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      • KCI등재

        초임 가정과교사의 교사사회화에 관한 연구

        유난숙 ( Nan Sook Yu ) 대한가정학회 2010 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.48 No.3

        This study explored the socialization of novice Home Economics(HE) teachers employing a qualitative research method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with four novice HE teachers from secondary schools. The collected data was analyzed inductively by NVivo, a kind of CAQDAS. The following analysis was organized around three stages of teachers` careers: first, as for influences on teacher socialization prior to formal teacher education, their experiences on ``apprenticeship of observation`` provided them both positive and negative role models; second, as for the socialization role of pre-service teacher education, they mentioned that college courses were poorly connected to classroom realities with only a few helpful lectures on HE Education; third, as for socialization in the workplace and its culture, the novice HE teachers were confronted with many kinds of problems including isolation in the classroom, in-service training programs not geared to novices, an overwhelming workload, and so on. Because of these problems, they yearned for and also formed networks with other HE teachers in order to overcome their limitations. The findings supported the notion that interactive and dialectical processes exist during all stages of HE teachers` careers. This study suggests that the teacher in-service training programs are more relevant, and that the introduction of mentoring programs and classroom manuals and teacher manuals would be helpful in practice. These innovations call for cooperation between universities and provincial offices of education for teachers` professional success in teacher socialization.

      • KCI등재

        중산층 자녀가 지각한 부모 양육방식이 공동체의식에 미치는 영향: 자녀의 삶의 만족도의 조절효과를 중심으로

        유난숙 ( Nan Sook Yu ) 대한가정학회 2015 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.53 No.3

        This study investigated the influence of perceived parenting style on the sense of community of middle-class adolescents and if adolescent’ life satisfaction has a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived parenting style and sense of community. The study population consisted of a nationally representative sample of elementary and middle school students who completed the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey of the National Youth Policy Institute in 2010. Among the 4,729 participants of the data, 2,876 were eligible for research focused on the middle class. Descriptive statistics included frequency, average, and standard deviation; in addition, reliability and stepwise regression results were reported using SPSS statistics. The results were as follows. First, the sense of community was 2.86 out of 4-point Likert scale. Monitoring (3.28) was the highest among the perceived parenting styles followed by affection (3.17), reasoning (3.01), over-expectation (2.57), over-interference, and inconsistency (2.40). Second, among subcategories of perceived parenting style, affection, reasoning, monitoring, and over-expectation had a statistically significant influence on sense of community. A higher perceived parenting style had a higher sense of community of middle-class children. Third, the life satisfaction of children had a statistically significant moderating effect on relationship between perceived parenting style and sense of community; therefore, the influence of perceived parenting style on sense of community could change according to life satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        가정 교과교육학 지식 관점에서 본 중등 가정과교사 임용시험 문항 분석

        유난숙 ( Nan Sook Yu ) 대한가정학회 2011 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.49 No.1

        This study analyzed the items for the Home Economics teacher selection test, which were carried out through the school year 2002 to 2010, based on Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Home Economics Education (H-PCK). Two frameworks were used: (1) H-PCK matrix transformed from the Content Knowledge in Home Economics Education (H-CK) and the Pedagogical Knowledge; (2) Five components of H-PCK. The results of this study were as follows: (1) The test items were classified into H-CK items and H-PCK items from the H-PCK matrix analysis. (2) While the number of items on knowledge of teaching strategies was the highest, no item on knowledge of understanding students was identified. Since the test can be considered as Measurement-Driven Instruction, it will have backward influences on the teacher education program in universities. Thus, if promising and capable new Home Economics teachers are to be recruited, the test items should include all the components of H-PCK.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 일본 중학교 가정교과서 ‘소비생활’ 관련 단원의 지속가능발전교육(ESD) 구성개념 비교

