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      • KCI등재

        흔적부각 자궁에 합병한 화석태아의 1예

        원창용(CY Won),이우용(WY Lee),박신근(SK Park),배병추(BC Bai) 대한산부인과학회 1978 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.21 No.3

        Congenital anomalies of female genital tract are comparatively rare. Pregnancy in association with anomalies is rarer still. We have experienced a case of lithopedion in rudimentary uterine horn. This paper reports a case of lithopedion in rudimentary uterine horn, Gartners duct cyst in vagina and agenesis of left kidney, and presents with a brief review of the literature concerning the reproductive problem in uterine anomalies.

      • 人體囊尾蟲病에 있어서 Praziquantel(Embay 8440)의 治療效果에 관한 硏究

        林漢鍾,元昶龍,朱正和 고려대학교 의과대학 1980 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.17 No.3

        Clinical and histopathological analysis were made on 47 cysticercosis patients who visited our institute during the years of 1972 to 1979. Among 47 cases 28 (59.6%) were males and ages ranged from 20 to 40. Of the total, 20 cases (42.6%) experienced vomiting by unknown cause before the occurrence of cysticercosis. This fact may be suggested that one of the modes of occurrence of cysticercosis is considered by the mechanism if internal autoinfection depending on the reverse peristalsis. Furthermore in this analysis, at least 18 cases (38.3%) were considered cerebral cysticercosis by the episodes of convulsive seizure in their history. For therapeutic trial, praziquantel, 3×25㎎/㎏/day, was administered orally for 3 or 4 consecutive days to 20 cases with or without cerebral cysticercosis. The assessment of drug efficacy of praziquantel was judged by comparing the numbers of cysticercus nodules in the subcutaneous tissues, histopathological findings of the biopsied parasites and the frequencies of epileptic seizures with those before and after treatment with the drug. From one month after the administration of the drug, some cysticercus nodules began to disappear in the subcutaneous tissues, and that, a large numbers of the nodules disappeared during the period of 3 to 6 months after the administration. In some patients, however, very few numbers of the nodules were remained over one year after the treatment. Among 20 cases treated with the drug, 8 had cerebral involvement of the parasite and had convulsive seizure. However there were no cessation of the seizure during the period of 6 months after the treatment. Among those cases with seizures, 4 cases were treated again with the same does of the drug for 4 consecutive days at 6 months after the first trial of treatment. No epileptic seizures were experienced in these cases over one years after the second treatment. Histopathologically the appearance of vesiculation in tegument as well as desquamation of tegument were observed in 2 week's specimens of the nodules. Some cysticerci biopsied at one month after the treatment were damaged with high disintegration, and some nodules were necrotized completely. Even some cysticerci which were remained in the subcutaneous tissue over one year were also observed to have some histopathological changes. None of the cases treated with the drug was observed with laboratory abnormalities in the findings of hematology, blood biochemistry and urinalysis. It may be well to say that praziquantel is effective for the treatment of human cysticercosis. However unwanted side effects, such as headache, nausea and vomiting were encountered in the group of patients with cerebral involvement. These side effects could be prevented and minimized by the application of dexamethasone during the course of treatment with praziquantel.

      • KCI등재

        임신중독증에 관한 임상적 고찰

        이우용(WY Lee),원창용(CY Won),박신근(SK Park),배병주(BJ Bai) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.6

