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        학문 담론의 포스트 식민주의적 권력과 한국 미디어 문화연구의 메타 분석

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국방송학회 2003 한국방송학보 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 문화연구가 짧은 기간 동안 이루어낸 학문적 성과를 자축하면서도 동시에 문화연구의 미래 발전을 위해 자성적 관점에서 운제점올 중심으로 시행한 메타 분석이다. 미디어 문화연구에 초점을 두었으며, 미디어 연구의 주요 학술지인 『한국언론학보』, 『한국방송확보』, 『언론과사회』에 1998년부터 2002년까지 5년간 출판된 전체 논문을 대상으로 분석하였다. 진리를 구가하는 학문적 담론도 사실상 사회 문화 내 만연한 권력의 내부에 속하는 것이며, 현재 한국의 미디어 문화연구가 당연한 권력의 핵심은 세계체제의 변방으로서 세계 학문의 거대한 헤게모니에 부속된 현실이라는 문제의식에서 출발한다. 이때 작용하는 권력은 과거와 달리 지배자가 현시적으로 군림하면서 지배하는 것이 아니고, 피지배자의 자발적 참여에 의해 이루 어지고 있다. 이러한 미시적이고 내밀한 권력의 작용을 파헤치기 위해 포스트식민주의 이론을 활용하고자 한다. 한국 미디어 문화연구가 자발적으로 포스트식민주의적 권력을 지지하고 재생산하는 것은 외국 이론의 자기 성찰 없는 학습, 한국적 컨텍스트를 고려하지 않는 외국 이론과 연구 방법의 모방적 재현을 두드러지게 보이고 있는 텍스트 분석의 만연, 실천을 외면한 정치성의 결여 세 가지로 요약될 수 있다. 여기서는 서구나 동양, 한국과 같은 이론이 발생한 지리적 배경에 따라 포스트식민주의적 권력이 존재하거나 부재 한다는 입장은 아니다. 문제가 되는 것은 외국 이론을 활용했다는 데 있는 것이 아니라, 자기 성찰적 과정으로 토착화시키지 않고 절대 지식처럼 남의 이론을 단순 소개하는 학문의 풍토나, 외국 이론의 전제나 과정, 발견물과 결론까지 전 과정을 그대로 모방하여 한국의 텍스트와 수용자를 자의적으로 맞추는 분석 양식에 대해 문제제기 하고 있는 것이다. 한국 미디어 문화연구에 담지된 포스트식민주의적 권력이 미시적으로 침투하여 아메바적 자기 재생을 거듭하고 있다고 해도 미래가 암담한 것만은 아니다. 포스트사상의 전제에 의하면, 실상 현실의 문제점 내부에 이미 해결 방법이 도사리고 있는 현실의 양면성을 파악할 수 있는 것이다. 한국 미디어 문화연구가 현실적 한계 내에 권력의 지지대로 작용하기도 하지만, 포스트식민주의 이론들이 전제하고 있듯이 학문 담론내의 치열한 투쟁을 통한 일상적 노력을 통해 권력은 새로운 방향으로 기틀 잡을 수도 있는 것이다. 한국 문화연구가 포스프식민주의적 권력의 맥을 서서히 끊고 독립적인 학문의 영역을 확보하기 위해서는 한국적 사례에 대한 부단한 연구, 아론에 대한 자기 성찰적 개발 및 적용, 권력의 실체를 파악할 수 있는 구조에 대한 면밀한 연구가 성행되어야 할 것이다. 한국의 미디어 문화연구들이 개별 연구로 보면 한계를 드러낼 수밖에 없고, 한 연구가 모든 것을 완벽하게 완수 할 수는 없다. 그러나 이들 연구들이 축적적으로 모여 현실의 만연한 문제를 비판적으로 인식하고 변화의 방향을 끊임없이 추구한다면 한국의 마디어 문화연구의 방향은 밝게 다가올 것이다. 현재 문제가 있다고 하여 존재 자체를 부정하고 한국적 문화이론의 도래를 기대하는 것은 해결점이 될 수 없다. 포스트식민주의적 권력에 저항하기 위해 학문 담론 자체에 참여하기룰 거부하고 기존 학문적 연마를 포기하면서 내생적 이론의 탄생을 기다리기 보다는, 다양한 한국의 사례 연구를 통해 권력의 실체를 축적적으로 드러낸다면, 한국 문화연구의 성숙과 독립도 차츰 다가올 것이다. Korean cultural studies have been developed by drawing strong attention and serious criticism altogether for over a decade. This research attempts to review Korean cultural studies and assess their present and the future. This study views that theories of post-colonialism can provide a useful framework to disclose the complex power relations in academic discourse. Korean cultural studies have formed confused cultural identity in the process of adopting Western theories. I have reviewed the three, most well known Korean journals in the communication field: Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies(KJCS); Korean Journal of Broadcasting(KJB); and Media & Society(MS). For five years, from 1998 to 2002, First, the problem that Korean cultural studies are facing is that they do not look into Korean culture per se. It is not only textual analysis, but also audience studies that show the problem with Western ethnocentrism. Second, a more serious problem that Korean cultural studies pertain is that many researchers simply introduce foreign theories. What is lacking in these studies is self-reflection. Third, related to the problems above, the minor point of Korean cultural studies is that there is no politics, hence no practice. In order to overcome the problems with Korean media cultural studies, first, we have to deal with Korean cases as many as possible despite the problem. Second, in order to overcome post-colonial dominance in academia, Korean cultural studies have to develop theories for their own. Rather than the geographical origin, a more important point is in the fact that whether a theory inspires self-reflection or to view human subjects and society critically. Third, experiencing such pervasive power in society including public, private and academic fields, Korean cultural studies should go back to the structure, and scrutinize the Korean context.

