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      • KCI등재후보


        왕영락,이상엽 한서대학교 동양고전연구소 2008 동방학 Vol.15 No.-

        The rural compulsory education has a direct influence on the state's long-term stability and prosperity. As the 900 million rural populations, basic education relates to the future of the entire country, and has a pivotal role. The seriousness and difficulties of compulsory education in rural areas recently caused great concern in the National People. If we really want to achieve the unification of the country urban and rural compulsory education, there is still a difficult way to go. Compulsory education in the past is not really completely free compulsory education for all. In 2005 Beijing and Suzhou City declare that: from 2006, will implement the true sense of the entire free compulsory education. This seems to be shown that all compulsory education freely in the country during the period of "11th Five-Year Plan" has been began, the rural compulsory education is about to enter a new historical period. China's rapid economic development today, to correctly understand the status and problems of the policy and implement on compulsory education in rural areas and explore the future of rural education development, it is undoubtedly an important and urgent task for the education workers. In this paper, a series of views and opinions were put forward, based on the spot inspection on the problems and solutions of compulsory education in rural primary and secondary schools. The main problems of compulsory education in rural areas as follows: there is a larger gap between the urban environment and rural compulsory education due to the development of rural economy backwardness; teacher strength is weak, treatment of teachers is poor, the quality of education cannot be protected ; financial funding for compulsory education constraining, a serious shortage of funding for education; the curriculum of compulsory education lagged; more students dropping out of school and reading useless on a resurgence; and the emergence of some new problems due to social development process so on. There are reasons as follows: the economic backward of rural is the root cause of compulsory education in rural areas; dislocation goal of education in rural areas, further studies education and education apart from agricultural occupied a dominant position; the reform of financial system and education system, resulting in the lack of funds for compulsory education in rural areas; Social, family, parents and other factors. There are solutions as follows: promoting rural economic development in rural compulsory education is the key; deepening the rural reform is a powerful impetus to promote the development of education in rural areas; the system establishment of educational resources in some cities servicing for rural; strengthen efforts to publicize and strengthen the main law enforcement status, the prevention of drop-out rates rise. 중국의 농촌의무교육은 국가의 장기적 안정성과 번영에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 농촌인구가 9억명에 달함에 따라 기초교육은 나라 전체의 미래와 관련되며, 중요한 역할을 담당한다. 농촌지역 의무교육의 심각성과 어려움은 최근 전 국인들에게 지대한 관심사가 되고 있다. 도시와 농촌의 의무교육간의 통일을 기하는 데에는 아직도 의견이 엇갈린다. 과거에는 의무교육이 완벽하게 실시되지 않았으나, 2005년 베이징과 소주시에서 완전한 의무교육을 천명함에 따라 전체적으로 의무교육이 실시되는 새로운 역사적 시기에 접어들었다. 중국의 급속한 경제성장에 따라 농촌지역의 의무교육 정책의 실태와 문제점을 이해하고 농촌 의무교육의 미래를 탐색하는 것은 교육관련 종사자들에게 매우 중요한 과제이다. 본 논문에서는 농촌 학교에서의 의무교육의 문제점과 해결방안을 살펴보기로 한다. 농촌지역에서 의무교육의 주요 문제점은 1)농촌지역의 경제적 낙후에 따른 도농간 의무교육 한경의 격차, 2)교사의 취약성과 대우 차이, 이로 인한 교육의 질 차이, 3)의무교육에 대한 재정투자의 문제점, 4)교육과정의 지체, 5) 학생들의 학습 격차 등등 사회주의 발전과정에 따라 나타나는 기타 문제점 등을 분석한다. 이런 문제점들의 원인으로는 농촌의 경제적 낙후로 인한 의무교육의 근본적인 문제, 교육의 목표 부재, 재정 시스템과 교육시스템의 미흡으로 인한 투자 결핍 외에 국가, 부모, 기타 요인들을 들 수 있다.이의 해결책으로는 농촌의 경제개발이 급선무이고, 교육자원의 체계 재설정, 주요 법령 공표 및 제정 등등을 제시하기로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 신 농촌 건설에 있어서 농촌 잉여 노동력에 대한 해결방안 연구

