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      • KCI등재

        1920년대 주작인의 조선인식 연구 -김홍선과의 교우 및 전기적 자료를 중심으로-

        육령 ( Lu Ling ) 국제어문학회 2021 국제어문 Vol.- No.90

        중국 근대의 저명한 문학인이자 신문학운동을 촉진하는 데 큰 기여를 했던 중국 근대 지식인 주작인(周作人, 1885-1967)은 북경대학의 일본문학과(후에 동방문학과)의 창립을 주도한 인물이다. 이에 따라 그간 학계에서는 주작인의 일본인식과 관련된 연구가 많이 이루어졌다. 그러나 1920년대에 주작인은 조선에 대해서도 많은 관심을 가졌음은 흔히 간과되어 왔다. 1910년대부터 톨스토이의 인도주의와 러시아의 무정부주의사상의 영향을 많이 받았던 그는 인간을 하나의 운명공동체로 인식하며 “중외(中外)”를 구분하지 않고 즉 민족과 국가의 한계를 넘어가고자 했다. 물론 주작인의 조선인식은 그의 일본인식과 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있다. 당대의 일본은 이미 노쇠화된 중국이나 1910년 한일합방으로 인해 식민지로 전락된 조선을 모두 타자화하고 있었다. 일본이라는 근대지식장에서 대학 교육을 받았던 주작인은 일본을 연구하는 과정에서 조선, 즉 또 다른 타자를 만나게 되었다. 1919년, 주작인은 자신의 일본 기행문에서 일본의 신촌 지역 방문 도중 열차 삼등실에서 만났던 조선농부에 관한 이야기를 남기고 있으며 1920년에는 조선어 교재를 이용해서 조선어를 배우기도 하였다. 그는 일본에서 유통되고 있는 조선과 관련된 서적을 읽는가 하면, 세계어를 매개로 조선의 시인― 오상순과 무정부주의자와 직접적인 만남을 이루기도 하였다. 또한 독립운동에 열중했던 북경 평민대학의 조선인 유학생 김홍선(金弘善)과 교류가 있었으며, “취생(翠生)”이라는 필명으로 중국어 소설을 창작한 이 조선청년을 중국문단에 소개시켰다. 1926년에 자신의 조선인식을 집중적으로 드러낸 「이완용과 박열」이라는 글을 남기기도 했으며 1929년에는 북경대학 강사였던 조선 불교 연구가 김구경과도 왕래했다. 이에 본고는 주작인의 조선과의 만남의 계기와 경로가 시간의 추이에 따라 어떻게 달라지고 있으며, 또 그것이 그의 조선인식에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 이렇게 함으로써 주작인의 근대인식 및 동아시아 시야의 형성에 있어서 조선이라는 타자가 기여했던 역할과 의미를 밝히고자 한다. 즉 본 연구에서는 주작인과 조선유학생 김홍선과의 지적 교류와 관련된 새로운 실증적 자료를 제시하는 한편, 주작인의 전기적 자료 속의 조선과 관련된 텍스트를 분석대상으로 삼아 그의 조선인식의 특수성을 살펴봤다. 이러한 작업은 근대 동아시아의 문화교류와 상호인식을 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 생각한다. Zhou Zuoren(1885-1967), the Chinese modern intellectual who contributed greatly to promoting China’s new literature movement, was also recognized as the founder of the Department of Japanese Literature (later Eastern Literature) at Peking University. Naturally, much of research on his recognition of Japan has been done. However, in the 1920s, the author showed much interest in Joseon. Having been heavily influenced by Tolstoy’s humanitarian, Russian anarchist and socialist ideas since the 1910s, he recognized humans as one fateful community and sought to overcome the limits of the nation and state without distinction. In 1919, he wrote an article about a Joseon farmer whom he met in a third-class carriage during a visit to the “Atarashiki Mura” area of Japan, and learned Korean from a Joseon language textbook in 1920. Even though he had never been to Joseon, but because of “Esperanto”, he later met with Joseon’s poet Oh Sang-soon and anarchist. He also met with Kim Hong-sun, a Korean student in Beijing who resists Japanese imperialism as an active subject, and he introduced an mysterical Joseon writer-“Cuisheng”, who created a Chinese novel for the Chinese literary community. In 1926, he wrote “Lee Wan-yong and Park Yeol”, which reflected his typical recognition of Joseon. In 1929, he also met with Kim Ku-kyung, who was also a lecturer at Peking University. This study mainly revealed new empirical data related to Zhou Zuoren’s intellectual exchange with the Joseon student, and examined the special nature of his Joseon recognition by analyzing texts related to Joseon in the author’s biographical materials. This work will further the understanding of cultural exchanges and perception of “the Other” in modern East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        이시카와 다쿠보쿠(石川啄木)의 시 「끝없는 토론 뒤(はてしなき議論の後)」의 한ㆍ중 수용양상 비교 : 김기진과 주작인(周作人)의 경우를 중심으로

        육령 ( Ling¸ Lu ) 국제비교한국학회 2020 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.28 No.3

        This paper focuses on examining the aspects of the acceptance of Takuboku’s “After an Endless Discussion” in East Asian. Especially Kim Ki-jin’s “Sigh of the White-hands” in Korea and the translation of this poem by the Chinese main author Zhou Zuoren. After analyzing the background and meaning of this poem, I reviewed the background and different purposes, and the methods and effects of acceptance. As a translation case, their various understanding of “Vnarod” in the poem is considered to have its own independent value. The “Vnarod” movement is a historic event known to the international society as Russia’s social movement, but it has been propagated through Kroportkin’s autobiography and continues to play its role in intellectual products around the world. In the case of Takuboku Ishikawa, it serves as a recommendation to intellectuals of the time, with the sorrow for the Japanese anarchists who was killed by the Japanese government Takuboku created this poem, “After an Endless Discussion”. However, Kim Ki-jin, who read Takuboku’s poem, created a poem called “Sigh of the White-hands.” Starting from the reality of Joseon, which was eroded by Japan, especially the Korean people’s helplessness felt through the massacre of Koreans during the Great East Japan Earthquake. Later, it actively promoted the rural enlightenment movement of Joseon. In the case of the Zhou Zuoren, he has already published articles on the “Vnarod” movement and anarchism since 1907, and he has been eagerly watching the social situation, including Japan’s incidents, and changes in the Japanese literary world. And he had full knowledge of Takuboku’s ideas and literary values. With the development of the student movement and the New Cultural Movement, the atmosphere of the times in China at that time bacame amore intense. Yet many young people are still only talking and not getting into action. Pointing to this reality, the author translated Takuboku’s “After the Endless Discussion” in 1920. It also has to do with his interest in ‘Vnarod’ and ‘Sinchon Movement.’ In terms of understanding ‘Vnarod’, Kim Ki-jin understands that it is going to the people, but Zhou was influenced by folklore and cultural anthropology. At the same time, they have many similarities in their fondness for Russian literature, their tendency to emphasize the close relationship between life and art (literature), and their willingness to participate in the reform of society through literature.

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