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      • KCI등재

        Thermal Denaturation of the Apo-cyclic AMP Receptor Protein and Noncovalent Interactions between Its Domains

        원형식,서민덕,고현숙,최완수,이봉진 한국분자세포생물학회 2008 Molecules and cells Vol.26 No.1

        Cyclic AMP receptor protein (CRP) is allosterically activated by cAMP and functions as a global transcription regulator in enteric bacteria. Structural information on CRP in the absence of cAMP (apo-CRP) is essential to fully understand its allosteric behavior. In this study we demonstrated interdomain interactions in apo-CRP, using a comparative thermodynamic approach to the intact protein and its isolated domains, which were prepared either by limited proteolysis or using recombinant DNA. Thermal denaturation of the intact apo-CRP, monitored by differential scanning calorimetry, revealed an apparently single cooperative transition with a slight asymmetry. Combined with circular dichroism and fluorescence analysis, the thermal denaturation of apo-CRP could be interpreted as a coupled process involving two individual transitions, each attributable to a structural domain. When isolated individually, both of the domains exhibited significantly altered thermal behavior, thus pointing to the existence of non-covalent interdomain interactions in the intact apo-CRP. These observations suggest that the allosteric conformational change of CRP upon binding to cAMP is achieved by perturbing or modifying pre-existing interdomain interactions. They also underline the effectiveness of a comparative approach using calorimetric and structural probes for studying the thermodynamics of a protein.

      • KCI등재
      • 誘發된 侵害에 대한 正當防衛

        元瀅植 건국대학교 1998 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.46 No.1

        Die Fa¨lle der provozierter Notwehrlage lassen rich nach der subjektiver Seite des Provokateurs in drei Konstellationen teilen: 1) Absichtsprovokation, 2) Vorsa¨tzliche Herbeifu¨hrung der Notwehrlage, 3) fahrla¨ssige Herbeifu¨hrung der Notwehrlage. Diese Fa¨11e ko¨nnen loch je nach der objektiven Qualita¨t des provoziernden Verhaltens in drei Foemen geteilt werden: Das provoziernde Verhalten int a) rechtma¨ßig odter sogar rechtlich geboten, b) rechtswidrig, c) rechtma¨ßig, abet sozialethisch mißbilligenswert. Die Ergebnisse der U¨berpriifu¨ng der Grundmuster, die lurch Kombination der objektiven unto suhjektiven Gegebenheiten erhalten werden, lassen rich folgendermaßen zusammenfassen: ① Unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Rechtssicherheit ist die relativ klare Abgrenzung zwischen rechtma¨ßig/rechtswidrig der wenig griffigen Differenzierung in sozialethisch gobilligt/mißbilligenswert vorzuziehen . ② Es entspricht den allgemeinen Grundsa¨tzen des Strafrechts, daß Absichtsprovokation und vorsa¨tzliche Herbeifu¨hrung der Notwehrlage derselber Beurteilung unterliegen, weir unser Strafrecht grundsa¨tzlich zwischen Absicht und Vorsatz nicht unterscheidet, und bedingte Vorsatz als eine Art des Vorsatzes vie andere Arten des Vorsatzes gleich behandelt wird. ③ Wenn der Angriff durch rechtma¨ßiges Verhalten provoziert wird, ist die Verteidigung gegenu¨ber dem Angriff kein MiBbrauch des Notwehrrechts und wird deshalb gerechtfertigt, unabha¨ngig davon, ob der Angriff absichtlich, vorsa¨tzlich odor fahrla¨ssig provoziert wird. ④ In Fa¨11e der Angriffsprovokation durch rechtswidriges Verhalten kommt es bei der BeruteilBung des Rechtsmißbrauchs darauf an, ob der Angriff vermeidbar oder nicht. Wenn der Angrifr vermeidbar, stellt die Verteidigungshandlung einen Mißbrauch des Notwehrrechts dar und somit unangemessen. Wenn der Angrif unvermeidbar, wird die Vetorteidigung gerechtfertigt. ⑤ Ein entgu¨ltiges Urteil u¨ber die Tat des Provokateurs wird noch nicht gefa¨11t, wenn such die Verteidigung gegenu¨ber unvermeidbarem Angriff lurch Notwehr gerechtfertigt ist. Sein Vorverhalten, also provozierendes Verhalten muß noch nach dem Gedanken der actio illicita in causa gepru¨ft werden. Wenn der Provokateur den unvermeidbaren Angriff mix Absicht oder bedingtem Vorsatz provoziert, ist er wegen vorsa¨tzlicher Tat strafbar. Wenn der Provokateur die Herbeifu¨hrung der Notwehrlage nicht bewußt hat, aber diese voraussehbar war, so int or wegen Fahrla¨ssigkeit zu bestrafen.

