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        대안적 방송제작시스템 연구

        은혜정(Hyechung Eun) 한국언론정보학회 2001 한국언론정보학보 Vol.17 No.-

        본 글은 영국의 채널4라는 방송사의 설립의 역사적 배경, 이론적 배경 그리고, 그 재정과 경영문제, 나아가 실제 외주제작 과정에 이르는 모든 주요 이슈들을 심층연구한 것이다. 다채널ㆍ다매체 시대를 실현시켜주는 가장 중요한 축으로서의 컨텐츠 문제가 지속적으로 해결되지 않고 있는 한국의 상황에서 모든 프로그램을 외주제작 프로그램으로 방영하는 출판형 방송사인 채널4가 하나의 대안을 제시할 수 있다고 생각했기 때문이다. 채널4는 기존의 방송제도내에서는 해결될 수 없는 다양한 소수집단의 이해를 반영하고 실험정신이 강한 프로그램을 편성함으로써 방송의 다양성을 실현해야 한다는 임무를 가지고 태어났다. 이러한 임무를 실현하기 위해서는 새로운 채널을 기존 방송사가 운영하지 말고 독립제작사를 비롯한 다양한 집단에 의한 참여가 가능한 방식을 찾아야 한다고 보았던 것이다. 이 결과로서 채널4는 스스로 제작은 하지 않으면서 프로그램을 구입하거나 외주제작하는 과정을 통해 방송하는 출판사형 방송사로 운영되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 외주제작 과정에 대한 문제를 집중조명함으로써 현재 경직되어 있는 우리나라 외주제작시장에 시사점을 찾고자하였으며, 동시에 채널4의 재정과 경영상태 분석을 통해 이상적인 방송에 대한 현실적인 구현방안에 대해서도 배울 바를 찾고자 하였다. In this article, Channel 4 in Britain is the main theme since its alternative broadcasting system can shed the light to the Korean case. Korea is getting into the era of multimedia and including webcastings there are over thousands channels are available. However the infrastructure for the broadcasting contents never seems to be matured to match its need. Instead Korean production system is rather vertically integrated into the Networks(KBS, MBC and SBS) which oligopolise the broadcasting in terms of supply. Even though 'Program Quota Regulation' has been established under the new Broadcasting Act(1999), the old habits die hard and still the independent producers have the unfair relationships with the Networks. Under this circumstance, Channel 4 can be the good example to show how well the alternative system can serve to the diversity of broadcasting and the taste of the minority. Channel 4 took almost 20 years to establish since there were enormous amount of debates about its public missions, ideal broadcasting system, whom it should serve for, etc. between all the social sectors including the independent producers. The social agreement was reached on the point that the new broadcaster should not produce but publish and it is called the 'publishing broadcaster'. In this sense, it can be managed effectively with comparatively little fund and at the same time, it can always have all different sorts of contents as well as genres very freely through 'commissioning process' or buying programs from even the most innovative producers. The 'commissioning process' is one of the key points which makes the Channel 4 so unique. The commissioning process is literally open to anybody, in particular, to the small scale producers with much innovative ideas. Channel 4 will support financially as well as with facilities and human resource to produce the program once after their program idea is accepted by the commissioning editor, Even better side of Channel 4 is about their financial success. From the beginning, the 'funding formula' helped in great deal to make the Channel 4 doing all sorts of innovative experiments. The history of 'funding formula' and its contribution are explained in the article, too. With all this effort, the article is hoped to bring discussion about the alternative broadcasting system which might help to prepare the new era of broadcasting.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 방송제작실습교육 현황에 대한 연구

        은혜정(Hyechung Eun),장은영(Eun-Young Jang) 한국방송학회 2000 한국방송학보 Vol.14 No.1

        Nowadays the audio-visual communication has become so popular and laid in the central place of all and the university is not the safe ivory tower to ignore this trend. However chasing the rapid technological shift is not the always the answer for the university education and sometimes the university feels lost how to teach students and how to set the goals. The paper tries to discuss this bewildering matter openly and show the plausible direction where the university education should head to. The answer lies in flexible, integrated, and innovative media courses and curricula; it means a movement away from the narrowly conceived media-specific sequences based on industrial configurations towards broad-based, cross-media, integrative models; “de-massifying” the concept of communication to incorporate the study of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication and their relationship to “mass” forms of communication distribution; and finally, rethinking with the use of technologies. This paper examined two groups: universities and broadcasting professionals about university situation, their educational philosophy towards technology, what should students prepare before enter the job world, etc. Among the universities, some of reasons where the difference results from can be categorised in groups; the level of finance, facilities for the broadcasting technology and of course, the philosophy of the department towards its developmental direction. And still the difference was found between the universities and broadcasting professionals in their perspectives. The result shows that university educators are more likely to be aware of the necessity of technological education while the professionals tend to focus on the importance of liberal arts education. It is understandable since for a long time universities were criticised not to respond to the technological change of broadcasting and once students graduate and enter the job world, creativity becomes the most important factor to succeed. Therefore the further study should include how to improve students’ creativity and what is appropriate environment for this purpose. To get the working experience for students the paper suggests to offer more chances of internship. Comparing the American universities which most of students are obliged to get internship as part of course work, Korean equivalents have developed a quite different path. Only a few universities from medium-sized cities have active internship system but generally speaking, internship has not been included in the Korean broadcasting education. The paper strongly suggests that internship should be actively participated for both sides; university students as well as newspaper, broadcasting and other audio-visual or information companies. Students can get precious experience which they hardly find under the university environment. Moreover, they can have clear idea what would be like if students enter the job world after they graduates. If they don’t like it or if it has a big gap from what they expect, still students can have time to pursue a different career. For the companies, they can find their potential employees and train them early and during the internship, the companies may take advantage to use cheap labour.

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