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        일산화탄소 중독시 식초산이 혈액 반응에 미치는 영향

        윤연화,정용,권숙표,Yoon, Youn-Hwa,Chung, Yong,Kwon, Sook-Pyo 대한약학회 1980 약학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        CO-intoxication is a serious problem in public health since the coal briquette has been used as one of fuels from 1950's. It has been discussed that the treatment with acetic acid vapor may be effective for CO-intoxication. This study was undertaken to investigate the action of acetic acid therapy, comparing with the spontaneous air treatment The acetic acid vapor was introduced to the blood combined with CO (in vivo and in vitro). The dissociation of COHb, the production of COHb, the levels of Hb and adrenaline and nor-adrenaline were measured. The effect of acetic acid vapor on dissociation of COHb was about 7-9% more effective than the spontaneous air treatment. The acetic acid vapor treatment for the dissociation of COHb was similar effect to the spontaneous air treatment. In an experiment of the combining CO gas with blood, the acetic acid vapor treatment was less effective in the production of COHb than that of spontaneous air treatment. Treatment with the acetic acid vapor to rabbit intoxicated with CO gas induced a little amount of Hb in blood comparing with the spontaneous air treatment. But, it is not a significant increment statistically. By the acetic acid vapor treatment after CO gas intoxication the adrenaline was increased and noradrenaline was decreased. With these results, it is assumed that the effect of acetic acid therapy on CO-gas intoxication would be caused by inductions of Hb and adrenaline and to be reduction of nor-adrenaline.

      • KCI등재

        부산 지방자치단체의 기록물 공개관리에 관한 연구

        윤연화,이은주 한국기록관리학회 2021 한국기록관리학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        This study seeks to grasp the current status of and suggest improvements on records disclosure management. Data were collected through a literature review, surveys, and in-depth interviews with 7 record managers and 40 office staff in local governments. Existing records disclosures were also used as references for the discussion. With this, self-reliance efforts within local governments and active roles in central records management institutions were proposed. 본 연구의 목적은 기록물 공개관리의 개념과 세부업무에 대해 이해하고, 관련 업무가 어떻게 수행되고 있는지를 업무 담당자 관점에서 살펴봄으로써 기록물 공개관리와 관련한 시야를 넓히고 효율적으로 공개관리 업무를 수행하기 위한 개선방안을 마련하는데 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 문헌조사, 설문조사, 심층면담을 통해 필요한 데이터를 수집하였다. 데이터 수집을 위해 부산 지방자치단체 중 7개 기관의 기록관리 전문요원을 대상으로 기록관의 기록물 공개관리 현황에 대한 심층면담을 진행하였다. 또한 그 중 4개 기관의 처리과 업무담당자 총 40명을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하여 처리과의 기록물 공개관리 현황을 조사하였다. 이러한 조사를 통하여, 처리과와 기록관에서 수행 중인 일련의 공개관리 업무의 현황과 그 속에서의 문제점을 밝혀내고, 지방자치단체 내에서의 자구적인 노력과 더불어 국가기록원의 실질적인 업무지원을 제안하였다.

      • KCI등재

        1인 미디어(YouTube) 무용 콘텐츠를 활용한 관객 유치 및 인식 변화에 관한 연구 - 구독자 심층 인터뷰 중심으로 -

        연화 ( Kim Yeun-hwa ),수미 ( Yoon Su-mi ) 한국무용연구학회 2019 한국무용연구 Vol.37 No.2

        본 연구는 4차 산업혁명 시대 1인 미디어 콘텐츠의 확장으로 인한 유튜브 시장의 급성장에 있어 1인 미디어 무용 콘텐츠를 활용하여 무용공연 관객 유치 및 인식 변화의 가능성을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이에 2018년 4월 유튜브 채널 <스스로 여나>를 개설하고, 7월 Dance festival in Tank에서 공연하기까지 영상 게시와 댓글활동 등 구독자와의 소통을 통해 구독자를 관객으로 유치하는데 성공하였다. 이후 관객이 된 구독자와 무용전공자 8인을 선정하여 심층 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 그 결과, 첫째, 무용 콘텐츠 구독을 통한 무용공연에 대한 관심 증대, 둘째, 미디어 콘텐츠 구독자에서 무용공연 관객으로 확대, 셋째, 안무과정 구독을 통한 무용공연의 이해도 상승, 넷째, 구독자의 댓글 참여를 통한 간접적 무용예술 체험이다. 이러한 노력은 현시대에 발맞춘 관객 유치를 높이는 방법이자, 관객 인식의 변화를 꾀하여 공연장에 불러들이게 하는 홍보도 가능할 것으로 기대한다. This study used YouTube (memedia) dance contents of the YouTube market, which is growing rapidly due to the expansion of YouTube single person media contents in an age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, to present possibilities for audience attraction and perception changes. At this, it opened the YouTube channel <스스로 여나> on April of 2018 and succeeded in making subscribers into audiences at a performance at the Dance festival in Tank in July through communication with subscribers such as through upload video and comment activity. Afterwards, a total of 8 interviewees including 4 subscribers who became audience members and 4 dance majors were selected and in-depth interviews were conducted. Results showed, first, increased interest in dance performances through dance content subscriptions, second, expansions made from media content subscribers to dance performance audience members, third, heightened understanding of dance performances through choreography process subscriptions, and fourth, indirect dance art experiences through the comment participation of subscribers. Such efforts can be used to attract audiences that are in step with the modern age and they are expected to aid in promotion by looking into changes in audience perceptions and attracting them to performance halls.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내에서 유통되는 8종의 식육감별을 위한 multiplex PCR법 개발

