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      • KCI등재후보

        Корейский кинематограф в годы японской оккупации

        유리 그리고리예비치 스메르틴 경북대학교 러시아-유라시아 연구소 2023 러시아유라시아연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The article explores the little-studied history of the formation of Korean cinema under of Japanese occupation. Based on the preserved film materials, press publications, and memoirs of contemporaries, the author comes to the conclusion that the silent films created during this period were mostly melodramas, but some Korean directors, bypassing Japanese censorship, put ideas of national resistance in them, which found a warm response from the audience. It is concluded that these films were a means of emotional relief for Koreans who experienced a sense of the loss of the country. The silent film period in Korea can be called fruitful and defining for the national cinema. Melodrama, the main genre of that time, would be further developed with the advent of sound cinema and would continue to exist right up to the present time.

      • KCI등재후보

        Хван Джинхи: история куртизанки и ее стихов

        유리 그리고리예비치 스메르틴 경북대학교 러시아-유라시아 연구소 2023 러시아유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.-

        В статье анализируется жизнь и творчество Хван Джини, одной из самых известных корейских поэтесс и куртизанок эпохи Чосон. Ее красота, поэтические и музыкальные таланты вошли в легенды, а стремление к внутренней и внешней свободе стало предметом вдохновения для женщин, бросающих вызов нормам традиционной морали. Основной вывод заключается в том, что Хван Джини стала своеобразным культурным символом современной Кореи, тиражируемым через романы, фильмы и телесериалы. The article focuses on the life and works of the famous courtesan, who left a significant trace in the history and culture of Korea. Intimate and landscape lyrics of Hwang Jini occupies a prominent place in Korean poetry of the sixteenth century, and her life became an inspiration for women, challenging traditional norms of morality.

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