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        피터 브뤼겔의 화면구성 특징과 상징성 연구

        유재길(Jaekil Yoo) 서양미술사학회 1992 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Pieter Bruegel(1525/30~1569), the 16th century Flemish painter, is newly assessed these days and his works have been discovered to allow more than one interpretstion. The aim of the present study is to examine the world of Bruegel’s art, particularly the characteristics of his pictoral composition and symbolism in relation to his themes. The fundamental characteristics of painting will also be defined when the Bruegel’s art and the underlying spiritual and social relationships are investigated. To this end, three works of 〈Landscape with the Fall of icarus〉 (1555), 〈The Netherlandish Proverbs〉(1559), 〈The Parable of the Blind〉(1568), representing his early, middle, and late periods respectively, are chosen and will be analyzed in detail to show his compositional transition and symbolism. Two different approaches are possible to study the works of Bruegel. The first is to approach his work as genre painting in consideration of the unique pictoral compisition of his. We discover simple beauty in his realistic depiction of rustic country scenes and of farmers’lives. He paints the mountains, oceans, rivers, and fields and makes us beholders feel the power of vast nature. And the struggle of the people trabailing daily in the majestic nature is plained reproduced in his pantings. His brush is without sophistication, crude and coarse, and is conducive to the creation of the atmosphere of smplicity. The bird’s eye veiw composition of Bruegel based on the perspective representation in the meantime greatly enhances his theme. In pictoral composition Bruegel ignores the sense of balance and proportion seen in the style of Italian Renaissance. His paintings not only bring out the beauty of plain order but also complete the most unique style of Dutch painting. The second is to approach the works of Bruegel not as genre painting but to be of symbolistic style : in other words try to figure out the hidden meaning in the depiction of the ordinary farmers and farm scenes. He laces the popular subject matter with the religious and moral instructions. Bruegel happens to be one of those painters who put moral content ahead of stylistic beauty. The images he has created bear dual meaning and yield diverse interpretation for the beholder. His canvas is full of symbolic contents and suggests the contrast between the world of fantasty and the reality such as good and evil, beauty and squalor, heaven and hell. It will be a tall order to uncover the symbols concealed in his pictures, and yet we will be able to grasp the essence of Bruegel’s art world by probing into his intention. When we face the works of Bruegel, we get the felling of reading a book of sayings or of philosophy. This impression underlines the import of roles the art and an artist can play to his times and society. The scenes and spirits of the times and community Bruegel lived in are vividly captured in his paintings. Unlike the ordinary verbal language, his instructive pictures underscoring a distinctive purpose and expressed in symbolism, in the meantime, impart the beauty of plastic dynamism with beautiful visual language. Everyone of his pictures presents the solution to the question of survival and to the life of darkness in Flanders in the 16th century. The paintings of Bruegel read with eyes are te culmination of humanism based on the love of mankind. His paintings are no longer the simple northern European landscapes or genre painting ; they are now emerging to manifest the style of symbolic theme and deemed important. However, the symbols contained in the picures of Bruegel are metaphorical and render all sorts of interpretation. His canvas is full of images that are yet to be resolved. This is the challenge the are historians of today can undertake and uncover one by one. This paper has exclusively dealt with the principles of the pictoral composition and the thematic synbolism in the paintings paint

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