      • KCI우수등재

        PC방과 네트워크 게임의 문화연구

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2001 한국언론학보 Vol.45 No.2

        For last two years the game industry has grown rapidly in Korea. The major part of the game industry consists of PC room which has developed since 1997. Presently, there are more than 30,000 PC rooms throughout the nation. It is a place where people go and enjoy network games by paying one or two dollars per hour. In addition to the economic contributions, PC rooms create new cultural penomena, particularly for young people in Korea. In PC rooms, more than 80% of Korean people enjoy the game, Starcraft which was produced by American company, Blizzard. It is no exaggeration to say that Korean PC rooms grow up due to Starcraft. More than 30 thousands of pc room owners rely on Blizzard by buying game packages and paying royalty. PC rooms in Korea serve game users providing not only updated technology but also places for communication. Many Korean young people gather together in PC rooms and play together. Some of them eat and sleep there for a few days while playing Starcraft. In Korea, many game users join guild or clan which are associations for certain games. There are a hundred of starcraft guilds in Korea. Guild members often gather in PC rooms and play the game together. Also they keep contact each other by internet when they are not physically together. In this way, PC rooms became a new cultural center for young people in Korea. This research is looking at the political economy of Korean game industry in relation to world capitalism. It scrutinizes the impact of American game industry on Korean economy. Also this study will focus on cultural meaning of starcraft among Korean game users. Starcraft has changed the audience behavior and restructured the entertainment business in Korea. In order to look at the cultural meaning of Korean game users, this research has adopted an ethnographic study. I got seven interviewees by uploading a note on a board of five different Starcraft guilds. They volunteered to be interviewed. I am having many meetings with them both by group or individually.

      • KCI우수등재

        외국 자본 유입과 미디어 산업 변화에 대한 문화적 접근

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2003 한국언론학보 Vol.47 No.1

        This study focuses on cultural implication of the media industry, particularly the influence of foreign capital. There are two camps disputing each other with regards to the influence of foreign capital on the media industry; one is the economic theory of market principle, and the other is the theory of cultural imperialism. This study attempts to overcome the problems with both theories above, and to disclose the concrete reality in people's everyday lives. I adopt theoretical frameworks of Foucault, Deleuze, and post-colonialism. Although post-colonialism is powerful in detecting internal voices of colonized people, it undermines practices due to overemphasis on interpretation, I attempt to revitalize the importance of practice in cultural studies in general, and post-colonialism in particular. Thus, I am reviewing economic practices and class struggles at the international level while emphasizing the cultural power in it. There are four types of foreign capital invested in the Korean media industry; foreign direct investment, strategic alliance, capital adoption and hot money. I have conducted in-depth interviews with personnels in 10 different companies which adopt foreign capital of one type or another. Interviewees have demonstrated how cultural power was embodied in economic practices in the post-colonial era. These days, foreign capital exercises indirect influences on host countries rather than direct control. That is an application of, what Foucault says, positive power rather than repressive power. Cultural, positive power works by the means of voluntary participation and subjects' alteration. In interviews, most people argue for contributions of foreign capital to domestic media industry. Yet, foreign capital, in reality, does not bring up the ideal market places. Instead, it promote market power of the Korean media industry in the same form of media in home countries.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        한국형 블록버스터 영화의 탈영토화