        1972년 4월 1일부터 1975년 12월 31일까지 만3년 9개월간 서울 적십자병원 산부인과에서 입원, 분만, 치료한 총 2077예중 임신중독증환자 479예에 대한 임상적 관찰을 한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 임신중독증의 빈도는 23.1%로서 이중 자간전증이 19.2%, 자간증이 3.9%이었다. 2) 환자의 연령은 20세 이하가 63.6%이었다. 3) 임신지속기간이 38주에서 42주에 속하는 예가 40.7%이었다. 4) 초산임신 대 경산임부의 비는 59.3% 대 40.7%이었다. 5) 쌍태임신에 있어서 임신중독증의 빈도는 70.2%로서 단태임신의 약 3배에 해당되었다. 6) 임신중독증환자에 있어서 부종은 (-)가11.5%, (±)가 8.8%, (+)가26.6%, (++ )가2 3.5%, (+++ )가 21.7%, (++++ )가 17.6%,이었다. 7) 임신중독증환자에 있어서 단백뇨(-)가 5.3%, (±)가 18.4%, (+)가 24.6%, (++ ) 가15.6%, (+++ )가 19.9%, (++++ )가 16.0%였다. 8) 분만전 및 분만중의 수축기혈압은 139㎜Hg 이하인 경우가 6.4%나 되었고, 140∼ 159mmHg가 25.6% 160∼199㎜Hg가 47.4%, 200㎜Hg이하인 경우가 20.4%엿다. 9) 분만전 및 분만중 확장기혈압은 89㎜Hg 이하인 경우가 5.9%, 90㎜Hg이상인 경우가 94.1%였다. 10) 분만 제2월에 있어서의 수축기혈압은 139㎜Hg 이하가 48.4%였다. 11) 분만 제2일에 있어서의 확장기혈압은 89㎜Hg 이하가 29.9%로 되었다. 12) 임신중독증환자의 1.0%에서는 부종만, 6.9%에서는 고혈압만 1.4%에서는, 단백뇨만 나타냈다. 13.5%에서는 부종과 고혈압이 합병해서 나타났고 2.1%에서는 부종과 단백뇨 11.2%에서는 고혈압과 단백뇨가 나타났다. 삼대징후군이 다 나타나는 경우가 63.5%였다. 두통이 35.1%, 시력장해가 11.4%에서 나타났다. 13) 입원당시의 임신중빈혈(혈색소가 10.0gm%이하)이 31.1%나 되었고 분만제2일에서는 빈혈이 61.7%나 되었다. 총혈청단백이 정상최저하한치인 5.5g% 이하인 경우가 36.4%였고, 혈청 creatinine 이 1.6mg% 이상인 경우가 6.2%, 혈청뇨산이 3.0mg% 이상인 경우가 전중독증환자의 95%였다. 14) 안저소견을 보면 정상소견이 50.4% Ⅰ도가29.7%, Ⅱ도가 14.1%, Ⅲ도가 4.2%, Ⅳ도가 1.4%였다. 15) 분만양상을 보면 경질분만이 86.1%, 복식제왕절개술이 13.8%였다. 16) 태아의 평균체중은 2941g이었다. 17) 입원중 태아치사율은 8.6%이었다. 18) 입원후 모체사망은 0.7%였고 임신중독증에 의한 모체사망이 전모체사망의 27.2 %였다. 19) 임신중독증환자에게 올지도 모르는 여러가지 후유증을 예방하고 태아 및 모체사망율은 감소시키기 위해서는 철저한 산전간호와 적절한 치료가 필요하다. In spite of the widespread advances in the treatment of toxemia in recent years, it remains the major cause of maternal and preinatal morbidity and mortality. But good prenatal supervision, with the early detection of signs and symtoms of on-coming toxemia, and approprite treatment will arrest their mortalities and morbidities, and outcome for baby and mother will be usually satisfactory, The data tabulated are based on 479 cases with the diagnosis of toxemia among 2077 cases of total deliveries between Apr. 1, 1972 and Dec. 31, 1975 at the Seoul Cross Hospital. the results are follows: 1. The incidence of toxemia is 23.1%, preeclampsia 19.2%, eclampsia 3.9% mild preeclampsia 8.4%, severe preeclampsia 10.8% antepartum eclampsia 2.9%, intrapartum eclampsia 0.2%, postpartum eclampsia 0.8%. 2. Patient`s age is under 29 year old in 63.6%. 3. About three fourth (73.4%) is concentrated between 38 weeks and 42 weeks of pregnancy. 4. The incidence of primipara in toxemia is 59.3%. para 2;16.9%. para 3;11.7%. para 4;6.8%. para over 5;5.0%. 5. The incidence of toxemia in twin pregnancy is 70.2%. 6. The edema(-) in toxemia is 11.5%, edema(trace); 8.8%, edema (+); 26.6%, edema(#): 23.5%, edema(*) : 21.7%, edema(*) ; 7.6%. 7. The proteinuria (-) in toxemia is 5.3%, proteinuria (trace); 18.4%, proteinuria (+); 24.6%, proteinuria (*); 15.6%, proteinuria (*); 19.9%, proteinuria (*); 16.0%, 8. regarding the systolic blood pressure in antepartum, 6.4% in toxemic patient is 139 mmHg or less in blood pressure, 25.6% between 140 mmHg and 159 mmHg. 47.4% between 160 to 199 mmHg. 20.4% over 200mmHg 9. Regarding the diastolic B.P. in antepartum or intrapartum, 5.9% is 89 mmHg or less, 94.1% over 90 mmHg. 10. Regarding the systolic B.P. in postpartum 2nd day, 48.4% is 139 mmHg or less, 51.6% is over 140 mmHg. 11. Regarding diastolic B.P. in postpartum 2nd day, 29.9% is 89 mmHg or less, 70.1% is over 90 mmHg. 12. The case that showed edema only is 1.0%, proteinuria only 1.4%. hypertension only 6.9%, edema plus hypertension 13.5%, edema plus proteinuria; 2.1%, hypertension plus proteinuria 63.5%, headache; 35.1% in all toxemia; visual disturbances; 11.4% in all toxemia. 13. Regarding the laboratory findings, anemia(Hgb; less than 10.0% gm%) is 31.1% in admission day and 61.7% in postpartum 2nd day. 36.4%of the studied cases(55 cases) revealed low total serum protein(less than 5.5 gm%), and only 6.2%(55 cases) showed elevated serum creatinine (more than 1.6 mg%), and majority (95%) showed the elevated uric acid (more than 3.0 mg%). 14. The fundoscopic findings are as follows; normal; 50.4%. grade I;29.7%. grade II; 14.1%, Grade III 4.2%, Grade Ⅳ; 1.5%. 15. the method of delivery is as follows; vaginal delivery; 86.1%. cesarean section; 13.8%. 16. The average weight of newborn babies in 2941g. 17. The sum of stillbirth and newborn death rates during admission is 8.6% 18. Over one fourth(27.2%) of all maternal death is due to toxemia.

      • KCI등재

        선천성 뇌수종의 3례

        정영태(YT Chung),장유신(YS Chang),원창용(CY Won),이인철(IC Lee),배병주(BJ Bai) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.2

        저자 등은 최근 서울적십자병원 산부인과에서 경험한 선천성 뇌수종에 관한 증례와 함께 간단한 문헌고찰을 해보았다. Hydrocephalus, although infrequently seen by the obstetrician, is a potentially dangerous condition in which the outcome at times is unfavorable. It is characterized by the presence of an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial cavity. Three cases of congenital hydrocephalus are presented with the review of literature available.


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