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        지역문화시설의 유니버설 디자인 적용성 평가연구

        오찬옥(Oh, Chan-Ohk) 한국실내디자인학회 2010 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        As the seniors and the disabled has increased, the demand for cultural centers has also increased in many local areas. This means that the local cultural centers designed from the viewpoint of universal design are needed, so that to be used by everyone without any difficulties. This study examined the applicability of universal design principles to the public service areas of the local cultural centers. The subject cultural centers were three local ones which had seating capacity of more than 1,000 and opened after the year of 2,000 in Gyungnam. The spatial scopes of the study were six public service areas of the local cultural centers : entrance area, corridor and pathway, stair, ramp, elevator, and rest room. The total 65 items for evaluating the applicability of universal design were selected and examined for six areas. On the whole, accessibility, such as wide pathway and flat floor was good. However, the following improvements were needed. 1) Handrails and rounded corner were needed on walls. 2) Consideration of the visually impaired like as braille sign was needed. 3) The handrails on ramp should be installed for usability. 4) The automatic door would be more useful to the physically disabled users. 5) Wider space and familiar handrail design and color were needed in the rest rooms for the handicapped.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 노인의 관점에서 본 근린환경 디자인의 접촉만남 지원정도 -대도시와 중소도시를 중심으로-

        오찬옥 ( Chan Ohk Oh ),김수영 ( Soo Young Kim ),오찬옥 ( Chan Ohk Oh ) 디자인융복합학회 2014 디자인융복합연구 Vol.13 No.5

        우리 사회가 고령사회가 되어감에 따라 근린환경을 계획하고 디자인할 때에도 노인에 대한 배려의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 노인의 관점에서 대도시와 중소도시의 근린환경 디자인이 노인에 대한 배려, 즉 노인의 접촉만남을 어느 정도 지원하도록 되어 있는지를 파악하고자 하였다. 조사대상은 대도시와 중소도시에 거주하고 있는 65세 이상 노인 310명이었다. 자료 수집은 이들 노인을 대상으로 설문지를 이용한 일대일 면접조사방법으로 진행하였다. 조사내용은 선행연구에서 제시한 ‘노인의 접촉만남을 지원해 주는 근린환경 디자인 지표’ 60개 항목 각각에 대한 충족정도였다. 조사결과 근린환경영역의 접촉만남 지원성은 대도시와 중소도시 간에 다소 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 대도시는 문화교육공간영역 중 교육시설과 노인관련시설의 근접성과 접촉만남 지원성, 공원녹지공간의 안전성과 볼거리 제공정도가 중소도시보다 유의미하게 높았다. 반면 중소도시는 건강의료공간영역 중 실내외 운동시설의 근접성과 노인 이용편리성 및 접촉만남 지원성이, 도로영역 중 보행로의 노인 이용편리성과 접촉만남 지원성이, 대중교통시설영역 중 버스정류장과 자전거 보관소의 접촉만남 지원성이 대도시보다 높았다. As our society is becoming to aging society, the consideration of old residents in our neighborhood environments is also important. This study was intended to evaluate the neighborhood environments in aspects of supportiveness of contact and meeting of their residents. The subject were 310 old residents who lives in the metropolitan city and the small and medium-sized city. They answered 60 elements of neighborhood environments which support contact and meeting of residents including old ones. As the results were as follows : The supportiveness of contact and meeting of residents in neighborhood environments was not high. The supportiveness of contact and meeting in the cultural and educational area and parking and green area in the metropolitan city were higher than the small and medium-sized city. However, in case of health and medical area, pathway, and public traffic, the small and medium-sized city were higher than the metropolitan city.

      • KCI등재

        공간디자인을 위한 유니버설 디자인 평가도구 및 지침개발

        오찬옥(Oh, Chan-Ohk) 한국실내디자인학회 2015 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        As the population of the aged and the disabled increases, the needs for universal design is also growing. Universal design is to design for diverse users including all ages from children to the elderly, the disabled and non-disabled, the pregnant, the tourist, and etc. This study is intended to develop the design evaluation tool and guidelines of universal design for applying to space design. In order to achieve this, four basic spaces in human living such as residential space, educational space, working space, and cultural space were selected. Then, the elements of universal design were chosen for each space. The numbers of areas in each space were 12 for residential spae, 5 for educational space, 6 for working space, and 6 for cultural space. Also, 60 elements of universal design for residential space, 53 for educational space, 36 for working space, and 46 for cultural space were selected. The field observation with photos and user evaluation survey were carried out for each space by using these elements. Finally, the elements and guidelines of universal design applied for spatial design were suggested. This consisted of 8 areas and 67 elements. This would be useful for designing space for all people.

