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      • KCI등재

        FMEA를 활용한 중점안전관리 항목 도출방안

        유정호,송지원,김창덕,Yu, Jung-Ho,Song, Ji-Won,Kim, Chang-Duk 한국건설관리학회 2008 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.9 No.6

        건설재해는 반복재해가 빈번하게 일어나고 재해 발생 시 대부분이 중대재해이므로 안전관리에 더욱더 철저해야만 한다. 하지만 우리나라 건설 산업에서 안전관리 시스템은 관리기법이나 사고예방을 위한 구체적이고 기술적인 수단은 빈곤하며 단순하고 과학적이지 못하다. 이러한 건설 산업에서 안전관리 부분에서 FMEA를 이용하여 안전관리 중점대상 선정 및 중요도의 수치화를 통하여 안전관리 대상에 대한 관리 체계를 확립하기 위한 과학적이고 체계적인 방안에 대하여 연구하였다. As buildings become higher and larger, the possibility of accident also increases, and recurrent accidents and serious accidents are also increasing. However, it is not possible to control all the hazardous activities in construction site. Therefore, hazardous activities with higher possibility should be identified and prioritized in advance so engineers and managers can control the activities in safe manner. For this purpose, this research adopts FMEA technique, which has been widely utilized in manufacturing industry. In order to apply FMEA technique in construction safety management, the process of construction work is divided into sub-processes or activities. Then FMEA technique is applied to quantitatively analyze the importance of each activity from the safety perspective.

      • KCI등재

        민간 건설기술 R&D 활성화 방안

        유정호,류원희,김우영,Yu, Jung-Ho,Yoo, Won-Hee,Kim, Woo-Young 한국건설관리학회 2007 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.8 No.6

        건설산업의 지속적 성장과 위상의 제고 그리고 국제적인 기술경쟁력을 확보하기 위해서는 건설기술 연구개발이 필수적이다. 그러나 우리나라 정부차원에서의 건설기술 연구개발 예산 배정은 다른 나라에 비해 저조한 실정이며, 건설기술 연구개발을 촉진하기 위한 여러 제도적 내용도 개선의 필요성이 있다. 본 연구에서는 특히 건설기술 개발의 주요 주체임과 동시에 궁극적 사용자가 되는 민간기 업의 건설기술 연구개발을 촉진하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 하였다 이를 위해 본 연구는 우선 민간기업 차원의 건설기술 연구개발 현황과 정부 차원의 건설기술 연구개발 투자 및 제도 현황을 각종 통계자료를 이동하여 문제점을 탐색하였다. 또한 20개 건설사의 연구개발 담당자를 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과를 현황 분석 및 대안 제시에 활용하였다. 본 연구에서는 민간기업 차원의 건설기술 연구개발 활성화 방안을 제시하기 위해 민간 건설기술 연구개발 활성화의 선순환 과정을 설정하고, 이에 따라 민간 건설기술 연구개발의 투자환경 조성 방안, 연구개발 투자 확대 방안, 그리고 연구개발 직접 촉진 방안을 제시하였다. For the continuous growth of the construction industry and the increase of the global competitiveness, research and development of construction technology is necessary. However, the R&D investment of Korean government for the construction industry is not sufficient compared with other countries and the various policies for encouraging construction R&D investment need to be improved too. This research focuses on the promotion of the construction R&D by the private sector that is one of the principal body of construction R&D and also the final user of the developed construction technology. This research suggests three promotion directions for the construction R&D by private sector; (1) the direction of creating better R&D investment climate, (2) the direction of increasing R&D investment amount, and (3) the direction of fostering R&D activities immediately.

