type of Go`on & Kan`on occupied high proportion and Kan`on occupied higher proportion than Go`on, but it is not big gap.

      • KCI등재

        常用漢字表における咸 · 深攝韻字の字音分類

        李京哲(Lee, Kyong-Chul) 동아시아일본학회 2017 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.62

        본고에서는 상용한자표의 함(咸) 심(深)섭운에 해당하는 142자 166음을 대상으로 하여, 이를 오음한음 동형, 오음, 한음, 당음, 관용음이라는 5가지 계통으로 분류했다. 그 결과 함(咸) 심(深)섭운에 해당하는 142자 166음 중에서, 오음한음 동형이 63음, 한음이 52음, 오음이 35음, 관용음이 15음, 당음이 1음이라는 분포를 보이고 있다. 다른 섭운에 대한 분석과 유사하게, 오음한음 동형이 가장 많은 비율을 차지하고 있으며, 한음이 오음보다 약간 높은 비율을 점하고 있다. This study aims to classify the sounds of Joyokanjihyo (2010) into five types: Go’on and Kan’on, Go’on, Kan’on, To’on, and Kan’yo’on. The study focused mainly on the 142 characters and 166 sounds in groups Xian (咸) and Shen (深). The result of this research was a classification of 63 sounds within Go’on and Kan’on, 52 sounds within Kan’on, 35 sounds within Go’on, 15 sounds within Kan’yo’on, and one sound within To’on, of the 166 sounds in groups of Xian (咸) and Shen (深). The same type of Go’on & Kan’on classification was used oftenest and Kan’on was used more than Go’on, but the differences are not large.

      • KCI등재

        日韓漢字音における多音字の反映差について -聲類を中心に-

        이경철 ( Lee Kyong-chul ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.39

        本稿では、新常用漢字2,136字の中で聲母の異る多音字189字について、韓國漢字音と日本漢字音でどのように反映されているのか考察した。その結果をまとめると、以下のようである。 1)SK·SJ共に同じ1字音を採擇した場合が131字で一番多いが、この中で聲母のみが異る多音字の場合が70字、聲母·韻母共に異る多音字の場合が61字に該當する。これは、ACの多音字をSKとSJで1字を1音のみで受容したケ一スが一番多いことを意味する。日韓兩國語の學習者には、多音字という認識さえ無い漢字で、兩國漢字音がACによる對應關係を成しているので、兩國漢字音の敎授と學習に大きな差し支えは無さそうである。 2)SJで慣用音·SKで1字音を採擇した場合は4字で、全てがSJにおける淸濁の混同によるものである。 3)SKの誤謬の場合は5字で、多くは聲符の類推によるものである。 4)SKとSJで相異なる1字音の採擇した場合は8字で、SKとSJの反映で大きな割合を占めてはいないが、異る字音形で對應するので兩國語の學習者には難しい要素になる。 5)SK·SJ共に2字音を採擇した場合は22字で、多音字の二つ以上の字音を使うと言ってもある一方に片寄って使われている場合が多く、[乾燥건조/カンソウ]の場合のように、單語によって、多音字の異る字音を採擇した場合が存在するので、注意深く敎授と學習を進めていく必要がある。 6)SKで2字音·SJで1字音を採擇した場合は19字、SKで1字音·SJで2字音を採擇した場合は2字に該當する。兩國語學習者には、[車シャ/차·고]、[質질/シツ·チ]のようにもう一つの異る字音この存在するので注意させる必要がある。 This research aims to examine how Middle Chinese polyphones are reflected in Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese separately in Shinzyojokanzihyo. The reflecting manner of 189 Chinese characters belong to polyphones that contain different initials in Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese can be categorized by each type as below: 1)The 131 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters spoken as 1 sound in both languages. It indicates that even though those characters once had multiple phonetic value in Middle Chinese era, both Sino-Korean and Sino-Japanese accepted them as 1 sound characters. 2)The 4 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters which are Kan`yo`on in Sino-Japanese, but spoken as 1 sound in Sino-Korean. Most of Kan`yo`on occurred by confusion between voiceless and Voiced. 3)The 5 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters spoken as incorrect sound in Sino-Korean. 4)The 8 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters spoken as 1 sound in both languages but with different pronunciations. Despite its comparatively small proportion, it is still significant because those Chinese characters can possibly cause confusion in the process of both learning and teaching the languages. 5)The 22 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters which are spoken as 2 sounds in both languages. In principle, languages should maintain their original pronunciation when they are adopted by other languages. But that is not the case. One of the reasons is the time and place in which those characters are adopted. But more importantly, the efficiency of language was the main contributing factor in the changes of them. 6)The 19 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters which are spoken in 2 different sounds in Sino-Korean but spoken in 1 sound in Sino-Japanese. And the 2 characters categorized by the group of Chinese characters which are spoken in 1 sound in Sino-Korean, but spoken in 2 different sounds in Sino-Japanese. Even though one can pronounce some Chinese characters in 2 different sounds in both languages, in most cases they are in fact spoken in only one of the sounds. Hence it is required to clarify which one is prevailing pronunciation and reflect it in both learning and teaching.

