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        김정일 사후 북한소설에 나타난 ‘통치와 안전’의 작동

        오창은(Oh, Chang Eun) 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2014 통일인문학 Vol.57 No.-

        급격한 정치적 변화에 주목하면, 특정 공동체의 성격이 드러난다. 북한 사회는 2011년 12월 17일에 김정일 사망이라는 전환기적 사건을 겪었다. 김정일의 갑작스런 사망에 대한 기존의 북한문학 연구는 새로운 지도자인 김정은 시대의 도래에 초점을 맞춰졌다. 하지만, 이 연구는 북한 체제가 ‘통치와 안전’의 작동을 통해 ‘정상성’으로 나아가는 양상을 살핀다. 구체적으로는 김정일 사후 북한 소설이 ‘정치지도자의 사망’을 ‘기억과 재현의 정치’라는 측면에서 다루고 있다는 사실에 주목했다. 이를 통해 북한의 ‘통치와 안전’의 메커니즘을 분석했다. 김정일 사후 북한 소설에는 ‘불안과 안전’이 공존한다. 김하늘의 ?영원한 품?은 김정일에 대한 애도의 감정을 ‘불안과 안전’의 긴장을 통해 표현했다. 그러면서, 체제의 안전을 위해 인민의 애도 감정을 생산의 에너지로 전환해야 한다는 ‘통치성’이 발현되기에 인상적이다. 최종하의 「깊은 뿌리」와 김금옥의 「꽃향기」, 그리고 석남진의 「사진에 깃든 이야기」 등도 김정일에 대한 기억과 재현이라는 측면에서 주목할 만하다. 김정일 사후 북한소설은 ‘불안과 안전’을 병치시킴으로써, 혁명의 일상화를 기획하고 있다. 새로 등장한 김정은 체제도 단지 김일성과 김정일에 이은 유사 수령의 탄생이 아니라, 체제의 안전을 위한 인민통치의 안정화로 볼 수 있다. 북한소설에는 인민의 자발성에 기반한 헌신성을 강조하고, 혁명을 계승을 위한 인민의 자주성을 동원하는 양상을 띠고 있다. ‘선군정치’라는 상징적 성과를 전면화하면서도, 내부적으로 ‘경공업’과 ‘인민생활 향상’에 역량을 집중하고 있는 것도 비슷한 맥락에서 이해가 가능하다. 김정일이 ‘고난의 행군’으로 인해 피폐해진 인민경제를 복원하고, 김일성의 업적을 복원하는 것을 과제로 삼았다면, 김정은은 체제의 안전을 우선시하는 방향으로 통치성을 발현할 가능성이 높다. 김정은 체제는 수령의 압도적 카리스마에 기반한 통치이기보다는 국가의 운명에 자신을 동일시하는 광범위한 인민들의 자발성에 의해 작동하는 통치로 전망할 수 있다. 따라서, 김정은이라는 정치 지도자의 ‘자기통치’에 주목함으로써, 북한 체제의 ‘통치와 안전’의 지속 가능성을 주시할 필요가 있다. If we pay attention to a sudden political change, the characteristics of a particular community are revealed. With regard to the changes of the North Korean society, we need to take notice of the death of Kim Jeong Il occurred on December 17, 2011. It is interesting to note the actions of the North Korean system to cope with the sudden death of Kim Jeong Il. While the existing researches were conducted focusing on the arrival of a new leader, Kim Jeong Eun, this research examines the aspects of the North Korean system returning to ‘normality’ through the operation of ‘rule and security.’ In particular, this research examined the fact that North Korean novels after the death of Kim Jeong Il deal with ‘the death of a political leader’ from the aspect of ‘politics of memory and reproduction.’ Through this, the antagonistic relationship between the North Korean people’s self-mobilization aspect and the rule was analyzed. In the North Korean novels after the death of Kim Jeong Il, uneasy consciousness is revealed everywhere. Kim Ha Neul’s Eternal Bosom, which describes the mourning for Kim Jeong Il with a sense of uneasiness and at the same time as the energy to convert it into the security of the state, is impressive. Choi Jong Ha’s Deep Roots, Kim Keum Ok’s Fragrance of Flowers, and Seo Nam Jin’s Stories in the Photograph are all noteworthy from the aspect of memory and reproduction. North Korean novels after the death of Kim Jeong Il are planning to institutionalize revolution by juxtaposing mourning and daily life. The new Kim Jeong Eun system can be viewed as not just another similar leader subsequent to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jeong Il but as the stabilization of the rule of the people for the security of the present system. North Korean novels emphasize the voluntary dedication of the people and the mobilization of the people’s autonomy. Concentrating on ‘light industry’ and ‘improvement of life of the people’ internally while claiming to advocate the symbolic outcomes of ‘military first’ policy also can be understood in the similar context. While Kim Jeong Il restored the people’s economy impoverished by ‘March of Hardship’, Kim Jeong Eun is most likely to give priority to social security through the sovereignty of the state system. It is expected that Kim Jeong Eun’s rule will be the rule operated by the broad spontaneity of the people who identify themselves with the destiny of the nation, rather than the rule based on the leader’s overwhelming charisma. Accordingly, the sustainability of ‘rule and security’ of the North Korean system needs to be explored by paying attention to the ‘self-rule’ of the political leader, Kim Jeong Eun.