      • KCI등재

        한국수출(韓國輸出)의 시장점유율(市場占有率) 분석(分析) : 대미(對美)·日(일)·여타(餘他) OECD 수출실적(輸出實績)을 중심으로

        유정호,Yoo, Jung-ho 한국개발연구원 1991 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.13 No.4

        본고(本稿)에서는 한국의 대미(對美), 대일(對日), 대여지(對餘地) OECD에 대한 공산품 수출의 증가를 각 교역상대국(對餘地)(혹은 지역)의 수입규모(輸入規模)의 증가에 기인하는 것과 한국의 점유율(占有率)의 증가에 기인하는 것으로 분해하고, 한국의 대미수출(對美輸出) 자료(資料)를 사용한 회귀방정식(回歸方程式)의 추정을 통하여 점유율(占有率)의 결정요인들과 시간의 경과에 따른 그 영향의 변화를 살펴보았다. 점유율(占有率) 결정(決定)의 회귀식 추정에 따르면, 물적(物的) 및 인적자본집약도(人的資本集約度)의 영향이 유의한 것으로 나타났는데, 이 집약도(集約度)가 높은 산업일수록 수출의 점유율은 작았으나, 집약도(集約度)가 불리하게 작용하는 정도가 시간의 경과에 따라 점차 줄어들고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 인적자본집약도(人的資本集約度)가 점유율 결정에 불리하게 작용하는 정도가 물적자본집약도(物的資本集約度)의 경우보다 훨씬 크게 추정되었다. 엔화(貨)의 평가절하(平價切下)는 한국의 점유율을 축소시키는 영향을 미치는데, 그 영향이 1980년대에 점점 커지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 1970년대와 중화학공업정책의 경공업 수출에 대한 영향이 매우 부정적이었던 것으로 추정되었다. 이를 고려하건대, 수출구조(輸出構造)의 '고도화(高度化)'를 위한 정부의 대규모 시장개업은 현명하지 못한 일이고, 인적(人的) 물적자본(物的資本)의 축적이 원활히 진행되도록 보조하는 정책이 무엇보다 요구되는 정책이라고 하겠다. This paper examines Korea's exports of manufactures to the United States, Japan, and other OECD member countries in the 1974-89 period, focusing on the market share in the trade partners' imports. It decomposes the growth of exports into various effects, following the "constant-market-shares" analysis. For this purpose, the entire period is divided into three subperiods: 1974-78, 1978-83, and 1983-89. The paper also estimates a regression model of the market share determination, using the data of Korea's market share in U.S. imports. In the three subperiods under study, Korea's exports grew at different paces for varied reasons. The average annual growth rate was 28 %, 11 %, and 21 %, respectively. A large drop in the "competitiveness effect", that is, in the market-share growth rate, was mainly responsible for the decline in the export growth rate. The largest drop in the competitiveness effect was found in the light manufactures exports in the second period. The market share did not regain the rapid growth momentum. The main reason for the rise in export growth rate in the last subperiod was the "market-size effect"-a rise in the growth rate of the trade partners' imports. According to the regression results, high intensities in physical and human capital tended to lower the Korean manufacturing industries' market shares in the United States. This negative correlation was stronger in the case of human capital intensity, suggesting that Korea is relatively poorer in human capital endowment than in physical capital endowment when compared to the United States. This negative correlation between the market share and each of the two intensities became weaker overtime. This may be interpreted as the consequence of both physical and human capital accumulation which were faster than the labor force growth. Depreciation of the Japanese yen was estimated to have a negative influence on the Korean manufacturing industries' market share in the United States, and this negative influence became stronger each year in the 1980s. This seems to reflect the intensifying competition between the two countries' exports in U.S. import markets. The Heavy and Chemical Industry Policy of the 1970s, which promoted a number of selected industries by providing them with various incentives and inevitably discriminated against the rest of the industries, was estimated to have had strong negative effects on the export performance of the light manufacturing industries. This finding and the largest decline in the "competitiveness effect" -found in the light manufactures exports in the 1978-83 period-indicate that the Heavy and Chemical Industry Policy was mainly accountable for the drop in the export growth rate during the period. On the other hand, the rise in export growth rate during the subsequent subperiod was greatly impacted by the large scale exchange rate realignments of major currencies, especially by the appreciation of the Japanese yen, and other changes in international economic conditions.

