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        토니 모리슨의 『 술라 』 : 흑인 여성주의적 해석

        윤혜령 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 1997 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.5 No.1

        이 논문은 토니 모리슨의 소설 『술라』를 흑인 여성 주의 시각에서 새롭게 해석한 시도이다. 대부분의 흑인 문학 작품이 그렇듯 이 소설도 작품의 우수성화 비평가들의 높은 평가에도 불구하고 아직까지 충분하고 다양한 해석이 이루어지지 않은 작품들 중의 하나로, 특히 흑인 여성주의적 관점에서 집중적으로 행해진 이 작품에 대한 문학 비평은 아주 미미한 것이 현실이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 흑인 여성주의 시각에서 주인공과 공동사회의 관계를 주로 다루고 있는데, 첫째로는 백인의 인종 차별주의와 그 사회악의 파생물이기도 한 성차별주의의 희생물로서의 이 소설의 배경인 흑인 공동사회, the Bottom을, 둘째로는 여주인공이 이런 사회 속에서 어떤 식으로 예를 들어, 억압 모델(the Oppressed Model)과 능동 매체 모델(the Active Agency-model)로 동시에 기능하는지를 설명하고 있다. 이 흑인 사회의 맹목적인 인식과 문화의 동질성 지향과 흑인 남성들의 약화된 남성성은 백인 인종 차별주의의 간접 영향으로 이 소설 속에서 암시되어져 있고 여주인공 술라는 이러한 기형적 사회 모델의 희생자이면서 동시에 그녀가 부르는 신비로운 자아의 노래로 이 사회를 자극하고 움직이는 간접 매개체로 기능하도록 되어져있다. 일반 독자가 이런 종류의 소설과 주인공을 어떻게 받아들여야 할지, 이러한 작품이 흑인 여성주의 관점을 초월하여도 과연 보편적인 설득력이 충분한지는 한 과제로 볼 수 있는데, 이 소설은 시적 서정성과, 생명력 있는 대사, 개성 있는 인물묘사, 함축적이고 경제적인 문체와 단어 사용으로 대작가의 면모를 충분히 보여주고 있는 반면, 이 작품의 다소 지나친 선정적(sensational) 요소와 이 작가와 여주인공이 공유하고 있는 듯한 실존의 허무와 도덕적 진공(amorality) 상태가 때로 독자에게 조금은 피곤하고 위험하게 다가올 수 있다. 본 논문은 또한, 이러한 주제를 토론하는 중에 이 작품의 화술 구조, 인물 묘사, 심상(imagery)과 상징 등에 관한 새로운 해석을 제공할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Slia Marner: The Pastoral Novel and George Eliot's Early Politics

        윤혜령 신영어영문학회 2007 신영어영문학 Vol.37 No.-

        Influenced by Nancy Henry's new book on George Eliot's politics, this paper is on the whole a re-interpretation of Eliot's early pastoral novel, Silas Marner, which has been relatively neglected by critics in terms of political vision. This paper, divided into five parts, proposes how Eliot indirectly conveys through the novel her fear for radical politics, her nostalgia for the old order still existing in pastoral community and accordingly her wish for a new order based on the religion of humanity rather than political solution. To support this argument, this paper analyzes in a new light a variety of literary aspects, such as themes (especially, the work-ethic), use of plots (especially, the plot around Eppie), setting, characterization and narrative comments. And the conclusion is that Eliot's political view at the early stage of her career, reflects her conservative political trend as a privileged class and accordingly, her human limitation despite her intelligence and moral aesthetics.

      • KCI등재

        전신진동 자극 훈련이 경직형 뇌성마비 아동의 고유수용감각 및 촉각에 미치는 영향

        윤혜령,이은주,Yun, Hye-Lyeong,Lee, Eun-Ju 대한고유수용성신경근촉진법학회 2022 PNF and Movement Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of whole-body vibration stimulation on proprioception and tactile in patients with spastic cerebral palsy. Methods: This study was conducted on 9 children diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy. Of the single case study methods, the ABAB design was employed in this study. Out of a 12-week study period, three weeks were allocated to each of two baseline periods and two intervention periods. The exercise was performed twice a week for 30 minutes. A general trunk stabilization exercise was performed during the baseline period and a trunk stabilization exercise accompanied with whole-body vibration was performed during the intervention period. Evaluation was performed five times in total: before the experiment, after baseline 1, after intervention 1, after baseline 2, and after intervention 2. To determine the effect of the exercise method, a skin sensory evaluation tool (monofilament kit) and a trunk proprioception sensor (digital dual inclinometer) were used. To compare the effects of the exercises at baseline and after intervention, an analysis of variance on repeated measures (repeated ANOVA) was performed to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that there were statistically significant increases from baseline in the means of proprioception and tactile during the intervention period with whole-body vibration (p <.05). Conclusion: Whole-body vibration can be proposed as an effective intervention method for improving the proprioception and tactile in children with spastic cerebral palsy, and this exercise method is expected to be actively used in clinical practice.

