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      • KCI등재

        교통사고의 심리적 비용 산정모형 개발에 관한 연구

        유정복,손의영 대한교통학회 2008 大韓交通學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        본 논문에서는 교통사고로 인해 사고 피해자 및 그 가족이나 친지, 주변사람들이 느끼는 정신적 고통을 사회적비용으로 환산한 심리적비용에 대해 고찰하여 보았다. 선택실험방법, 직접질문법, 양분선택형방법 등 3가지 방법을 사용하여 설문설계를 하였으며 이들 설문 설계방법별로 각각의 모형을 구축하였다. 모형 구축 시에는 확률선택모형에서 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 로짓모형을 이용하였으며 직접질문법은 토빗모형을 이용하였다. 이들 모형을 검증한 결과 모형에 따라 차이는 있었으나 대부분 모형의 적합도 및 각 계수의 신뢰도가 95% 신뢰수준에서 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 심리적비용 산정모형으로 산출된 국내 도로교통사고의 심리적비용은 사상자 1인당 1,563만원으로 총 5조 1천억 원이며, 전체 교통사고비용의 37.1%를 점유하는 것으로 분석되었다. This dissertation studied the psychological cost, which converted the mental pain suffered by the victim of a traffic accident and his/her family, friends and people around him/her into social costs. Three methodologies - Choice Experiments, Direct Question and Dichotomous Choice Question - were used to design questionnaires, and models were built for each questionnaire design method. When building models, a logit model was used, which is used most frequently in probabilistic choice model. And the tobitmodel was used to make direct questionnaires. When verifying these models, although there were some differences in each model, suitability of most models and credibility of each coefficient were meaningful around the credibility level of 95%. According to the analysis, domestic psychological cost produced through the assessment model of psychological cost was 15.63 million won per person or 5.1 trillion in total, assuming 37.1% of total traffic accident cost.

      • 條約의 無效 및 終了要困

        柳正福 원광대학 법학연구회 1988 法學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        In this thesis, it is written about the invalidity and termination factors of treaties. In general, treaties are sure that it means mutual consent by clearly statement between the States or the countries, So, that is to say, international treaties are agreements of a contractual character, between States, or organisations of States, creading legal rights and obligations between the Parties. Even before a Law of Nations, in the modern sense of the term, was in existence, treaties used to be concluded betweens States. Although in those time treaties were neither based on, nor were themselves a cause of International Law, they were nevertheless considered sacred and binding, on account of religious and moral sentiment. A treaty, is points to not only just named “treaty in narrow, but also a wide veriety of named such as charter, agreement, act, declaration, convention, Statute, protocol, agreed minute, convenant, exchange of notes, modus vivendi, etc. Even though the Parties conclude a treaty formally by mutual consent, it is not continued forever, but is ended by the various factors some day. There are, therefore, invalidity factors and termination factors of treaties. At first, in the invalidity factors of treaty, there are included by the such cases as the followings, (1) The relatively factors: a) obvious violation about conclusion right of treaty, b) over authority of the agency, c) buying over of the agency, d) an error, and e) fraudulence, and so on. (2) The absolutely factors: a) force or duress about the agency, b) force about country or State, and c) a perpemptory norm of general International Law, etc. The next, in the termination factors of treaty, there are included by the cases like followings. (1) Termination factors by mutual consent between the Parties: a) abolition, b) expiration of validity term, or expiration through expiration of time, c) performance of stipulation, d) fulfilment of object, and e) new consent, etc. (2) Termination factors by one side view: a) denunciation by provisions of treaties, b) vital change of treaties, c) surrender of rights, and d) infringement of treaties, and others. (3) Naturally termination factors: a) disappearance of the contracting Parties, b) fulfil impossibility, and c) conflict with International Law, etc. (4) Other termination factor: destory by fire. In addition, according to The Constitution of the 6th Republic of Kroea, treaties duly concluded and promulgated in accordance with the Constitution and the generally recognized rules of Interantional Law shall have the same effect as the domestic laws of the Repbulic of Korea. Thus, it is very important that a treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, after all.