      • KCI등재

        데이터 웨어하우스 기술을 활용한 건설프로젝트 성과분석 시스템 개발

        유정호,송상훈,류원희,이현수,Yu Jung-Ho,Song Sang-Hoon,You Won-Hee,Lee Hyun-Soo 한국건설관리학회 2005 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        부가가치 창출의 미흡, 국내 건설시장의 수주여건 악화, 해외 건설시장에서의 경쟁력 상실 등의 문제에 직면한 국내건설업이 건설생산의 효율성 향상을 통해 건설업의 경쟁력을 장기적 관점에서 지속적으로 향상시켜 나가기 위해서는, 경쟁력의 원천이 되는 전략적 요소들을 도출하고 이 요소들에 근거하여 건설산업의 기본 생산단위가 되는 개별 건설프로젝트의 성과를 지속적으로 측정 $\cdot$ 관리하는 것이 필요하다. 건설프로젝트 성과분석에는 각 프로젝트가 처한 상황이 적절히 고려되어 하며, 성과분석자가 개별 프로젝트의 상황을 다양한 관점에서 조견할 수 있어야 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 균형성과표(BSC)와 데이터 웨어하우스 기술을 활용한 건설프로젝트의 성과분석 시스템을 개발하고자 한다. Recently the construction industry in Korea is facing problems such as low productivity, contraction of the domestic construction market, growing competition, and so on. To enhance the competitiveness continuously through efficiency in this business environments, construction companies need to make efforts to measure and accumulate performance data based on the strategic factors. When analysing performance of construction projects, the unique characteristics of each project should be considered properly, by which the managers can identify current status of project in various perspectives. This study proposes the performance analysis system using the concepts of balanced scorecard and data warehouse technology. The suggested system provides the management with the flexibility in analyzing performance data by applying the pre-defined key performance indicators and the function of multi-dimensional analysis.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대(年代) 중화학공업정책(重化學工業政策)이 자본효율성(資本效率性)과 수출경쟁력(輸出競爭力)에 미친 영향(影響)

