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        동서양 문학비평 담론의 차이에 대한 고찰

        牛林杰(Niu Lin-jie) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2006 아시아문화연구 Vol.10 No.-

        Since 20thcentury, Europe and America- centered Western literature criticism has been occupying the stage of world literature criticism. Eastern traditional literature criticism, thus, has been under its big impact. The discourse distinction between Eastern and Western literature criticism is not only owing to the difference in literal language, but due to the entirely different mode of thinking. With South Korean ancient literature critic Lee Kyu Bo as an example, this article explores the discourse distinction between Eastern and Western literature criticism.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁을 주제로 한 중한(中韓) 전쟁문학 비교연구

        우림걸(Lin Jie Niu),왕보하(Bao Xia Wang) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.50

        The war broke out in 1950 in Korea brought about a great loss to the development of society and people`s life both in China and South Korea. As an artistic form reflected social problems, lots of literature works with the theme of Korean War came into existence after the war. However, because of the differences of ideology and regime between the two countries, these literature works are entirely different in artistry. The Korean War literature in China emphasized on the political narrative and the war narrative. However, because the war took place in Korea Peninsula, it provided a new angle of view on imagining Korea, namely, the Chinese literature depicted the foreign landscapes and fine humanity. Even so, it still embodied dense Chinese cultural complex and elements. In the respect of literature of wars, Korea got an integrated system of literature of wars. So there are so many soul-stirring tour de forces by diversification in art. On the other hand, there are also some excellent literature works about Korea Conflict in China, but most of the mare limited in heroism the mode of character programming.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국 근대 장회소설(章回小說) <영웅루(英雄淚)>에 대한 고찰

        우림걸 ( Lin Jie Niu ),유혜영 ( Hui Ying Liu ) 한국고소설학회 2010 古小說 硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        Hero`s tears, written in early 20th century, is a Chinese chaper titled novel with major content of the Japanese annexation of Korea. Many modern Korean figures represented by An, Chong-gen came on stage and were shaped in this novel. After being buried for nearly a century, this novel came into view in early 21th century. Hero`s tears is regarded as a very important document to both Korea and China. A full-scale research on this novel has not been done until now. Whether the author is a Chinese or Korean is still a question. Its major content is the Japanese annexation of Korean and the major figures are Koreans represented by An, Chong-gen in modern times. In addition, this novel was discovered in Korea after a 90 years` burying. Taking this into consideration, it is easy to find that there is a deep connection between Hero`s tears and Korea. As a basic study on this novel, this thesis will focus on its author, artistic features and modern consciousness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        ?振(Zhen Tang),牛林杰(Lin-Jie Niu) 중국어문논역학회 2020 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.46

