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        단순파업과 위력업무방해죄

        유혜경 한국사회법학회 2024 社會法硏究 Vol.- No.52

        단순파업이란 폭행, 협박, 직장점거 등 별도의 실력행사 없이 전개된 집단적인 노무불제공을 말한다. 단순파업이 정당성을 상실한 위법한 쟁의행위가 되었을 때 당연히 위력업무방해죄가 적용되는지가 문제된다. 「위법의 상대성론」에 비추어 보았을 때 노동법상의 적법여부의 위법성문제와 헌법 제33조의 단체행동권의 행사에서 보장되는 정당성의 범위문제는 구별하여야 한다. 단순파업이 노동법규를 위반하여 위법한 쟁의행위가 되었을 지라도 그 단순파업이 헌법 제33조의 단체행동권의 보장범위 내로 행사된다면 애초에 범죄가 될 수 없기 때문에 위력업무방해죄가 성립 될 수 없다. 단순노무불제공이 위법한 쟁의행위로 평가되더라도 그 행위가 애초에 위력으로서 범죄화되지 않는 구체적 이유는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 단순노무불제공이 노동법상 위법한 쟁의행위로서 평가되더라도 그것은 사용자와의 관계상 채무불이행책임이나 징계책임의 대상이 되고 노조법위반으로 처벌됨은 당연하지만 형사상의 위력으로서 범죄화 될 수 없다. 헌법 제33조는 근로조건의 향상을 위해 자주적으로 단체를 조직하고 단체교섭하며 집단적인 실력행사 등을 할 수 있는 권리를 합법적이고 정당한 것으로 보고 있다. 따라서 헌법 제33조의 단체행동권 보장의 범위내에 있는 위법한 쟁의행위는 노조법위반으로 처벌됨은 물론이지만 애초에 위력으로서 범죄가 될 수 없다. 둘째, 집단적인 노무불제공에 대하여 그것이 위법하여 정당성을 상실한 경우 예외적으로 위력에 해당하여 구성요건 해당성을 인정한다면 국가형벌권의 위협하에 강제근로를 인정하는 것이 되어 헌법상의 적법절차의 원리에 반하고 근로기준법 제7조의 강제근로 금지에 위배된다. 셋째, 우리나라의 노동운동의 역사를 평가해보면 노동운동은 단순한 경제투쟁에서 벗어나 국가권력을 상대로 한 정치투쟁이 그 본질적 특성을 이루었다. 따라서 노동삼권은 본질적으로 자유권적 기본권이었다고 평가할 수 있다. 자유권적 기본권으로서의 본질적 특성은 국가로부터의 자유 즉, 국가형벌권의 배제를 본질적으로 상정하고 있다. 따라서 집단적인 노무불제공이 노조법 위반 등으로 정당성이 인정되지 않는다고 하더라도 헌법 제33조의 단체행동권 보장내의 행위라면 정당한 행위이기 때문에 위력의 요소를 부정해야 하고 애초부터 범죄가 될 수 없다. Simple strike refers to refusal to provide labor service as a collective action without any additional force such as assault, threat, or occupation of workplace. Considering the 「Theory of Relativity of Illegality」, the issue of 「illegality」 concerning the legality of Labor Law must be distinguished from the issue of 「legitimacy」 related to the exercise of the collective action rights under the constitution. Even if a simple strike has become an illegal act of dispute by violating the Labor Law, it is not considered obstruction of business by force from the beginning if it is exercised within the scope of constitutional rights to collective actions. The following are the reasons why simple strikes are not essentially offense by force: First, even if a simple strike has become an illegal act of dispute by violating the Labor Law, it is only subject to default of obligations or punishment in relation to the employers. Second, if a simple strike has lost violated the Labor Law to lose legitimacy and the element of force has been acknowledged, it is unfair as it is considered forced labor under the threat of state's punitive power. Third, the three labor rights of Korea is based on the fundamental rights of freedom. The essential characteristics of fundamental rights of freedom are based on the freedom from state. For that reason, exclusion of state's punitive power is considered indispensable. Even if simple strike has lost legitimacy, therefore, it cannot be a crime by essence if it is within the scope of constitutional rights to collective actions.

