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      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 간접화행의 인지적 기제에 관한 연구 -중국어 토크쇼 담화 분석을 기반으로

        윤비취 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2019 中國硏究 Vol.78 No.-

        Until recently, research on indirect Speech Act in Chinese has been conducted steadily. Therefore, I analyzed on indirect Speech Act Cognitive mechanisms. The results are listed below: In the first, I tried to analyze the structure of Rhetorical Questions, and confirmed that existence of illocutionary force referent. In addition to, I confirmed that it generate 'pressure the passive to do specific Act' construction meaning. Second, I analyzed that the Cognitive mechanisms through Subjectification and objectification. An analysis of discourse shows that it serve as an euphemistic nuance through Subjectification mechanisms work in Request Speech Act. On the other hand, It serve as Standardization of the Speakers idea through objectification mechanisms work in Reprehension Speech Act. And third, 'Metaphor' is one of the most frequently used Cognitive mechanisms. I tried to analyze the Abstract concept 'Time' and 'Youth' crystallizes into 'Metaphor' based on Chinese discourse. 최근까지 중국어 간접화행에 관한 연구는 꾸준히 시행되고 있지만, 대부분 언어형식과 화용의미 간의 관계나 화용기능에 관한 것들이었다. 이에 본 논문은 중국어 간접화행의 유형화를 시도하고, 이에 수행되는 인지적 기제들에 대하여 분석하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 관습적 간접화행에서 사용되는 반어문의 유형을 살펴보고 발화수반력 지시체가 존재함을 확인하였다. 또한 발화수반력 지시체를 통하여 수동자로 하여금 특정 행위를 하도록 독촉하는 구문의미가 생성됨을 확인하였다. 둘째, 간접화행에서 주관화와 객관화로 수행되는 인지적 기제에 관해 살펴보았다. 담화 텍스트를 분석한 결과 요청을 담화 의도로 삼고 있을 경우에는 주관화 기제가 작용하여 어감을 부드럽게 하는 기능을 하였다. 반면에 질책이나 권고의 담화 의도를 담화 의도로 가질 경우에는 객관화 기제가 작용하여 화자의 생각을 규범화하는 화용적 기능을 수행하였다. 셋째, 중국어 비관습적 간접화행에서 빈번히 사용하는 인지적 기제 중 하나는 은유이다. 본 논문에서는 ‘시간’과 ‘젊음’의 추상적 개념이 은유를 통해 구체화 되어 사용된 담화 텍스트를 기반으로 분석을 시도하였다.

      • KCI등재

        호환 관계를 이루는 중국어 동사복사구문과 把구문의 의미기능 분석

        윤비취 중국어문논역학회 2024 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.- No.54

        본 논문은 동사복사구문과 把구문이 서로 호환 관계를 이루는 요인과 두 문형이 나타내는 구문의미 상의 차이에 관해 분석하였다. 먼저, 두 문형의 호환 관계를 이루는 주요 요인으로는 우선 보어와 목적어의 의미지향의 관계적 특징을 확인하고 두 구문의 목적어가 지니는 한정성 여부와 구문의미가 어떠한 영향을 주는지 살펴보았다. 다음으로, 두 문형의 구문의미 상 차이에 대해 고찰하였다. 그 결과로, 동사복사구문은 통상성과 반복성의 의미를 나타냄을 확인하였다. 또한 두 구문이 나타내는 주관성과 객관성의 차이에 대해 살펴보았으며, 명제에 대한 화자의 개입 여부가 구문의미 상에서 중요하게 작용함을 확인하였다. This paper analyzed the factors that make Verb-Copying Construction and 把Construction compatible with each other and the differences in the Const ruction meaning. First, as the main factor that constitutes the transformation relationship between the two sentence patterns. first of all, the meaning-oriented relation ship between the complement and the object is characterized. and we looked at the limitations of the objects of the two phrases and how the Construction meaning affects them. Next, the difference in Construction meaning between the two sentence patterns was considered. One is that only Verb-Copying Construction among the two Phrases represents generality and repeatability. The other is the difference between subjectivity and objectivity expressed by the two phrases. From this, it can be seen that the speaker’s intervention in Proposition is an important role in Construction meaning.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 대조 분석을 통한 중국어 연동문의 범주 연구

