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        전복과 광기의 담론: 『원더랜드에서의 앨리스의 모험』 읽기

        윤천기 ( Yun Cheongie ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Many critics have read Alice’s adventures in Wonderland as popular fantasies or fairy tales. This reading could be reached the nonsensical world of Alice’s world. But actually the Alice’s world is not nonsense at all because its underlying meanings are more complicated than fantasies or fairy tales show. Carroll questioned the value of order and principles in the world and explored their sophisticated meanings through ‘the satiric destruction of the common sense.’ By using both ‘episodic dream structures’ and ‘symbolic nonsenses,’ he deconstructed the boundaries of dream and real world, and reversed the order of the world. For Carroll, this was an effective narrative strategy. In fact, it is worth pointing out that the motifs of the reverse and madness in the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland are almost dramatically composed. Carroll embodies them to create the sensical world beyond the reach of nonsense. ‘What he creates is a cosmic joke but it is more than a good joke’. Carroll shows us moral and philosophical insight into the world, which is based on Victorian society which have a disordered and disoriented world without God. (Seonam University)

      • KCI등재

        『주홍색 연구』: 낭만적 범죄자의 불법화와 추리소설의 탄생

        강관수(Kang, Kwansoo),윤천기(Yun, Cheongie) 신영어영문학회 2020 신영어영문학 Vol.77 No.-

        Before a detective novel appeared, the voices of criminals were allowed. In the folktales and literary works, romantic offenders were praised as the heroes who rose against the ruthless rulers. However, they began to be perceived as a threat to a society as capitalism and the private property system were established. With the development of the capitalist society, they became criminals, and simultaneously a detective fiction was born. The important thing in the birth of a detective novel is that the public’s feeling of empathy goes not to transgressing romantic criminals, but to the detectives. This article focuses on the process of romantic criminals becoming illegal in A Study in Scarlet. In this work, a detective’s search for the murderer is seen as an act of practicing justice and a revenge for a lover’s death is a crime who violates the law. In doing so, a legal order is established and a criminal voice is oppressed and illegalized.

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