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      • KCI등재

        도메인네임분쟁의 국제적 해결방법의 Forum Shopping과 1인 심판부 제도의 문제점

        윤우일(Woo Il Yoon) 중앙법학회 2009 中央法學 Vol.11 No.4

        In order to meet this need for evicting cybersquatters, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(“ICANN”) implemented the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy to afford trademark owners an international, non-judicial system against clear cases of abusive cybersquatting in the form of an expedited global administrative proceeding. Actually, the UDRP has apparently evolved into a globally popular solution for the battle against cybersquatting by providing a comparatively cost effective, expeditious, efficient alternative to international litigation. Despite the UDRP`s apparent success, the UDRP has been the subject of considerable criticism due to certain substantive and procedural problems revealed by its operation, the most telling of which include: UDRP policy bias in favor of trademark owners over domain name owners, forum shopping, reverse domain name hijacking, suppression of legitimate criticism sites and the lack of proper appellate procedures other than a costly sojourn in the courts. Thus, improvements in the UDRP system are vital for the continued success of the domain name dispute resolution system and its being reborn as a more fair and comprehensive global policy. If the UDRP could be reinforced with new mechanisms to cure its shortcomings, it would be a good model for resolving Internet domain name disputes until international treaties or substantive law emerge agreeing on one set of rules which would apply only to Internet disputes.

      • KCI등재

        전자상거래분쟁해결을 위한 ODR 활성화를 위한 연구

        윤우일(Woo Il Yoon) 중앙법학회 2010 中央法學 Vol.12 No.4

        As the internet settles down as a general means of human life, the online transactions and e-commerce using the internet amazingly grow. The rapid growth of online transactions and commerce has caused so many conflicts in cyberspace, and the necessity for new dispute resolution also grows. However, Considering the feature of e-commerce, traditional dispute resolution system such as lawsuits in the court does not proper method to resolve the conflicts from the online transactions and e-commerce because of cost, time, laws, etc. Those problems have resulted in the rapid evolution of Alternative Dispute Resolution (``ADR``) and the advent of Online Dispute Resolution (``ODR``) as new resolutions methods for online disputes because of convenience, sweetness, low cost, etc. As of now, ODR appears to be the best way for resolving e-commerce disputes. E-Commerce Mediation Committee (``ECMC``) attempts to offer new ways of disputes resolving system such as online chatting mediation service and desktop video-conferencing mediation service. However, due to its weak technical, lawful environments, this ODR system is still new on the path of development. To make the ODR settled down, there are many assignments to be improved in many aspects afterwards such as establishment of unified ODR organization, use of measures to entice participation, enforcement to ensure the full effectiveness of ODR, etc. It is needed to develop and settle a quick, cheap, and reliable online dispute resolution system to resolve disputes arising in Internet commerce between business and consumers for sustainable e-commerce growth. As more and more cases are being resolved, confidence and trust in the efficiency and worthiness of ODR will grow.

      • KCI등재후보

        부부재산약정제도의 활성화 방안

        윤우일(Yoon, Woo-Il) 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2013 法學論叢 Vol.29 No.-

