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        한국인의 종교성과 종교적 배타성

        윤인진(Yoon, In Jin),양대영(Yang, Dae Young) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2013 亞細亞硏究 Vol.56 No.2

        In recent decades, Korean religious groups have increased their political influence and conflicts between different religions have become visible and intensified. In this context, we examined the levels and patterns of religious exclusiveness in both private and public domains and the reasons for their expression in South Korean society. We used both statistical analyses that used the 2008 KGSS dataset and in-depth interviews with 15 interviewees. After pointing out limitations of the religious index developed in the United States in the multi-religious South Korean religious context, we introduced a multidimensional index that consists of religious faith, religious act, and religious function and employed both conventional variables commonly used in religious studies and new variables that seem to capture multi-religious aspects of South Korea. Results of statistical analyses show that religious faith and act have significant effects on the tolerance toward a spouse of different religion. But religious function has no significant effect on this matter. Especially the level of faith in Buddhist doctrines and the frequency of attendance in religious meetings have significant effects. In the case of support for political candidates of different religion, only religious act has an significant effect while both religious faith and religious function have no effects. Especially, the frequency of prayers is the most significant variable. Also, in general, both Buddhists and Catholics are less exclusive than Protestants in matters of marital selection and political support. Results of in-depth interviews show that religious exclusiveness is the lowest in friendship, and in support for political candidates and interpersonal relationship at workplace in decreasing order. It is the highest in marital selection. As seen in statistical analyses, differences among religious groups are also observed in in-depth interviews. Protestants are the most religious exclusive toward people of different religious in both private and public domains, and both Buddhists and Catholics are not exclusive toward other religions. Protestants exhibit strong propensity to apply their Christian teachings, rituals and practices, and values to other people, workplace and political arenas, and this causes ill feeling and repulsion among Buddhists and Catholics toward Protestants.

      • KCI등재

        북한이주민의 문화변용과 사회적응

        윤인진(Yoon In-Jin) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2012 한국학연구 Vol.41 No.-

        북한이주민에 대한 선행연구가 주로 사회부적응에 초점을 두고 그 원인을 적응에 필요한 자원과 의지의 부족에서 찾는 ‘약점관점’을 취한다고 보고 본 연구에서는 보다 균형 있는 연구를 위해 ‘강점관점’을 도입하였다. 사회적응은 객관적인 생활조건(‘고위험군’ 대 ‘저위험군’)과 주관적인 대응자세(‘약점관점’ 대 ‘강점관점’)의 결합으로 보고 극복형, 발전형, 좌절형, 과소성취형으로 구분했다. 문화변용은 북한문화와 정체성의 유지와 남한문화와 정체성의 수용의 결합으로 보고 동화형, 통합형, 고립형, 주변화형으로 구분했다. 30명의 면접대상자들을 대상으로 실행한 심층면접 결과 문화변용에서는 동화형이 가장 우세했고 그 다음으로 통합형이 일반적이었다. 고립형과 주변화형은 찾기 어려웠다. 사회적응에서는 모든 면접대상자들이 극복형에 속해서 문화변용 유형과 상관없이 객관적으로 어려운 생활조건에서도 모두가 자립하려는 의지를 강하게 갖고 있었다. 이러한 질적 분석 결과는 1,200명의 북한이주민들을 대상으로 실행했던 설문조사 결과와 일치했다. 강점관점의 유효성을 확인한 본 연구 결과에 근거하여 필자는 미래의 정부정책이 북한이주민의 잠재력과 강점을 찾아내고 강화하여 자립정착에 활용할 수 있는 방안을 적극 개발할 것을 제안한다. Previous research on North Korean migrants tends to take ‘weakness perspective’ by focusing on social maladaptation and finding its causes from the lack of resources and strong will necessary for successful adaptation. In this research, I take ‘strength perspective’ to balance this biased approach. I view social adaptation as a result of combination of objective life conditions (‘high-risks’ vs. ‘low-risks’) and subjective coping strategy (‘weakness perspective’ vs. ‘strength perspective’) and the combination results in four types of social adaptation: overcoming type, developing type, frustrating type, and underachieving type. In the same sense, acculturation is regarded as a result of combination of the maintenance of North Korean culture and identity and acceptance of South Korean culture and identity and the combination produces four types of acculturation: assimilation type, integration type, isolation type, and marginality type. Results of in-depth interviews with 30 North Korean migrants show that the most dominant type of acculturation is the assimilation type and the second most frequent type is the integration type. Isolation and marginality types are quite rare. It also shows that all interviewees choose the overcoming type as their coping strategy regardless of their acculturation types, indicating that North Korean migrants have strong will to overcome their objectively difficult life conditions. Results of the in-depth interviews are the same as those of a sample survey of 1,200 North Korean migrants. The policy recommendation of this research is that the future government policy should develop plans that can locate potentials and strengths of North Korean migrants and strengthen and use them to increase their chance of self-reliance.