      • KCI등재

        미학적 우스꽝스러움과 기대 규범의 위반 - 손창섭의 문학세계 -

        오창은 ( Oh Chang-eun ) 세계문학비교학회 2022 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.80 No.-

        한국문학사에서 손창섭은 서사 미학적 성취가 돋보이는 작가다. 그는 예외적 작가, 별종적 개성을 지닌 작가라는 문학사적 평가를 받을 만큼 문학적 개성이 강했다. 손창섭은 1950년대 비극적 현실을 재난·이주·난민이라는 테마로 깊이 있게 형상화해냈다. 그의 소설에서는 서사적 의외성, 우스꽝스러운 상황 설정이 특징적이다. 주요 인물들도 무력한 성격으로 그려지거나, 현실의 부조를 비약하는 무관심성을 보이기도 한다. 의외성의 서사와 미적 우스꽝스러움, 그리고 비주류적 세계관은 1950년대 독자들로부터 열렬한 호응을 불러일으켰다. 손창섭 소설은 기존체제의 윤리를 낯선 시선으로 바라본다. 이 독특한 시선은 기존의 사회체제를 해체적으로 재구성하는 힘을 지닌다. 이는 1950년대 비극적 현실에 대한 거리두기이면서, 비주류적 인간이 바라본 세계를 형상화함으로써 기성 체제를 비판하는 것과 같다. 그 핵심에 ‘우스꽝스러움의 미학’이 자리하고 있다. 손창섭의 소설세계는 기존 체제 비판, 낯선 시선, 비주류적 세계관를 그려냈기에 민중성과 현재성을 갖고 있다고 평가할 수 있다. 손창섭의 독특한 미학 세계는 1950년대 한국문학의 성취로 평가받았다. 하지만, 그가 갑작스럽게 1973년 말 일본으로 이주한 후, 그의 문학은 애석하게도 잊혀지고 있다. 필자는 손창섭이 1958년부터 1973년까지 거주했던 ‘흑석동 산4번지’를 발굴했다. 손창섭의 문학 공간을 되실림으로써 손창섭의 문학을 재해석하려는 이어지기를 기대한다. 한국문학사에서 소중한 ‘미적 성취’를 이룬 손창섭의 소설세계는 ‘서사의 의외성’, ‘우스꽝스러움’, ‘비주류적 세계관’으로 의미부여할 수 있다. In the history of Korean literature, Son Chang Seop is a writer whose narrative aesthetics are outstanding. His literary personality was strong enough to receive a literary historical evaluation of an exceptional writer, a writer with a distinct personality. Son Chang Seop deeply embodied the tragic reality of the 1950s under the themes of disaster, migration, and refugees. His novels are characterized by narrative unexpectedness and ridiculous situation settings. Their main characters are also portrayed as helpless, or show indifference to the abordities of reality. The unexpected narrative, aesthetic ridiculousness, and non-mainstream worldview aroused enthusiastic response from readers in the 1950s. Son Chang Seop’s novels look at the ethics of the existing system from an unfamiliar perspective. This unique perspective has the power to deconstruct the existing social system. While keeping distance from the tragic reality of the 1950s, this appears to criticize the established system by shaping the world viewed by non-mainstream humans. At the heart of it lies the ‘aesthetic of ridiculousness’. Son Chang Seop’s novel world is evaluated as having folklore and currentity because the novels depict the criticism of the existing system, an unfamiliar perspective, and a non-mainstream worldview. Son Chang Seop’s unique aesthetic world was evaluated as an achievement of Korean literature in the 1950s. However, after he abruptly moved to Japan at the end of 1973, his literature is sadly forgotten. This writer explored ‘San 4 Heukseok-dong,’ where Son Chang Seop lived from 1958 to 1973. By reviving the literary space of Son Chang Seop, it is expected to reinterpret the literature of Son Chang Seop. Son Chang Seop’s novel world, which has accomplished a precious ‘aesthetic achievement’ in the history of Korean literature, can be given the meaning of ‘the unexpectedness of the narrative’, ‘ridiculousness’, and ‘non-mainstream worldview’.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 도시문화와 폐허 이미지 -이문구의 『장한몽』 연구-