        우리 민법은 부부재산관계의 규율을 위하여 부부재산약정제도와 법정재산제를 규정하고 있으나 부부재산약정제도가 활용되는 예는 거의 없고 현재 대부분 부부재산관계는 법정재산제로 규율되고 있는 것이 현실이다. 그런데 법정재산제인 별산제는 재산명의자에게 혼인중 취득한 재산에 대한 소유권을 부여하고 명의재산에 대한 관리ㆍ사용ㆍ수익을 맡기고 있어, 부부 공동의 노력으로 형성한 재산이라 하더라도 법적인 명의자가 모든 권리를 행사할 수 있어 명의를 가지지 못한 부부 일방의 잠재적 재산권을 침해할 수 있고 실제로 이혼시 재산분할청구권과 관련하여 많은 문제를 야기하고 있다. 부부재산약정제도는 법정재산제의 보완, 부부간 재산문제에 대한 원활한 소통통로의 마련, 이혼시 재산관계 청산의 간명화, 재혼시 재산관계의 명확화 등 혼인 중 경제적으로 평등한 부부관계를 유지하게 하고 가정경제를 더욱 튼튼히 하며 가정친화적인 부부재산관계를 만들어내는 장점 등이 있어 그 운용에 따라 부부별산제인 법정재산제를 보완하는 실효성있는 제도로 정착될 수 있을 것이다. 그런데 부부재산약정제도가 제대로 활용되지 않은 이유는 홍보부족 외에도 제도 자체에 현실적인 수요를 끌어들이기에는 부족한 문제점이 내포되어 있기 때문이므로 부부재산약정제도가 활성화되기 위해서는 많은 개선작업들이 선행되어야 할 것이다. 이에 본고는 부부재산약정의 전제로 각 소유재산 및 채무 등의 공개(Full Disclosure), 혼인 중 부부재산약정의 체결허용, 부부재산약정의 방식으로 공증제도과 숙려기간의 도입, 부부재산약정도 우미제도 등을 통한 약정내용에 대한 구체적인 정보의 제공, 법원의 관여없이 당사자의 합의에 따른 부부재산약정의 변경ㆍ폐지의 허용, 쉽고 신속한 등기부 등본 발급시스템 및 부부일방의 공유등기허용 등 부부재산약정등기제도의 합리화, 부부재산약정의 특수성을 반영한 특별한 무효나 취소요건의 입법화 등을 통해 부부재산약정제도를 활성화시킬 수 있는 방안을 제시하여 보았다. The matrimonial regime may be either legal or contractual in the Korea Civil Code. If a couple does not wish to follow the legal regime, the spouses may enter a prenuptial agreement which modifies the legal matrimonial regime according to principle of private autonomy. Prenuptial agreement is an agreement between prospective spouses made in contemplation of marriage to be effective upon marriage that fixes the respective financial rights and obligations during marital life. However, even though prenuptial agreement is prescribed in the Korea Civil Code, prenuptial agreements are not used actively. Under the Korea Civil Code, the one who has the legal title is assumed to have the lawful ownership of property. The person in whose name the registration is made has the legal rights to sell assets without the other spouse’s consent(the separate property system). Unfairly, domestic labor also is underestimated when the couple gets divorced. Thus, the legal matrimonial regime exposures problems that do not fulfill the spouse’s financial equality. The success of marriage may depend on how spouses communicate about money matters. Prenuptial agreement allows couples to write a ‘road map’ that structures their finances according to the mutually predetermined plan. Also, prenuptial agreement may be an appropriate device for compensating the defect of the legal matrimonial regime. Moreover, the prevalence of divorce and remarriage has prompted couples to plan more carefully, realistically, and independently for their economic futures. The first step for vitalizing the prenuptial agreement is an active promotion and reforming realistic regulations on prenuptial agreement. In other words, for the vitalization of the prenuptial agreement system, we should form the social consensus on prenuptial agreement through actively promoting prenuptial agreement. We should also exert great efforts for the revision of Korea Civil Code provision related to prenuptial agreements through a systematic survey and study, because the current prenuptial agreement system is too poor in substance to vitalize prenuptial agreement as a good alternative to the legal matrimonial regime. Thus, this thesis illustrates criticism of the current prenuptial agreement system and also lays out some possible suggestions for vitalizing the prenuptial agreement.

      • KCI등재

        민법 제910조 친권대행 규정에 대한 소고

        윤우일 ( Woo-il Yoon ),이상경 ( Sangkyung Lee ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2021 법학논총 Vol.38 No.4

        민법 제910조는 “친권자는 그 친권에 따르는 자에 갈음하여 그 자에 대한 친권을 행사한다.”고 규정하여 일률적으로 미성년미혼모의 친권자에 의한 친권대행을 인정하고 있다. 그러나 많은 경우 학대, 폭력, 방임, 방치, 부재, 단절 등 부모로부터 제대로 된 양육과 보호를 받지 못한 경우에 미성년미혼모가 발생하고 있다는 점을 고려하면 미성년미혼모의 친권자가 미성년미혼모와 그 자를 보호하고 양육하는 것을 도울 수 있는 상황은 상정하기 어렵고, 따라서 친권대행규정으로 인해 오히려 미성년미혼모와 그 자 모두의 ‘복리’에 반하는 사태가 발생할 수 있다. 이에 본고는 미성년미혼모의 현실을 도외시한 민법 제910조 친권대행 규정의 문제점 및 미성년미혼모의 실태, 민법 제910조의 자기결정권 및 평등권 침해의 위헌성 및 후견인 제도 등 그 개선방향에 대해 살펴보았다. Parental rights should be exercised in the best interests of children, so to speak, ‘child welfare’. Article 910 of the Civil Act stipulates that “a person with parental rights exercises parental authority in lieu of a person who follows the parental rights,” and uniformly recognizes the agency of parental rights for a minor unmarried mother’s child. In many cases, however, considering that minor single mothers are not properly raised and protected by parents, such as abuse, violence, neglect, absence, and disconnection, it is difficult to assume that a minor single mother can help protect and nurture her. Therefore, this paper examines the problems of Article 910 of the Civil Act, such as its neglecting the reality of unmarried minors, the status of unmarried minors, the unconstitutionality of infringement on the right to self-determination and to equality of minor single mother, and suggests the guardianship system etc. as the improvement measure.

