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        16세기 전반기 書肆의 설치 논의와 그 의미

        우정임(Woo Joung-Im) 부산경남사학회 2005 역사와 경계 Vol.54 No.-

        Thanks to the policy as well as to the admission of Sarim(progressive young officials) to the government and the wide-pread of Sunglihak, demands for the books increased rapidly. However, this increase of demands resulted in the shortage of books. The debates on setting up Seosa(publicly owned book stores) during the reign of Joongjong simply reflected this sense of urgency. The Monarchy in an attempt to overcome the shortage of books, and at the same time to circulate them smoothly took initiatives to build Seosa.<br/> As far as the Monarchy was concerned, there were some other hidden agendas with building Seosa. First of all, it was to eliminate the privilege of the high-ranking officials with regard to purchasing books, so that anyone could buy books freely. Second of all, Seosa should provide an open ground for the students to be able to exchange, read, and buy books cheaply. After all, the debates on building Seosa reflected the wills of Gimyo Sarim(the progressive political group with young officials), whose initial intention was to spread Sunglihak through modifying the book-distributing system. As a result, the debates on building Seosa became a conflictual political issue between the privileged and the newly admitted officials.<br/> Building Seosa was, first, suggested during the discussions on supplying books to other regions. It was the 10th year of Joongjong's reign, when Gimyo Sarim began to be admitted to the government. but never implemented due to Gimyo Sawha. The highest-ranking officials continuously objected the plan. This conflict between two groups reached a climax between the years of 24th and 32nd of Joongjong's reign, till Kim An-Lo, lost his power.<br/> Gimyo Sarim regained its position immediately after that. However, the various attempts to facilitate the plans to build Seosa were never materialized during Joongjong's reign. Eventually it was no longer discussed, especially the 6th year of Myongjong's regin onwards, due to the political circumstances where the queen's side relatives controled the power from the late years of Joongjong to the 20th of Myongjong'. After all the political situation at the time was reflected on setting up Seosa.<br/> During Sunjo's reign, the numbers of private book traders increased and so did the book sales among the commoners. Accordingly students and newly admitted officials could easily obtain books without having to rely on the supplies of Department of Books and official book stores. Therefore, it was only natural that the discussions on building Seosa gradually faded.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 수학학습장애 학생의 연산 오류 특성

        우정한 ( Jeong Han Woo ),김영걸 ( Young Gull Kim ),신재훈 ( Jae Hun Shin ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2007 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.3

        The four operation part of mathematics is very important to mathematics learning and school learning. The purpose of this study was to identify error characteristics of four operation and sub-four operation among grades. For this study, 45 students with mathematics learning disabilities of 4th, 5th, 6th grades were employed and researched by Basic Academic Skills Assessment-Math. The results of this study were as follows. First, error rates of division part was the highest in four operation. In error patterns of four operation, calculative error of addition part, make 10-add extra/10-minuend-add extra error of subtraction part, flawed algorithm error of multiplication part, and no answer of division part were the highest. Second, in error patterns of sub-four operation, a number of four cipher and a number of four cipher operation error of addition and subtraction part, and a number of two cipher and a number of two cipher operation error of multiplication part were the highest. The results of this study provide basic information of four operation error patterns and characteristics of students with mathematics learning disabilities and provide suggestions in organization of teaching;learning operation program.