      • KCI등재

        한국 의류학회지에 게재된 논문 및 인용된 참고문헌 분석

        유혜경,성화경,이옥희 한국의류학회 1994 한국의류학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        There has been a large increase in research interests in clothing and textiles area as reflected in increase of memberships of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles and the number of issues of the Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles. The main purpose of this study was to examine the articles published in the JKSCT. Subject areas, funding source, length of article, and authors were examined for all articles published from 1977 to 1992. References were examined for the articles published in five selected years. The results showed that papers in textiles and sociopsychological areas accounted for approximately 40% of all articles, while the number of articles in fashion marketing has increased significantly in recent years. Professional jounals were quoted most often followed by books. Importance of master's thesis of PhD dissertation was a unique phenomenon appeared in the JKSTC. The JKSTC was the most often quoted journal, even though wide variety of journals were used in different subject areas. Some suggestions to improve the JKSTC and research in clothing and textiles area are made based on the results of this study.

      • KCI우수등재

        예술적 가치에 관련된 제 요인에 대한 연구

        유혜경 한국교육학회 2000 敎育學硏究 Vol.38 No.2

        청소년과 성인을 대상으로 예술적 가치에 관련된 제 요인을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 성별로는 여자의 예술적 가치가 남자에 비해 더 높게 나타났다. 2. 연령별로, 청소년은 연령이 많을수록, 그러나 성인은 연령이 적을수록 예술적 가치가 높은 대조적 경향을 보였다. 3. 가정의 사회경제적 지위와 예술적 가치는 청소년, 성인 모두에서 정적상관을 보였다. 성인의 부모의 학력과 자신의 예술적 가치의 상관 역시 시간의 경과에도 불구하고 정적상관을 보였다. 4. 가정의 심리문화적 환경은 제 예언변인 중 예술적 가치와의 상관이 가장 높다. 5. 예술교육경험이 있는 집단이 없는 집단보다, 대졸자가 고졸이하 학력자보다, 도시인이 농촌인보다 예술적 가치가 더 높게 나타났다. 6. 청소년의 예술적 가치에 설명력이 큰 세 변인은 가정의 심리문화적 환경, 연령, 성별차이로 나타났다. 7. 성인의 예술적 가치에 설명력이 큰 세 변인은 자신의 사회경제적 지위, 과거 성장시의 심리문화적 환경, 예술교육경험 유무로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors related to aesthetic values in korean adults and adolescents. The major findings are as follows: 1. The aesthetic values in females were founded to be higher than those in males. 2. Adolescents and adults showed reverse results in decrease and increase of aesthetic values by age; the older in age, the higher the aesthetic values in adolescents, contrarily, the younger, the higher the aesthetic values in adults. 3. The socio-economic status of family showed the affirmative correlation both in adolescents and adults. 4. The home psycho-cultural background, among all independent variables, showed the highest correlation with the aesthetic values. 5. The aesthetic values of those having aesthetic educational experience were found to be higher than the ones of those having no such experience, likewise, the aesthetic values of those with college background were found to be higher than the ones of those without college background. And the aesthetic values of urbanites were found to be higher than the ones of ruralists. 6. The three variables having the high explanatory power on aesthetic variables in adolescents were found to be home psycho-cultural background, age, and gender. 7. The three variables having the high explanatory power on aesthetic variables in adults were found to be socio-economic status at presents, home psycho-cultural background during their childhood, and the aesthetic educational experience.

      • KCI등재

        Contrastive Analysis of Referring Expressions in English and Korean Political News

        유혜경 한국사회언어학회 2022 사회언어학 Vol.30 No.2

        This study examines the relationships between referring expressions and their referents in English and Korean language. Using the Accessibility as well as the Givenness frameworks (Ariel, 1991, 1994; Gundel et al., 1993), this study investigates the distribution of the referring expressions in each language and how they are related to the framework. Unlike most languages, in Korean, third-person pronouns are rarely used and definite constructions are not used, with the absence of definite and indefinite articles. With these differences in mind, this study aims to examine whether the framework of Gundel et al. (1993) bears its universality to account for the actual use of the distant languages such as English and Korean. Following Mulkern (1996) and Lee (2010), this study restricts its data in political news media discourse from the contrastive perspective. The data consists of ten English political news articles and twenty Korean political news articles published in 2017. The result confirms that both languages follow the general convention of news discourse to introduce a new entity with full names and prefer family names in subsequent mentions. However, further investigation is needed in terms of the use of pronouns in Korean because the distribution from this study differs from Lee's (2010). More contrastive research on different languages in different discourse contexts would shed more light on the universality of the Accessibility and Givenness frameworks.