        식민지 위기와 국권회복의 시대배경에 처하여 박은식은 중국으로 망명하여 역사문학 저술활동과 신문여론활동을 적극적으로 전개하였다. 이런 과정 중에서 박은식은 한중 연대를 기본적인 이념으로 참고 당파의 차별을 불구하여 유신파 인사와 밀접한 관계를 맺었을 뿐만 아니라 혁명파 인사들과도 넓고 깊이 있는 교류와 소통을 하였다. 중국인사들이 쓴 서문, 일기, 회상록 및 제문, 전기 등 문학작품들을 통하여 박은식과 그들의 교류양상을 살펴볼 수 있다. 박은식과 강유위는 유교구국, 일본의 한국침략, 한국망국의 원인 등 문제들을 함께 검토하고 공통된 인식을 갖게 되었다. 그밖에 그는 일자리를 찾지 못했을 때 강유위의 소개를 통하여 《국시보(國是報)》의 편집을 맡아서 한국독립운동을 계속 추진할 수 있었다. 그리고 그는 경매구(景梅九), 왕정위(汪精衛), 황계민(黃介民) 등 혁명당인들과 밀접한 관계를 맺었고 일본의 한국침략, 한국망국의 원인, 한국독립운동 및 한중관계, 한중연대 등 문제들에 관한 견해와 의견들을 서로 교환했으며 합의를 이루었다. 나남산(羅南山), 증용(曾鏞)등 혁명당인들도 박은식이 제기한 한중 연대라는 주장을 적극적으로 지지하였다. 박은식과 중국인사들의 항일구국이란 시대과제를 둘러싼 교류활동은 한중 지식인들의 공동적인 정체성 확립을 촉진시켰고 한중 양국이 일제를 공동적으로 저항하는 데 튼튼한 토대를 다지게 되었다. 아울러 그들 간의 교류는 당시의 중국문학계와 사상계에도 중요한 영향을 끼쳤다. 박은식과 중국인사들의 교류활동을 고찰하는 것은 한중 근현대 인문교류의 양상을 깊이 파악하는 데 중요한 참고의의를 지니고 당대에 한중양국의 협력을 탐색하는 데 본보기가 될 수 있다. In the Background of anti-Japanese national salvation, Park Eun-sik taking the China-Korea solidarity as the orientation, crossing the party differences, not only had close communication with the reformists, but also had extensive and in-depth exchange with the revolutionaries. Through the prefaces, diaries, memoirs and other literary works written by Chinese people, we can know the exchange activities between them. Park Eun-sik exchanged views with the reformist kangYou-wei and reached a consensus on the issues such as the national salvation by Confucianism, the Japanese invasion of Korea and the subjugation of Korea and so on. With the help of the Confucian church system, he actively promoted the independence movement of Korea. In addition, Park Eun-sik and the revolutionaries, for instance, Jing Mei-jiu, Wang Jing-wei and Luo Nan-shan, had an in-depth exchange of views on the issues such as the Japanese invasion of Korea, the independence movement of Korea, and the China-Korea solidarity on Anti-Japanese and so on, and reached a consensus. The communication between Park Eun-sik and Chinese people promoted the common identity of Chinese and Korean intellectuals and laid a solid foundation for China-Korea solidarity on Anti-Japanese. At the same time, also had important influence on the Chinese literary world and ideological circle. The research on the exchange activities between ParkEun-sik and Chinese people is of great reference value for the deep understanding of the cultural exchanges between China and Korea in modern times, and will provide reference for the China-Korea cooperation today.

      • KCI등재

        梁啓超 역사ㆍ전기소설의 한국적 수용

        牛林杰 中韓人文科學硏究會 2001 한중인문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        麗史傳記小說是梁啓超文學創作的重要組成部分. 二十世紀初, 梁啓超的著作被大量介紹到韓國竝産生了精極的影響. 其中梁啓超的歷史傳記小說可以說是在韓麗聞化期流傅最廣 影響最深的著作之一被介紹到韓國開化期的梁啓超的歷史博記小說有: $lt;淸國戊戌政變記$gt;, $lt;越南亡國史$gt;, $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;, $lt;羅蘭未人傳$gt;, $lt;匈牙利愛國者曷蘇士偉$gt;, $lt;十五小豪傑$gt;本文以最受讀者歡迎的$lt;越南亡國史和$gt;和$lt;意大利健國三傑傳$gt;爲中心, 探討梁啓超的歷史傳記小說在韓國開化期的傅播及其影響. $lt;越商亡國史$gt;是一部描寫越南被法國滅亡約過程及在法國統治下越南入民的悲劇的作品. 在這部作品中, 梁啓超明確指出朝鮮正在成爲越南第二. 因此韓國讀者흔容易從越南亡國的悲劇中讀到自己國家的命運. $lt;越南亡國史$gt;在開化期有三個版本的譯本, 其中玄采的譯本曾發行過第二版, 周時經的譯本則發行刻第三版, 此外還有報紙的連載和漢文原著, 由此可見, $lt;越南亡國史$gt;的讀者範圍和影響力是非常大的. $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;是梁啓超歷史博記小說的代表作. 作品描寫了意大利統一時期瑪志尼, 加富??, 加里波的三位歷史人物的事迹, 生動地刻晝了三個救國英雄的形象. 這部作品對於正遭受列强侵略, 面臨爭取國家獨立任務約中國和韓國來說無疑有著特殊的意義. 該作品在韓國開化期有四個譯本, 其中以愛國啓蒙思想家申采浩的譯本影響最大. $lt;意大利建國三傑傳$gt;不僅對韓國開化期文學産生了一定的影響, 而且對韓國的愛國啓蒙和獨立運動也起到了積極的作用.

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