        유난숙(Nan Sook Yu ),정효정(Hyojung Jung) 한국가정과교육학회 2023 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 한국과 일본의 현행 중학교 가정교과서 ‘소비생활과 자원관리’ 관련 단원을 지속가능발전교육(ESD) 구성개념(다양성, 상호성, 유한성, 공평성, 연계성, 책임성)을 기준으로 분석하여 두 나라 중학교 가정교과서에 ESD 구성개념이 어떻게 반영되었는지 비교 분석하는 데 있다. 분석대상은 한국과 일본 각 세 개 출판사에서 발간된 가정교과서(총 6개 출판사)의 ‘소비생활과 자원관리’ 분야의 교육내용으로, 한국 교육과정 내용요소 ‘청소년기의 소비생활’, ‘청소년의 자기 관리’, 일본 교육과정 내용요소 ‘금전의 관리와 구입’, ‘소비자의 권리와 책임’과 관련된 단원이 이에 해당된다. 현행 중학교 가정교과서 ‘소비생활과 자원관리’ 관련 단원에 ESD 구성개념이 얼마나 반영되었는지 분석한 결과, 한국의 경우, 책임성(23.36%)이 제일 많이 반영되었으며, 상호성(22.43%), 연계성(19.63%), 공평성(18.69%), 유한성(10.28%), 다양성(5.61%) 순으로 반영되었다. 반면, 일본의 경우, 연계성(21.74%)과 상호성(21.45%)이 많이 반영되었으며, 공평성(16.23%), 책임성(13.91%), 유한성(13.33%), 다양성(13.33%) 순으로 반영되었다. 한국의 경우 ESD 구성개념별로 반영된 비율이 서로 차이가 많이 난 반면, 일본의 경우 연계성과 상호성 외에 다른 ESD 구성개념이 대체로 골고루 반영되었다. 한국의 교과서에서는 합리적이고 윤리적인 소비생활을 실천하는 면에서 책임성을 많이 강조하였다. 일본의 교과서에서는 소비자단체를 통한 소비자 문제 해결 및 지원, 환경 문제 해결을 위한 지역사회 및 국제사회의 협력 등을 다룬 점에서 연계성을 많이 강조하였고, 개인과 가족의 소비 행동이 사회, 경제, 환경에 미치는 영향을 다룬 점에서 상호성을 많이 강조하였다. 결론적으로, 한국과 일본 가정교과서에 지속가능성을 실현하는 소비자를 키우기 위한 요소들이 반영되었다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. This study aimed to analyze ‘consumer life’ units in middle school home economics textbooks in Korea and Japan based on the ESD concept (diversity, interaction, finiteness, fairness, cooperation, responsibility). The objective was to compare how the ESD concept was reflected in Korean and Japanese textbooks. The analysis focused on the units related to ‘adolescent consumer life’ in Korean textbooks and ‘money management and purchase’ as well as ‘consumer rights and responsibilities’ in Japanese textbooks. Results showed that in Korea, responsibility (23.36%) was most emphasized, followed by interaction (22.43%), cooperation (19.63%), fairness (18.69%), finiteness (10.28%), and diversity (5.61%). In Japan, cooperation (21.74%) and interaction (21.45%) received significant attention, followed by fairness (16.23%), responsibility (13.91%), finiteness (13.33%), and diversity (13.33%). Korean textbooks exhibited a wider range of ESD concept percentages compared to Japan. In the Korean textbooks, responsibility was emphasized for promoting rational and ethical consumption, while Japanese textbooks highlighted cooperation in resolving consumer issues and collaborating with local and international communities to address environmental concerns. Interaction was emphasized regarding the impact of individual and family consumption on society, economy, and the environment. Overall, both Korean and Japanese home economics textbooks reflected elements that foster sustainable consumer behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        차기 교육과정을 대비한 고등학교 가정교과(군) 선택과목의 구조화

