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        영화 <완득이>에 사용된 결핍과 치유로서의 음식

        우남희(Woo Namhee) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2019 인문사회과학연구 Vol.20 No.4

        이 영화에서 사람과 사람 간의 소통과 화해를 이끄는 매개체로 음식이 사용되고 있음에도 불구하고 이에 관한 본격적인 연구가 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 영화<완득이>의 영상텍스트에서 시각적으로 구현된 각 인물 간의 물리적 거리 사이에 놓여있는 음식을 대상으로 그 음식들이 지니는 의미를 결핍과 치유의 관점에서 살폈다. 그 결과 영화 <완득이>에서 과자와 빵은 완득이의 가난과 결핍을 상징하는 매개체로 사용되고 있었다. 반면에 햇반과 라면, 소주, 막걸리는 각각의 인물들을 이해하고 소통하는 데 이바지한다. 햇반은 담임과 완득이를 이어주고 라면은 어머니와 아들을 이어준다. 그리고 소주와 막걸리는 갈등 관계에 놓인 인물들이 서로 소통할 수 있는 계기를 마련해주는 역할을 수행한다. 완득이는 어머니와 17년간 떨어져 지내면서 결핍된 애정을 어머니와 함께 음식을 나눠 먹기와 어머니가 직접 만든 음식을 먹는 것으로 과거의 상처를 치유하고 관계를 개선하고 있다. 그뿐만 아니라 어머니가 만든 노계 백숙은 어머니를 비롯한 가족뿐만 아니라 이웃들과 함께 나누어 먹음으로써 구성원들을 하나로 결속시킨다. 영화 <완득이>에는 이처럼 다양한 음식이 등장한다. 비록 음식을 주제로 만들어진 작품은 아니지만, 영화에서 음식은 내적 갈등을 겪는 완득이의 갈등을 해소하는 데 사용된다. 그뿐만 아니라 다문화 사회의 문제, 장애인 가족의 문제 등으로 주류 사회에서 소외된 달동네 주민들 간의 갈등도 음식을 함께 나누어 먹으면서 음식이 하나의 공동체로 결속하는 데 사용되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이 영화에서 음식이 어떠한 의미 작용으로 사용되고 있는지에 대한 연구는 음식의 결핍이 인간의 정체성을 형성하는 데 큰 영향을 끼칠 뿐만 아니라 음식의 결핍으로 발생한 인간의 아픔을 치유하는 데 음식이 사용된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그뿐만 아니라 음식이 갈등 관계에 놓인 공동체의 갈등을 해소하고 그들의 결속을 다지는 데 이바지한다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. Despite food is used as a medium that leads people to communication and reconciliation in this film Punch (Wandeugi), no earnest studies are conducted on that. Thus, this study examined the meanings of foods in terms of lack and healing with those placed at a physical distance between characters visually realized in the video ext of the film Punch. As a result, snack and bread in the film Punch were used as media symbolizing Wandeugi’s poverty and lack. Meanwhile, Precooked Dried Rice, Ramyeon, Soju, and Makgeolli contribute to understanding individual characters and communicating with them. Precooked Dried Rice connects the teacher in charge with Wandeugi while Ramyeon connects the mother and the son. Also, Soju and Makgeolli prapare a chance for the characters in a conflicting relationship to communicate with each other. Wandeugi heals his past injury from his living apart from his mother for 17 years, sharing foods together and eating the foods cooked by her. Moreover, stewing boiled in plain water (Baeksuk) cooked by his mother binds neighbors as well as the family members, including the mother herself together by sharing it. Like this, various foods appear in the film Punch. Although it is not a work produced with food as a theme, foods are used in resolving Wandeugi’s conflict. Moreover, foods are used to bind the residents of the alienated from mainstream society due to the problems of a multicultural society and the family of the disabled. Through the study of the signification by which foods are used in this film, it was noted that the lack of foods greatly affected the formation of the human identity and that foods were also used to heal the human pain caused by the lack of foods. In addition, it was found that foods contributed to resolving conflicts of the community in a conflicting relationship and strengthening their solidarity.