        유정호,Yoo, Jung-ho 한국개발연구원 1991 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        한국경제(韓國經濟)가 고도성장(高度成長)을 이룬 지난 30년 동안 정부(政府)의 정책(政策)은 경제제일주의(經濟第一主義)라 할 만한 것이었으며 경제정책(經濟政策)은 시장기능(市場機能)에 대한 간섭이 매우 심한 것이었다. 이 때문에 한국(韓國)의 성장경험을, 정부(政府)가 시장(市場)의 자원배분기능(資源配分機能)을 간섭(干涉) 내지 대행(代行)함으로써 경제성장(經濟成長)을 촉진(促進)시킬 수 있다는 명제(命題)를 지지하는 증거로 보는 견해가 널리 퍼져 있다. 이 견해가 옳은가의 여부에 따라 바람직한 정부(政府)의 역할은 크게 다르게 된다. 본고(本稿)는 정부(政府)에 의한 시장(市場)의 자원배분기능(資源配分機能) 간섭(干涉)의 대표적인 예라 할 수 있는 1970년대의 중화학공업정책(重化學工業政策)의 효과를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해, 제조업내(製造業內)의 한국표준산업분류(韓國標準産業分類) 3단위의 개별 산업들에 관하여, 그리고 이들을 정책혜택(政策惠澤)을 받은 산업군(産業群)과 그 나머지로 나눈 두 산업군(産業群)에 관하여, (1) 자본집약도(資本集約度)를 추계한 후 그 변화추이(變化推移)가 시사(示唆)하는 바를 살펴보고, (2) 자본효율성(資本效率性)을 추정하여 자원(資源)의 최적배분조건(最適配分條件)과 비교함으로써 정책(政策)의 성장(成長)에 대한 기여(寄與)를 평가하였고, (3) OECD 회원국(會員國) 수입(輸入) 중 한국수출(韓國輸出)의 점유율(占有率)을 대만(臺灣)과 비교함으로써 정책(政策)이 한국수출(韓國輸出)의 경쟁력(競爭力)에 미친 영향을 저울질해 보았다. 정책혜택(政策惠澤)을 받았던 중화학공업군(重化學工業群)에서는 1970년대 중반에 자본집약도(資本集約度)가 빠르게 증가한 반면 경공업군(輕工業群)에서는 하락하거나 거의 증가하지 않았으며, 중화학공업군(重化學工業群)의 자본효율성(資本效率性)은 1970년대말까지 경공업군(輕工業群)에 비해 훨씬 낮았는데, 본고(本稿)는 이를 중화학공업(重化學工業)에 대한 과잉투자의 결과라고 보았으며 중화학공업정책(重化學工業政策)이 제조업(製造業)의 성장을 지체시키는 효과가 있었음을 시사(示唆)하는 것이라고 보았다. OECD 수입(輸入) 중 한국수출(韓國輸出)의 점유율(占有率)은 경공업군(輕工業群)에서 대만(臺灣)에 비해 더 컸으나 1970년대 중반 이후 오히려 작아졌고, 중화학공업군(重化學工業群)에서도 그 점유율(占有率)이 대만(臺灣)에 비하여 점점 더 뒤떨어지게 되었다. 이같은 경쟁력(競爭力)의 상대적(相對的) 약화(弱化)가 1980년대 중반까지 계속되었음에 비추어, 본고(本稿)는 중화학공업정책(重化學工業政策)이 수출경쟁력(輸出競爭力)을 제고(提高)하는 효과(效果)가 없었거나 혹은 오히려 떨어뜨리는 효과(效果)가 있었다고 보았다. Korea's rapid economic growth of the past thirty years was led by extremely fast export growth under extensive government intervention. Until very recently, the political regimes were authoritarian and oppressed human rights and labor movements. Because of these characteristics, many inside and outside Korea are under the impression that the rapid economic growth was made possible by the government's relentless push for export growth through industrial targetjng. Whether or not the government intervention was pivotal in Korean economic growth is an important issue because of its normative implications on the role of government and the degree of economic policy intervention in a market economy. A good example of industrial targeting policy in Korea is the "Heavy and Chemical Industry (HCI)" policy, which began in the early 1970s and lasted for one decade. Under the HCI policy the government intervened in resource allocation through preferential tax, trade, and credit and interest rate policies for "key industries" which included iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, shipbuilding, general machinery, chemicals, and electronics. This paper investigates the effects of. the HCI policy on the efficiency of capital and the export competitiveness of manufacturing industries. For individual three-digit KSIC (Korea Standard Industrial Classification) industries and for two industry groups, one favored by HCI Policy and the other not, this paper: (1) computes capital intensities and discusses the impact of the HCI policy on the changes in the intensities over time, (2) estimates the capital efficiencies and examines them on the basis of optimal condition of resource allocation, and (3) compares the Korean and Taiwanese shares of total imports by the OECD countries as a way of weighing the effects of the policy on the industries' export competitiveness. Taiwan is a good reference, as it did not adopt the kind of industrial targeting policy that Korea did, while the Taiwanese and Korean economies share similar characteristics. In the 1973-78 period, the capital intensity rose rapidly for the "HC Group" the group of industries favored by the policy, while it first declined and later showed an anemic rise for the "Light Group," the remaining manufacturing industries. Capital efficiency was much lower in the HC Group than in the Light Group, at least until the late 1970s. This paper acribes these results to excess investments in the favored industries and concludes that growth could have been faster in the absence of the HCI policy. The Korean Light Group's share in total imports by the OECD was larger than that of its Taiwanese counterpart but has become much smaller since 1978. For the HC Group Korea's market share was smaller than Taiwan's and has declined even more since the mid-1970s. This weakening in the export competitiveness of Korea's industries relative to Taiwan's lasted until the mid-1980s. This paper concludes that the HCI policy had either no positive effect on the competitiveness of the Korean manufacturing industries or negative effects.