        오창은 ( Chang Eun Oh ) 한민족문화학회 2009 한민족문화연구 Vol.29 No.-

        『장한몽』은 1960년대 중반의 서울 변두리 도시 풍경이 핍진하게 펼쳐진 작품이다. 이 장편소설은 공동묘지 이장 공사가 진행되는 5일간에 일어난 사건들을 에피소드 식으로 담아냈다. 일부에서는 이 소설이 전체 구성의 유기성이 떨어진다는 비판을 제기하기도 한다. 하지만, 삶의 정화를 위해 그로테스크 리얼리즘을 구현했다는 측면에서 이 소설은 다시 평가되어야 한다. 『장한몽』에서 주목할 부분은 기괴하게 일그러진 인물들의 형상을 통해, 자아를 잃어버린 도시적 인간들의 삶을 성찰해냈다는 점이다. 공동묘지 이장 현장이 일종의 제의의 공간으로 설정되어 있다. 그곳에서 각각의 등장인물들은 과거를 정화하고 새로운 출발의 가능성을 탐색한다. 주요 인물인 김상배는 전쟁의 상처로 인해 삶의 주변으로 내몰렸다. 그는 매사에 자신감이 없고, 남에게 표나게 드러나지 않는 삶을 영위해 왔다. 그에게 공동묘지 이장 공사는 삶의 전환을 가져오기 위한 하나의 실험이 된다. 이상필이나 구본칠 등 다른 인물들도 마찬가지다. 도시하위계층인 이들은 그악스럽게 삶을 순간순간에 집착하는데, 그 악착스러움이 죽음의 현장인 공동묘지의 풍경과 교차된다. 죽음과 삶이 뒤섞이는 공동묘지 이장 현장에서 등장인물들은 ‘삶의 진실’을 대면하게 된다. 그렇기에 공동묘지는 1960년대 도시공간을 ‘폐허의 이미지’로 표상해낸다. 이문구 소설이 도시소설에서 농촌소설로 넘어가는 과정에 『장한몽』이 위치한다는 사실도 문학사적으로 평가해야 할 부분이다. 이 소설을 기점으로 가는 ‘주체적 세계인식’에 가닿았고, 이러한 발견과정을 통해 좀더 당당한 목소리로 민중과 농촌현실에 대한 형상화로 나아갈 수 있었다. It was 1965 that Lee Moon Goo directly experienced the change of the burial site in the public cemetery. He published a novel that realistically embodied living experience around Seoul Shinchon area in the 1960s. Janghanmong is his first full-length novel and can be counted as the representative urban novel that embodied the 1960s. The background of Janghanmongin the novel is San 5, Shincheon-dong, Seodaemungu, Soul. Enquiring into the records and literatures of Lee Moon Goo reveals that the actual spot is the neighborhood of Seoul Foreign School and foreign residences behind Yeonhee elementary school. Even today there are Hanseong Chinese Emigrants` middle and high school in the neighborhood of the foreign residences. In view of the fact that Brown who led the change of the burial site in the public cemetery belonged to the Hanseong Institute, this place must be the spot in Shincheon-dong where the change of burial site took place. Janghanmong shows the form in the early stage of `Jeon (傳) form` which is mentioned as a style of Lee Moon Goo`s novel. In this novel, the major character Kim Sang Bae and the other diverse characters such as Goo Bon Chil, Lee Sang Pil, Ma Gil Sik, Park Won Dal, Mo Il Man, Hong Ho Yeong, Wang Soon Pyeong, Yoo Cho Soon, Choi Mi Sil, Yoo three brothers gathered together with their own personal story on the spot of the change of the burial site in the public cemetery. Kim Sang Bae is a dropout from the English literature department of a college. In addition, he is an incapable person living in his wife`s home. The laborers undertaking the work of the change of the burial site were in the similar situations. The circumstances,under which Ma Gil Sik and Lee Sang Pil and others were driven out to illegal shacks that can be removed anytime, are no less difficult. Such scenes of the outskirts of the urban area of Seoul in the 1960s is described vividly by Lee Moon Goo`s narrative power. Noteworthy is the fact that the public cemetery is set as the scene of a kind of religious ritual. In that place, each character purifies the past and explores the possibility of making a new start. Kim Sang Bae and Goo Bon chil are driven out to the outskirts of life due to the wound of the war. In everything they lack confidence and they lead a life never revealing their own selves. Mo Il Man who entered the temple as a cooking monk in order to quest for the meaning of life but were expelled as an attempted rape criminal, Park Won Dal who sells fake anti-Communist counterespionage paper, Yoo Han Deuk three brothers who crossed the border into South Korea to escape from the disgusting social status of butcher are all the great unwashed of the urban area. Their tenacious struggle to lead a life is contrasted with the cemetery that the site of the dead. On the spot of the change of the burial site where life and death are mixed up, `the truth of life` is faced. So the public cemetery is overflowing with `the image of the ruins.` Janghanmong weaves the events, which happened in the work of the change of the burial site for five days, in the form of episodes. Some critics raise the criticism that this novel lacks the organic quality of the overall plot. However, this novel should be reevaluated in that it actualized the grotesque realism to purify life. This novel makes onereflect on life of urban people who have lost self through the describing the people who are grotesquely deformed. The destruction of ethical consciousness is described to the extreme degree but this can be said as a way of revealing the negatives of the urban space. Also, noteworthy is the act that Janhanmong is positioned in the course of Lee Moon Goo`s novels passing over from urban novels to rural novels. With this novel as the starting point, the author reached `subjective world consciousness` and through the course of such discoveries he could advance into the embodiment of the people and the rural realities with more dignified voice.