      • KCI등재

        왕징 코리아타운 내 조선족과 한국인 간의 상호인식과 사회관계

        이윤경(Lee, Yoon Kyong),윤인진(Yoon, In-Jin) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2013 한국학연구 Vol.47 No.-

        본 연구는 초국가적 이주로 인한 재외한인 종족공동체의 내적분화를 분석하기 위해 다자적 동족집단모델(multilateral co-ethnic group model)의 필요성을 제기한다. 이를 위한 사례지역으로 중국 베이징 왕징 코리아타운을 선정하여 다자적 동족 관계를 형성하고 있는 조선족과 한국인간의 상호인식과 사회관계를 조사했다. 본 연구에 사용된 자료는 왕징에 거주하는 한국인 100명과 조선족 101명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사와 심층면접, 그리고 비교집단으로 한족 103명을 대상으로 실시한 설문조사에서 수집하였다. 설문조사의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 설문조사에서 나타난 조선족의 한국인에 대한 인식은 전반적으로 긍정적이었으나 가치관, 근접성, 사회관계 등 세부 영역으로 나누어서 조사한 결과 한국인에 대해 상당한 거리감을 노출했다. 그리고 심층면접에서는 한국인에 대해 부정적 태도와 분노감을 표출했다. 조선족이 한국인에 대해 하는 것보다 한국인은 조선족에 대해 더욱 부정적으로 인식했고 거리감을 두려고 했다. 조선족과 한국인 간의 사회관계는 경제적 영역에서만 조금 빈번하고 정서적 관계, 조언자적 관계에서는 매우 약했다. 즉, 친밀함을 수반하지 않은 피상적인 이해관계에 머물고 있다. 이를 통해 왕징 코리아타운 내동족집단이 상이한 가치관과 관점을 가진 하위 집단들로 분화된 것을 확인할 수 있다. This paper calls our attention to the need of introducing a multilateral co-ethnic group model to analyze internal differentiation of the overseas Koreans’ ethnic community as a result of transnational migration. We selected Wangjing Koreatown in Beijing as the site of our study and examined mutual perceptions and social relations between Korean Chinese and South Koreans. Data for this study came from a survey of 101 Korean Chinese and 100 South Koreans as well as 103 Han Chinese, which was conducted in July and August, 2012. In-depth interviews with Korean Chinese and South Koreans were also conducted to supplement statistical analyses. Research results show that Korean Chinese have generally positive perceptions of South Koreans, but they exhibit wide social distance feelings towards South Koreans in more concrete areas, such as values, closeness, and social relations. They reveal more negative attitudes and even resentment towards South Koreans during in-depth interviews. South Koreans have more negative perceptions and wider social distance feelings than Korean Chinese have towards South Koreans. The two groups maintain frequent social relations in economic areas, but have very weak ties in emotional relations and advisory relations. Thus, they remain at superficial relations formed around economic interests without intimacy. These results demonstrate the Korean ethnic community in Wangjing has been internally differentiated into two groups that have different values and orientations.