      • 로프형스크린도어 지주의 지간변화에 따른 승강장구조물의 안정성 연구

        유정호(Jung- Ho Yoo),박용걸(Yong Geol Park),오지택(Ji Tack Oh) 한국철도학회 2014 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.10

        국내 PSD(스크린도어)시스템은 한 개 차종의 열차와 정위치 정차가 가능한 도시철도에 국한되어 설치되고 있지만, RPSD(로프형 스크린도어)은 지주 지간을 자유롭게 변화시켜 스크린 도어의 OPEN 구간을 넓게 함으로서 열차의 정위치 정차에 대한 유연성과 다종의 열차 진입에 따른 대응성을 확보 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 일반 PSD 와 RPSD 의 하중특성을 비교하고, RPSD 와 승강장을 함께 모델링하여 수치해석을 실시하여, RPSD 지주 지간 변화에 따른 승강장에 작용되는 하중과 승강장 안정성에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. Currently, domestic PSD (Platform Screen Door) system is used for one-type urban railway vehicle at the train station limitedly. It is difficult to apply general type of PSD in conventional railway station because various vehicles are operated and each vehicle has its own door size. However, the RPSD(Rope Platform Screen Door) enables to resolve this problem by widening the interval of RPSD’s columns. It allows accommodating various vehicles stop such as KTX, Mugeunghwa and so forth in general station flexibly. And it is also expected to reduce safety accidents significantly in the platform. In this study, numerical analysis was performed by comparing the load characteristics of the PSD and RPSD with sensitivity test based on existing subway station’s RPSD. It was analyzed the effect of applied loading and structural stability of platform due to the spacing changes of RPSD column. It is anticipated that this study will be helpful to design and install RPSD in existing platform.

      • KCI우수등재

        노무 요인이 작업흐름에 미치는 영향

        유정호(Yu Jung-Ho),이현수(Lee Hyun-Soo),김선국(Kim Sun-Kuk),김창덕(Kim Chang-Duk),서상욱(Suh Sang-Wook) 대한건축학회 2004 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.20 No.4

        Scientific management requires quantitative measures of important control variables or indicators, To maintain continuous work flows in a construction project, there are many factors to be controlled, especially in a quantitative way. Labor-related performance indicators are parts of those important control factors in a process of construction management. So far there have been many indicators developed for site management, however not so many of them seem to be possible to explain the mechanism of continuous work flows. This research suggests; (1) the perspectives that appreciate the continuous work flows from different point of view. (2) the success factors of each perspective, and (3) the indicators that quantitatively measure each success factor. Based on these indicators, this research establishes a model for configuring work flows mechanism and verifies the model through a statistical method. The major results of this research are as follows:(1) T재 labor-related performance indicators are found, that may explain the current work flows. (2) A statistical analysis are conducted so that the mechanism among the indicators are revealed: (3) The way of utilizing these indicators in a construction management process is suggested. Further studies on generalized methodology for developing control indicators and modeling the causation of the indicators that will be the foundation of quantitative site management are required.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        건설관리 업무특성에 기반한 PMIS의 성공요인

        유정호(Yu Jung-Ho),이현수(Lee Hyun-Soo) 대한건축학회 2004 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.20 No.5

        In order to improve construction project management capacity, the following elements should be considered importantly, the capacity of management personnel, the systemization of management process, and PMIS as a supporter for the other two elements. Among those elements, PMIS and its success factors are discussed in this study. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors for successful implementation of construction project management information system, especially focusing on the characteristics of construction management tasks. The success of PMIS in conceptualized based on Technology Acceptance Model. The factors influencing the success of PMIS are modeled and validated. Data are collected through questionnaires, correlation analysis is carried out to find relevant factors, and regression analysis is conducted to validate the suggested construction PMIS success model. Through the model, the followings are revealed as construction PMIS success factors: degree of process Structurization, degree of Process Contribution, degree of Information Utilization, degree of Information linput Easiness, and degree of Dircet support by System.

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