      • KCI등재

        고려인 문학에 나타난 정체성의 정치

        오창은(Oh, Chang-Eun) 한국문학회 2011 韓國文學論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        본 논문은 중앙아시아 고려인 문학의 특징을 양원식의 소설을 통해 규명하려는데 목적이 있다. 양원식은 중앙아시아 고려인 문인 세대 중 제3세대의 유형을 대표한다. 그는 구 소련 내에서 소수민족으로 불이익을 감내해야 했다. 특히, 양원식은 국적이 거부된 고려인 무국적자 신분으로 이중의 고통을 겪어야 했다. 양원식을 주목하는 이유는 그가 비교적 뚜렷한 예술가적 자의식을 갖고 문학활동을 했기 때문이다. 그의 소설은 사회주의적 사실주의와 길항하면서 정치적 수단으로 이용되는 예술에 대해서는 비판적 입장을 견지했다. 이러한 예술관으로 인해 그의 작품은 중앙아시아 고려인의 구체적 일상을 포착할 수 있도록 이끌어준다. 양원식은 구 소련에서 간행되던 신문 <레닌기치>에 소설을 발표했고, 한국에서는 사후에 유고집 형식으로 소설집 『칠월의 소나기』(2007)를 간행했다. 이 소설집에 수록된 작품 중에는 연애서사가 자주 등장한다. 대표적인 작품으로 「엘레나」와 「칠월의 소나기」를 들 수 있다. 이들 서사에는 ‘북조선’과 ‘소련’ 사이에서 선택을 유보하며 경계인의 위치를 유지하려는 태도가 투영되어 있다. 구 소련에서 겪은 인종적 차별을 서사화한 「쏘바꼬예드(개고기 먹는 인종)」와 무국적자의 상황을 사실적으로 재현한 「녹색거주증」은 특히 주목을 요하는 문제작이다. 이 작품들에서 양원식은 ‘경계인(고려인)의 경계인(무국적자)’로서 중앙아시아 고려인의 삶의 양태를 서사화했다. 「쏘바꼬예드(개고기 먹는 인종)」가 현실의 문제를 상상적으로 해결하는 방향으로 나아간다면, 「녹색거주증」은 신분상의 제약에 속박당한 예술가의 자의식을 구체적인 사건을 통해 형상화했다. 양원식 소설은 중앙아시아 고려인의 정체성을 경계인의 감각으로 서사화했다는 측면에서 다시 조명 받을 만하다. 그는 북조선의 정치상황의 변화에 따라 윤리적 갈등을 하는 젊은이의 내면세계를 그리는가 하면, 이웃과 불화하면서도 디아스포라적 감성을 갈무리한 채 일상을 영위해야 하는 고려인의 고통을 형상화하기도 했다. 또한 알레고리적 기법을 통해 문학의 영역 속에서 상징적 복수를 감행함으로써 카타르시스를 기획하는 면모를 보이기도 했다. 양원식의 문학에서 확인할 수 있는 중앙아시아 고려인의 감수성은 선택을 유보함으로써 자신의 존재를 증명하려는 삶의 감각이다. 이는 정치적 억압 상태에 있는 약소자(minority)들이 취하는 생존의 전략이며, 디아스포라적 정체성에 내재되어 있는 불안의식이기도 하다. 양원식의 소설은 이주민의 특징적 감각을 ‘유보 혹은 지연의 감각’으로 적절히 포착했다는데 의미가 있다. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the characteristics of Korean-Central Asian literature through Yang Won-Sik's novels. Yang Won-Sik represents the type of the 3rd generation among Korean-Central Asian writers' generations. He had to live as a political exile who could not acquire nationality among Korean Diasporas who had to endure disadvantages of a minority race within the former Soviet Union for a considerable time. The reason why we take note of Yang Won-Sik is that he did literary activities with relatively clear artistic sense of identity. His novels maintained critical position on art that becomes political means while standing against socialistic realism. His view of art was not only helpful to grasp the daily life of Korean-Central Asians but also made it possible to have room for interpreting his literary works in diverse ways. Yang Won-sik published his novels on the newspaper of the former Soviet Union, <Lenin Banner>, and in Korea, collection of novels July Shower (2007) was published in the form of a posthumous collection after his death. In the novels contained in this collection, romantic narrations often appear. Among his typical works are Elena and July Shower. In these narrations, the stateless marginal person's attitude to maintain his position while reserving the choice between ‘North Korea’ and ‘the Soviet Union’ is reflected. His novels <Sobakoyed (the race eating dog meat)> and <Green Residence Certificate> in which he describes the racial discrimination he experienced in the former Soviet Union are particularly noteworthy controversial works. In these works, Yang Won-Sik described the life style of Korean-Central Asians as ‘the marginal persons (Korean Diaspora) of the marginal persons (stateless persons).’ <Sobakoyed (the race eating dog meat)> goes toward artistic solution in the imaginary realm while <Green Resident Certificate> embodied the artist's sense of identity enforced by the limitations of social status through substituting concrete events. Yang Won-Sik's novels are worth shedding new light on the aspect of characteristically describing the politics of the identity of Korean-Central Asians. While he described the inner world of young people who came into ethical conflict resulting from the cold war system and North Korean political situations, he embodied the sufferings of Korean Diaspora who had to lead a daily life finishing off the sentiments of Diaspora in conflict with the neighbors. He also showed the appearance of designing catharsis by going through symbolical revenge in the realm of literature through allegorical techniques. The sensitivity of Korean-Central Asians that can be recognized in Yang Won-Sik's literary world is the sense of life that tries to prove one's existence by reserving the choice. This is the survival strategies that the minority takes in the state of political oppression and also the sense of insecurity inherent to Diaspora identity. Yang Won-Sik's novels are meaningful in that they appropriately grasped the characteristic senses of emigrants as ‘reserved or delayed senses.’