      • KCI등재

        Oxidation-Induced Conformational Change of a Prokaryotic Molecular Chaperone, Hsp33, Monitored by Selective Isotope Labeling using 1H NMR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis

        원형식,Yoo-Sup Lee,Kyoung-Seok Ryu,이윤호,Songmi Kim,이근우 한국자기공명학회 2011 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society Vol.15 No.2

        Hsp33, a prokaryotic molecular chaperone, exerts holdase activity in response to oxidative stress. In this study, the stepwise conformational change of Hsp33 upon oxidation was monitored by NMR. In order to overcome its high molecular weight (33 kDa as a monomer and 66 kDa as a dimer), spectra were simplified using a selectively [^(15)N]His-labeled protein. All of the eight histidines were observed in the TROSY spectrum of the reduced Hsp33. Among them, three peaks showed dramatic resonance shifts dependent on the stepwise oxidation, indicating a remarkable conformational change. The results suggest that unfolding of the linker domain is associated with dimerization, but not entire region of the linker domain is unfolded.

      • KCI등재

        한국 채용 시장에서 4년제 대학졸업자의 취업 결정 요인: 입사지원자의 실천지능 관점에서

        원형식,장주혁,이새롬,이환우 한일경상학회 2021 韓日經商論集 Vol.92 No.-

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate the effects of work experience during college on successful job seeking in 4-year college graduates by dividing work experience into direct work experience and indirect job traning. With the emergence of new hiring techniques, such as blind selection in hiring, the significant prdictive measures of hiring have been changed. Thus, this study attempts to examine whether work experience, which has been an important factor when filling non-entry level positions, also significantly influences the hiring of new graduates, such as 4-year college graduates. Research design, data, and methodology: In particular, this study is differentiated from previous studies in that it classifies part-time work experience and internship experiences as direct work experiences and traning to improve job performance after hiring as indirect job traning and examines whether these two factors affect actual hiring. We analyzed the data (2016GOMS) collected from 18,199 college graduates (graduated in August 2015 or February 2016) in September 2017 using binomial logistic regression. Results: Indirect job traning had a positive effect on 4-year college graduates’ employment, while the hypothesis that direct work experience will have a positive effect on 4-year college graduates’ employment was rejected. Implications: This suggests that our intuitive belief that direct work experience will be more valuable than indirect job training in terms of future job performance does not apply to the hiring of entry-level recruits, such as 4-year college.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터 등 사용사기죄의 입법경과와 입법자의 의사-대법원 2003. 1. 10. 선고 2002도2363 판결-