        유난숙(Yu, Nan Sook),백민경(Baek, Min Kyung),주수언(Ju, Sueun),한주(Han, Ju),박미정(Park, Mi Jeong) 한국가정과교육학회 2021 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 대학의 가정 관련 전공 개설 현황과 중등학교 가정과교육과정에 요구되는 변화를 분야별로 살펴보고, 차기 고등학교교육과정에서 편성할 수 있는 가정교과(군)의 선택과목을 구조화하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 관련 문헌과 자료를 분석하고,가정교과 전문가를 대상으로 설문 조사와 FGI를 실시하였으며, 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정교과는 자연계열의 생활과학영역뿐만 아니라 사회계열, 교육계열, 공학계열, 예체능계열 등과 연관성이 높았다. 2019학년도 가정교과와 관련된 학과수는전문대학교 1,405개, 4년제 대학교 961개였으며, 총 입학생수를 기준으로 가정교과 관련 학과 입학생수는 전문대학교는 약12%, 4년제 대학교는 약 7.3%를 차지하여 고등학교 가정교과(군) 선택과목을 개설할 기반이 충분함을 확인하였다. 둘째, 중등학교가정과교육과정에서는 분야별로 달라진 식⋅의⋅주⋅가족⋅소비생활 패턴과 삶의 가치관에 따라 문화, 관계, 자립, 지속가능성등의 개념을 강조하였으며, 단순 지식적인 측면의 내용은 줄이고, 깊이 있고 고차원적인 사고와 문화를 향유할 수 있는 방식으로가정교과 내용이 구성되기를 희망하였다. 이러한 요구는 가정교과(군)의 선택과목을 다양화, 전문화하여 구조화함으로써 반영할수 있을 것이다. 셋째, 고등학교 가정교과(군) 선택과목을 아동⋅가족, 식생활, 의생활, 주생활, 소비⋅가정관리, 가정교과 통합분야에서 총 18개의 선택과목명과 과목 개요를 구조화하였다. 본 연구 결과는 차기 가정과교육과정 편성을 위한 기초 자료를제공하고, 고등학생들에게 가정교과(군)의 과목 선택권을 확대함으로써 고교학점제의 안착에도 기여할 것이다. The purposes of this study were to examine the current status of the establishment of home economics-related departmentsin colleges and universities and the changes required in the home economics curriculum of secondary schools, and to structurethe elective courses of home economics subject(group) that can be organized in the next high school curriculum. To achievethese purposes, related literature and data were analyzed, and a questionnaire survey and FGI were conducted by home economicsexperts. The research results are as follows. First, home economics was considered to be highly related not only to the humanecology but also to social sciences, education, engineering, and arts and physical education. The numbers of technical collegesand 4-year universities with departments related to home economics were 1,405 and 961 respectively in 2019. Therefore, itwas confirmed that there is a sufficient basis for opening home economics subject(group) elective courses in high school. Second,in the secondary school home economics curriculum, the concepts of culture, relations, independence, and sustainability wereemphasized based on the changing life patterns and values. It was proposed that the contents of the home economics coursewould be structured in a way that allows deep and high-level thinking and helps students to enjoy culture. This demand canbe implemented by diversifying, specializing, and structuring the elective courses of the home economics subject(group). Third,a total of 18 elective subjects and subject outlines were structured in the fields of child/family, food/nutrition, clothing, housing,consumption/family management, and home economics integration. This study results will contribute to the establishment ofthe high school credit system by providing basic information for organizing the next home economics curriculum, and expandingthe options for home economics subject(group) to high school students

      • KCI등재

        인성교육을 위해 기술·가정교과 '가족의 이해' 단원에 ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 교수·학습 과정안 개발 및 평가