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 서울 공간 경험과 근대적 주체의 구성

        오창은(Oh, Chang-eun) 중앙어문학회 2013 語文論集 Vol.53 No.-

        This thesis was written to grasp Seoul space in the 1970s through Jo Seon-jak’s full-length novel Miss Yang’s Adventure (1975) from the subjects’ compositional aspect.<br/> Miss Yang’s Adventure is the work in which Seoul city space in the 1970s is embodied with place names written accurately. Jo Seon-jak, the author of this work, was of the group of writers such as Choi In-ho, Song Yeong, Hwang Seok-yeong, Jo Hae-il, who were the most noteworthy writers in the 1970s. In this work, the events that heroine Yang Eun-ja underwent as she left her home town Chungnam NonSan and came up to Seoul. Simultaneously, the process, in which women subjects in the 1970s constituted capitalistic consuming subjects, was grasped. When desire is formed voluntarily, it contributes to the vitalization of capitalist microscopic power. The subjects actively connect desire with the image of modern capitalism and set the rise of status or affluent consumption as their own task. In a different sense, it also can be seen that the subjects are formed through the work of life power.<br/> This work juxtaposes city space experiences with the subject composition and shows well the fact that life power of cities works in the mechanism of exclusion and inclusion. In the core, there is the way in which the capitalistic exchange value is integrated. City women subordinate subjects entered into the inside of life power by accepting ‘commercialization of the body.’ Life power adopted a circulating system in which it made the city itself become a camp, produced survivors in the storm of modernization, and accommodated them in the camp. Through this, it created circumstances which made modern capitalism continue as exception status.<br/> Miss Yang’S Adventure well grasped the fact that modern capitalistic life power composed the subjects in the course of forming cities. The writer paid attention to ‘the particular’ with a realist attitude, and this kind of writer’s attitude played an important role in embodying ‘the effectiveness of power amid actually existing concrete events.’ This work shows that there is a possibility of resistance inside the inner workings by embodying the life power in Korea in the 1970s. Since subjects are composed by city space and at the same time the nature of city space also can be changed by subjects, the possibility of the subjects’ resistance still holds good.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 일상성과 생활의 ‘곤란’

