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        루이스 칸 건축의 외부화된 내부에 관한 연구 - 연결공간의 체험과 표현을 중심으로 -

        우영선,신범식,Woo, Young-Sun,Shin, Buhm-Shik 한국건축역사학회 2005 건축역사연구 Vol.14 No.4

        This paper is a study of the possibility of experience and expression in the architecture of Louis I. Kahn by focusing on the characters of entrance, court and window/wall of his public buildings. In the course of composition, Kahn defined the entrance, court and window/wall as an connecting elements and elements of boundary. The characters revealed by these elements or rooms give the clue to insight Kahn's thought of relation of interior and exterior space or inner and outer space. Following are the characters of these elements. First, a entrance reveals the fact that inner space separates from outer space by connecting these two space and giving the value to inner space as the entity and totality like outer space. The entrance gives its ontological being to human subjects not by vision but experience and expression which is the essence of commonness, that is, Silence. Kahn made the possibility of activity amplify in this common and silent space. Second, this entrance is connected with wide and huge central space not individual spaces of interior space. This extreme procedure of entering makes human subject feel sublime of intoner space. And the central spaces becomes another exterior or another world in the inner world of architecture by the lights from above and by having the boundary wall which shows same pattern of exterior wall. Third, Kahn regarded a window as the giver of lights not as the medium of vision connecting inner space with outer. He tried to connect interior with exterior through the being and character of the light expressed in the interior. And in his buildings, interior space is connected with exterior by expressing the purpose of building, composition of inner space, structural truth and construction facts through the Form, a pattern of wall, details and ornamental joints. By practicing this thoughts in the real buildings, Kahn tried to gave aura to both the interior space and entity of architecture which is regarded as micro universe like flowers, rocks and human beings.

      • 일반논문 : 발터 벤야민과 루이스 칸의 문지방Threshold

        우영선 ( Young Sun Woo ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2011 도시인문학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        루이스 칸과 발터 벤야민은 동화의 세계에 주목했다는 점에서 공통된 사유의 맥락을 제시했다. 이러한 공통점을 넘어 루이스 칸과 벤야민은 미메시스적 사유와 문지방에 대한 사유에서 큰 유사점을 갖는다. 발터 벤야민은 여러 저작을 통해 문지방을 거론하고, 이 요소를 자신의 철학적 사유가 응축된 곳으로 이해한다. 벤야민은 정문이나 입구, 거리를 이러한 문지방의 사례로 지적한다. 건축 요소로서의 입구와 거리 개념의 중정은 루이스 칸 건축 작품의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나이다. 동일한 건축 요소들을 강조하는 이러한 맥락에 따라 루이스 칸의 입구와 중정 개념의 거리를 하나의 문지방 요소로 볼 수 있다. 루이스 칸의 어록에서 문지방은 크게 두 가지 의미로 등장한다. 그 하나는 문이 열렸을 때 빛이 지나가는 외부와 내부 사이의 전이적 공간이라는 구체적인 건축 요소이며, 다른 하나는 루이스 칸의 건축적 사유 주제였던 ``침묵과 빛``의 이행 과정을 지칭하는 건축적 사유 주제다. 루이스 칸의 다이어그램과 시는 사물과 언어가 닮아있는 동화의 세계와 유사하며, 이 다이어그램과 시적인 함축적인 글을 통해 루이스 칸은 빛과 침묵, 그리고 빛에서 침묵으로, 침묵에서 빛으로의 이행지점에 해당하는 문지방 사유를 강조한다. 문지방을 영감과 아우라의 장소로 인식하고, 문지방을 신성한 곳으로 여기는 벤야민의 사유는 영감의 장소인 칸의 문지방 개념과 유사하다. 이러한 경험의 가능성은 입구-계단/회랑-중정으로 이어지는 일련의 공간에서 얻는 촉각적 경험과 ``걷기(walk)``이다. The relation of architecture and a building lies in the world of Mimesis. The thought of expression was important to Kahn and it is another word of this Mimesis. This study starts at the concept of Mimesis in the thought of Walter Benjamin who felt the aura of threshold is implied by the element of threshold. Walter Benjamin consistently uttered on the element of threshold and understanded it as a condensing thing of his philosophical thought. He regarded a main entrance and street as this element of threshold. Therefore, an entrance and court as street in architecture of Louis I Kan can be this element. The word of threshold has a two kind of meaning in the writing of Kahn. One of this is a real architectural element as a transitional space between inside and outside upon which light is thrown when the door is opened. The other is the subject of thought as an ambience or aura of Silence to Light, Light to Silence. Walter Benjamin said that the space of threshold might give to a real experience of aura which has been impossible in the mechanic world of modern civilization. And in the lecture and writings Kahn regarded the essence of threshold as a place and aura. The experience of this auratic place of threshold might be possible in the ``activity of walking`` through entrance court to stair, to central court. The Architecture of Louis Kahn which is an field of expression of the element and thought of Threshold has a role of fairy tale`s redemptional purpose. And his architectural works gives a feeling or touch of ruins as a tradition.

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