      • KCI등재

        『마광운경(磨光韻鏡)』 해섭운(蟹攝韻) 자음(字音) 규정의 문제점 - 1·2등운을 중심으로 -

        맹요 ( Meng Yao ),이경철 ( Lee Kyong Chul ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문학연구 Vol.61 No.2

        본고에서는 『마광운경』의 좌·우음주를 실제 오음·한음자료와 비교·분석하고 『마광운경』 해섭 1·2등운에 나타나는 자음 규정의 문제점을 고찰하였다. 그 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 1) 개구 1등 해운·태운은 오음자료에서 대부분 -ai형으로 나타나며 -e(e)형, -ei형, -a형이 일부 혼재하는데, 『마광운경』 좌음주에서는 -ai형으로 기재하고 있다. 2) 합구 1등 회운·태운은 오음자료에서 주로 -wai형, -we형, -ai형으로 출현하며 -a형과 -ui형이 일부 혼재하는데, 『마광운경』 좌음주에서는 주로 -e형으로 기재하고 있다. 3) 개구 2등 개운·가운·쾌운은 오음자료에서 대부분 -ai형으로 출현하며 -e(e)형이 혼재하는데, 『마광운경』 좌음주에서는 개운·쾌운을 -ai형으로, 가운을 -e형으로 기재하고 있다. 4) 합구 2등 개운·가운·쾌운은 오음자료에서 아후음자는 주로 [クヱ乖]와 같은 -we형으로, 순음자는 -ai형으로 출현하는데, 『마광운경』에서는 모두 주로 같은 -e형으로 기재하고 있다. In this paper, we studied the principle of Left and Right phonetic notations of Mako-Inkyo, compared with Go’on·Kan’on. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The first opened rhymes Hai(咍)·Tai(泰) appear as -ai type, and -e(e), -ei, -a types are mixed in Go’on. However, they were written -ai type in Mako-Inkyo. 2) The first rounded rhymes Hui(灰)·Tai(泰) appear mainly as -wai, -we, -ai types in Go’on, and -a, -ui types are partially mixed. However, they were written -e type in Mako-Inkyo. 3) The second opened rhymes Jie(皆)·Jia(佳)·Guai(夬) appear mostly as -ai type, and -e(e) types are mixed in Go’on. However, the rhymes Jie(皆)·Guai(夬) were described as -ai type, and rhyme Jia(佳) was described as -e type in Mako-Inkyo. 4) The second rounded rhymes Jie(皆)·Jia(佳)·Guai(夬) appear mainly as -we, -ai types in Go’on. However, they were mainly written -e type in Mako-Inkyo.

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