        오창은(Oh Chang-eun) 우리말글학회 2007 우리말 글 Vol.39 No.-

        This thesis is written to explore the daily life of the Japanese occupation by force, observing ‘modernity’ and ‘coloniality’. It is from twenties to thirties when the daily life of colonial modern is putting down roots. We might say that it is the time of ‘colonial daily life’ until July, 1937, that is, the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War since the 1919 Independence Movement of Korea, which made the government-general its way of ruling. Since the outburst of the Sino-Japanese War, Jo-sun had turned unusual because of entering into the system of wartime- calling-out. Under this system colonial power does not feel to cover up itself firmly. On the contrary, it will strengthen its justice violently standing on the basis of the power relation constructed in daily life. It is fully worth paying attention to a study of daily life in relation to ‘the logic of Japanophilism and conversion’ which is being embossed these days. It is still important what an individual subject had chosen in an emergency. The surrender of Moo-han and Sam-jin in October, 1939, and Paris in June, 1940 is very surprising to the intellectuals in the colonized Jo-sun. However, but for the repetitive training course in daily life, any historical event could not have been the critical moment of ‘thinking-changing’. To explore deeply ‘the logic of Japanophilism or conversion’, we should examine wholly ‘daily/unusual life’. Through it, it is also considered what daily training course had put down roots at the back of Japanophilism and conversion embodied after the Sino-Japanese War. That is why we need to focus newly the daily life of colonial ruling from twenties to thirties. I should take notice of Yi Ik-sang(1895~1935) in relation to colonial daily life. There is no lively argument about him in the Korean literary history yet. Although placing a good deal of weight in the early literary world, Yi has not been mentioned enough. Yi is a typical character to have committed himself to the colonial daily life resisting the colonial reality. Yi, sinking into urban daily life at the front line of the Anti-Conventional School and proletarian literature, died before the Sino-Japanese War, April 19th, 1935, at the age of 41. In a matter Yi experienced the colonial daily life in full before wartime emergent system. This thesis aims to reconstruct the way of conversion which some of KAPF literary men had chosen through the study of ‘colonial daily life’ which influenced Yi's literary world and world view.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한문학의 종류와 형태, 갈래에 관한 고찰

        오창은(Oh Chang-Eun) 중앙어문학회 2009 語文論集 Vol.42 No.-

        In order to understand North Korean literature from more diverse viewpoints, we should take interest not only in substantial context but also in changes in the formof literature. However, researches on North Korean literature that have been made in South Korea have been inattentive to the interest in the discussion on ‘the characteristics and the form of North Koran literature in terms of genre.’ This study was planned to examine the system of North Korean literature through a study of its types, forms and offshoots. Based on this, what characteristics North Korean literature has in forms and what kinds of names it utilizes will be examined. The types of North Korean literature seem to be clearly distinguished between before and after the establishment of the juche ideology (1967). It is possible to compare the catalogues of the National Central Library of North Korea published before the establishment of the juche ideology with the forms of North Korean culture and art that were systematized in accordance with Kim Jeong-il’s ‘the theory of juche literature and art’ after the establishment of the juche ideology. The texts used for this study include Jeong-Seong-mu’s “The Times and the Forms of Lierature and Forms” (Social Science Publishing, 1987), Ahn Hee-yeol’s ‘the times and literary art form’ ‘research on literary art theories of juche 22 - types and forms of literary art’ (Literary Art General Publishing Company, 1996), Lee Hyeon-su’s ‘Literary Morphology’ (Literary Art Publishing Company, 2007). North Korean literature is roughly categorized into epic literature, lyric literature, and dramatic literature as the Russian literary critic Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky discussed. The early researches by Jeong Seong-mu at al, after having classified it into epic, lyric, and dramatic literature, classified it further into depiction means, depiction methods, depiction objects, capacity of works of art, and literary styles. Ahn Hi-yeol substituted formal means, depiction methods, depiction object, and composition form for this in adopting the classification methods of 3 stages of type, form, and offshoot. Lee Hyeon-soon who has discussed most recently the mode of literature classifies literature into ‘novel literature, poetry literature, dramatic literature, and juvenile literature. Also, what is characteristic of the discussion on the form of North Korean literature is that ‘the Joseon-style form’ emphasizing ‘Great Leader phenomenon’ is being highly evaluated. ‘Imperishable history series’, ‘village shrine-style drama’, ‘sea of blood-style words of an opera are some of the examples. The present state of North Korean literature is bound to be unfamiliar to South Korean literature. However, it can be seen that North Korean literature is not so exceptional when we examine the history of controversies over literature. It can be said that North Korean literature attaches great importance to the relations of literature with a non-literature world and more emphasizes the utility function of literature. Such attitudes of North Korean literature made it possible to classify genres on a relatively rational level before the juche literature theory was established in 1967. However, North Korean society underwent changes after it was at a crisis by external pressures and ‘the juche ideology’was established in the course of overcoming the crisis. The tradition ofanti-Japanese revolutionary struggles was reinforced and it came to possess individualistic character that reinforced nationalistic characteristics. Accordingly, for South and North Korean literature, we need to understand more deeply the difference from each other and refer to each other instead of holding each other in check and reinforcing antipathy. This is the way to explore ‘coexistence’ through differences, rather than simple integration.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김정은 시대 북한 소설에 나타난 평양 공간 재현 양상 연구 -사회주의 평등과 사적 욕망의 갈등-