      • KCI등재

        ELW 시장의 공정성과 금융기관의 고객에 대한 신의성실 의무

        禹政錫(Jung-Seok Woo),李定玟(Jung-Min Lee) 한국기업법학회 2015 企業法硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        DMA를 비공개적이고 배타적으로 일부 고객에게만 제공하는 것은 그로 인한 투자 이익과 관련한 중대한 경제적 효과에 근거하여 판단할 때, 금융기관에게 부여된 고객에 대한 신의성실의무 위반에 해당한다. 이러한 맥락에서 이를 자본시장법 제178조 제1항 제1호의 ‘부정한 수단, 계획, 기교’에 해당한다고 볼 수 있다. 금융기관이 고객에 대해 지켜야 할 신의성실의무의 중요성은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않다. 왜냐하면 이는 신뢰를 기본으로 하는 서비스를 제공하는 금융산업 자체의 존재 기반을 구성하기 때문이다. 한 금융기관의 고객인 누군가가 본인이 제대로 이해하지 못하는 방식으로 그의 핵심 이익과 관련하여 다른 고객과 고의적으로 차별되지 않는다는 믿음은 금융 서비스를 지탱하는 핵심 가치이다. 따라서 금융기관의 신의성실의무에 반하거나 왜곡하는 방식 또는 아이디어에 근거하여 조성되는 금융 상품 또는 그 시장은 근본적으로 지속 가능하지 않을 것이다. 또한 그로 인해 발생하는 법률적 또는 경제적 분쟁의 사회적 비용은 극심할 수밖에 없고, 이후 금융기관과 산업에 대한 투자자의 신뢰는 손상된다. 더구나 신의성실원칙 위반의 결과로 차별받은 고객이 입은 피해 또는 손해는 대부분의 경우 정확히 산정하는데 근본적 한계가 존재한다. ELW 시장을 둘러싼 분쟁과 그 여파를 이러한 맥락에서 살펴보는 것은 향후 신의성실의무에 반하거나 왜곡하는 방식으로 금융 상품 또는 시장을 조성하려는 시도가 발생할 때, 당국과 일반투자자의 대처에 관해 시사하는 바가 크다. In the time since its launch in 2005, the domestic equity-linked warrants (ELW) market in Korea has grown to become one of Asia’s largest exchange markets. In this time, however, the issue of unfairness between the treatment of major and preferred clients, or scalpers, and regular clients on the part of liquidity providers (LP) has become an increasing problem. This issue relates particularly to a lack of transparency in the issuance to preferred clients of direct market access (DMA) systems which allow faster access to the market, and thus an advantage over those with regular access. While DMAs themselves could be seen to be a technological advantage in relation to the ELW market, their general availability and accessibility arguably mean that the systems themselves are not unfair, it is their exclusive and discreet issuance to some clients and not others, by LPs, that is of concern. Some have criticized the constitutionality of The Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act (FISCMA) §178 (1)-1, which reads: “No one shall conduct any activity … using an unfair device, contrivance or skill.”, noting the vagueness of the provision. This paper, however, supports the constitutionality of the clause on the basis that LPs are specialists in the ELW market and thus must be entirely aware of what could be said to comprise an unfair device, contrivance, or skill. Any dishonesty and a lack of openness about the provision or non-provision of DMA, along with an explanation of their benefits could be representative of a breach of trust between LPs and clients. Thus, this paper concludes that LPs should be held accountable for the unfair opportunities for advantage and profit given to DMA users, over non-DMA users. That is to say, the fiduciary duties and responsibilities of LPs to their clients mean that they should be given equal opportunities and access to DMAs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        통합교육 효율화를 위한 웹기반 교사교육 프로그램 및 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 기초 연구

        우정한 ( Jeong Han Woo ),윤광보 ( Kwang Bo Yoon ),김성애 ( Sung Ae Kim ),정희섭 ( Hee Sup Jung ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2006 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.7 No.2

        For providing effective inclusion service to students with disabilities, general and special education teachers`` preparation and quality of inclusion is very important. However, lack of knowledge and competency about inclusion, general and special education teachers have had difficulty in implementing effective inclusive education in practice. So teachers training curriculum at university and inservice education program are needed for effective inclusion. The purpose of this study was to provide suggestions for developing special and general education teachers training curriculum at university and to develop special and general education teachers inservice program for effective inclusion. The method of study to achieve this purpose was as follows. First, literature research on inclusion, curriculum of teacher inservice education agency and web-based education was conducted. Second, investigation research on special education teachers training curriculum of Korea, America and European Community, and on competency and needs of special and general education teachers was conducted. The conclusions drawn from the results and discussion were as follows. First, for effective inclusion, common curriculum of general and special education teachers at university include subjects such as philosophic foundation of inclusion, theory of inclusion, support of inclusion, teaching and learning of inclusion, curriculum development and application of inclusion, instructional technology of inclusion, communication and interaction method of inclusion, and program development and application of understanding students with disabilities. Second, for effective inclusion, curriculum of special education teachers at university include subjects such as communication and interaction method of inclusion, instructional technology of inclusion, management of inclusive class, appling individual education program of inclusion, program development and application of understanding students with disabilities, community support and inclusion, inclusion and transitional education, inclusion and constructivism, behavior intervention of inclusion, teaching and learning method of multidisciplinary aspects, inclusion and full inclusion, inclusion and accessibility, and discrimination in inclusion. Third, the contents of web-based general education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was developed through contents analysis, purpose establishment and contents organization. The web-based general education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was consisted of 4 domains such as understanding special education, understanding inclusion and practice, teaching and learning for inclusion, and guidance and behavior intervention. Fourth, the contents of web-based special education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was developed through contents analysis, purpose establishment and contents organization. The web-based special education teachers inservice education program on inclusion was consisted of 5 domains such as understanding general education, professionalism on special education, understanding inclusion and practice, teaching and learning for inclusion, and guidance and behavior intervention.

      • KCI등재

        TIE 활용 직업교육이 정신지체학생의 직업준비기능 및 학습태도에 미치는 효과

        우정한 ( Jeong Han Woo ),이희광 ( Hee Kwang Lee ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2009 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.10 No.1

        Vocational education is to develop knowledge, skills and attitude for getting a job. Especially vocational education is important to students with disabilities. However in special education it is insufficient not only contents and materials but also teaching method for vocational education. The purpose of this study was to know the effects of TIE(Television in Education) vocational education on job preparation skills and learning attitude of students with mental retardation. The subjects were 6 male students with mental retardation who were enrolled at special school. The conclusion were as follows. First, task performing competence of interview skills, time management, declaration of intention and vacational exploration was improved, so the TIE vacational education has effect on increasing job preparation skills of students with mental retardation. Second, interest, attention and task performing attitude was improved, so the TIE vacational education has effect on increasing learning attitude of students with mental retardation. Some recommendations were suggested based on the result of this study.

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