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        월남전소재 소설의 두 시각

        윤정헌(Yun Jeong Heon) 한국현대소설학회 2003 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.20

        This study was aim to define distinctive character in Vietnamese war-novel by analyzing view of point between White war of An, Jung Hyo who participated in Vietnamese war and My name is Tian of Don`o Kim who didn`t participate in Vietnamese war. White war treated gruesome lifes of Vietnamese but I observed that tragic aspect of this work was applied as subject matter raised miserable spirit of Korean who attended as a mercenary in other`s war. That is to say. this novel was focusing not to itself of Vietnamese war but to pain of returned soldier from Vietnam. So, White war was illuminating Vietnamese war in view of point of outsider. My name is Tian depicted Vietnamese war in view of point of insider. This work obtained universality beyond regional and individual point by succeeding to represent transcendental truth of human genuineness in the course of growth history of a boy through Vietnamese war. That is to say. My name is Tian was prescribing Vietnamese war not as other`s war but as our war. Therefore it is confirmed that two works differ from opinion depending upon watching point of Vietnamese war.

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