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        The Impact of Voice Journals on University Students’ Speaking Skills in Blended Learning

        윤서영 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2015 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.18 No.4

        The emergence of CLT has brought on a shift in L2 instruction, and EFL learners are now asked to produce spoken discourse that is both accurate and comprehensible in communicative situations. However, the unfortunate reality is that the classrooms are overcrowded, and there is a lack of interaction and exposure to the target language. To make up for the lack, voice journals and BBS are used in this study to investigate the impact they have on the students’ speaking skills and their perspectives. The subjects were sixty-two university students in a speaking class. Data collection instruments included a questionnaire, class observation, learner produced voice journal entries, and reflective journals. The major findings were as follows. First, the participants showed interest towards voice journals and blended learning, but the majority had not experienced it in prior to the study. Second, they had positive perspectives towards voice journals in blended learning, especially regarding interest. Third, the students found voice journals to provide them with more chances to speak and enjoyed the interaction, but wanted more corrective feedback. Finally, voice journals in blended learning were effective for improving the students’ speaking skills. Based on the findings, suggestions, and implications are provided.

      • 주요국의 대이란 제재조치가 이란 경제에 미치는 영향 전망 및 시사점

        윤서영 대외경제정책연구원 2010 지역경제포커스 Vol.2010 No.10

        ▣ 지난 6월, UN의 제4차 이란 제재결의안 채택 이후 미국의 이란 제재법을 필두로 각국이 독자적인 이란 제재조치를 발표하고 있음. - 미국의 「포괄적 이란제재법」에 이어 EU, 일본 등이 독자적 이란 제재조치를 발표하였으며, 우리 정부 또한 지난 9월 8일 이란 제재안을 발표함. ▣ 주요국은 금융과 에너지부문을 중심으로 이란에 제재를 가하고 있으며, 이는 이란이 직면하고 있는 문제를 더욱 가중시킬 것으로 보임. - 현재 이란은 △투자부족으로 인한 낮은 원유 생산량 △국내 정제유 수요증가에 따른 수급차질 및 재정부담 △만성적인 물가상승 △실업률 증가 및 두뇌유출로 인한 노동시장 악화 등의 경제현안에 직면하고 있음. - 국제사회의 제재로 이란 경제는 대외적으로 외국인투자 위축, 자본이탈, 교역규모의 축소를 겪을 것이며, 대내적으로 재정 및 물가상승 악화를 겪을 것으로 보임. 이는 중장기적으로 이란 경제기반의 약화 및 실업증가로 이어질 것임. - 특히 이란 에너지부문 투자에 대한 제재는 제재기간이 장기화될수록 이란 경제 전반에 큰 파급효과를 나타낼 것으로 보임. ▣ 국제사회의 이란 제재의 실질적 효과는 국제유가 수준에 따라 크게 달라질 수 있으므로 유가전망 및 이란의 대응전략을 주시할 필요가 있음. - 또한 이번 경제제재를 계기로 이란의 교역선이 재설정될 것으로 예상됨에 따라 우리의 대이란 중장기 진출 전략에 대한 점검이 요구됨.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hybridity of Ghanaian Popular Music: Focused on Hiplife

        윤서영 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 아프리카연구소 2015 Asian Journal of African Studies Vol.37 No.-

        Hiplife, a genre of pop music from Ghana that began to develop in the 1990s, is now a growing trend in that country. It is a mixture of highlife music, which gained popularity among young Ghanaians in the 1980s, and hip-hop music borrowed from Western culture. In other words, hiplife is a combination of Ghana’s traditional music and Western pop music. In any given society there will always be the establishment (or the center) and the underclass (or the fringes). Conquest and governance continue around the world, regardless of the changing times and the advent of postmodernism, and Ghana is no exception to this rule. In Ghana, as elsewhere, young people challenge and attempt to break the upper class through popular culture. The key to this challenge is “hybridity”. This paper researches the hybridity of hiplife music based on a concept of Gilles Deleuze. It also examines the hybrid characteristic of this music, which is a means of defying the upper class, and was created as a deterritorialization area based on young Ghanaians’ desire to escape from dichotomous boundaries.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Explicit Listening Instruction on Teacher Preparation Practices in Blended Learning