        윤비취 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2023 中國硏究 Vol.97 No.-

        In this paper, the category problem of Chinese serial-verb Construction was considered, and the internal meaning of serial-verb Construction was analyzed through correspondence with Korean. The results are as follows. First, as a result of reviewing previous studies on Chinese serial-verb Construction, there is still no consensus on the category of Chinese serial-verb Construction. In addition, it was confirmed that the results of the contrast study with Korean were blank. Second, the existing definition of the serial-verb Construction confirmed that the conditions for category setting were insufficient. Accordingly, this paper confirmed that one subject and both verbs must be directly related meaningfully, and that they are distinguished from parallel relationships because the position of the preceding and following cognitive movements is fixed. Third, by examining the correspondence relationship with Korean for the serial- verb Construction, it was confirmed that Korean appeared as a continuous sentence and an inner sentence. In addition, it was confirmed that the first verb of the serial-verb Construction corresponds to an adverbial clause or an official clause, each with a subordinate clause connection ending in Korean, depending on the meaning indicated.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘NP+是+XP’구문의 의미 기능(1)

        윤비취 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.132

        This paper tried to analyzing the Semantic Function of ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction based on a Cognitive and Pragmatic Perspective. The results are as follows. First, I confirmed that the research on ‘是’ Construction has been regarded as an independent Construction since the 21st Century, and research has been actively conducted. However, it was confirmed that the research results on the Semantic Function of the ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction have not been completely consistent so far, so it has not been established as a Single Theory, and most of them are concentrated on the Focus Marking Function. Second, I confirmed that the ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction is an Epistemic Modality that indicates the Confidence or Identification of the speaker‘s Proposition. First of all, the Meaning of the ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction which indicates Confidence has a Limitation in the Situation. In addition, there was a strong Determinacy of certain Events in the past. Next, the case of the ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction indicating Identification expressed the Meaning of Identifying Speaker’s Judgment on the case through Specific Background Information. Third, the ‘NP+是+XP’ Construction express an Explanation Function in which the Speaker explained the Proposition. I confirmed that the Construction was divided into Functions of ‘explaining Reasons or Causes’ and ‘explaining Propositions’. In the former, a Sequential relationship of ‘Consequential Event+Cause, Reason’ was established on a Logical basis. On the other hand, the latter analyzed by Dividing the case where the Contrast between Positive and Negative coexists and the case where the additional Situation related to the Action after ‘是’ was placed as the Focus Area.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국어 공손표현 기제 연구

        윤비취 한국중국언어문화연구회 2017 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.45

        In order to communicate between the speaker and listener, the sociolinguistic competence is of foremost importance with grammatical competence. Based on this point, this paper was performed to study on expression of politeness in Chinese. In addition, this paper describes how to express of politeness in Chinese is used in the discourse from views of pragmatic. First, as for illocutionary expression of politeness, it is divided into phrase, auxiliary word of tone. The former is the causative verb ‘请’, the latter is the verb reduplication in Chinese. As touching expression of politeness by auxiliary word of tone, I used the example sentence of ‘吧’ and ‘呢’. Second, as for perlocutionary expression of politeness, it is divided into adjunct to head act, euphemistic pragmatic markers. The former is divided into ‘好吗’, ‘行吗’, ‘可以吗’, ‘能不能 VP?’, ‘能 VP 吗?’, and the latter is divided into the adverb ‘好像’, ‘可能’, ‘也许’, and the interpolation ‘我想’, ‘我觉得’. I have examined thoroughly how to express of politeness in Chinese is used in the Chinese dialogue. I hope that this paper will be able to save minimize errors in Chinese pragmatic and Chinese discourse comprehension.