      • KCI등재

        노년소비자의 외식소비행동과 레스토랑 선택 속성

        유혜경,홍완수,이금룡 한국외식경영학회 2007 외식경영연구 Vol.10 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the restaurant selection of older consumers. In order for this, we examined the demographic variables and the consuming behavior patterns of dining out among the elderly. The study population is 239 persons aged 55 and older who live in Seoul or the metropolitan areas.The findings of this study are as follows. Firstly, respondents are likely to dine out less than 5 times a month (58.6%), below 30,000 won each time (62.5%), and prefer to dine out together with family or friends (80.5%). Secondly, the manin purpose of dining out is to spend good time with family members (44.9%), or to enjoy social gathering (31.8%). Thirdly, the significant factors affecting restaurant selection of respondents include i) the environments and services of the restaurant, ii) the quality of the food overall, iii) the convenience of access to the restaurant, and iv) the economical efficiency of the food. Among these, the quality of the food plays the most significant role in restaurant selection of older consumers.From the results of this study, the marketing strategies toward older consumers are suggested as follows. Firstly, it is important to advertise for various age groups. Secondly, it needs to make comfortable and enjoyable environments for children dining out with their grandparents. Thirdly, it is necessary to make an effort to improve quality in all aspects in terms of food flavor, nutrition, hygiene, and the like. Finally, menu has to be developed in various prices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고용안정협약과 경영권

        유혜경 경희대학교 법학연구소 2016 경희법학 Vol.33 No.-

        Employment security agreements are collective labor agreements that seek to prevent job cuts during a fixed period or restrict cuts to the labor force. Employment security agreements restrict the scope of management decisions, including decisions about restructuring, and are connected with working conditions. As long as employment security agreements are recognized as being linked to with working conditions, they have normative effects. Persons that maintain the exclusive management rights of employers seek to remove matters concerning management decisions, such as restructuring, from the scope of obligatory collective bargaining in an effort to assert management rights. Management rights, however, are no more than defensive rights created by employers to ward off the intervention of labor unions in management by establishing free areas in collective bargaining. For this reason, employers' exclusive management rights should be denied. The Supreme Court views matters of management decisions, including restructuring, as subjects of discretionary negotiation. When employers sign employment security agreements after voluntarily taking part in collective bargaining, those agreements tend to have normative effects as long as they do not violate mandatory provisions or the social order. But it means that the normative effects of those agreements are exceptional when employers sign agreements after voluntarily taking part in bargaining. If matters of management decisions are related to working conditions, those matters naturally will become subjects of obligatory bargaining and normative effects will be admitted. Matters of management decisions, such as restructuring, which are connected with working conditions fall within the scope of obligatory collective bargaining and should be observed on the basis of equal labor-management relations. 고용안정협약이란 일정기간동안 정리해고를 금지하거나 정리해고 시 노동조합과 사전합의 내지 동의를 통하여 정리해고를 제한하는 단체협약이다. 고용안정협약은 구조조정 등 경영결정사항에 관한 제한으로서 근로조건과의 관련성을 갖는다. 따라서 근로조건과의 관련성이 인정되는 한 의무적 단체교섭사항이 되고 규범적 효력을 갖는다. 사용자의 배타적 경영권을 주장하는 입장에서는 경영권의 인정 하에 구조조정 등 경영결정사항을 의무적 단체교섭사항에서 배제시킨다. 그러나 경영권이란 사용자가 단체교섭에서 자유로운 영역을 설정함으로써 경영에 대한 노동조합의 관여를 배제하기 위해 만들어진 방어적으로 설정한 개념에 지나지 않는다. 때문에 사용자의 배타적 경영권은 부정되어야 한다. 대법원 판결은 구조조정 등과 같은 경영결정사항을 임의적 교섭사항으로 본다. 그리고 사용자가 자발적으로 단체교섭에 임하여 고용안정협약을 체결한 경우 그것이 강행법규나 사회질서에 반하지 않는 한 규범적 효력을 갖는다고 한다. 그러나 사용자가 자발적으로 교섭에 임해서 협약을 체결한 경우 예외적으로 규범적 효력을 갖는 것이 아니라, 경영결정사항이 근로조건과 관련성이 있다면 그 성질 자체로부터 당연히 의무적 교섭사항이 되고 규범적 효력이 인정되는 것이다. 구조조정 등 경영결정사항은 근로조건과 관련된 것으로서 임금, 근로시간과 같은 직접적 근로조건사항보다 노사(勞使)대등의 장에서 노사자치(勞使自治)에 의해 규율되어야 하는 진정한 의미에서의 의무적 단체교섭사항이다.

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