        허은정,고은경,향진,연화,김영조,박현정,위성환,문진산 한국식품위생안전성학회 2016 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Species identification of animal tissues in meat products is an important issue to protect the consumer from illegal and/or undesirable adulteration; for economic, religious and health reasons. In this reason, accurate analytical methods are needed for the labeling of meat products with requiring simple and fast procedure. Recently, applications of PCR in food analysis have been increased because of their simplicity, specificity and sensitivity. Therefore, in this study, a multiplex PCR assay was developed for the simultaneous identification of eight species of cow, pig, chicken, duck, goat, sheep, horse and turkey from raw meats. The primers were designed in different regions of mitochondrial 16S RNA after alignment of the available sequences in the GenBank database. Two multiplex primer sets were designed as Set 1 (cow, pig, chicken, duck) and Set 2 (goat, sheep, horse, turkey), respectively. Total 274 samples from cow (n=55), pig (n=30), chicken (n=30), and duck (n=30), goat (n=40), sheep (n=33), horse (n=41), and turkey (n=15) were tested. The primers generated specific fragments of 94, 192, 279, 477 bp (pig, chicken, cow, duck), 670, 271, 152, 469 bp (goat, sheep, horse, turkey) lengths for eight species, respectively. The animal species specificity was 100% in all eight samples in the multiplex PCR assay. The detection limit of the multiplex PCR assay showed from 100 fg to 1 pg of template DNA from extracted from raw meats. When applying multiplex PCR assays to sample from pork/beef and pork/chicken, beef/chicken tested raw mixed meats and heat-treated (83℃ for 30min, 100℃ for 20min, and 121℃ for 10min) mixtures, detection limit was 0.1% level beef, pork and pork in beef and chicken in pork and 1.0% level pork in chicken. This study suggest that the developed multiplex PCR assay can be used for rapid and simultaneous species identification of cow, pig, chicken, duck, goat, sheep, horse and turkey from meats.

      • 효모 세포벽으로부터 MANNOPROTEIN 과 β-GLUCAN 의 분리

        조광근,최윤재,윤연화,문태현,김성찬,복진덕 한국영양사료학회 1999 韓國營養飼料學會誌 Vol.23 No.6

        본 연구는 효모 세포벽으로부터 manoprotein과 β-glucan을 분리하는 방법을 확립하기 위하여 실시하였다. 효모로부터 분리된 manoprotein과 β-glucan은 동물의 면역기능을 강화시키는 기능성 가축용 면역증강제로 개발하기 위한 목적을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 알칼리 추출 원리에 근거한 Catley의 방법 (Yeast, a practical approach, 1988, edited by Campbell and Duffus, IRL Press)을 변형하여 사용하였으며, 효모의 처리는 파쇄한 것과 파쇄하지 않은 것을 이용하여 manoprotein, β-glucan 및 protein 함량과 순도를 조사하였다. 세포건물로부터 추출된 세포벽 함량은 파쇄한 세포와 파쇄하지 않은 세포에서 각각 15.4%와 28.8%로 나타났으며, mannan의 함량은 파쇄하지 않을 경우 단백질을 제외한 mannan의 함량이 28.5%, 파쇄할 경우 52%로 나타나 mannoprotein은 파쇄된 효모에서 높은 추출율을 보였다. 효모세포벽으로 부터 추출된 mannan 순도에 있어서 파쇄된 효모와 파쇄되지 않은 효모에서 각각 97.6%와 77.6%로 나타나 파쇄할 경우 mannan의 추출 순도를 높이는 효과를 보였다. 그러나 glucan 추출율에 있어서는 파쇄할 경우와 파쇄하지 않은 경우 7.2%와 18.2%로 나타나 파쇄하지 않을 경우 추출율이 높게 나타난 경향을 보였으며, glucan의 순도는 70.8%와 71.7%로 비슷한 결과를 나타내었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 확립한 방법은 알칼리 용해성 glucan을 제외하였으므로 실제로 분리할 수 있는 glucan의 함량은 더 높을 것으로 생각된다. 결론적으로 본 연구에서 확립한 방법은 효모 세포벽으로부터 mannoprotein을 분리할 수 있는 효과적인 방법이라고 생각된다. In this study the extraction method of both mannoprotein and β-glucan was established from yeast cell wall fractions. From this method, both mannoprotein and β -glucan was used as an immune potentiator for domestic animals by activating the overall immune activity. Both mannoprotein and β-glucan were extracted from yeast cell wall fractions or total cell using basically Catley's method (Yeast, a practical approach, 1988, edited by Campbell and Duffus, IRL Press) with minor modification and simplification to be fit into an industrial application. With our modified extraction method. the extractable cell wall contents from mechanically broken cells and unbroken cells were 15.4% and 28.8%, respectively. Mannan contents of cell wall fractions from unbroken and broken cells were 28.5% and 52%, respectively, showing much higher extraction efficiency when the yeast cells were mechanically broken. Mannan contents extracted from cell wall fractions from unbroken and broken cells were 77.4% and 97.6%, respectively. For a higher purity of mannan, thus, it is necessary to break up the yeast cells. On the other hand, the extraction of glucan moiety was obtained 18.2% and 7.2% extraction rates from the cell wall preparation of unbroken and broken yeast cells, respectively, with similar sample purity in both samples (71.7%, 70.8%). In this study, alkali-extractable glucan was not included in the extraction process for the sake of simplicity necessary for the industrial application. However if this step is included in our modified protocol, the glucan yield will be significantly increased. In conclusion, the mannoprotein extraction method from yeast cell wall established in this study may be very effective and applicable in the industrial scale.

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