        윤서영,이충현 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2012 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.15 No.4

        This study investigated the impact of explicit listening instruction in blended learning on teacher preparation practices of pre-service teachers to suggest appropriate listening instruction for teacher training programs. The study was conducted for 16 weeks at a university in Seoul with 14 pre-service teachers in intermediate listening course who had practicum in the same semester. Major findings of the study are as follows. First,the participants were able to apply explicit listening instruction in their teaching practice. Second, the participants felt that explicit instruction in blended learning was beneficial in their own teaching practice. Third, 8 participants considered their teaching practice during practicum to be successful, 1 partially successful, and 4 unsuccessful. Fourth, the difficulties and problems in L2 listening lesson in teaching practice during practicum were lack of feedback and interaction, lack of knowledge and experience,lack of time, mixed level classes, lack of appropriate materials, and lack of motivation and interest. Fifth, the needs for conducting a successful L2 listening lessons were teacher training on effective teaching methods and techniques, authentic listening materials, level differentiated classes, provision of appropriate teaching environment and technology, syllabus and curriculum design, and teacher ability in TETE. Suggestions and implication using explicit listening instruction in blended learning are also provided. *

      • KCI등재

        Bacteremia Caused by Corynebacterium amycolatum with a Novel Mutation in gyrA Gene that Confers High-Level Quinolone Resistance

        윤서영,김희정,이양순,김신영 대한진단검사의학회 2011 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.31 No.1

        Although Corynebacterium amycolatum can cause opportunistic infections, it is commonly considered as contaminant. In this report, we present a case of bacteremia caused by C. amycolatum with a novel mutation in the gyrA gene that confers high-level quinolone resistance to the organism.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 한 대학병원 혈액원에서의 헌혈자선별검사 결과(2006∼2008)

        윤서영,김문정,박규은,김현옥,김현숙 대한수혈학회 2009 大韓輸血學會誌 Vol.20 No.3

        Background: Any data on the prevalence of the infectious diseases of blood donors at a university hospital-based blood bank is not available. We aimed to analyze the seroincidence of screening tests from blood donors at a university hospital-based blood bank in Korea. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed all the samples of blood donors during the previous three years from January 2006 to December 2008. HBsAg and HIV Ab/Ag Combo test were performed by chemiluminescent immunoassays, and anti-HCV was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and electrochemiluminescent immunoassay. Serologic testing for syphilis was done by VDRL (venereal disease research laboratory test) and RPR (rapid plasma regain test). Results: The number of total blood donors that underwent screening tests were 1,279 in 2006, 1,355 in 2007 and 941 in 2008, respectively. HBsAg was positive in 8 cases among the 1,279 donors (0.63%) in 2006, in 10 cases of the 1,355 donors (0.74%) in 2007 and in 5 cases of the 941 donors (0.53%) in 2008. Anti-HCV was positive in 3 cases (0.24%) in 2006, 2 cases (0.15%) in 2007 and 2 cases (0.21%) in 2008. One of them was dual positive for HBsAg and anti-HCV. There’s no positive case of anti-HIV (0%) during the 3 years. Serologic testing for syphilis (VDRL) was positive in 7 cases (0.55%) in 2006, in 5 cases (0.37%) in 2007 and in 5 cases (0.53%) in 2008. Conclusion: The seroincidence was different between a university hospital-based blood bank and the Korean Red Cross Blood Service center. This difference might be due to the composition of donors, i.e., autologous blood donors and directed donors in the university-based blood bank. 배경: 의료기관 혈액원의 헌혈자 선별검사 결과에 대한 분석은 현재까지 많지 않다. 서울에 위치한 한 대학병원 혈액원에서 검사한 최근 3년간의 헌혈자 선별검사 결과를 후향적으로 조사하여 의료기관 혈액원에 내원한 헌혈자 선별검사의 양성률을 알아 보고자 하였다. 방법: 2006년 1월 1일부터 2008년 12월 31일까지 3년 동안 실시된 총 헌혈자 선별검사를 대상으로 그 결과들을 후향적으로 조사하였다. HBsAg 과 HIV Ab/Ag Combo 검사는 화학발광 미세입자 면역분석법을 사용하였으며, anti-HCV는 2006년과 2007년에는 효소면역법 검사로, 2008년에는 전기화학발광면역법으로 실시하였으며, 매독의 혈청검사는 VDRL 검사를 사용하였다. 결과: 세브란스병원에서 3년간 실시한 총 헌혈자 검사는 3,575건으로서, 2006년에는 총 1,279명에 대해 헌혈자 선별검사를 실시하였고, 2007년에는 1,355명, 그리고 2008년에는 941명에 대해서 헌혈자 선별검사를 실시하였다. 따라서 대상기간 3년간 총 3,575명의 결과를 분석하였다. HBsAg 검사의 양성 결과는 2006년 총 1,279건의 헌혈 중 8건(0.63%), 2007년 1,355건 중 10건(0.74%), 2008년에는 941건 중 5건(0.53%)이었다. Anti-HCV의 경우 양성 결과는 2006년에는 3건(0.24%), 2007년 2건(0.15%), 2008년 2건(0.21%)이었다. 이 중 1명은 HBsAg과 anti-HCV가 모두 양성이었다. Anti- HIV는 3년간 양성이 전혀 없었고, VDRL은 2006년 7건(0.55%), 2007년 5건(0.37%), 2008년 5건(0.53%)의 양성 결과가 있었다. 결론: 의료기관 혈액원에 내원하는 헌혈자의 선별검사 양성률은 일반 혈액원 헌혈자의 결과와 차이가 있었다. 이는 대상의 차이에서 기인된 원인으로 생각되는데, 특히 의료기관 혈액원에 자가혈액을 예치하기 위해 방문하는 자가헌혈자들의 선별검사나 지정헌혈자가 많기 때문인 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of thyroid nodules in infant with congenital hypothyroidism

