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      • KCI등재

        한,일 양언어의 미각 표현 대조연구 -오노마토피어를 중심으로-

        은수희 ( Soo Hee Eun ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.89 No.1

        食べ物の味を評似する際、單に「おいしい、まずい」と言うよりはオノマ トペを用いて表現すると、もっと生き生きした表現になる。また、料理の種 類によって連想されるオノマトペが異なるし、同じ料理であってもどのよう なオノマトペを用いて表現するかによって違う感じになる。食感覺に關する オノマトペは「味覺、嗅覺、觸覺、視覺、聽覺」の五感にかかわって現れ る。そのなかでも本硏究では、日本語と韓語の味覺オノマトペについて對 照考察する。 まず、兩言語における味覺オノマトペの範圍を決めてから、各□の使用樣 相を考察することにした。味覺を表すオノマトペは「基本味」に關する表現 と「濃淡」に關する表現に分けられる。「基本味」には、「甘味、鹽味、酸 味、苦味、辛味」が屬するが、日本語のオノマトペは「辛味」にすこし現れ るだけで、あまりないのであるが、韓語は多く現れる。「濃厚感」と「淸 凉感」に分けられる「濃淡」に關するオノマトペは日本語にはすこし現れる が、韓語には形容詞で現れる傾向がある。 韓語の象微語は、感覺的なものまで含まれているので、日本語と韓語 の味覺オノマトペの設定範圍が異なってくるところがある。しかし、日本語 のオノマトペは和語に屬する場合が多いにもかかわらず、「基本味」に關す るオノマトペがあまりない現象はおもしろい結果である。 日本語のオノマトペは味覺だけではなく、「視覺、嗅覺、觸覺」などのほ かの感覺と複合的に現れるオノマトペも存在する。反面、韓語には「基本 味」の內のそれぞれの味の結合として作られる複合味覺表現が多い。 日本語の味を表すオノマトペがあまりないので、一部の程度副詞の意味が派 生され、味を表す表現で用いられる傾向がある。韓語には「基本味」に關す る象微語が多く表れるため、意味の派生においても樣 □な樣 相が見られる。 日本語と韓語はオノマトペが豊富な言語であると知られているが、韓 語には味覺のほうが、日本語には食感のほうが多く表れる特微がある。この ような結果は、言語的側面だけではなく、文化的な側面とも比べてみる必要 があると思われる。食感覺の「嗅覺、視覺、聽覺」に關する硏究は、これか らの課題にしたい。 Using onomatopoeia could be more realistic and vivid expression when evaluating the taste of food rather than simply evaluating as ‘delicious’ or ‘not delicious``. Also, depending on the type of dish, it makes remind different onomatopoeia. Even though with the same dish, selection and use of onomatopoeia make feel taste differently. Onomatopoeia expressing about taste is related in all of the five areas ‘taste, smell, sight, touch, hearing``. Among them, in this paper, I set a range and investigated each use patterns of onomatopoeia of taste. First, Onomatopoeia for taste can be divided into expression about ‘basic taste’ and ‘The degree of taste strength’. ‘Basic taste’ was classified as ‘sweet, sour, salty, spicy, and bitter’. There are a few onomatopoeia with the basic taste, except for the taste of bitter in Japanese. On the other hand, there are many expression with different forms respectively in Korean. However, onomatopoeia with ‘The degree of taste strength’ which is classified as a feeling of refreshment and a feeling of thickness is more appeared in Japanese than Korean. Korean tends to replace by an adjective. There exists complex sense onomatopoeia with sight, smell, touch and so on. And, expression about complex taste which is made by combination of different flavors is actively shown in Korean. Also, there are a variety of the derivative of meaning as much as many Korean symbolic words is existed about basic taste. It is known that Japanese and Korean have abundant onomatopoeia, expecially taste in Korean, texture in Japanese. We need to examine cultural aspects as well as language aspects to find out the reason for this phenomenon.

      • KCI등재

        통각(痛覚) 오노마토피어에 관한 일·한 대조연구

        은수희(Eun, Soo hee) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.70

        This study defines Japanese and Korean onomatopoeia representing pain as "Nociception Onomatopoeia", and examines linguistic expressions used for the onomatopoeia in both languages. Furthermore, it elucidates the meaning extension of “Nociception Onomatopoeia”. For this, first, "Nociception Onomatopoeia" were extracted from prior research, onomatopoeia and mimetic word dictionaries, and pain-related data, and then classified into “body parts” and “types of pain”. The “body parts” were divided into <head>, <shoulders>, <eyes>, <ears>, <nose>, <face>, <teeth>, <tongue>, <neck>, <chest>, <abdomen>, <arms/legs>, <skin> and <whole body> and “types of pain” were divided into <sore/stiffness>, <itch>, <dry>, <dizziness>, <convulsions> and <fever/chilling>. The study did not stop at the semantic usage of the dictionary, but found actual usage examples through corpus and newspaper materials of both countries and revealed the expression patterns, and further examined the aspect of expanding to other meanings other than nociception in the aspect of “equivocality” of the vocabulary. "Nociception Onomatopoeia" tend to expand into negative emotions, but in some cases, they expand to positive meanings. Further, it is an interesting result from the point of view of a comparative study that the onomatopoeia of Japanese and Korean, which are used similarly in the meaning of pain, appear differently in terms of meaning expansion. Onomatopoeia has a strong correlation between sound and meaning in nature, but this nature is blurred as the concrete meaning of “Nociception” associated to body parts is expanded to the onomatopoeia representing a person"s emotion or personality. Communication using concise onomatopoeia is very important in urgent medical settings. In considering actual medical situations, nociception-related expressions can be further distinguished into the intensity, scope, and persistence of nociception. We plan to continue our research on these respects in the future.

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