      • KCI등재

        구문분석기법을 통한 중국어 시량보어구조 연구

        윤비취 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.44

        A Chinese Duration complements has been discussed by the academic world of Korea up to recently. According to previous studies, it was completely focused on grammar structure of the verb, but there is not much research about the Chinese Duration complements structure through Conjunctive structure analysis. According to this point, this paper tried to discuss two things about the Chinese Duration complements from the previous research, tried to determine the limitation of syntactic analysis, and tried to consider the constructional meaning of Chinese Duration complements. The results are listed below. In the first, according to previous studies, the structural difference of Chinese Duration complements is depend on the verb, but the difference of constructional meaning is related with object and the position of Chinese Duration component. Second, I confirmed that it’s impossible to change the structure of ‘S+V₁+C+O’ among the verb-copying sentence including Duration complements. In addition to, it was depends on the relationship ‘V-O’. And third, I tried to analyze the factors through Conjunctive structure analysis. In other words, tried to review about the lexicalization of word and the function of focus of Chinese Duration complements in the structure of ‘S+V₁+C+O’. 현재까지 시량보어에 대한 학계의 논의는 비교적 활발하게 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 기존의 연구들을 살펴보면 대부분 동사의 특성에 따른 문법구조의 차이에 집중되어 있는데 반해, 시량보어의 구문연구에 관한 연구는 수량이 많지 않다. 본고에서는 시량보어구문과 관련된 학계의 연구결과를 두 가지로 정리하였다. 이를 바탕으로 먼저 통사적 분석의 연구적 한계에 관해 기술하고, 중국어 시량보어의 구문의미를 고찰해보았다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기존 연구결과에 근거하면 시량보어구문의 구조적인 차이는 ‘동사의 성질’에 달려 있지만 구문의미상의 차이는 ‘목적어’와 ‘시량성분’의 위치와 관련이 깊은 것을 확인하였다. 둘째, 시량보어를 내포하고 있는 동사복사구문 중에는 ‘S+V₁+C+O’ 구조로 변형이 불가능한 경우도 있으며, 이는 동사의 특성에 따른 동사와 목적어의 관계에 있음을 확인하였다. 셋째, 시량보어구문에서 통사적인 접근으로 분석이 불충분했던 요인들을 구문의미를 기반으로 하여 분석해 보았다. 즉, ‘S+V₁+C+O’ 구조가 가지는 ‘시량성분이 가지는 초점기능’에 관하여 검토해보았다.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 동사복사문의 양태 의미 연구

        윤비취 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2020 中國硏究 Vol.83 No.-

        According to this point, this paper consider to Independent Construction. and tried to consider 'S+V1+O+V2+C' Structural features and Modality Meaning. The results are listed below. In the first, the Verb-copying Construction is not to express Special act, but represent an event. I confirmed that the whole sentence serves as a Noun phrase. Second, I confirmed that 'V1' limited verb's activity, and has the 'stagnant' in the 'S+V1+O+V2+C' Structure. On the other hand, 'V2' has the verb's 'activity'. And third, I tried to analyze the Verb-copying Sentence in relation to 'Modality', which represent a speaker's subjective attitude. As a result, the Verb-copying Sentence was related to the Modality of 'Certainty' or 'Probability' in Proposition. 본고에서는 동사복사문을 하나의 독립된 구조로 보고, 'S+V1+O+V2+C' 문형의 특징과 양태 의미에 대하여 고찰해 보았다. 분석의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 동사복사구은 특정 동작 행위를 나타내려는 것이 아니라 하나의 사건을 나타내려는 데에 목적이 있다. 즉, 전체 문장은 하나의 명사구와 같은 기능을 하게 됨을 확인하였다. 둘째, 'S+V1+O+V2+C' 문형에서 'V1'은 동사의 동작성이 제한되어 '정태성'을 가진다. 반면에 'V2'는 술어의 '동태성'을 가진다는 것을 확인하였다. 셋째, 동사복사구을 화자의 주관적인 태도를 나타내는 '양태'와 관련지어 분석하였다. 그 결과 동사복사구은 명제에 대한 '확실성' 또는 '개연성'을 나타내는 양태와 관련이 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 비관습적 간접화행의 인지적 분석 ― 개념적 은유와 개념적 혼성을 중심으로