      • KCI등재

        The Two Landscapes of Desecrated Sexuality: 1984 and Brave New World

        윤혜령 한국영어영문학회 2007 영어 영문학 Vol.53 No.5

        This paper explores how the two famous dystopias, George Orwell’s1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, draw on, among otherthings, the landscape of sexuality in a negative way and how thesewarnings and indictments concerning desecrated sexuality can be takenas a constant signifier in the modern wasteland.This paper is composed of four parts for convenience’s sake, the firstpart proposing the relative lack of research on this topic; the second partexplaining the landscape of sexuality in 1984;the third part focusing onanother landscape of sexual dystopia in Brave New Worldcompared tothe former work; and the last part concluding the implication that suchliterary imagination provides for the reader transcending time and place.Part I of this paper concerns the importance of the topic and explainshow the two dystopias can be compared in terms of literary depiction ofstandardized and institutionalized sexuality. Part II minutely discussesthe ways that George Orwell describes oppressed sex in a totalitariansociety called “Oceania.” The strategy of controlling sex in the societyis, characteristically, double-standard and accordingly hypocritical. Inthe terror-society banning and encouraging sexuality coexist based on

      • KCI등재

        George Orwell as a Religious Aspirant after the Humanities

        윤혜령 신영어영문학회 2015 신영어영문학 Vol.62 No.-

        This paper focuses on the themes of religion and the humanities in George Orwell’s most representative works―Animal Farm and 1984. This paper starts with Orwell’s assumed attitude about orthodox religion. Based on the general agreement that Orwell was quite critical and satirical of hypocritical religious practice, particularly of Catholicism in his times, this paper analyzes the literary implications related to the theme of religion manifested in the two novels. Subsequently, this paper suggests that in Orwell’s literature the world of the humanities generally represented by history, literature and philosophy takes a far more significant position than the transcendental world of orthodox religion. How Orwell might have valued―the sacred role of the humanities in the modern world, is explained in minute detail based on textual analysis and critical imagination. In conclusion, part of George Orwell’s greatness as a writer owes to his acute awareness of the important mission of the humanities fields as powerful as religion, the failure of which would possibly lead to dystopias of diverse kinds in the future.

      • KCI등재

        A Postcolonial Reading of D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow: The Heroine Ursula Brangwen as a Latent Orientalist

        윤혜령 신영어영문학회 2014 신영어영문학 Vol.59 No.-

        This paper is a rereading of D. H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow from a postcolonial perspective based on the text of Edward W. Said’s Orientalism, the viewpoint of which has been neglected in Lawrence’s criticism as yet. This paper suggests that the heroine Ursula Brangwen, who possibly functions as the novelist’s spokesperson, can be interpreted as a latent Orientalist in Said’s sense. To support this critical point, the heroine’s dubious attitude about nationalism, imperialism, colonialism and racism that is usually seen through her relation with her lover Anton Skrebensky, is thoroughly analyzed and interpreted in the light of Said’s argument about the west’s creation of the myth of Orientalism. In this study Lawrence’s possible Orientalist subconscious is called into question, as well and this kind of new reading of the novel also provides some challenging new perspectives in interpreting Lawrence’s vision that has been neglected in his emphasis on individualism, transnationalism and life-philosophy.

      • KCI등재

        Dualism in Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus: Descendentalism and Transcendentalism