      • KCI등재

        완경기 탈북 여성의 건강관리 실태에 관한 탐색적 연구

        손지혜 ( Son Jihye ),배고은 ( Bae Go-eun ),한기덕 ( Han Ki-duk ),윤인진 ( Yoon In-jin ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2021 통일과 평화 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 건강관리가 취약하고 여성질환의 위험이 큰 완경기 탈북 여성을 대상으로, 완경기 건강관리 실태와 의료서비스 이용 경험을 조사하여 이들의 건강증진 방안을 모색하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 탈북 여성의 건강행위와 의료서비스 이용 실태를 이해하기 위한 이론적 배경으로 ‘건강신념모형’과 ‘앤더슨(Andersen)의 행동모형’을 검토하고, 완경을 경험한 남한 내 탈북 여성 10명을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 통한 질적 연구를 수행하였다. 심층 인터뷰의 내용 분석은 콜라지(Colaizzi, 1978)의 현상학적 분석방법을 활용하여 의미단위를 파악하고, 의미단위를 재진술하는 과정을 거쳐 주제, 주제묶음, 대주제로 도출하는 방식으로 진행했다. 이때 연구자의 편향을 최소화하기 위하여 각 연구진이 별도로 범주화 작업을 수행한 후 함께 검토-토의하는 삼각검증과정(investigator triangulation)을 통해 진행하였다. 분석 결과, 연구참여자들은 국내 입국 후 기본건강검진을 진행하는 과정에서 자신의 건강 문제에 대해 인지하게 되나, 경제적 부담, 경제활동의 유지, 그리고 북한과 중국에서의 경험을 통해 갖게 된 병원은 생사를 넘나드는 극한의 고통을 느껴야 가는 곳이라는 사회문화적 신념 등으로 병원 진료를 받는 것을 주저했다. 또한 이들은 북한식 말투와 문화적 차이에서 오는 이질감, 만연한 영어 및 의학용어 사용으로 인해 의료진과의 의사소통에 어려움을 겪었고, 의료지원제도에 관한 정보의 부재와 신청의 복잡함을 토로하였다. 이러한 의료서비스 이용 장애 요인들로 인하여 의료정보 습득, 질병에 대한 예방과 조기 치료가 이뤄지지 못하고, 주로 미디어나 주변 지인을 통해 전달되는 건강 지식, 추천 건강식품 복용, 그 밖의 운동과 식습관과 같은 건강증진 행위를 통해 건강관리를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구는 중앙정부와 지자체가 의료서비스 및 건강관리 체계를 개선하고, 의료비 지원 및 공공의료기관 또는 협력 병원의 확충과 같은 보건의료지원사업을 강화하고, 건강정보 및 의료 지원에 대해 전문가가 지속해서 안내하고 교육하고, 사회적 가교와 연계를 통한 사회적 자본을 활성화할 것을 정책으로 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the health care status and the health care utilization experiences among North Korean migrant women in menopause who have poor health care and are at high risk of diseases that primarily affect women, and to propose policy recommendations for improving their health. To this end, the health belief model and Andersen’s behavioral model are reviewed a theoretical background to for understanding the health behaviors and medical service use of North Korean migrant women. Qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews with 10 North Korean migrant women who experienced menopause. Content analysis of the in-depth interviews identified the semantic unit using the phenomenological analysis method of Colaizzi (1978), and themes, theme groups, and overarching themes were derived through the process of re-statement of semantic units. In order to minimize the bias of the researchers, each research team performed categorization independently, then conducted investigator triangulation in which they reviewed and discussed their work together. The main findings are as follows. The participants became aware of their health problems upon receiving a national basic health checkup after entering Korea. However, they hesitated to utilize health care services due to financial burdens, the need to keep working, and the socio-cultural belief formed from past experiences in North Korea and China that one only seeks treatment at a if they have life or death health issues. In addition, they experienced difficulties in communicating with medical staff due to their accent, cultural differences, and the prevalent use of English and medical terminology. They also complained about the lack of information on the medical support system and the complexity of applying for medical services. Due to these obstacles to using medical services, it is difficult for them to acquire medical information and to prevent and treat diseases early. Their health care was mainly carried out through health promotion activities such as health knowledge transmitted through the media or acquaintances, eating recommended health foods, and other health promotion activities such as exercise and eating habits. Therefore, this study recommends that the central and local governments improve the medical service and health care system, strengthen health care support projects such as the expansion of medical expense coverage and public and cooperative hospitals, provide continuous guidance and education on health information and medical support through experts, and promote social capital through social bridges and social links.