        강지민,유난숙,Kang, Jimin,Yu, Nan Sook 한국가정과교육학회 2018 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 기술 가정과의 인성교육 실현을 위해 ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 인성교육 교수 학습 과정안을 개발하여 수업을 실시한 후, 가정과 수업이 청소년의 인성변화에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는지 그 효과를 분석하는데 있다. 수업은 광주광역시에 위치한 M중학교의 남학생 4학급 110명을 대상으로 2017년 3월 6일부터 4월 7일까지 총 5주간 9차시의 인성교육 수업이 실시되었다. 또한 학습자의 수업 평가, 수업 전 후 인성수준 평가를 통해 수업의 효과를 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 단계 및 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, '가족의 이해' 단원의 인성교육 수업을 위하여 9차시의 교수 학습 과정안이 개발되었다. 본 교수 학습 과정안은 ARCS 동기 유발 전략을 적용하여 학습자의 학습 흥미도를 높이고 인성요소를 고려하여 중학생의 인성을 향상하기 위한 것이다. 교수 학습을 위해 중학교 기술 가정 '가족의 이해' 단원에서 총 9차시의 교수 학습 과정안을 개발하고, 활동지(14), PPT자료(2)를 개발하였다. 둘째, ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 인성교육 수업을 받은 중학생은 인성의 하위 항목 (성실, 배려 소통, 책임, 자기조절, 정직 용기, 지혜, 정의) 모두에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 따라서 ARCS를 적용한 인성교육 수업은 중학생의 인성을 함양하는데 긍정적 효과를 보였다고 할 수 있다. 셋째, ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 인성교육 수업은 학습자의 수업의 만족도를 높여주었다. 척도형 설문조사를 실시한 결과 수업에 대한 전반적인 평가 4개의 문항에서 72.3%가 '매우 그렇다'로 응답하였다. 좋았던 점과 아쉬웠던 점을 묻는 개방형 질문에는 '재미있었고, 가족에 대해 더 잘 알 수 있었고 조 활동이 많아 배려와 협동심이 늘어날 수 있어 좋았다.' 등의 응답으로 학습자들이 인성교육 수업에 즐겁게 참여하였다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 단 필기내용이 많아 힘들어 하는 학생들이 있으므로 좀 더 효율적인 지도 방안을 모색할 필요가 있다. 개발된 ARCS 동기유발 전략을 적용한 기술 가정과 인성교육 교수 학습 과정안과 학습 자료는 학생들의 인성 역량을 강화하는 기초 자료로 활용이 되길 기대한다. The purposes of this study were to develop and apply teaching-learning plans using ARCS strategies to improve character of middle school students and analyze whether a home economics class helps to give positive effects on youth character change. Nine-period classes were conducted for 110 male students in 4 classes of M middle school in Gwangju metropolitan city for 5 weeks from March 6 through April 7 in 2017. The effectiveness of classes were examined with learners' class assessment and pre- and post- character index test. The research steps and results in this study are as follows. First, the teaching-learning plans for 9 periods were developed for the character education class of the chapter 'Understanding families'. These teaching and learning course plans were designed to enhance learner's interests in learning using ARCS motivational strategy and improve character of middle school students in consideration of character elements. In the chapter 'Understanding families' of Technology Home Economics in middle school, the teaching-learning plans for 9 periods, 14 student activity sheets, and 2 powerpoint materials for teaching and learning were developed. Second, students who had the character education classes using ARCS motivational strategy showed significant differences in all character elements. Therefore, the character education class using ARCS shows positive effects to build up character of middle school students. Third, the character education classes using ARCS motivational strategy increased the class satisfaction of learners. The character education class teaching and learning course plans and learning materials in Technology Home Economics using ARCS motivational strategy will be used as a basic resource to build up students' character in the future.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정 중학교 기술·가정 교과서 ‘가정생활과 안전’ 영역 활동과제에 반영된 교과역량 분석

        박유빈 ( Yu Bin Park ),유난숙 ( Nan Sook Yu ) 대한가정학회 2021 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.59 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze two subject competencies (practical problem-solving capability and independent life capability) reflected in the activity tasks included in the ‘home life and safety’ area of 12 middle school technology-home economics textbooks in accordance with the 2015 revised curriculum. The analysis criteria were sub-elements of two subject competencies. Seven sub-elements were derived from each competency. Frequency analysis was performed to determine how often the sub-elements were reflected in the activity tasks. The results were as follows. First, with regard to the sub-elements of ‘practical problem-solving capability’, ‘value judgment’ was reflected most frequently in the activity tasks followed by ‘exemplification of solution’, ‘logical thinking’, ‘critical thinking’, ‘decision-making’, ‘practical reasoning’, and ‘evaluation of solutions’. Secondly, the sub-elements of ‘independent life capability’ were unevenly distributed in the activity tasks. The ‘capability to perform conscious living’ was reflected most frequently followed by ‘development and self-identity’, ‘time, money, and leisure management’, and ‘reasonable consumption and resource utilization’. For teachers wanting to teach activity-oriented classes and student participatory classes, the results pinpoint the materials necessary to develop learners’ subject competencies by using textbooks from different publishing companies.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 이행을 위한 지속가능한 식생활 교수·학습 과정안 개발