        왕영락,범평,심문보 한국콘텐츠학회 2009 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.9 No.12

        How to make use of the surplus labor force is the key problem referring to success or failure of new rural building in China. The purpose of the paper is to know exactly that what the problems to the development in the rural area, especially the problem of the rural labor force. The way to solve rural labor force question is to protect the rights of peasants, eliminate the extant city and rural's partitioning pattern and give them the same treatment. Firstly, it should dominate the city and rural economic society's development; Secondly, it should dominate the markets in city and rural, and speed up the fair competition in employment; Thirdly, it should dominate the infrastructural facilities in city and rural; Fourthly, it should dominate the education and social enterprises in city and rural; Fifthly, it should dominate the social security system in city and rural. It should also enlarge the investment of funding, science technology, talented person and management. This is the only way to solve the problem of rural labor force outlet. 중국에서 농촌 잉여 노동력을 어떻게 합리적인 배분할 것인가는 신 농촌 건설의 성공요인중의 하나이다. 농촌의 잉여 노동력 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 제도적인 방안이 마련 되어할 것이다. 첫째, 도농 경제사회의 발전기획을 종합적으로 계획하고, 둘째, 도농 시장, 특히 노동력 등 요소시장에서 공평 정대한 취업제도를 마련해야한다. 셋째, 도농 기초시설을 건설하고, 넷째, 도농 교육, 위생 등 사회문제를 해결할 수 있도록 하고, 다섯째, 도농 사회보장체도를 마련하는 것이 필요하다. 그리고 농촌에 우수한 인재와 중앙정부의 재정지원 및 관리기능을 확대해야 한다. 이렇게 하면 현재 중국 농촌이 직면하고 있는 다양한 문제를 해결할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Environmental Pollution Caused by China's Rural Development - Enlightened from the Semaul Movement in Korea -

        왕영락,范萍,김동백,소광섭 한국자치행정학회 2009 한국자치행정학보 Vol.23 No.1

        Along with the rural industrialization and the urbanized scale's unceasing expansion, along with the municipal pollution to the countryside pollution spread, pollution along with the east to the west shifts, along with the population activity frequent and rural economic development speed's quickening, China rural environment pollution assumes the trend of development. The countryside clean river sand the lake are getting fewer and fewer; The countryside soil erosion and the desertification area are expanding unceasingly; Countryside source of pollution with difficulty active control; The countryside beautiful scenery and the clear air are leaving us to go slowly. The rural environment protection's pressure is getting bigger and bigger. the main reasons Cause China rural environment pollution are the following five points: 1)The agricultural production creates pollution. 2) Infrastructure backwardness produces life pollution. 3)The rural enterprise layout is improper and the lack of insufficiently control produces industrial pollution. 4) Water quality of the water source area dropping is unable to withstand the load. 5) The mineral resource development, blind chop or the unreasonable non-farming resource development are important factors causing environmental pollution and ecological degradation. In the hope of China's rural ecological environment management, experiences of South Korea on how to pay attention to the rural ecological environment construction in the new rural areas building are introduced, the present situation and causes of the environment pollution in the rural area are expounded, and a countermeasure to the problem is put forward, which is to follow the way of sustainable development, to establish good farm biological environment and to uphold the coordinational development of the rural environment and the economy. Along with the rural industrialization and the urbanized scale's unceasing expansion, along with the municipal pollution to the countryside pollution spread, pollution along with the east to the west shifts, along with the population activity frequent and rural economic development speed's quickening, China rural environment pollution assumes the trend of development. The countryside clean river sand the lake are getting fewer and fewer; The countryside soil erosion and the desertification area are expanding unceasingly; Countryside source of pollution with difficulty active control; The countryside beautiful scenery and the clear air are leaving us to go slowly. The rural environment protection's pressure is getting bigger and bigger. the main reasons Cause China rural environment pollution are the following five points: 1)The agricultural production creates pollution. 2) Infrastructure backwardness produces life pollution. 3)The rural enterprise layout is improper and the lack of insufficiently control produces industrial pollution. 4) Water quality of the water source area dropping is unable to withstand the load. 5) The mineral resource development, blind chop or the unreasonable non-farming resource development are important factors causing environmental pollution and ecological degradation. In the hope of China's rural ecological environment management, experiences of South Korea on how to pay attention to the rural ecological environment construction in the new rural areas building are introduced, the present situation and causes of the environment pollution in the rural area are expounded, and a countermeasure to the problem is put forward, which is to follow the way of sustainable development, to establish good farm biological environment and to uphold the coordinational development of the rural environment and the economy.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on Building New Crisis Management System of Flight Delay at Hefei Airport