      • 거울치료가 급성기 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 기능에 미치는 효과

        윤인진 ( In Jin Yoon ),정지인 ( Ji In Jung ),김두리 ( Du Ri Kim ),박미정 ( Mi Jung Park ) 대한인지재활학회 2014 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Objective: To evaluate of the effects of mirror therapy on the upper extremity function in acute stroke patients. Method: 30 acute stroke patients were divided into the experimental group(n=15) or control group(n=15). Both groups participated in a standard occupational therapy for 30 minutes/day, 5 times/week, for 3 weeks. But only experimental group additionally participated in mirror therapy for 20 minutes/day. The K-MMSE FMA, MFT, and BBT were used to assess the cognitive and upper extremity function. Results: In the experimental group, the shoulder items, grasp items and total score of MFT, the shoulder/elbow/forearm items, wrist items, hand(finger) items and total score of FMA were significantly improved. In the control group, the shoulder items, total score of MFT, and the shoulder/elbow/forearm items, hand(finger) items, total score of FMA were significantly improved. The shoulder items, total score of MFT, and the shoulder/elbow/forearm items, total score of FMA were improved in the experimental group more than control group. Conclusions: The standard occupational therapy and mirror therapy are effective intervention for upper extremity function in acute stroke patients. Especially, additional mirror therapy is more effect on the upper extremity function.

      • KCI등재

        재미한인 차세대의 인구학적 특성과 사회경제적 지위 성취: 세대별 및 민족집단별 비교

        윤인진 ( In Jin Yoon ),임창규 ( Chang Kyu Lim ) 한국세계지역학회 2008 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.26 No.3

        이 논문은 재미한인 차세대의 인구학적 특성과 사회경제적 지위 성취에 대한 탐색적인 연구이다. 재미한인 사회의 중요한 변화 중의 하나가 세대교체라는 점에 주목하여 이 연구에서는 재미한인을 1세, 1.5세, 2세로 구분하여 각 세대별 인구학적 특성과 사회경제적 지위를 비교하고, 한인 세대를 다른 아시안 집단의 동일세대와 비교하였다. 주된 자료는 2000년 미국 인구센서스의 5% 표본자료이다. 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 현재 재미한인 1.5세와 2세는 10~20대의 청소년과 청년들이 대부분이어서 아직 본격적으로 경제활동을 하지는 않지만 성인 1.5세와 2세는 1세에 비교해서 전문직, 관리직에 종사하는 비율이 높고, 자영업보다는 사기업체의 피고용인 또는 공공직의 공무원으로 일하는 비율이 높다. 1세에 비교해서 자영업이나 또는 한인 사업체의 피고용인으로 일하면서 민족경제에 참여하기보다는 주류 노동시장에서 일하는 비율이 더욱 높다. 한인 1.5세와 2세의 사회경제적 지위는 한인보다 미국 정착의 역사가 긴 중국인과 일본인과 비교하면 다소 떨어지는 경향이 있지만 그 차이가 그리 크지는 않다. 한인 1.5세와 2세의 아직 어린 연령구조와 이들의 영어능력, 미국식 교육, 그리고 미국사회문화에의 동화 정도를 감안하면 이들은 앞으로 빠른 속도로 자영업과 민족경제로부터 이탈하고 그 대신에 미국 주류사회로 진출할 것으로 예상된다. This paper aims at examining demographic characteristics and socioeconomic status attainment of the future generation of Korean Americans. Because a shift in generations is one of the most important changes in the Korean American community, we distinguish Korean Americans into the first, 1.5, and second generations and compare each generation`s demographic characteristics and social and economic statuses. We also compare each generation of Korean Americans with the corresponding generation of other Asian American groups. The main source of data came from the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) of the 2000 U.S. Census. The major research findings are as follows. At present, the 1.5 and second generations are in the 10-30 age bracket and many of them do not participate fully in the labor force. Once employed, the 1.5 and second generations are more likely than the first generation to work as professionals and administrators and to work in private companies or government than to work as self-employed workers. They are more likely to work in the mainstream economy than in the Korean ethnic economy. The social and economic statuses of Korean American 1.5 and second generations are slightly lower than those of Chinese-and Japanese Americans, who have a longer history of residence in the United States, but their statuses are equal to those of other more recent Asian American groups like Indian Americans and Filipino Americans. When we take into account their relatively young ages and a good command of English, American education, and rapid assimilation into American culture and society, they are expected to enter U.S. mainstream society rapidly and achieve high social and economic statuses.