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2004 한국언론학보 Vol.48 No.2

        This year, the market dominance of Korean films domestically went up to 50% which was very rare in countries throughout the world. People in the Korean film industry are owing this success to the Screen Quota. They are struggling against the demand of the US government. This study examines the way in which Korean films are subjugated to Hollywood movies with regards to technology, aesthetics and the production system. The successful story of the Korean film industry is not, in fact, victory of national culture over the global hegemony of America because subjectivity of Korean films is bewildered by Hollywood's ideology and its political economic power. This study is, first, looking into political economy of the Korean film industry in relation to Hollywood's domination. In Korea, methods of production, distribution and exhibition come to universalize following Hollywood's. Second, this study scrutinizes the similarity between Korean blockbusters and Hollywood films in terms of technology, aesthetics and genre conventions. I adopt post-structuralist theories in order to compare and analyze the film texts. Particularly, Deleuze's theory of film as a movement-image and time-image provides a useful framework to investigate the inner mechanism of how Korean films are imitating Hollywood's.

      • KCI우수등재

        해방전후사, 포스트식민주의 시각에서 본 기억

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2006 한국언론학보 Vol.50 No.6

        This study portrays ideological cleavage in Korean society using Post-colonial theories. Discourse Analysis of TV Drama Seoul 1945 would represent irony of ideological conflicts in our society. Proliferating discussions among the audience of TV Drama Seoul 1945 illustrate an example of divided opinions. In order to analyze the audience discourse, this research looked into opinions written on the public bulletin board of drama Seoul 1945 for 5 weeks from May 20th to June 28th, 20006. 'Ibis was the period when ideological discussions were most vigorous among the audience since TV drama represented the historical stage right after the liberation in 1945. Unlike audiences of other dramas, the audience of Drama Seoul 1945 has been involved in ideological discussions based on historical knowledge instead of simple interests in stars and drama narratives. 'Ibis audience attacked counter parts calling others conservatives or communists one another. Particularly, interpretations of historical figures such as the former President, Lee, Seung Man and communist, Yeo, Yunhyung were most controversial. This study was attempting to disclose the real bases of such disagreements among the audience in particular and ideological disputes in our society in general. I would argue that cleavages in our society illustrate ambivalent power of colonial history adopting post-colonial theories. According to these theories, reality in the past has been suppressed and people exaggerated colonial power. Lost memories are, in fact, the bases of promoting post-colonial power. TV Drama Seoul 1945 represented ambivalent power of post-colonialism by adopting the narrative structure of heroism. Heroism is the visual convention of Hollywood. By imitating the narrative structure of Hollywood, TV Drama Seoul 1945 engages in reproducing post-colonial power.

      • KCI우수등재

        기독교 방송의 이념 성향과 수용자의 시청 양식에 대한 문화연구

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2007 한국언론학보 Vol.51 No.6

        This study attempts to develop a cultural approach to Christian television look-ing at the ideological base and viewing patterns of the audience. In the communication field, few study of Christianity has been elaborated under the principle of division of politics and religion which shares the view of modern science. This re-search examines ideological orientations of Christian television adopting a cultural approach. Ideological position of American Christian television lies in fundamentalism which has been historically constructed based on its own social context. This particular ideological stand has been distributed into Christian televisions all over the world. Korea is not the exception that demonstrates fundamentalism in its TV programs. Additionally, political economic analysis of Christian television is an important aspect. Also, this study looks into the audience's viewing pattern of Christian television in the USA. I have conducted focus group interviews in addition to individual in-depth interviews. Interview subjects are consisted of diverse people including Afro-American, Korean American as well as Caucasian.

      • KCI우수등재

        신데렐라 콤플렉스의 역전이와 코라

        윤선희(Sunny Yoon) 한국언론학회 2005 한국언론학보 Vol.49 No.2

        Recently, Korean TV dramas have often illustrated cinderella stories, and brought up criticism from diverse sectors of the society. Particularly, feminist activists argue against the commercial use of cinderella complex and many people concur with this view. There are three different discourse of why cinderella stories are booming these days; economic difficulty, cultural transformation in our society and evolution of drama itself as a genre. This study attempts to explain the contemporary trends of TV dramas in a more deeper level than those discourses. I conducted an audience study as well as textual analysis in order to disclose the reason why today's audience newly enjoys the old cinderella story. Theoretically, I adopt psychoanalysis, especially feminist one. Theories of Irigaray and Kristeva are frequently cited in this research. Particularly the concept of Chora that Kristeva has initiated provides the main framework with interpreting drama texts. Cinderella complex is socially constructed by male desire. The female audience enjoys TV dramas from various motivations instead of solely desiring social mobility or male protection. This represents diverse desires of women that cannot be controlled by dominant ideology in this society.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

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