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      • KCI등재

        샌프란시스코 대일강화회의와 한국의 참가문제 ― 한국의 내재적(內在的) 요인과 그 영향 ―

        유의상 ( Euy Sang Yoo ) 수선사학회 2015 史林 Vol.0 No.53

        The Republic of Korea had tried to participate in the San Francisco Peace Conference in order to get reparations for the damages and losses under the Japanese colonial rule within the multilateral framework, to resolve the bilateral issues with Japan on the basis of the Peace Treaty, and to foster its status in the international community as a member of democratic countries. However, it failed to do so. Most of the advanced researches to study on the factors that blocked Korea``s participation in the Conference are focused on the external ones, such as opposition by the U. S. A and the U. K. who refused to recognize the Korea``s status as an Allied Power, and the change of the U. S. government``s postwar policy toward Japan, which conflicted with Korea``s strong demand for reparations from Japan. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Korea``s internal or domestic factors, which negatively affected Korea in its endeavors to participate in the Conference. The most compelling factor in this perspective is the President Rhee, Syngman``s foreign policy to seek reparations from Japan tenaciously and his strong anti-Japan sentiment which left no room for the negotiators of the Republic of Korea to compromise with the policy of the Allied Powers who wanted to rebuild and enable Japan to stand against the expansion of Communism in the Northeast Asian region. Another reason for its failure is that Korea neglected its diplomatic efforts to persuade the U. K. who also played a key role in finalizing the Peace Treaty together with the U. S. A., but opposed the idea that Korea would become a signatory of the Treaty. The deficiency of diplomatic infrastructure of the Republic of Korea who had only two or three year experience of diplomacy since the liberation from the Japanese colonial rule and the lack of interest of the people on the issue of Korea``s participation in the Peace Treaty also served as negative factors. Although the Republic of Korea could not attend the San Francisco Peace Conference, it succeeded in adding some clauses in the Peace Treaty through tough negotiations with the U. S. A. as a kind of reward. The newly added clauses later enabled Korea to start a bilateral meeting with Japan to resolve the issues including property and claims. In this sense, President Rhee``s foreign policy based on the strong anti-Japan sentiment, which led South Korea not to participate in the Peace Conference, should be re-examined in positive ways.

      • KCI등재

        북·일 수교회담 전망과 한국의 대응전략 : 과거청산문제를 중심으로

        유의상 ( Euy Sang Yoo ) 국민대학교 일본학연구소 2018 일본공간 Vol.23 No.-

        한반도 정세변화에 따라 북·일 수교회담 재개가 예상된다. 북한 핵문제 및 일본인납치문제가 선결된다면 수교회담의 핵심의제는 과거청산이 될 것이다. 북·일 양국은 2002년 9월 ‘평양선언’에서 일본의 식민지지배에 대한 반성 및 사죄표명과 함께 일본의 대북경제협력, 청구권 상호포기 등 과거청산에 관해 한·일 회담과의 정합성이 유지된 원칙적 합의에 도달한 바 있다. 남은 과제는 경제협력의 규모와 ‘명분’을 정하고, 일본군‘위안부’문제 등 개인청구권에 대한 처리방안을 협의하는 것이다. 북한이 ‘보상’의 입장을 포기하지 않고 있어 쉽지 않은 교섭이 될 것으로 보인다. 북·일 회담 재개 시 한국에서도 미해결 과거사문제의 청산요구가 커질 것이다. 한국은, 북한이 후일 한·일 간에도 적용할 수 있는 내용으로 과거를 청산토록 지원해야 한다. 이것이 여의치 않을 경우 북·일 국교정상화 계기 한국, 북한, 일본 3개국 정상회담을 개최하고, 일본의 한반도전체에 대한 식민지지배 반성과 사죄가 담긴 공동선언을 발표함으로써 과거청산을 위한 기제를 마련하는 방안을 검토해야 한다. N. Korea-Japan Normalization Talks are likely to reopen due to the change of situation on the Korean Peninsula. The key agenda at the forthcoming talks will be how to settle the issues caused by Japanese colonial rule. They agreed basically, in conformity with S. Korea and Japan's agreement of 1965, at the “Joint Declaration” of September 2002 that Japan expressed apology for the colonial rule and would provide N. Korea with economic cooperation, while waiving the right of property and claims mutually. Remaining task is to decide the amount and purpose of economic cooperation, and discuss about how to handle the personal right of claim of the victims including ‘comfort women.’ N. Korea-Japan Talks will reignite demand in S. Korea for the settlement of the unresolved past history issues. S. Korea should support N. Korea for the better settlement of the past history issues, so that it will serve as a guideline between S. Korea and Japan, or pursue a Summit among South and North Korea and Japan, and make a joint communique which contains Japan's sincere apology for its colonial rule toward the people of both South and North Korea.

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