      • 급성 뇌졸중 환자의 우세손 손상 여부에 따른 삶의 질 비교

        윤인진 ( In Jin Yoon ),이지웅 ( Ji Woong Lee ),유선영 ( Seon Young Yu ),이규철 ( Kyu Chul Lee ),정진원 ( Jin Won Jeong ) 대한인지재활학회 2015 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Objective: Compared of the quality of life(QoL) according to the affected on dominant hand in acute stroke patients. Methods: 100 subjects were participated in the study who were hospitalized in Seoul A Medical Center. We invested subject’s characteristics through medical charts and interviews. We used K-MMSE, MFT, and SS-QOL for assessing the cognitive function, upper extremity function, and QoL. Result: The subjects who affected on dominant hand were 45, and affected on nondominant hand were 55. In the cognitive function and upper extremity function, there were no significant differences. In QoL, there were no significant differences in all items and SS-QOL total score except personality and upper extremity function. The personality and upper extremity function were significantly below in affected on dominant hand. Conclusion: As this study result, we concluded that occupational therapists may consider that patients who affected on dominant hand have lower QoL following each personality and upper extremity function. On the other hand, there are no significant difference overall QoL score with both group whether got affected on dominant hand or not.

      • 코리안 디아스포라

        윤인진(In-Jin Yoon) 한국사회학회 2003 한국사회학회 사회학대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        본 논문에서는 중국, 독립국가연합, 일본, 미국, 캐나다의 재외한인의 이주, 적응, 정체성을 디아스포라의 시각에서 비교하고 이론화하려고 한다. 본 연구에 사용된 자료는 각국의 센서스와 같은 정부 통계자료, 문헌 자료, 그리고 필자가 미국, 캐나다, 독립국가연합의 한인들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 수집한 자료이다. 본 논문에서는 이민자 및 소수민족의 사회문화 적응에 관한 기존 이론들을 비판적으로 검토한 후 재외한인의 사회적응 통합모델을 제시하였다. 이 모델은 접촉이전단계, 접촉단계, 정착단계, 적응단계로 이민자 및 소수민족이 거주국에 편입되는 과정을 구분하고, 각 단계별로 중요한 요인들을 선정하고, 그들간의 상호작용의 결과로 재외한인의 사회문화 적응유형이 결정되는 것으로 설명한다. 거주국에서의 사회문화 적응유형은 수용, 동화, 고립, 주변화로 구분하였다. 연구결과 재외한인이 거주국에서 보이는 사회문화 적응유형은 주로 수용형이고 그 다음으로 동화형과 고립형인 것으로 나타났다. 주변화형에 속하는 경우는 거의 찾아보기 어렵다. 고립형도 일시적인 적응유형이고 거주기간이 길어지면서 수용형 또는 동화형으로 바뀐다. 결국 이민자의 신분으로 거주국 사회에 편입되고 거주국에서 인구와 권력면에서 소수집단인 한인이 살아남기 위해서 동화는 불가피한 생존전략으로 볼 수 있다. 그러나 유색소수민족으로 다수 지배집단에 의해서 구별되고 차별받는 상황에서 한인은 거주국 사회로의 완전한 동화는 불가능하다는 것을 인식하게 된다. 이런 상황에서 한인은 거주국 사회의 제한된 기회구조 내에서 신분상승을 추구하면서도 민족문화와 정체성을 유지하는 수용의 전략을 택하게 된다. The purpose of this article is to compare and theorize migration, adaptation, and identity of overseas Koreans in China, the CIS, Japan, the United States, and Canada. The data for this study came from censuses and government publications of the five countries, literature review, and three sets of surveys I have conducted in the United States, the CIS, and Canada. In this article I first critically review existing theories of social and cultural adaptation of immigrants and ethnic minorities, and then propose a synthetic model of incorporation of overseas Koreans in their host countries. In this model, the incorporation process is divided into four phases (the pre contact phase, contact phase, settlement phase, and adaptation phase), and factors important at each phase are highlighted, and the type of social and cultural adaptation is classified into accommodation, assimilation, isolation, and marginality. Main findings are as follows. The general pattern of social and cultural adaptation of overseas Koreans is accommodation by which overseas Koreans adopt many aspects of their host countries while maintaining their ethnic culture and identity. The next prevalent types are assimilation and isolation. Cases of marginality are rare to find. The social and cultural adaptation of overseas Koreans also varies by time so that isolation changes to accommodation and accommodation turns to assimilation as the length of residence in the host countries increases and younger generations of overseas Koreans become numerically dominant in the Korean ethnic communities. Ultimately, assimilation seems to be an inevitable strategy of survival for overseas Koreans who immigrated voluntarily and became a minority group in the host countries. However, they realize complete assimilation is impossible because they are distinguished and discriminated as members of a visible minority group by the dominant majority group. Under this situation, they adopt a strategy of accommodation by which they seek upward mobility within the given opportunity structures while maintaining ethnic culture and identity.