      • KCI등재

        통일도메인이름분쟁해결규정의 운영에 있어서 법적 안정성을 제고하기 위한 제도적 방안

        윤우일(Yoon, Woo-Il) 한국재산법학회 2013 재산법연구 Vol.30 No.1

        UDRP의 경우 명확한 기준을 제시하고 있지 않아 일관성 있는 결정을 확보할 수 없는 바, UDRP 규정의 미비와 패널에게 부여된 광범위한 재량권으로 인해 UDRP 자체의 일관된 기준이 정립되어 있지 않고 패널들이 견제없이 자신의 재량권을 행사하여 엇갈린 결정들이 양산되고 있으며 패널들이 재량권을 일탈하였다고 볼 수 있는 경우에도 이를 제한할 수 있는 제도적 장치가 UDRP 자체에 없다고 볼 수 있다. 이에 본고에서는 주로 UDRP 제4조 및 Rules for UDRP 제15조 (a)의 문제점, 입증책임(Burden of Proof)과 관련된 규정의 불비, 피신청인의 답변이 없는 경우(Default Case)의 엇갈린 분쟁심리방법에 대해 살펴보고, UDRP의 법적 안정성을 제고하기 위한 제도적 방안을 제시하였다. UDRP 규정의 미비와 패널에게 부여된 광범위한 재량권으로 인한 일관성 없는 UDRP 결정의 양산이 원래 의도한 UDRP의 효율성을 실제로 저해하고 있다는 비판이 제기되고 있는 이제 UDRP의 국제성, 신속성, 효율성의 장점을 살리면서도 패널의 재량권을 제한하고 보다 체계화된 UDRP의 구축이 필요할 때라고 본다. Implementation of the UDRP has proven to be an effective means for resolving cybersquatting disputes. While the UDRP remains the best solution for resolving domain name ownership disputes in a fast, efficient, and inexpensive fashion, there are a number of flaws with the current policy, which limit clarity, consistency, predictability, legal stability of UDRP. This article propose that the UDRP be amended so that panels can apply specific definitions that outline the constituent elements of UDRP 4(a). Furthermore, Rule for UDRP 15(a) should be amended so that adjudication of disputes would be achieved by exclusive reference to the UDRP without reference to legal principles of particular jurisdictions. Futher, Revising and clarifying provisions related to the burden of proof and default case would also help to correct some of the weaknesses of the current policy. Finally, mandatory a three-member panels system and an appeal mechanism within the UDRP would lead to the development of a body of ''UDRP law.'' The development of a body of UDRP jurisprudence independent of national laws is wholly consistent with the objectives of the UDRP. When faced with similar fact scenarios or issues, Panels would be able to draw upon precedent-setting cases in reaching their conclusions. By making these changes, ICANN can craft the UDRP into a fair, credible, and consistent international dispute resolution mechanism, while taking significant steps towards ensuring the long-term viability of the UDRP as the primary system for resolving domain name ownership disputes.

