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        한국 현대시의 종결 방식 연구

        윤의섭(Youn Euisoup) 한국언어문학회 2008 한국언어문학 Vol.65 No.-

          This study examines characteristics and the significance of closure method in poetry. A creator presents closure of poetry. A creator considers when a poem should approach to its readers and to form values as an art as well as understands that deciding the final stage of a poem is very important in creating a poem as a complete aesthetic world. Also, closure of a poem presents completeness, stability, unity and artistry. Poetry has a certain sign to prepare for the closure through perception of a creator, that is, closure preparation phase. Primary function of the closure preparation phase is to notify that a poem is about to end. In addition, at the closure preparation phase, previous time flow and meaning of a poem are converged and closure of the poem is prepared. For readers, closure preparation phase is to refine prosodic reading on a poem"s inner rhythm or reading rhythm and to relax and refresh for preparing the closure. This study examines such closure method and its significance by reviewing several representative poems in each era: poems by Kim, So Woel in 1920s; Jeong, Ji Yong in 1930s; and Park, Mok Woel in 1940s. Closure method in Kim, So Woel"s poems sought stability and completeness. Closure method in Jeong, Ji Yong"s poems emphasizes layering and expansion of meanings. Mokwoel Park"s early poems in Cheonglokjib[靑鹿集] show closure method in which meanings and intentions of a poem create and maintain suggestiveness, which is other-oriented closure method. Closure method in modern Korean poetry should be studied further in terms with a reference intentions, significance and world view of a creator. This study hopefully brings the importance of aesthetic significance of closure method in modern Korean poetry to light.

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