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      • 미국의 특별목적판매세(Local Sales Tax)를 이용한 도시기반시설 확충의 재원조달 도입방안 연구

        우명제(WOO, Myungje),송경일(SONG, Kyung Il),남진(NAM Jin) 대한교통학회 2013 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.68 No.-

        중앙정부로부터의 보조금 지원이 감소하고 지자체의 재정여건이 악화되는 상황에서, 지방정부에게 있어서 기반시설 설치를 위한 새로운 재원이 지속적으로 필요하게 되었다. 각종 부담금 형식으로 부과되는 개발 부담금, 과밀부담금, 도시개발시설 및 추가설치 비용부담금, 기반시설설치비용 등의 국토해양부 소관의 부담금들이 있지만, 개발이 일어날 때만 산발적으로 이루어지는 재정방식이 기에 한계점이 노출되고 있다. 또한 현행 도시계획세(재산세 과세특례)를 제외하고는 사회기반시설을 위한 국가나 지방자치단체에 서의 안정적인 세금을 통한 재정의 확보는 이루어지지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 도시기반시설 재원 조달시 문제점과 미국에 서 시행되고 있는 특별목적판매세 제도를 검토하여 국내에서 적용 가능한 도시기반시설 재원 마련 방안을 제시하고 있다.

      • 지방소비세를 이용한 교통기반시설 확충의 재원조달 방안에 관한 연구

        우명제(WOO, Myungje),김수진(Kim, Su-Jin),남진(NAM, Jin) 대한교통학회 2013 대한교통학회 학술대회지 Vol.68 No.-

        인구의 도시집중화가 지속됨에 따라 교통기반시설인 도로, 철도, 공항, 대중교통시스템 등에 대한 교통수요와 유지·관리를 위한 비용이 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 그러나, 기존의 교통기반시설 재원으로는 증가하는 교통 수요와 유지·관리를 위한 비용을 충족시 키기에 부족한 실정이다. 기존 교통기반시설 투자재원은 중앙정부차원의 교통세와 주세, 교통 범칙금, 과태료 등과 지방정부차원의 광역교통부담금, 국가보조금, 주행세 등이 있으나, 교통세의 경우 2015년 폐지될 계획이며, 과거 지방도로 정비사업의 주요재원으로 활용되었던 지방양여금도 국가균형발전특별회계에 편입되면서 전국 차원의 재원으로 활용되어 지방자치단체의 교통시설을 위해 투 자되던 재원이 줄어들고 있는 실정이다. 특히, 이러한 지방자치단체 차원의 재원 한계는 재정자립도가 낮은 지방자치단체일수록 교 통기반시설을 제때 공급하는데 걸림돌이 되고 있으며, 낮은 교통서비스 수준의 공급으로 도시가 더욱 낙후될 가능성이 높아지고 있 다. 미국의 경우, 연방정부 또는 주정부의 지방정부에 대한 교통기반시설 재정 지원이 줄어듦에 따라 지방정부 자체적으로 교통재원 을 마련하려는 노력으로 특별목적판매세의 이용이 증가하고 있다. 기존에는 개별 카운티 또는 두·세개 카운티가 협력하여 교통기반 시설 재원 마련을 위한 판매세율을 인상하는 경우가 많았으나, 최근 조지아주에서는 주정부 차원의 정책에 따라 지역단위의 특별목 적판매세를 시행하는 사례가 나타나고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 미국의 지방 판매세, 조지아주의 지역 특별목적판매세 등의 제도와 이와 유사한 제도로서 최근 우리나라에 도입된 지방소비세의 운용 매커니즘을 문헌연구를 통하여 살펴봄으로써 지방 또는 지역 정부 차원의 새로운 교통기반시설 재원 조달 방안을 제안한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        서울시 제조업 집적지의 공간적 분포 및 특성에 관한 연구

        윤종진(Yun, Jongjin),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.2

        The recent global financial crisis suggests that industrial structure specialized in single sector only, particularly in tertiary industry, does not longer ensure the sustainability of regional economy. The importance of industrial diversity to respond to economic fluidity becomes more apparent. Reflecting these circumstances, Seoul has implemented ‘Industrial and Special Development Promotion Districts’ and made efforts to protect urban manufacturing. However, manufacturing clusters in Seoul is under threat from conversion to residential, commercial, and business uses. In addition, strategies for promoting and protecting manufacturing clusters have not been established yet at the city level. Therefore, it is important to identify clusters of urban manufacturing and their characteristics. The results of cluster analysis and multinomial logistic regression reveal that manufacturing clusters in Seoul could be categorized into several types with different characteristics. Both internal factors, such as operation length and number of employees, and physical factors, such as major uses of building, land use, and accessibility, characterize each type of manufacturing clusters.

      • KCI우수등재

        신시가지 개발을 동반한 도시스프롤이 중심도시 쇠퇴에 미치는 영향

        엄현태(Eom, Hyuntae),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2015 國土計劃 Vol.50 No.6

        Korea has experienced rapid urbanization similar to urban sprawl that has caused urban problems such as traffic jam, degradation of green space, and the decline of inner cities. Also, new-town developments in suburban areas have promoted the decline of inner cities. Recently enacted urban regeneration policies targeting these problems do not consider regional-level causes of urban decline, such as urban sprawl. The purpose of this study is to measure the impacts of urban sprawl on the decline of inner city taking into account new-town developments in suburban areas. Two multiple regression models are employed with changes in population and establishments of inner cities as dependent variables. The urban sprawl index, new-town development, their interaction term, and other control variables are used as independent variables. The results show that urban sprawl accompanied by new-town development rather than typical urban sprawl negatively affects inner cities by decreasing their population and establishments.