      • KCI등재

        양육비대지급의 실효성을 제고하기 위한 제도적 방안

        윤우일 ( Yoon Woo-il ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2011 외법논집 Vol.35 No.4

        Today, the divorce rate in Korea is increasing rapidly and a lot of minor children suffer from emotional and economic difficulties after their parents’ divorce. The protection of minor children in broken families has been emerging as a serious problem in Korea. In the year of 2009, Korea has several important amendments on child support enforcement such as drawing up a agreement having executory power about child maintenance, order for the obligor’s employer to pay directly the support expenses to obligee. In spite of the amendments for preventing non-performance of child support expense, unknown obligor’s whereabouts, obligee can not receive child support expense in case of obligor’s economic incompetence. This delinquent child support payments finally impedes minor’s sound growing up and physical, mental development. A bill of the prepayment system for child support brought in by the National Assembly recognized this problems will be a welcome change to our welfare and child support systems. However, even with the advanced child welfare system through prepayment system for child support, room still exists for making up for weak points in the proposed prepayment system for child support. The aim of this thesis is to consider possibility that the Government can prepay for child support expense and can the right to indemnity to obligor and also is to propose the practical ways for producing satisfactory results in the function of prepayment system for child support. Thus, this thesis illustrates some criticisms of the bill of the prepayment system for child support and also lays out some possible solutions and suggestions for constructing prepayment system for child support.

      • KCI등재

        직장 내 성희롱과 사무집행관련성

        윤우일(Yoon, Woo-Il) 경희법학연구소 2021 경희법학 Vol.56 No.4

        민법 제756조에 의하면 사용자는 피용자가 그 사무집행에 관하여 제3자에게 손해를 가한 경우 그 손해를 배상할 책임이 있다. 그러나 피용자 개인의 성적 일탈로 볼 수도 있는 직장 내 성희롱의 경우에는 민법 제756조 사용자책임의 핵심요소라고 할 수 있는 ‘사무집행관련성’을 인정받기 쉽지 않았다. 직장 내 성희롱의 해악에 대한 사회적 공감대가 형성되어가면서 남녀고용평등과 일·가정 양립 지원에 관한 법률에 직장 내 성희롱 금지규정이 도입되고 직장 내 성희롱 예방이나 사후조치 관련 규정들이 강화되어가면서 법원은 성희롱에 대한 사무집행관련성 인정범위의 확대를 통해 성희롱에 대한 사용자책임을 인정하는 사례를 점차 축적해왔다. 직장 내 성희롱에 대해 사용자책임을 묻기 위해서는 ‘사무집행관련성’이 주요쟁점이 되는데 최근 법원은 직장 내 성희롱 사건의 ‘사무집행관련성’에 대해 상당히 진보적인 판결을 내리고 있다. 피해자 보호의 관점에서 피용자를 통해 활동영역을 확장하고 이익을 추구하는 사용자에게 업무영역에서 발생하는 손해에 대한 책임을 넓게 인정할 필요성이 있기는 하나, 직장 내 성희롱 중 업무집행과 연결짓기 어려운 성희롱에 대해 지나치게 넓은 민법 제756조의 사용자책임을 인정하거나 성희롱예방이나 사후조치를 면밀히 이행한 사용자의 경우 면책의 가능성을 차단하는 것도 바람직하지 않다고 생각한다. 이에 본고는 미연방대법원의 직장 내 성희롱에 대한 사용자책임 인정기준과 최근 직장 내 성희롱에 관한 우리 대법원 판결을 살펴보면서 성희롱과 사무집햅관련성에 대한 유익한 시사점을 얻고자 한다. According to Article 756 of the Civil Act, the employer is responsible for compensating for the damage if the employee inflicts damage to a third party regarding the execution of the affairs. However, in the case of sexual harassment in the workplace, it was difficult to recognize the “acting in the scope of their employment,” making it difficult to recognize the responsibility of the employer. However, as social consensus was formed on the harmful effects of sexual harassment in the workplace, regulations on workplace sexual harassment were introduced in the Equal Employment Opportunity And Work-family Balance Assistance Act, and accordingly, courts have gradually recognized employer responsibility for sexual harassment by expanding the scope of their employment. In the case of workplace sexual harassment, in order to hold the employer responsible, “acting in the scope of their employment” is the main issue, and recently, courts have made quite progressive judgments on workplace sexual harassment cases. If an employee inflicts damage to another person during his/her work, it is necessary to recognize the employer s responsibility for damages caused by the employee in the employer s work area, as it is fair for the employer seeking profits to bear the damage of others. However, even though workplace harassment has a significant vulnerability to acting in the scope of their employment, I don t think it is desirable to admit too wide user responsibility or not to admit user immunity. Therefore, this paper aims to obtain useful implications by examining the acting in the scope of their employment of workplace sexual harassment.

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