        이정은,유난숙,Lee, Jung Eun,Yu, Nan Sook 한국가정과교육학회 2022 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to identify learning topics linked to Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in the dietary life unit of middle school technology and home economics textbooks and to develop teaching-learning plans and learning materials to verify the feasibility and field suitability. This study was carried out through analysis, design, development, and evaluation stages, and the results are as follows. First, in the analysis stage, the dietary life contents of the five home economics textbooks written based on the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed, and dietary life-related goals were extracted from the 169 SDG targets to reorganize the learning topics linked to the contents of the textbooks. Second, in the design stage, the overall goal of the entire class was set and each session was designed by selecting the learning goals, learning topics, and learning contents, reflecting the SDGs related to the session to be developed. Based on the analyses of textbooks and the SDGs related to dietary life, the themes of 'desirable eating habits of adolescents', 'food production', 'food distribution', and 'food consumption and disposal' were extracted. Third, in the development stage, a total of 11 teaching-learning plans and student worksheets were developed, and an evaluation sheet was developed for expert verification. Fourth, in the evaluation stage, the feasibility and field suitability of the teaching-learning plans were verified by 5 home economics teachers. Learning goals, learning contents, connectivity to related SDGs, and feasibility of teaching-learning plan were evaluated, and based on the assessment results, teaching-learning plans were revised.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 기술·가정 '주거와 거주환경' 단원에 인성교육 요소와 STAD 협동학습 전략을 적용한 교수·학습 과정안 개발

        박다온,유난숙,Park, Da On,Yu, Nan Sook 한국가정과교육학회 2018 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구는 중학교 2009년 개정 기술·가정교육과정 내용에서 가정생활 영역에 속하는 '주거와 거주환경' 단원을 중심으로 하여 인성 교육 요소와 STAD 협동학습을 적용한 교수 ·학습 과정안을 개발하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 연구목적을 이루기 위해 분석, 설계, 개발, 평가의 단계로 수행하였다. 먼저, 분석 단계에서는 선행 연구 고찰, 기술·가정교육과정 및 12종 교과서의 '주거와 거주환경' 내용을 분석하였다. 설계 단계에서는 선정한 인성교육 요소를 활용하여 교수·학습 과정안의 목표와 내용 구성, 차시별 활동내용, 학생평가자료, 학생용 활동 자료 및 교사용 자료 등을 설계하였다. 개발 단계에서는 '주거와 거주환경' 단원에 적용할 수 있는 총 8차시의 교수·학습 과정안, 학생 활동지, 개인학습지(형성평가지) 등을 개발하였다. 평가 단계에서는 개발한 교수·학습 과정안과 학습 활동지의 1차 타당도 평가를 가정교육학 전공 교수 1인과 가정 교육학 박사학위 소지자인 현장 중등교사 2인에게 받고, 2차 타당도 평가는 현직 가정과교사 7인으로부터 검토 받아 이를 바탕으로 교수·학습 과정안과 학습 활동지를 수정하여 최종적인 교수·학습 과정안을 완성하였다. 타당도 평가 결과, 개발된 교수·학습 과정안과 학습 활동지에 대한 타당도가 대체로 높은 수준에서 확보되었으며, 중학생을 대상으로 인성교육을 향상시키는데 적합하다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서 인성교육 요소와 STAD 협동학습을 적용하여 개발된 교수·학습 과정안이 현장 교사들 및 교육과정 개발자에게 유용한 자료로 활용되기를 기대한다. This research aimed to develop teaching-learning plans applying character education components and STAD cooperative learning strategy focusing on the 'Housing and residential environment' unit in accordance with the 2009 revised Technology·Home Economics curriculum. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, this study was conducted in order of analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The results of this study is as follows. First, at the analysis stage, relevant literature, Technology·Home economics curriculum, and the contents of "housing and residential environment" unit from 12 textbooks published by 12 publishers were analyzed. Second, at the design stage, teaching-learning plans, teaching materials, and learning activity sheets applying character education components and STAD cooperative learning strategy were designed to increase the interest degree of the learner and character of middle school students. Third, at the development stage, a total of 8 classes of teaching-learning plan was developed. In the evaluation stage, the primary and secondary validity evaluation procedures were done by Home Economics education professors and Home Economics teachers. Teaching-learning plans and learning activity sheets were revised and complemented based on the feedback from the first validity evaluation. As a result of secondary validity evaluation, it can be seen that the teaching-learning plans and learning activity sheets developed in this research are reasonable and suitable for improving character of middle school students. It is expected that these teaching materials applying STAD and character education components will be utilized as a helpful source for curriculum developers and in-service teachers.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 리터러시 함양을 위한 중학교 가정과 ‘성폭력 예방’ 교수-학습과정안 개발