      • KCI등재

        CVM을 이용한 교통사고의 심리적 비용 산정

        유정복,이성준 한국교통연구원 2014 交通硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        Psychological cost of traffic accidents are social costs which contain the mental pain suffered by the victim of a traffic accident and his/her family, friends and those around the victim. This cost is shapeless, variable, and changes depending on the conditions of a person. There is still no established model to estimate psychological cost despite various attempts to make models. This study used the contingent valuation (CV) method to estimate psychological cost of traffic accidents. Additionally this study used hypothetical CV, general CV, and logit model then compared the results of each model. As a result, the psychological cost of traffic accidents in 2013 was more than 2007 becauseof increased income, consumer prices, etc. This study found that hypothetical CV is the optimal model to estimate psychological cost of traffic accidents. Additionally this study found that willingness to pay in virtual reality scenario which estimated using CV model is more appropriate than willingness to pay in general reality scenario because of lump-sum's burden. 교통사고의 심리적비용은 교통사고로 인해 사고 당사자, 또는 그 가족들이 겪게 되는 심리적 고통비용을 말한다. 이 비용은 물리적비용과는 달리 가시적 실체가 없고 같은 사고에 대해서도 사람에 따라 그 가치가 달라질 수 있는 다소 가변적인 사회적 비용이다. 이 비정형화된 심리적비용을 추정하기 위해 여러 가지 방법이 시도되었으나 아직까지 정설로 인정되는 방법이나 모델은 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 심리적비용을 추정하기 위해 CVM(Contingent Valuation Method: 조건부가치추정방법)을 사용하였으며 그 중에서도 양분선택형 CVM을 사용하였다. 이를 다시 단일양분과 이중양분으로 구분하여 그 결과를 비교하였으며 이에 따른 모형구축은 로짓모델을 사용하였다. 또한 CVM 질문을 “가상상황”과 “일반상황”으로 구분하여 동일인물이 같은 상황에 대해 다른 형식으로 질문했을 때 이에 따른 결과를 비교하였다. 추정결과 과거 2007년도의 심리적 비용 추정액에 비해 2013년도의 교통사고의 심리적 비용이 전반적으로 높은 편으로 산출되었으며, 이는 소득의 증가, 물가상승, 인적자본에 대한 인식 증대 등에 기인한 것으로 판단된다. 본 조사에서 모형에 대한 추정 결과 이중양분선택형 로짓모형이 상대적으로 더 높은 설명력을 보여 이를 기준으로 분석을 수행하였다. 모형을 사용하여 추정한 WTP(Willing To Pay)는 “가상상황”에서의 모형이 “일반상황”의 모형보다 모형의 신뢰도가 높은 수준으로 분석되었으며, 이는 응답자들이 분할지급보다 일시금에 대한 부담을 더 가지는 것에 원인이 있는 것으로 판단된다.

      • 制裁稅의 種類와 그 法的性質

        柳正福 圓光大學校大學院 1989 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Today is called "An age of the taxes," because modern nations cannot exist without taxes and it is necessary that nodern capitalist country or capitalistic economy should assess taxes. Of course, taxes connot be imposed without recourse to the law wich established by Congress, therefore all the citizen must be burdened with taxes according to the Law. This is called the principle of legislated taxation. Nowadays, it tis also true that almost modern countries have guaranteed by their constitutions. In this thesis, it is described about kinds of penalty tax and it's legal character ; it's outlined contents are as followings. The first, in the part of the meanings of penalty tax, the writer expresses penalty tax is a money as administrative penalty when somebody has not performed a dury of tax payment in the term of validity, into the taxation law. The second, in the part of the kinds of penalty tax, the writer divides it into two classes such as (1) arrear taxes or taxes in default, (2) additional taxes, etc. Herl, the former means "taxes in arrear," and it is called a arrear charge which someone should by pay his taxes when he had nonperformance of a duty of tax payment in a time limit, the latter means "taxes in additon" as a kind of administrative penalty which someone should be pay his taxes whem he was behind time with his payment or had not declared. That is, there are four kinds of taxes like, (1) additional tax by reason of none or reduced declaration, (2) additional tax by reason of none or reduced payment, (3) additional tax by reason of nonfulfilment of a cooperation duty of tax payment, (4) and other taxes, etc. as additional taxes for performance of a duty of tax payment ; and there are two kinds of taxes like, (1) additional tax by reason of nonfulfilment of a reserve fund usage, (2) additional tax by reason of change on performance of a duty of tax payment, etc. as addition taxes for purpose of tax reduce and exempt. In any case, taxation, it is paid one's taxes by citizens, it is also a duty of citizens. But it is subject to taxation by the right law, by the best suitable base on the law, and must not be paid taxes citizens to the bone as well as double taxation. And, the principle of legislated taxation, it has originated from an idea, "No taxation without representation," and it is found the Magna Carta, "No scutage nor aid shall be imposed on our Kingdom, unless by common council of our Kingdom, ……." too, and it is reconfirmed by 「The Petition of Rights(1689)」, and 「The Virginia Bill of Rights(1776)」, etc. This principle's real contents are (1) Lehalism of taxation factors, (2) Clearness of taxation factors, (3) Prevention of retroactive taxation, etc. In short, taxation should be used for public welfare, above all, for all the citizen's lives, for education, and for the national economic, etc.

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