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      • KCI등재

        노년기 세대관계 유형에 관한 종단연구(1): 변화 양상을 중심으로

        유희정 ( Hi Jung Yoo ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2011 한국가족복지학 Vol.31 No.-

        This paper is a new attempt in that the typology of intergenerational relations are derived from latent class analysis method. This study also traces the change of the typology of intergenerational relations longitudinally during a period of 4 years by analyzing the panel data. The preexisting panel data, HAS(Hallym Aging Study) the 1 wave data(2003, T1) and the 3 wave data(2007, T2) are used. The respondents were the 916 parents who were over 65 years at T1. The typology of the intergenerational relations are analyzed by the latent class analysis method. 6 variables are used as indicators for the typology: the provision and receipt of emotional, and instrumental support, the coresidence with the adult children, and the contact with the non-resident children. The significant results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, 5 typical types of intergenerational relations are derived at T1. They are the tightly knit, parent-providing, parent-receiving, independent but intimate, and the estranged. Second, the 5 latent classes at T1 basically persisted at T2 even after a 4 years interval. Third, the proportions of the independent but intimate, and the estranged type were increased although 4 years of aging occurred. Fourth, although the typology of intergenerational relations remains constant at the total level, they fluctuate greatly at the individual level. That is, the individuals are experiencing them variably and changing very flexibly. Fifth, while the parent-providing type tends to be most changeable, the parent-receiving type tends to be stable and exclusive during the time span. These results show that the elderly who cannot be properly cared for by the children in cases when they are unhealthy are increasing. It implies that the development of social policies and practices to strengthen intergenerational solidarity as well as enlargement and widespread use of the various public social services for the elderly are needed urgently.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 주거유형에 따른 자녀와의 결속과 갈등

        유희정(Hi Jung Yoo) 한국아동가족복지학회 2000 한국가족복지학 Vol.5 No.2

        This study is to investigate the relationship between parents and children in later life. The primary purposes are to examine intergenerational family solidarity and discord by the residence pattern of the aged parents. The residence pattern is classified into 4 groups: dependent coresidence. independent coresidence, dependent non-residence, independent non-residence. Data were gathered among parents aged 60 and over who lives in the area of chuncheon(N=304). The results were as follows: The independent coresidence group is the highest in solidarity with the adult children and the lowest in discord with them. The dependent non-coresident group is low in solidarity and the highest in discord. The dependent coresident group and the independent non-coresident group are in the middle level. Because the old parents in dependent non-residence group who have no economic earnings are not in good health, and not in friendly but obligatory relation with children, they are the target group in family relation and the welfare policy. The welfare policy to enhance their economic power and strategy to enhance the family relation are proposed.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 사별여성노인의 성공적 노화 경험 연구

        유희정(Hi-Jung Yoo) 한국노년학회 2007 한국노년학 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the meaning of "Successful Aging" that the widowed elderly women of rural areas in Korea experience. For this purpose, 8 aged women living in the rural areas of Chuncheon were interviewed in depth, and, for the purpose of qualitative research, the data were analyzed through a phenomenological approach designed by Colaizzi. As a result, 69 significant statements and 24 themes have been found. The 24 themes can be classified into 7 theme-clusters: 1) having survived with a firm heart for the sake of the children, 2) living a simple and easy life without ambitions, 3)participating in various activities ceaselessly 4) tolerating others, 5) giving help to and taking supports from the children, 6) collaborating with the neighbors, 7) having a high self-esteem. By integrating the meanings of these findings, the essence of successful aging of the widowed elderly women in rural areas is believed to be "living together with others and sharing with them as much as possible." This qualitative study has limitations in generalizing the research results. However, it still makes a contribution in that it helps to view the widowed elderly women in rural areas not as dependent and weak beings but as active and productive beings who can take parts in social development. Also, this study can lay groundwork, and serve as basic data, for developing social policies necessary to promote successful aging of the widowed elderly women in rural areas. 본 연구는 농촌 사별여성노인의 성공적 노화 경험의 본질을 현상학적 방법으로 접근하여, 그 의미를 이해하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 8명의 농촌 사별여성노인 참여자들을 심층면접하여 얻은 자료를 꼴라쥐(Colaizzi)의 분석방법을 활용하여 분석한 결과 24개의 주제를 발견하였다. 이들 주제는 '슬플 새 없이 자녀를 위해 독하게 살아옴', '욕심없이 마음 편하게 살아감', '쉬지 않고 움직임', '다름 사람들을 포용하기', '자녀와 도움 주고 받기', '이웃과 함께 하기', '자신에 대한 높은 자긍심'의 7가지 주제 묶음으로 분석되었다. 이러한 경험들의 의미를 통합해 볼 때 농촌 사별여성의 성공적 노화 경험의 본질은 '힘 닿는데로 베풀며 더불어 살아가기'임을 발견하였다. 본 연구는 현상학적 연구로 연구결과를 일반화하는 데에 한계점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 이러한 연구결과는 농촌 사별여성노인을 의존적이고 나약한 사회적 부양의 대상이 아니라 활기차고 긍정적으로 살아가며, 사회발전에 기여할 수 있는 적극적인 존재로 인식하게끔 하는데 기여할 수 있다. 또한 농촌의 강점을 강화하고, 점차 증가하는 농촌 사별여성노인들이 성공적으로 노후를 보내는데 필요한 정책적 지원 방안을 모색하는데 기초자료를 제시하였다는 데 의의가 있다.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        부모의 이혼과 대학생의 이혼에 대한 태도

