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      • 活性汚泥 및 塵芥堆肥中 水溶性 鐵킬레이트의 分離와 特性에 關한 硏究

        朴來正,프랑크 알 스터미츠,윌라드 린지 弘益大學校 1974 弘大論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        이 硏究는 都市有機廢物을 利用한 有機質肥料로서 活性汚泥 및 塵芥堆肥를 킬레이트화 物質로서의 利用價値를 評價하기 爲하여 수행되었다. 鐵킬레이트화에 관여하는 水溶性物質을 分子체 分劃法으로 分離하여 紫外線 및 赤外線分光分析法으로 그 構造를 조사하였고 Fe 등과의 安定度常數를 이온交換平衡法으로 測定하여 이들을 킬레이트물질로 使用하였을 때 그 安定性을 調査하였다. 塵芥堆肥에서 抽出된 有機物質은 Sephadex G-25에 依해 4個分劃으로 分離되었고 이중 鐵과 킬레이트를 이루고 있던 分劃은 分子量이 5,000~10,000 사이에 있었고 polyphenol 構造의 酸素群이 킬레이트화에 關與하고 있었다. 活性汚泥 抽出物은 Sephadex G-25에 依해 6個의 分劃으로 分離되었고 이중 킬레이트를 이루고 있던 分劃은 5,000~10,000 또는 5,000에 약간 未達하는 分子量을 가지고 있고 polypeptide 構造의 amide기가 킬레이트화에 關與했다. 이들의 安定度常數도 合成킬레이트 물질의 安定度와 크게 差異가 없을 程度로 安定하였다. This study was conducted to study the properties of the water-soluble natural chelating agents from garbage compost and activated sewage sludge responsible for Fe chelation, which is closely asso챠ated with the effectiveness in correcting iron chlorosis in plant. The water-soluble fractions of Fe chelates were traced by radioactive Fe. The fractions were examined by ultraviolet and infrared. spectoscopy and stability canstants for Fe. The water-soluble fraction from garbage compost was separated by Sephadex G-25 into approximately four fractions. Most of the added Fe was associated with fraction I, which appeared at the void volume. Further fractionation by Sephadex G-50 indicated that the molecular weight of water-soluble chelating agents is in the approximate range of 5000 to 10,000. The water-soluble fraction from activated sewage sludge gave six fractions by Sephadex G-25. Most of the added Fe was found in the fraction Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ. The molecular weights of most chelating agents associated with Fe appeared to be less than 5,000 and those of fraction I that appeared at the void volume was in th range of 5,000 to 10,000. Discrepancy between radio activity count and UV absorption indicated the heterogeneity of the fractions obtained by Sephadex gel filtration. Ultraviolet absorption spectra of all fractions separated by Sephadex G-25 and containing chelating agents showed no differences. Fraction Ⅳ and Ⅴ of sewage extract showed absorption maxima and shifting similar to nucleic acid components suggesting the presence of decomposition products of nucleic acid. Similarily fraction Ⅵ contained phenolic type amino acid groups. Fraction Ⅰ of compost extract contained most of the added Fe and showed weak but extra definite absorption in the 1230, and 1270㎝ region, suggesting that extra oxygen groups in polyphenolic structure were probably involved in Fe chelation. In sewage extract, fraction Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ in which most of the Fe was found, showed strong definite polypeptide absorption in the region of 1540㎝ due to NH deformation and C-N stretching of amide groups in the peptide bond. These extra functional groups in fraction Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ appeared to be associated with Fe cheltion. The other fractions, not associated with Fe, still have carboxyl and hydroxyl groups, suggesting that these functional groups in thess water extracts may not independently form the Fe chelates. Precipitation of ferric hydroxide precluded measuring the stability constants for Fe chelates. However, the formation constraints for Zn chelates as log K values for compost extract and sewage extract at pH 4.0, from which the strength of chelation with Fe could be presumed, were 8.23, and 9.75, respectively, indicating strong complexation with metals. The chelating capacity of compost of extract containing 6.5g organic matter per liter was 0.82 mM, and that of sewage extract containing 5.3g per liter was 0.64 mM.

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