        윤혜령 한국영어영문학회 2009 영어 영문학 Vol.55 No.3

        Pointing out the reality of criticism done mostly on Carlyle’s original structure and rhetoric in his Sartor Resartus, this research paper focuses on Carlyle’s dualistic philosophy revealed in the work, limiting its focus mostly to the dualistic theme of descendentalism and transcendentalism. The essence of Caryle’s descendentalism is his irony and satire on human civilization, not for criticism itself, like other satirists, but rather out of his “deep,” “secret” humanism behind his mask. Roughly the two objects of his social criticism in the contemporary, descendentalisitc world, are mechanism and materialism in a variety of new ideologies. To diagnose the Zeitgeist and disillusion man living in contemporary civilization, Carlyle in this work uses a very original metaphor, the clothes-symbol. According to Carlyle, human history and progress can be said to be originated from man’s “adventitious” invention of clothes that was not for biological need or social decency, but for decoration, the instinct of which implies man’s innate vanity and desire. Interestingly enough here, however, Carlyle uses the same metaphor of clothes for his vision of transcendence, the world of “Everlasting Yea.” Man is also God’s apparel and Matter is that of Spirit. Carlyle’s “Everlasting Yea” world stresses especially the two attitudes, belief in God and love of man, which have been recently jeopardized in the socalled descendentalistic world. But Carlyle’s transcendental and religious vision in Sartor Resartus is, as critics also have agreed, a unique and mysterious vision as something different from orthodox Christianity or other Victorian ideologies, as more like an amalgamation among Calvinism, Romanticism, Platonism and German Idealism. All in all, reading Sartor Resartus is still a valuable experience of an “idiosyncratically” original vision along with his warning against dehumanizing forces lurking in the name of civilization and with his ultimate eulogy on man, proving descendentalism as just part of transcendentalism, although the reader from time to time can be embarrassed by his malecentered, politically conservative, and individual-oriented dynamism. Pointing out the reality of criticism done mostly on Carlyle’s original structure and rhetoric in his Sartor Resartus, this research paper focuses on Carlyle’s dualistic philosophy revealed in the work, limiting its focus mostly to the dualistic theme of descendentalism and transcendentalism. The essence of Caryle’s descendentalism is his irony and satire on human civilization, not for criticism itself, like other satirists, but rather out of his “deep,” “secret” humanism behind his mask. Roughly the two objects of his social criticism in the contemporary, descendentalisitc world, are mechanism and materialism in a variety of new ideologies. To diagnose the Zeitgeist and disillusion man living in contemporary civilization, Carlyle in this work uses a very original metaphor, the clothes-symbol. According to Carlyle, human history and progress can be said to be originated from man’s “adventitious” invention of clothes that was not for biological need or social decency, but for decoration, the instinct of which implies man’s innate vanity and desire. Interestingly enough here, however, Carlyle uses the same metaphor of clothes for his vision of transcendence, the world of “Everlasting Yea.” Man is also God’s apparel and Matter is that of Spirit. Carlyle’s “Everlasting Yea” world stresses especially the two attitudes, belief in God and love of man, which have been recently jeopardized in the socalled descendentalistic world. But Carlyle’s transcendental and religious vision in Sartor Resartus is, as critics also have agreed, a unique and mysterious vision as something different from orthodox Christianity or other Victorian ideologies, as more like an amalgamation among Calvinism, Romanticism, Platonism and German Idealism. All in all, reading Sartor Resartus is still a valuable experience of an “idiosyncratically” original vision along with his warning against dehumanizing forces lurking in the name of civilization and with his ultimate eulogy on man, proving descendentalism as just part of transcendentalism, although the reader from time to time can be embarrassed by his malecentered, politically conservative, and individual-oriented dynamism.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 해양굴기와 미중 新해양패권경쟁 : 첨단 미사일 기술 발전과 공격-방어 균형 변화를 중심으로

        윤혜령 한국정치사회연구소 2022 한국과 국제사회 Vol.6 No.2

        Advancement of science technology brings about changes in development of hegemonic war between the U.S. and China. Especially, transition of PLAN(People’s Liberation Army Navy)’s weapon system with more focus given to ballistic missile, cruise missile, and supersonic cruise missile, provides favorable setting for China to pursue offensive strategy. Declaring rejuvenation of Chinese nation, Xi Jinping extends power projection and national interests while giving emphasis on becoming a great maritime power. In response, Biden administration also strengthen military alliance and Quad as part of its Indo-Pacific Strategy and carry out containment strategy towards China. By adopting ‘offense-defense balance theory’, this study alarms that security dilemma will gets worsened under offense dominant security environment and accidental clashes and miscalculation can cause devastating war. In addition, this study analyzes how new developments of hegemonic war between U.S. and China will be different from previous hegemonic war with advancement of new science technology. 첨단 과학기술의 발전은 미중 패권경쟁의 양상을 변화시키고 있다. 특히, 탄도미사일, 순항미사일, 초음속 순항미사일 등과 같은 첨단 미사일을 중심으로 진행된 중국 해군의 군사 무기체계 변화는 공세적 군사전략에 유리한 환경을 조성하고 있다. 중화민족의 위대한 부흥을 선포한 시진핑 주석은 ‘해양강국 건설’을 선언하며 방어 중심의 군사전략에서 탈피하여, 힘의 투사력과 국익의 범위를 확장시켜 나가고 있다. 이에 대응하여 바이든 정부 역시 쿼드(Quad)를 축으로 아시아‧태평양 지역에서의 군사동맹을 강화하고 있으며, 강력한 對중국 봉쇄 및 견제정책을 전개하고 있다. 본 연구는 ‘공격-방어 균형 이론’을 통해 공격이 우월 전략인 안보환경에서는 안보의 딜레마가 심화되며, 이로 인한 우발적 무력충돌과 오판은 참혹한 전쟁으로 귀결될 수 있음을 경고한다. 또한, 비대칭적 군사전력을 중심으로 전개되고 있는 미중 간의 新패권경쟁이 과거의 전면전과는 어떤 다른 양상으로 전개될지에 대해 논하고 있다.

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