        유희정(Hi-Jung Yoo) 한국가족학회 2005 가족과 문화 Vol.17 No.3

        이 연구는 부모의 이혼이 대학생의 이혼에 대한 태도에 미치는 영항을 알아보고자 하였다. 구체적으로는 일반가정 대학생과 이혼가정 대학생을 대상으로 하여 두 집단 간의 결혼 및 이혼에 대한 태도를 비교해 보았고, 이혼가정 대학생들을 대상으로 이혼에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 관련 변인들을 분석해 보고자 하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 전체적으로 볼 때 두 집단간의 결혼 및 이혼에 대한 태도 차이는 그다지 크지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 부모의 이혼이 자녀에게 위험을 가져온다는 시각 보다는 이혼 후 자녀의 적응유연성을 강조하는 시각을 지지하는 것처럼 보인다. 다만 이혼가정 대학생들은 일반가정 대학생에 비해 결혼보다는 독신에 대해서 다소 더 우호적인 태도를, 자녀를 위해 불행한 결혼을 유지하는 것에 대해서는 오히려 더 반대하는 태도를 지니고 있었다. 둘째, 중다회귀분석 결과 이혼가정 대학생의 이혼에 대한 태도는 자녀의 성, 동거 부/모, 이혼 전 부모 간 갈등 정도, 동거부모의 애정, 과잉보호와 같은 변인들의 영향을 받고 있었다. 즉 여학생일 경우, 어머니와 동거하는 경우, 이혼 전 부모의 갈등이 클수록, 동거부모의 애정을 적게 받을수록, 자율적으로 대할수록 대학생은 이혼에 대해서 허용적인 태도를 지니는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 연구의 함의가 논의되었으며, 미래의 가정의 불안정성을 예방하고, 이혼가정을 지원할 수 있는 가족 정책과 서비스 방안들이 제시되었다. This study investigates the effect of parental divorce on the attitude toward divorce among college students. It attempts to compare the attitudes toward marriage and divorce between students from intact homes and students from non-intact homes, and to analyze the variables that affect the attitudes in divorced families. The results are as follows. First, generally speaking, difference of attitudes between two groups are not so great. Difference of attitudes toward premarital sex, cohabitation, and divorce likelihood between two groups are not statistically significant. This results seem to support the resilience perspective rather than the risk perspective in explaining the long-term outcomes of parental divorce. On the other hand, students who have experienced parental divorce tend to have somewhat more favorable attitude toward the singlehood and more unfavorable attitude toward the staying in marriage because of the children. Second, multiple regression analysis shows that among the students from non-intact homes, gender, custodial parents(mother or father), conflicts between parents before divorce, affection and overprotection of coresident parents are important in predicting the attitude toward divorce. Finally implications of the study are discussed and the family policies and services to prevent the instability of the family in the future and to support the divorced families are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        장기요양시설 입소 노부모를 돌보는 형제간의 갈등에 관한 연구

        유희정 ( Hi Jung Yoo ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2013 한국가족복지학 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the meaning of the conflict among siblings about the long-term care of older parents. For this purpose 7 persons with more than two sibling and whose parents reside in long-term care facilities now or died in one year after living there were depth-interviewed. The data were analyzed through a phenomenological approach designed by Colazzi. As a result, 20 themes and 7 theme-clusters were derived: 1) Admission to the long-term care facilities as an inevitable decision-making 2) conflict during the preparation for the admission 3) conflict due to economic burden 4) fighting about property 5) conflict related to the caring services 6) mode of expression of the conflict 7) parental death and the estranged relationships. Based on the results, the social welfare intervention services as well as family welfare policies are suggested.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        노년기 세대관계 유형에 관한 종단연구(2): 변화의 결정 요인을 중심으로

        유희정 ( Hi Jung Yoo ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2011 한국가족복지학 Vol.34 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determining factors of the five types of intergenerational relations and their change longitudinally. The preexisting panel data, HAS(Hallym Aging Study) the 1 wave data (2003, T1 ) and the 3 wave data (2007, T2) is used. T he respondents were 916 parents who were over 65 years at T1 period. The binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the determining factors at T 1 and T 2 period. The results from the study and its implication for the social welfare are as follows. First, among the parent-related variables, the gender, health, and economic status are shown to be the most crucial determinant in intergenerational relations. More specifically, the males, especially poor males who are estranged from the children, turn out to be the target for the social concern and various intervention. Second, among child-related factors, the subjective sense of satisfactions with the relations with their children proved to be a central factor. It is needed to develop the policies and programs to strengthen them. Third, the use of social services for the elderly are shown to affect the intergenerational relations significantly. Especially, social services have played a substantial role in that the parent doesn`t live together but keeps intimate relationships with the children in spite of their health problems. It implies that enlargement and widespread use of the various public social services for the elderly are needed urgently.

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