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      • 공압 인공 근육 구동 장치의 선형화 모델을 이용한 위치 제어

        장지성(J. S. Jang),유원상(W. S. Yoo),강보식(B. S. Kang) 한국동력기계공학회 2005 한국동력기계공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In this study, a position control algorithm being applied to a pneumatic artificial muscle driving apparatus is proposed. The position control algorithm is composed of a feedback controller and a feedforward controller. The feedback controller which feeds back position, velocity and acceleration is derived from the linear model of pneumatic artificial muscle driving apparatus. The feedforward controller is designed to improve position trajectory tracking performance. The effectiveness of the designed controller is proved by experimental results.

      • KCI등재
      • 활동혈압에 의한 강압제의 효과 판정 : Renitec^ⓡ 1일 1회 용법의 효과

        유원상,고원섭,김인환,이건주,최석구 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.1

        강압제의 약효 평가에 24시간 활동혈압에 의한 방법을 도입하는 시도로 일차적으로 ACE inhibitor인 enalapril을 투여한 6명에서 office BP와 ambulatory BP를 투약 전후 비교하여 후자가 임상 평가와 상관이 큰 것을 확인하였다. Two recordings of ambulatory blood pressure obtained before and after treatment with RenitecR 10mg qd in 6 male patient with essential hypertension were analysed and summarized as follows ; 1.Once daily dose of Enalapril resulted in marked BP fall in 2 patients, moderate in one and in another 3 with combination therapy with dichlorothiazide 25 mg and prazosin 1 mg. 2.Enalapril (RenitecR 10mg) lowered BP definitely during day-time in contract to night-time which were not conclusive by this limited observation. 3.The means of ABP were more correlated with clinical assessment than office BP. 4.The prevalance of abnormal BP among multiple measurements would be a good criteria for evaluation of antihypertensive effect.

      • 24시간 활동혈압의 대표치에 관한 연구

        유원상,이동철,김건,염호기,이건주,최석구 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.3

        보다 간편하고 적은 부담으로 24시간 활동혈압의 평균치를 얻기 위한 노력의 일환으로 시판 반자동 전자혈압계로 4시간마다 정시에 측정한 혈압치의 평균이 SpaceLab사의 휴대용 자동혈압계에 의한 24시간 활동혈압의 평균치의 대표치로 임상적으로 사용할 만하였다. Ambulatory blood pressure obtained with SpaceLab's Model 90202 monitor and timed blood pressure with Omron's semiautomatic electronic sphygmomanometer were evaluated as representative value for 24 hour ABP In normal Korean male (n=10), timed BP-5 (measured at 5 points) revealed a good correlation with average of 24 hour ABP. In hypertensive male patients (n= 15) timed BP·6 (measured at 6 points) was well correlated with average of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure. In conclusion, the average of timed BP (BP checked with sphygmomanometer every 4 hours occluding 0200 hour value in patients and not for normal) was well tolerated clinical use as representative value of 24 hour ABP.

      • 속립성 결핵에 동반된 급성횡단척수염 1예

        유원상,염호기,김기환,김건,문영수,이광재 대한감염학회 1989 감염 Vol.21 No.4

        A case of acute transverse myelitis associated with miliary tuberculosis is presented. A 26-year-old man was admitted to Inju University Paik Hospital because of fever and voiding difficulty. Prior to this 2nd. admission, he was managed under the diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis at our hospital and discharged with improvement. On admission, physical examination revealed normal motor and sensory function, but CSF showed pleocytosis, and managed with anti tbc. durgs under the diagnosis of tbc. meningitis, On 5th hospital day, progressive deterioration of sensory and motor function with decreased DTR on both lower exterimities were observed but CSF study and myelogram were within normal limits. Sensory and motor dysfunction progressively involved to upper spinal cord and finally T5 level was affected. Thereafter, downward recovery of sensory and motor function were observed with voiding control. Upon discharge, he has little voiding difficulty and ambulatory with mild discomfort.

      • 고혈압성 심장병의 심향도에 의한 분류

        김태영,유원상,이정균 인제대학교 1981 仁濟醫學 Vol.2 No.1

        최근 개발된 심향도에 의해 고혈압환자의 심장을 조사하였던 바 정상 좌심실 심향도소견, 대칭성 좌심실 비후, 비대칭성 중격 비후, 좌심실 확장등 4종류의 변화를 볼 수 있었고 특히 비대칭성 중격 비후 소견을 50명 환자중 6명에서 보았다. Fifty patients with systemic hypertension were classified into 4 types based on the left ventricular echocardiographic findings. 25 patients with normal ventricular echocardiogram, type 1, showed little signs of hypertensive involvement. High systolic and diastolic pressure and marked hypertensive retinal changes were observed in 11 patients with symmetric hypertrophy of the left ventricle, classified type 11. Frequent left ventricular hypertrophy in electrocardogram, normal ejection fraction and marked hypertensive retinal changes were present 6 patients with dilation of the left ventricle, type IV. More frequent left ventricular hypertrophy in electrocardiogram and high systolic pressure were found in 6 patents, type III.

      • 胃內視鏡 檢査중 心電圖 變化

        許圭烈,金明津,高行日,劉元相 인제대학교 1982 仁濟醫學 Vol.3 No.1

        위내시경 검사는 심전도상 변화를 자주 일으키기는 하나 경미하여 임상적으로 크게 문제가 되지 않아 비교적 안전하게 시행할 수 있는 검사이나 심맥관질환이 있는 환자는 각별한 주의를 하여 시행해야 할 것이다. Heart rate and EKG changes before, during and after gastrofiberscopy were examined with Holter EKG Monitor in forty unselected patients who visited to outpatient department of Paik Hospital tn Seoul, Inje Medical college. Tachycardia, atrial premature beat, ventricular premature beat and ST-T wave changes were noted in 88%, 10%, 20% and 33% respectively, but abnormal findings were transient in nature and were not associated with permanent cardiac damage.

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