      • 캐나다 한인의 현황과 사회경제적 지위

        윤인진(In-Jin Yoon),임창규(Chang-kyu Lim),배영준(Young-June Bae) 한국캐나다학회 2007 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.13 No.2

        This paper aims at examining demographic characteristics and socioeconomic statuses of Korean Canadians. Because a shift in generations is one of the most important changes in the Korean Canadian community, we distinguish Korean Koreans into the first, 1.5, and second generations and compare each generation’s social and economic characteristics and statuses. We also compare each generation of Korean Canadians with the corresponding generation of other Asian Canadian groups. The main source of data came from the 2001 Canadian Population Census and 5% microdata of the 2001 Canadian Population Census. The major research findings are as follows. The 1st generation experience disparity between educational attainment/occupational background in Korea and employment and income in Canada. They records higher levels of education than other Asian groups but lower levels of labor force participation, employment, and person incomes. Especially, the poverty rate among people under ages 15 and unattached adults and old people reaches the alarming level. By contrast, the 1.5 and second generations make rapid advancement in education and professionalization and enter mainstream society. At present, the 1.5 and second generations are in the 10-30 age bracket and many of them do not participate fully in the labor force. Once employed, the 1.5 and second generations are more likely than the first generation to work as professionals and administrators and to work in private companies or government than to work as self-employed workers. They are more likely to work in the mainstream economy than in the Korean ethnic economy. The 1.5 and second generations achieve parity with the corresponding generations of other Asian groups in socioeconomic statuses and they even excel other Asian groups in the level of advanced education and professionalization.

      • 거울치료가 급성 뇌졸중 환자의 상지 기능과 일상생활활동에 미치는 효과

        윤인진 ( In-jin Yoon ),이지웅 ( Ji-woong Lee ),김두리 ( Du-ri Kim ) 대한인지재활학회 2016 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Objective: To investigate the effect of mirror therapy on the upper extremity function and activities of daily living(ADL) in acute stroke patients. Methods: 40 stroke patients were randomly divided into mirror therapy group and traditional occupational therapy(OT) group. The K-MMSE, MFT, FMA and K-MBI were used to evaluate cognitive function, upper extremity function and ADL. Both groups participated in traditional occupational therapy for 30 minutes/day, 5 times/week, for 3 weeks. Only mirror therapy additionally participated in mirror therapy for 20 minutes/day, 5 times/week. Result: Before intervention, both group was not different cognitive function, upper extremity function and ADL. In the mirror therapy group, the MFT, FMA and K-MBI except stair climbing were significantly improved(p<.05). In the traditional OT group, the shoulder, total score of MFT, the shoulder/elbow/forearm, hand(finger), total score of FMA, and K-MBI except stair climbing were significantly improved(p<.05). The shoulder/elbow/forearm, wrist, hand(finger) and total score of FMA were significantly improved in the mirror therapy group more than traditional OT group(p<.05). Conclusion: It was found that the intervention were positive effect on the upper extremity function and ADL in acute stroke patients not only mirror therapy but also traditional OT. Especially, additional mirror therapy has more effect on the upper extremity function. So, when the intervention is applied to acute stroke patients, we could be considered mirror therapy.

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