        윤비취 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.117

        This article is a study on Unconventional Indirect Speech Act from a Cognitive point of view. As a result, I confirmed that it was made into Conceptual Metaphor and Conceptual Blending working in the Indirect Speech Act. In the first, Metaphor refers to a Cognitive process that understands mapping Target domain through Source domain based on the empirical foundation. It is a Conceptual Metaphor that define the Metaphor as ‘A is B’. and I confirmed that the Conceptual Blending theory is a developed theory to solve a phenomenon the Conceptual Metaphor can’t explain. Second, I tried to analyze the ‘conversational Implicature’, which often appears in Unconventional Indirect Speech Act of modern Chinese, into the Conceptual Metaphor. And third, I confirmed the Conceptual Metaphor is incomplete to explain Unconventional Indirect Speech Act in Modern Chinese. Therefore, I tried to analyze on Conceptual Blending theory.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 동사복사문의 문형에 따른 한국어 대응 관계 고찰 - 상태보어와 결과보어를 수반한 문형을 중심으로

        尹翡翠(Beach Yoon) 중국어문논역학회 2021 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.- No.48

        본고에서는 동사복사문을 하나의 독립된 문형으로 보고 SVOV"C 문형의 의미기능에 따른 한국어 대응 관계를 고찰하였다. 분석 결과 동사복사문의 문형은 초래의미, 능동의미, 양태의미를 나타내며, 중국어 동사복사문과 한국어의 대응 양상이 완전히 규칙적이지는 않았다. 먼저, 상태보어를 수반한 동사복사문의 문형 중에서 [+평가]의 의미를 나타내는 경우 한국어는 주로 부사어의 수식을 받는 홀문장으로 표현되며 동사복사문의 중복 동사와 대응되는 한국어의 부사형어미는 생략되었다. 다음으로, 동사복사문에서 결과보어를 수반하거나 상태보어를 수반하여 [+묘사]의 의미를 나타내는 경우 한국어는 주로 부사절로 이어진 문장의 겹문장으로 표현되며 동사복사문의 중복 동사는 한국어의 부사형어미와 대응되었다. In this paper I tried to analyze Verb-copying Sentence as an Independent Sentence Pattern and examines the Korean Correspondence Relationship according to the Sentence Patterns of the SVOV"C Sentence Pattern. As a result of the analysis, the Pattern of Verb-copying Sentence express Causative Meaning, Active Meaning and Modality Meaning. and I confirmed that the Correspondence Pattern of Verb-copying Sentence between the Chinese and Korean was not completely regular. First, in the case which the Meaning of [+evaluation] is indicated in the Sentence Pattern of Verb-copying Sentence correspond to Korean Single Sentence with a Adverb. and I confirmed that V" in Verb-copying Sentence correspond to Korean Subordinate Connective ending is ommited. Second, in the case which the Meaning of [+description] is indicated with the Result Complement or the Status Complement in Verb-copying Sentence, the Korean was mainly expressed as a Sentence with a Adverbial Clause included as a Double Sentence of Consecutive Sentences. and I confirmed that V" in Verb-copying Sentence correspond to Subordinate Connective ending of Korean.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 교육을 위한 동사복사문의 의미기능 연구 - 상태보어와 결과보어를 중심으로

        尹翡翠(Yoon, Beach) 중국어문학연구회 2020 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.124

        This paper tried to classifying verb which is uses in Verb-copying Sentence, and finding way to apply functional meaning of Verb-copying Sentence in educational part. First, I confirmed that the verb which is used in Verb-copying Sentence can be classified with Volitional Verb, Non Volitional Verb and Static Verb. The three types of Verb is Sub-divided into three categories by Argument Structure. Second, I tried to analyze the Syntax educational method of Verb-copying Sentence was investigated in this paper. The Sentence structure of Verb-copying Sentence is classified into Basic level and Intermediate level․Advance level depending on the level of learning. And We should educate the Internal structure of Verb-copying Sentence in Chinese is classified into VP1 and VP2, which can perform several difference of functions. Third, I tried to analyze the Meaning educational method of Verb-copying Sentence was investigated in this paper. As a result, I confirmed that the Copied verb in Chinese is corresponded with Adverb or Predicate in Korean, and Sentence structure of Verb-copying Sentence express Causative Meaning and Active Meaning. Fourth, I tried to analyze the Pragmatic educational method of Verb-copying Sentence was investigated in this paper. I confirmed that Verb-copying Sentence is deeply related with Modality, which Speaker’s Subjective Attitude of Proposition. And in Chinese to comply with restriction of single New information , sentence for of Verb-copying Sentence can be used.

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