        윤서영,이정호,장윤우,이동환 대한소아청소년과학회 2014 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.57 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to assess the characteristics of thyroid nodules among infants diagnosedwith congenital hypothyroidism. Methods: A retrospective study of 660 infants (374 males, 286 females) diagnosed with congenitalhypothyroidism was carried out at the Pediatric Endocrine Clinic in Soonchunhyang University Hospital,Korea, between May 2003 and February 2013. The average age at diagnosis was 1.16±1.68 months. Results: Of the 28 patients (4.2%) with thyroid nodules, 17 (2.6%) had cystic thyroid nodules and11 (1.6%) had solid thyroid nodules. There were no significant differences in gender or age betweencongenital hypothyroidism patients who hadthyroid nodules and those who did not. All nodules wereasymptomatic. The average age at diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism with nodules was 1.42±1.39months. All detected nodules measured less than 1 cm in diameter. Twenty-two of the 28 infants(78.6%) had only one nodule, while multiple nodules were found in 6 infants (21.4%). Of the 28 infantsdiagnosed with nodules, 16 underwent thyroid ultrasonography during follow-up and 8 of them (50%)showed no signs of nodules at thyroid ultrasonography. Conclusion: The prevalence of thyroid nodules in infants with congenital hypothyroidism was 4.2%. Most thyroid nodules were small in size and benign, disappearing during follow-up observation. Wetherefore conclude that thyroid nodules in infants with congenital hypothyroidism can simply be observed anddo not require direct treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Student Readiness for AI Instruction: Perspectives on AI in University EFL Classrooms

        윤서영 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2019 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.22 No.4

        This present study investigates the university students’ readiness for using AI in EFL classrooms. For the study, 310 university freshmen and sophomores participated in a questionnaire on the general perspectives on AI, the roles of AI in ELT/L, and the use of AI in ELT/L. The quantitative data collected was analyzed using SPSS, and qualitative data from open-ended questions was analyzed by frequency. The findings of the study suggest that the participants are interested in AI and consider it useful and convenient, but at the same time, they feel threatened by it. Their perspectives on the roles of AI showed that they feel AI is not appropriate as teachers for middle school and younger, for counseling, and for skills involving language output and interaction. There were statistical differences found among proficiency levels. In addition, regardless of their perspectives on appropriateness of AI, they showed strong preference for human teachers for their own classrooms. It was also found that the participants displayed negative perspectives towards AI presence, showing what they think is appropriate is not necessarily what they prefer when it comes to implementing it to their own classrooms.

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