        오창은 ( Oh Chang-eun ) 한민족문화학회 2020 한민족문화연구 Vol.71 No.-

        북한사회에서 평양은 특별한 공간이다. 평양의 공간적 위상은 평양과 타지역 간의 격차, 평양 내에서의 공간 격차의 발생 등을 통해 알 수 있다. 평양의 재개발은 2012년 창전거리 건설부터 2017년 여명거리 건설까지 활발하게 이뤄지고 있다. 김정은 정권 출범 이후에 ‘과학중시, 인재중시’가 국가정책으로 제시되었다. 과학자·기술자·교육자를 위한 특별 공간인 은하과학자거리· 위성과학자 주택지구·미래과학자거리가 평양에 조성되었다. 특정 계층을 위한 공간의 위계화는 사회주의 이념이 지향하는 평등주의, 노동계급의 공간적 권리 보장과 충돌한다.논자는 김정은 시대에 발표된 평양 공간을 재현한 주목할 만한 소설세 편을 분석했다. 이를 통해 ‘평양’의 공간적 상징화가 북한 민중의 내면 세계에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 주홍건의 「우리 집 노래」(<청년문학> 2018.4)는 평양 미래과학자거리의 초고층살림집에 거주하는 신혼 부부의 일상을 그렸다. 이 소설의 주인공인 여교수는 내밀한 목소리를 통해 평양 시민의 공간 욕망과 사적 세계를 드러내고 있어 인상적이다. 김계숙은 「평양사람」(<청년문학> 2016.4)에서 젊은 세대의 감각적 언어로 ‘평양과 농촌’의 공간적 격차가 사회· 문화적 불평등을 생산하고 있음을 그려냈다. 이 소설은 평양에서 태어나고 자란 소설 속 인물이 아버지의 선택으로 인해 농촌의 오지 마을로 들어오면서 겪는 일들을 에피소드 형식으로 그려냈다. 북한의 젊은 세대에게 ‘평양과 평양 바깥’의 공간적 위계는 ‘평양 진출’을 향한 강한 욕망 생산으로 이어지고 있다. 한은희의 「김철녀인」(<조선문학> 2019.3.)은 2019년 북한문학계에서 높이 평가하는 작품이다. 이 소설은 평양에서 나고 자란 주인공이 남편을 따라 함경북도의 ‘김책제철련합기업소’에서 생활하면서 겪는 일들을 그린다. 소설 속 주인공은 ‘김철여인’이 됨으로써 진정한 ‘평양여인’ 되는 길을 선택한다. 이 소설은 평양을 상징적 공간으로 그림으로써, 북한민중들의 강렬한 평양공간에 대한 욕망이 우회적으로 해소되고 있음을 드러냈다는 점에서 의미가 있다.북한 문학작품 속에 평양은 사적 세계의 발현, 지역간 불균형, 평양의 상징 공간화 등으로 재현된다. 평양 공간의 문학적 재현 양상을 통해 공간적 불평등이 북한 사회의 문제로 부각되고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 북한 민중들은 평양을 향한 공간적 욕망을 숨기지 않으면서도, 평양 공간의 상징적 위상을 이데올로기적으로 수락하는 양상을 보인다. Pyongyang is a special space in North Korean society. The spatial status of Pyongyang can be seen through the gap between Pyongyang and other regions, and the occurrence of spatial gaps within Pyongyang. Redevelopment of Pyongyang is actively taking place from the construction of Changjeon Street in 2012 to the construction of Yeomyeong Street in 2017. After the inauguration of the Kim Jong-un regime, “science-oriented, talent-oriented” was proposed as a national policy. Eunha Scientist Street, Wiseong Scientist Housing District, and Mirae Scientist Street, special spaces for scientists, engineers, and educators, were created in Pyongyang. The hierarchicalization of space for a specific class collides with the egalitarianism of socialist ideology and the guarantee of spatial rights of the working class.We analyzed three notable novels recreating the space of Pyongyang published in the Kim Jong-un era. Thus, the impact of the spatial symbolization of “Pyongyang” on the inner world of the North Korean people was examined.Ju Hong-geon's 「Our Home Song」(< Youth Literature > April 2018) depicts the daily lives of newlyweds living in a skyscraper house in Pyongyang Mirae Scientist Street. The protagonist of this novel, the female professor, is impressive because she reveals her desires for space and the private world of Pyongyang citizens through her inner secret voice. In 「Pyongyang People」(< Youth Literature > April 2016), Kim Gye-suk portrayed that the spatial gap between “Pyongyang and rural areas” is creating social and cultural inequality in the sensuous language of the younger generation. This novel depicts the episodes of a character who was born and raised in Pyongyang, but who came to live in a remote village in a rural area due to his father's choice. For the younger generation of North Korea, the spatial hierarchy of “Pyongyang and outside Pyongyang” is leading to the creation of a strong desire for “entering Pyongyang”. 「Kim Steel Woman」(< Joseon Literature > March 2019) by Han Eun-hui is highly evaluated by the North Korean literature community in 2019.This novel describes the life of the protagonist who was born and raised in Pyeong, and who now lives in'Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex' in Hamgyeongbuk-do after accompanying her husband to the complex. The protagonist in the novel chooses to become a true “Pyongyang woman” by becoming a “Kim Steel Woman”. This novel is meaningful in that it reveals that the North Korean people's intense desire for the Pyongyang space is indirectly being resolved by depicting Pyongyang as a symbolic space.In North Korean literature, Pyongyang is reenacted through the emergence of the private world, the imbalance between regions, and the symbolic space of Pyongyang. Through the literary reenactment of the Pyongyang space, it can be confirmed that spatial inequality is emerging as a problem in North Korean society. The North Korean people seem to ideologically accept the symbolic status of the Pyongyang space, without hiding their spatial desire for Pyongyang.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 노동소설에 대한 일고찰 - 정화진 · 유순하 · 방현석 소설을 중심으로