      • 초등학교 아동의 대인문제 해결 사고의 발달

        우남희,김현옥 동덕여자대학교 2002 생활과학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This study examined the interpersonal problem solving strategies in school children. One hundred and forty nine of the 3rd graders and one hundred and fifty two of the 5th graders from 3 elementary schools were chosen as the subjects. Children`s alternative solutions(normative solution & negative solution) and consequential thought in interpersonal problems were analysed according to their grade, sex, and the target persons. The 3rd graders showed more affirmative solutions than the 5th graders, but showed no differences in negative solutions. The children`s grades did not make any differences in consequential thought. However, girls showed more consequential thoughts than boys especially when the target persons were their friends and mothers.

      • 아동연구의 새경향 : Neo-Piagetian Theories Piaget 이후의 이론들

        우남희 同德女子大學校 1991 同大論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        This study investigates the new theories in child development after Piaget. The researchers whose theories derived from Piaget but reformed and added dimensions for better explanation of child development are called neo-Piagetians. Although there are many neo-Piagetians working at the University of Geneva and other universities in Europe, only the neo-Piagetians who work mainly in the United States and Canada have been mentioned in this study. Piagetian developmental theory has gained considerable acclaim since its introduction in the United states and other countries approximately 30 years age. During that period, it has attained the status of one of the preeminent theories guiding research and program development in education, psychology, and sociology. However, with the increase of application of the theory, the limitations and difficulties involved in translating theory into practice have been raised. As a result, in recent years, researchers have tried to take on new form and added dimensions to overcome the limitations. Bruner, who is known as a critic of Piaget is one of the early neo-Piagetians. He emphasizes functional aspects of cognitive development and tries to explain how children process the information around them and what they need to process it. pascual-Leone connects child's cognitive process to computer by dealing with memory development in the child's cognitive development. With the explanation of memory development, Pascaul-Leone proclaims cognitive development as quantitiative change, whereas Piaget assumes it qualitiative one. Case directly connects memory development with Piaget's stage theory by demonstrating qualitative change in memory development according to the stages. He contends that quantity of memory does not change with the child's age but the strategies of memory change qualitatively. The automatization of the strategies with age requires less energy and this results in more effective use of memory with the same amount of energy. He also argues the importance of social environmental effects in cognitive development. Fischer makes an effort to put the organism and environment together in cognitive development to slove the problems which have not been explained in Piagetian theory. He does not put a child in a special stage but explains a child's behavior in the context. Accordingly, he makes Developmental discrepancy, hoizontal decalage a rule in child's development. Fischer and Case provide substages in cognitive development and emphasize the continuity in development. The new trends, neo-Piagetian theories explain child development in connection with the environment and explicate functional aspects in development in addition to its structural aspects.

      • 거짓행동에 대한 부모의 태도 분석

        우남희,이은정 동덕여자대학교 2003 생활과학연구 Vol.8 No.-

        본 연구는 서울 시내 한 초등학교에 재학 중인 1, 3, 5학년 자녀를 둔 학부모 163명을 대상으로, 부모들이 자신이나 자녀의 거짓행동에 대하여 어떠한 인식과 태도를 취하고 있는지를 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 14가지의 에피소드를 만들어 자녀의 거짓행동에 대한 부모의 평가와 태도를 물었으며, 설문지를 마련하여 부모 자신들의 거짓행동에 관한 질문을 하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 아동의 거짓행동에 대하여 부모들은 의도가 있는 거짓행동을 의도성이 적은 거짓행동보다 더 부정적으로 평가하고 있었다. 특히, 의도가 많으면서 개인적인 상황이나 대인적인 상황에서 적극적으로 행한 거짓행동을 가장 나쁘게 평가하였다. 부모들이 가장 해도 괜찮은 것으로 평가한 거짓행동은 의도가 적으면서도 소극적인 거짓 행동이었다. 둘째, 부모들은 아동이 거짓행동을 하였을 때 언어적인 벌을 가장 많이 사용할 것이라고 하였으며, 의도성이 많으면서 개인적 사태에서의 적극적인 거짓행동을 하였을 때 신체적인 벌을 가장 많이 줄 것이라고 하였다. 셋째, 자녀의 거짓행동에 대한 부모의 평가가 부모들의 행동과 관계가 있는지를 거짓유형별로 분석한 결과, 부모들은 모든 유형의 거짓행동에서 부정적인 평가를 할수록 언어적인 벌이나 신체적인 벌을 더 주는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 부모들은 일상생활에서 발생할 수 있는 거짓 행동들에 대하여 부정적인 평가를 함에도 불구하고 실제는 많은 거짓행동의 경험을 가지고 있었다. 다섯째, 거짓행동에 대한 부모의 허용도를 분석한 결과, 장난의 거짓행동을 가장 해서는 안 되는 것으로 평가하였고 선의의 거짓행동을 가장 해도 되는 것으로 평가하고 있었다.