        정지우(Jiwoo Jeong),유난숙(Nan Sook Yu) 한국가정과교육학회 2023 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘성폭력 예방’을 주제로 분석, 설계, 개발, 평가 단계에 따라 디지털 리터러시 역량 함양을 위한 가정과 교수⋅학습과정안을 개발하는 데 목적을 두었다. 분석 단계에서는 2022 개정 교육과정의 총론을 분석하여 디지털 리터러시 역량 함양의 필요성을 확인하였으며 2015 개정 가정과교육과정의 ‘성폭력 예방’과 관련된 내용체계 및 성취기준과 교과서를 분석하여 교수⋅학습과정안 설계를 위한 요소들을 추출하였다. 설계 단계에서는 각 차시별로 배움목표와 내용구성, 디지털 리터러시 역량에 따른 디지털 도구 활용 계획을 설계하였다. 개발 단계에서는 ‘성폭력 예방’을 주제로 6차시의 교수⋅학습과정안과 교수⋅학습자료를 개발하고, 각 차시별 교수⋅학습 활동에서 디지털 도구를 활용할 수 있는 방안을 고안하였다. 평가 단계에서 6명의 가정교육 전문가로부터 타당도 평가를 받았으며, 5점 리커트 척도 문항 평균 결과, 본 연구에서 개발된 교수⋅학습과정안이 중학생의 디지털 리터러시 역량을 향상하는 데 적합하다는 평가를 받았다. 또한 개방형 문항에 대한 전문가 의견들을 바탕으로 교수⋅학습과정안 수정 및 보완되어 총 7차시의 교수⋅학습과정안이 완성되었다. 본 연구에서 개발된 ‘성폭력 예방’ 가정과 교수⋅학습과정안이 수업 실행을 통해 학생들의 디지털 리터러시 역량 함양에 기여하기를 기대한다. The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive home economics teaching-learning plan, following the stages of analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The focus was on the 2015 revised home economics curriculum, specifically the ‘prevention of sexual violence,’ to enhance students' digital literacy competencies. In the analysis stage, the necessity of developing digital literacy competencies was confirmed by analyzing the 2022 revised national curriculum. Extracting elements from the 2015 revised home economics curriculum and textbooks, a digital tool utilization plan was designed in the subsequent design stage, aligning with learning goals, content composition, and digital literacy competency for each class. The development stage involved creating teaching-learning materials and digital tools for six sessions, centered around the topic of ‘prevention of sexual violence.’ In the evaluation stage, six content experts assessed the teaching-learning plans using a 5-point Likert scale and open-ended questions. The validity evaluation confirmed the effectiveness of the teaching-learning plans in improving middle school students' digital literacy competencies. Based on feedback from the experts, the plans for the six sessions were revised, with an additional session added, resulting in a total of seven sessions. It is envisioned that the home economics teaching and learning plans developed in this study can be implemented in home economics classes to foster students' digital literacy capabilities.

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