        왕영락,이상엽 한국자치행정학회 2009 한국자치행정학보 Vol.23 No.2

        With the rapid development of Hefei Airport, airport crisis caused by flight delay and effective crisis management are more and more prominent. This problem seriously affects the travel of passengers and the airport's daily running order so as to break the harmonious development of civil aviation. Firstly, the paper analyses main factors of flight delays in the domestic. Then the paper makes details about bad influence caused by flight delay and taking measures to prevent and deal with crisis. Finally, on the basis of the limit resource of Hefei airport, the paper discusses that it establishes the new Crisis Management System (CMS) of Hefei airport so as to decrease the occurrence frequency of airport crisis as low as possible and reduce the loss of crisis for making contribution to “safe、harmonious、prospering” Hefei airport.

      • KCI등재후보


        왕영락,이상엽 한국자치행정학회 2008 한국자치행정학보 Vol.22 No.1

        当今世界,环境、资源、人口是具有共性的三大热点问题。随着人口的增长,人类对自然资源的不断开发与利用,农村环境也面临着水土流失、土壤肥力降低、能源紧张、淡水资源缺乏、工业“三废”和农药对环境污染等一系列问题,使人类赖以生存的地球环境逐渐难以维持其生态平衡。当今中国农村环境污染的加剧和农业生态环境的破坏, 已成为制约我国农村经济健康发展的因素之一。 本文阐述了我国农村环境污染的现状及成因。提出农村环境污染防治对策 --- 走可持续发展的道路, 建立良性农业生态环境, 维护农村环境与经济的协调发展。 农业生态环境是指由农、林、牧、副、渔业生产所必须的土壤、水、森林、草原、空气和阳光等自然因素组成的综合体。农村生态环境除了农业生态环境还包括农村村民居住和从事各种生产的聚居地环境。 农村生态环境问题除了纯粹的自然力所产生的自然灾害以外,都是伴随着人们的农、林、牧、副、渔业各种活动和社会活动而产生的。农村生态环境问题是人类经济活动直接或间接影响的结果。 随着农村工业化和城市化规模的不断扩大,随着城市污染向农村污染蔓延,随着东部污染向西部转移,随着人口活动的频繁和农村经济发展速度的加快,中国西部地区农村环境污染呈发展趋势。农村干净的河流、湖泊越来越少;农村水土流失和沙漠化面积在不断扩大;农村污染源难以有效控制;农村的青山绿水和纯净空气正在慢慢离我们而去⋯⋯ 农村环境保护的压力越来越大。造成农村环境污染的原因主要有: 1、农业生产造成的污染。2、基础设施落后产生的生活污染。3、乡镇企业布局不当、治理不够产生的工业污染。4、饮用水源地水质下降,不堪重负。5、矿产资源开发、盲目乱砍滥垦或不合理的非耕地资源开发是造成农村生态退化和自然环境污染的重要因素。 解决农村环境污染办法有:1、提高认识, 明确指导思想和职责, 把农村环境保护纳入法制轨道;2、加强我国农村经济发展和农业自然资源开发活动中的环境规划和管理; 3、明确提出坚决制止城市企业污染转嫁给乡镇企业的法律规定;4、采取切实有效措施遏制乡镇企业对环境的污染和破坏加剧趋势;5、依靠科学技术进步, 建立良性农业生态环境, 减少农业自身的环境污染。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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