        오창은(Chang-eun Oh) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.51 No.-

          This thesis aims to understand the meaning of the "labor novels" in 1980"s, considering the historical situation at the time. The labor novels in 1980"s were created by intellectual writers. These writers created the labor novels through "self-negation" or "the betrayal of one"s own class", through the imagination of "crossing". This thesis will analyse the Jung Hwajin, Yoo Soonha, and Bang Hyunsuk"s labor novels. These are writers as well as laborers, the intellectual as well as writers.<BR>  Jung Hwajin"s A Metallic Stain describes the class-troubles surrounding "a bonus for preparing kimchi for the winter" with a foundry for background. This literary work expresses volumes in sketching the every-day struggle originating in a small and medium enterprise. And it is characteristic that middle-aged Mr Chon appears on the stage as a main speaker, not a advanced laborer or a young laborer of new generation. This novel shows entirely the characteristics which the labor novels in 1980"s have. The labor novels in 1980"s shout the partisan spirit of "laborers", but, on the other hand, also the laborers became the focus of object on all sides. Only the struggle of laborers came to be embossed, leaving out the every-day lives of laborers.<BR>  Yoo Soonha"s A Formation talks about a big struggle in 1987. This novel is characteristic that it presents its characters typically. While the existing labor novels establish laborers as speakers, this novel establishes Shin Jongtaek, a middle manager as the speaker. It narrates dramatically the confrontation between the capitalist and laborer in a closed space of a company. This narration strategy meets the case in showing the class-difference clearly as well as the real situation of the Korean labor world in 1980"s.<BR>  Bang Hyunsuk"s The First Stepping-Forward(1988) and Going to War at the Dawn(1989) are interesting to catch the periodical situation calmly. "The revolutionary laborer" showing in Bang"s novels is set up as the laborer overcoming the everyday difficulties and the hardship of the organization and growing up. However, Bang doesn"t depict their future hopefully.<BR>  This narration of suffering is closely connected with the sub-consciousness of the writer who took part in a labor movement as a student activist. The effect of the irony has come into existence between the tragic understanding about the world and the growing labor-understanding. In The First Stepping-Forward the laborers who turned away a labor movement because of Jungsik"s anger become part of struggle together. However, the romantic prospect that the struggle will become a victory is under the shadows of night. In Going to War at the Dawn 65 of female laborers leave to somewhere to struggle. The tragic beauty that their struggle could get joined on another breakdown flows in the whole text. In other words, we can say that the class-struggle which has been continuing since 80"s can not be accomplished only with romantic anticipation.<BR>  "Labor" is all of the human activities and an important constituent of life. Today is the age that socialistic prospect or aesthetics have been sinking. Though, it seems that "labor novels" will last. It is because human everyday life is just labor activity or its outcome. The labor novels in 80"s record the history of suffering of laborers. If "labor novels" in 1980"s are linked with the "finding-hope" in darkness, the labor novels in the future will reflect on how human everyday activities and labors are linked. Through this, I can anticipate that we could find a new pathway that "everyday life/labor/politics" to take a triangular position literarily.

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