      • 아동의 사고 발달과 한국의 전통 아동교육

        우남희 동덕여자대학교 2001 생활과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This study analyzed the teaching methods and a textbook used in Korean traditional primary school, Suhdang to examine the roots of Korean children`s way of thinking. The analysis showed that no limitations of the age and the social status of students might help the students to have variety of experiences which have resulted in having divergent thinking. However, the main method of teaching, recitation of the words, might hinder the creative thinking and problem solving abilities of the children. The contents of the main basic textbook, Chunjamoon was analyzed to be inappropriate for young children. The main parts of the book which explained the relationship between people (between king and men, between husband and wife, between parents and children, between grown ups and children, and between friends) could not make any senses for very young children and could not facilitate their critical thinking. The other parts of the book which included the historical events and people of ancient China might give little motivation to Korean primary school children and could not help them to develop their concrete thinking.

      • 우리나라의 유아대상 조기교육 확산의 사회적 심리적 요인

        우남희 생활과학연구소 2005 생활과학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        This study investigates the researches on early childhood education to figure out social and psychological reasons for overheated education in Korea. The researches done since 1990 were analyzed and five social reasons and four psychological reasons were articulated to explain the overheated education. Five social reasons were 1) rapid economic growth, 2) social environment of academic clique, 3)desire for promotion of social classes, 4) living in the apartment houses, 5)commercialism for education. Four psychological reasons were; 1)parental enthusiasm for children's education 2)mass alignment, 3)face saving, 4)hurriedness.

      • 조선시대 아동의 삶과 소파 방정환의 아동관

        우남희 동덕여자대학교 생활과학연구소 2007 생활과학연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the lives of the children lived at the end of Chosun dynasty in Korea and Jungwhan Pang's view of the children who was a writer of children's literature and the leader of child-movement at that time. The lives of the children in Chosun Dynasty was miserable because the economy and the cultural environment of the country was terrible under the invasion by Japan for 36 years. In addition to that children had to obey and worship their parents and other grown-ups, because Chosun was a hierarchical society with strict Confucianism. The status of the children was very low and they were treated inappropriately by adults. Although adults despised and had given hard time to children, Chungwhan valued children as the future of the country and tried to enhance children's status and rights. He viewed children as independent human beings with much potential, so adults shouldn't look down upon the children but have to respect them and use descent languages to them. His view toward the children was totally opposite to that of his age, but he tried every efforts to make the children's lives better: writing children's stories, poems, and translating foreign stories for children, lectures for parents, establ ishing the Day of the Children, and pub I ishing children's journals.

      • 한국 조기교육의 과거와 현재

        우남희,김현신 동덕여자대학교 2004 생활과학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The present study investigates the history and the problems of the overheated early education in Korea. The early education in Korea has been formulated since 1970`s when people could afford to spend extra money for their children`s private education with rapid economic development in Korea. Many young parents sent their children to private institutes for early education based on the folk belief, "the earlier, the better" or "the more, the better". The early education has been accelerated and overheated by the market without any base of educational philosophy or educational considerations from the government or educators. Over the 20 years, the number of children who got the early education increased dramatically. The variety of the educational programs increased a lot and the number of programs which each children took was also increased. The overheated early education resulted in economic crisis for the families and psychopathological symptoms for some children who got too much and too early education. On the contrary, the early education for handicapped children was neglected in Korea. The present study concludes that the early education in Korea went so far to reach to the level of child abuse. Thus, we suggest interventions of the government and the educators to prohibit the false and exaggerated advertisement of private institutes and the programs. In addition, we suggest the systematic parental educations for children`s age appropriated education.

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