        원형식 한국형사법학회 2007 刑事法硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        Die Entstehungsgeschichte des Computerbetrugs und der Wille des Gesetzgebers攀* Professor, College of Law, Youngsan University, Ph.D. in Law.攀攀Oh, Byung-Doo*In vorliegender Besprechung geht es um die hchstrichtlichen Rechtsprechung 2003.5.13. 2003do1178. Die Rechtsprechung lautet, daß die “unbefugte Verwendung der Daten”, die in §347-2 des neuen StGBs von 2002. 6.29. zum Ausdruck gekommen ist, zu “Eingabe des unrichtigen Befehls” im Sinne des alten §347-2 gehre. Dies knne, innerhalb gewhnlicher Wortsinne durch teleontologische Auslegungsmethode, die Motiven und das Ziel des Gesetzgebers, sowie die Entstehungsgeschichte heranzuziehen, begrndet werden. Und das ursprngliche Urteil, das der gefragte Sachverhalt nicht im alten §347-2 subsumiert werden knne, aufgehoben werden msse.Das Berufungsgericht, hnlich wie das Oberste Gerichtshof, behauptet, dass seine Auffassung in dem Willen des Gesetzgebers begrndet liege. Da die neue Fassung von §347-2 eine zustzliche gesetzgeberische Regelung bedeuten solle, knne die alte §347-2 nicht anwendbar sein. Also der Schluss steht gegen die hchstrichtliche Rechtsprechung gegenber. Aus der Untersuchung der Gesetzgebungsmaterialien und der Diskussion im Vorfeld von Gesetzgebung ergibt sich, dass die Stellungnahme dieser Rechtsprechung recht hat und dass das ursprngliche Urteil mit einer Identitt der gesetzgeberischen Werturteilsstruktur nicht erfasst hat. Also lsst sich die hchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung wohl akzeptieren. * 이 논문은 2006년 4월 10일 제67회 우리형사판례연구회에서 발표한 원고를 수정·보완한 것임.** 영산대학교 법과대학 교수, 법학박사.대상판결의 쟁점 중 타인의 인적 사항을 도용하여 타인 명의로 발급받은 신용카드의 번호와 그 비밀번호를 인터넷사이트에 입력함으로써 재산상 이익을 취득한 행위만을 기술한 것이다. 攀攀피고인은 2001. 10. 6. 11:05경 서울 이하 불상지에서 컴퓨터 등 정보처리장치인 인터넷사이트 피해자 한국신용정보 주식회사에 유△규 명의로 접속하여 신용정보를 조회하였다. 이때 피고인은 그 서비스이용대금의 결제를 위하여 피고인이 마치 유△규인 것처럼 가장하여 유△규 명의의 신용카드(삼성스카이패스카드)의 카드번호와 비밀번호 등을 입력하고 그 사용료 2,000원을 지급하도록 하였다. 이 신용카드는 피고인이 유△규의 인적 사항을 도용하여 발급받은 것이었다.제1심 법원은 위 사실에 대하여 사기죄를 적용하여 유죄판결을 하였다.攀 서울지방법원 서부지원 2002. 1. 18. 선고 2001고단3685 판결.攀攀 이에 피고인이 항소하였다. 제2심에서 검사는 위 공소사실에 대하여 컴퓨터 등 사용사기죄로 공소장변경신청을 하였고 법원은 이를 허가하였다. 제2심 법원은 제1심 판결을 파기하고 컴퓨터 등 사용사기의 점에 대하여는 무죄판결을 하였다.攀 서울지방법원 2002. 5. 1. 선고 2002노1368 판결.攀攀검사는 상고하였고 대법원은 원심판결 중 무죄부분(즉, 컴퓨터 등 사용사기의 점)을 파기하고, 사건을 서울지방법원 본원 합의부에 환송하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Detergent Screening for NMR-Based Structural Study of the Integral Membrane Protein, Emopamil Binding Protein (Human Sterol Δ8-Δ7 Isomerase)

        원형식 한국자기공명학회 2017 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society Vol.21 No.1

        Human sterol Δ8-Δ7 isomerase, commonly known as emopamil binding protein (EBP), is an essential protein in the cholesterol-synthetic pathway, and mutations of this protein are critically associated with human diseases such as Conradi-Hunermann–Happle or male EBP disorder with neurological defects syndrome. Due to such a clinical importance, EBP has been intensively investigated and some important features have been reported. EBP is a tetra-spanning membrane protein, of which 2nd, 3rd, and 4th membrane-spanning α helices play an important role in its enzymatic function. However, detailed structural feature at atomic resolution has not yet been elucidated, due to characteristic difficulties in dealing with membrane protein. Here, we over-expressed EBP using Escherichia coli and performed detergent screening to find suitable membrane mimetics for structural studies of the protein by NMR. As results, DPC and LMPG could be evaluated as the most favorable detergents to acquire promising NMR spectra for structural study of EBP.

      • KCI등재

        Triple isotope-[13C, 15N, 2H] labeling and NMR measurements of the inactive, reduced monomer form of Escherichia coli Hsp33

        원형식,이유섭,고현숙,류경석,전영호 한국자기공명학회 2010 Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society Vol.14 No.2

        Hsp33 is a molecular chaperone achieving a holdase activity upon response to a dual stress by heat and oxidation. Despite several crystal structures available, the activation process is not clearly understood, because the structure inactive Hsp33 as its reduced, zinc-bound, monomeric form has not been solved yet. Thus, we initiated structural investigation of the reduced Hsp33 monomer by NMR. In this study, to overcome the high molecular weight (33 kDa), the protein was triply isotope-[13C, 15N, 2H]-labeled and its inactive, monomeric state was ensured. 2D-[1H, 15N]-TROSY and a series of triple resonance spectra could be successfully obtained on a high-field (900 MHz) NMR machine with a cryoprobe. However, under all of the different conditions tested, the number of resonances observed was significantly less than that expected from the amino acid sequence. Thus, a possible contribution of dynamic conformational exchange leading to a line broadening is suggested that might be important for activation process of Hsp33.

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