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        선사시대 인류의 신체발달에 대한 이론적 모델

        유권재,최영덕 한국체육사학회 1996 체육사학회지 Vol.1 No.-

        So far, research on the origin of hominid and its development process has hardly been performed, if ever, from the perspective of gymnastics. Most studies have been carried out to a level that the results of archaeology and anthropology are quotated or reinterpreted. It is true that there is something to be considered in research on human nature as a dynamic life since physical change and behavior are focused on socio-cultural aspects. There is a very important thing that requires our attention. It is of great significance to study the origin of man and its development process, particularly physical change in gymnastics which regards the human body as a subject. An answer to the fragmental question of how man gets the current physical condition can be found in evolution theory. But we will fail to understand the value of our body and meanings of physical activities without study and interpretation on how?, through what process? and how he gets the current physical condition?. If independant theories on physical change are not to be established in gymnastics, serious mistakes may be made on the role of Physical Education. It is also difficult to suggest the future of gymnastics. Therefore, this is the basic approach for gymnastics to satisfy the modern society when research on human nature is absolutely needed. The attempts to understand human physical changes through physical anthropological adaptation theories will pave the way for drawing out the genealogy of hominid by identifying how and why a human body has changed.

      • 선사시대 인류의 신체활동과 그 의미

        최영덕,유권재 중앙대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1995 體育硏究 Vol.- No.8

        We have got to understand that all human activity of the prehistory is one thing, human activity of the modern-age is another. It developed a disposition and physical strength of the prehistory hominid that were kinds of physical activity look for the necessaries of life. Because perfect physical development need to accommodate wild existence and a struggle for existence be compulsory. It have developed the lungs be good-running, and, what is better, made strength limbs bones for travel the long distance. And that get to the good-eyesight, muscular power, good-perception. Moreover the motion working primary of human evolution, effect to development each part of body, that both make ready motion to manufacture a -getting better development-utensil and make ready motion to emploied that. They lived almost instinctive in nature world, However, obtained a physical activity sense of a valuable experience by the much trial and error in every day of our life. Such was the childrens follow an example of the adult movement and attempt at implementation that grow unartificial education of the action-practical education-. Specially have recognized the body very importance that sacrifical rituals, delivery rites, a coming-of-age ceremony, wedding ceremony, funeral rites, going to war ceremony, hunting ceremony in the case of 'les rites de passage' through the living. Origin dance have a important province of physical activity as understand the prehistory hominid. Origin dance have been understood physical activity on an intentionally and systematically as well as body-language(movement, motion). So, physical development of prehistory hominid have very important images as the autonomously movement of the origin dance, since it is so must be recognized province of sholarship of physical education.

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