      • KCI우수등재

        전국 도시권의 도시 스프롤 측정을 통한 유형 및 특성 분석

        황의정(Hwang, Ui Jeong),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.5

        Urban sprawl generally refers to a low-density and unplanned development expanding outward from an urban center. Urban sprawl has been an urban issue due to its negative impacts on environment and economy. Many Korean cities also have a tendency towards urban sprawl. The purpose of this study is to measure urban sprawl in city-regions and analyze their type and characteristics associated with the sprawl. Local Labor-Market Areas(LLMAs) in Korea are chosen for the spatial unit of analysis. The extent to urban sprawl of the LLMAs is measured using various indicators with three categories: population and employment, land use, and urban structure. The results show that the LLMAs are classified into 4 types through cluster analysis, and in particular, Type 3 and 4 have tendencies of urban sprawl. The two types mostly consist of small and medium sized cities, but their tendency and characteristics are different. The results imply that local governments in Korea should implement different growth management policies considering the type of urban sprawl in each area and make multi-jurisdictional efforts.

      • KCI우수등재

        도시쇠퇴의 공간적 확산현상과 쇠퇴확산 요인에 대한 실증분석

        엄현태(Eom, Hyuntae),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.2

        Globally, many factors, such as changes of transportation infrastructure, urban sprawl, change of industrial structure, have caused urban decline. Cities experiencing such urban decline have enforced urban revitalization policies. Also, most Korean cities have recently experienced urban decline which results in enacting urban regeneration policies at the national level. While existing studies on urban decline have focused on identifying major factors associated with the decline, few studies have attempted to measure spatial diffusion of decline in Korea. As urban decline is characterized as spatial problems, not only finding the factors but also predicting its spread is important to prevent future urban decline. In this context, the purposes of this study are to examine urban decline areas of Seoul in Korea and to measure the spread of urban decline through analysis of spatial autocorrelation and a spatial regression model. The results show that there exists spatial diffusion of urban decline in Seoul, and urban decline on districts in terms of population, establishment, and dwelling unit is influenced by some variables of its nearby areas. This implies that we need to consider neighboring areas of the declined districts when urban regeneration policies are developed at the district level.

      • 택지개발이 인접한 읍면동에 미치는 영향 : 경기 · 인천 지역을 대상으로

        정연(Jeong, Yeon Woo),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 한국지역개발학회 2020 한국지역개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.10

        Cities grow through a series of processes that lead from a single structure to a multi-nuclear structure, and naturally become Metropolis because of their communion with neighboring cities. However, Residential Development Project are difficult to naturally link functionality among surrounding cities that occur during the process of general urban growth that is artificially created in urban suburbs. Therefore, the impact of Residential Development on the rate of change in population and number of workers in Gyeonggi-do and Incheon Metropolitan City between 2015 and 2005 was analyzed in detail and the following results were derived. First, it was found that only the area of residential development zones had a significant value in terms of impact on population changes. Second, it was analyzed that the area and number of residential development zones had significant values as the impact on the change in the number of workers, and that it had significant values with the presence or absence of residential development zones.

      • KCI우수등재

        제조업의 구조적 특성과 공간적 특성이 도시 성장에 미치는 영향

        조재욱(Jo, Jae Uk),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.5

        Industrial structure of developed countries has rapidly transformed from a dominant manufacturing sector to commercial and service sectors during the last several decades in a process of industrial restructuring. In addition, an international free trade has reinforced a division of labor that promoted manufacturing firms to move their production facilities to developing countries to minimize production costs and maximize profits. However, since the Great Recession, manufacturing has been recognized as an important economic base that can increase employment and secure the national economy. However, many local governments still give priorities on service industries, and a large scale of industrial lands have been converted to housing and commercial uses. The purposes of this study is to identify leading and emerging urban manufacturing and their locations in Seoul and to measure their impacts on the regional economy. The results show that the characteristics of manufacturing contribute to urban growth, particularly affecting the increase of employment, while the characteristics vary depending on their location and clusters.

      • KCI우수등재

        마코프-연쇄 모형을 이용한 광역도시권 설정 및 권역 변화 분석에 관한 연구

        이상걸(Lee, Sang Geol),우명제(Woo, Myungje) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2016 國土計劃 Vol.51 No.7

        As many planning issues in transportation, environment, and the economy transcend beyond existing political boundaries, regional planning at the metropolitan level has become more important than ever. We do not have clear metropolitan boundaries within which regional planning is developed and implemented. Although there have been existing studies that delineated city-regions using commuting data and other variables, most authors used a cut-off method that is somewhat arbitrary and requires local knowledge by authors. The purposes of this study are to delineate functional regions with mathematical methods, specifically Markov-chain model and cluster analysis, and analyze the regions in terms of changes of boundaries. The results show that the identified functional regions are wider than those identified in previous studies, effectively addressing the influence of central city and thoroughly incorporating sprawled regions.

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