      • KCI등재

        고령친화 보행환경에 대한 고령자의 중요도-만족도 분석

        오찬옥(Oh, Chan-Ohk),권현주(Kwon, Hyun Joo),임예지(Lim, Yea Ji) 한국실내디자인학회 2021 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.30 No.2

        Age-friendly communities enhance the walkability of seniors and promote their outdoor activities and health. This study identified going-out behavior of seniors, and explored the gap between seniors’ perceptions of importance regarding an age-friendly community focusing on walkability and older adults’ satisfaction with their current community. An Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) framework (Martilla & James, 1977) was adopted for comparison. The target population was seniors age 65 and over living in Busan, South Korea. Data was collected through a face-to-face survey using a developed survey instrument (N=300). The measurement for the age-friendly community modified from World Health Organization’s Checklist of Essential Features of Age-friendly Cities. The measurement included seven constructs: pavements, pedestrian crossings, street seating, public toilets, bus stop, subway station, and green area. Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert-scale and a paired-sample t-test was used for the importance and corresponding satisfaction scores comparison. Results show that the participants go-out 5.09 days per week and twice a day. IPA results indicate significant variances between older adults’ perceptions of importance and their satisfaction. Items with higher importance than mean importance scores and lower satisfaction than mean satisfaction scores indicate items requiring immediate improvement. A total of seven items out of 31 were the aforementioned items: three items in pavements (no slopes and steps, dropped curbs to road level, non-slip pavements); three items in pedestrian crossings (sufficient number of pedestrian crossings, dropped curbs to road level, adequate crossing items); and one item in bus stop (bus stop location). This study confirms and identifies specific gaps in the age-friendly community of seniors in Busan, Korea. It has important implications for policymakers and public space planners.

      • KCI등재

        고령자의 실외운동공간 이용실태 및 요구 - 신도시 지역 아파트 거주 고령자를 중심으로 -

        오찬옥 ( Oh Chan Ohk ),권현주 ( Kwon Hyun Joo ) 디자인융복합학회 2018 디자인융복합연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 연구는 고령화 사회에 대비하여 고령자를 배려한 운동공간 계획이 보다 체계적으로 이루어질 필요가 있다고 보고 신도시 지역 아파트 거주 고령자의 운동실태와 실외운동공간에 대한 환경평가 및 요구를 파악하고자 하였다. 신도시지역 아파트에 거주하며 실외운동을 하고 있는 60세 이상의 고령자를 대상으로 조사한 결과, 첫째, 아파트 단지 내·외의 산책로에서 걷기운동을 가장 많이 하고, 매일 운동하는 고령자가 많았으며, 1회 평균 운동시간은 55분이었다. 둘째, 실외운동공간과 화장실에 대하여 전반적으로 높게 평가하였으며 실외운동공간에 대한 평가점수가 화장실 보다 높았다. 그러나 운동량이나 시간 등을 파악할 수 있는 산책로 거리표시 평가는 낮게 나타나 이에 대한 개선이 필요하다. 셋째, 고령자의 성별, 연령, 건강상태, 운동 정도에 따라 실외운동공간과 화장실에 대한 평가는 큰 차이를 보이지 않는 것으로 나타나 실외운동공간과 화장실을 계획할 때 고령자의 일반적인 특성을 고려한 계획을 하여도 무방할 것으로 보인다. 넷째, 고령자는 걷기와 수영을 하고자 하는 요구가 컸으며 운동공간은 자신의 주택에서 도보로 10분 이내에 위치하고 특히 공원과 단지 내 외부운동시설이 집 가까이에 위치하기를 원하였다. This study examined exercise, exercise environment, and exercise environmental needs of older adults. The target population was seniors aged 60 years and older living in a newly developed apartment complex and exercising at public exercise spaces in the community. Key findings are as follows. First, walking on a walking trail in a community is the most frequently mentioned exercise type. Most seniors exercised every day and average exercise time was 55 minutes. Second, although both outdoor exercise area and restroom score were high, outdoor exercise area score was higher. Environmental evaluation score for walking trail signage was the lowest. Third, most outdoor exercise area and restroom evaluation scores by gender, age, health condition, and exercise time were insignificantly different. Fourth, walking and swimming were the most wanted exercise type, and parks and outdoor exercise spaces were the most desirable exercise environment. Seniors wanted to have public exercise areas within a 10-minute walking distance.

      • KCI등재

        노인요양병원의 공간구성에 대한 간호사 요구

        오찬옥 ( Oh Chan Ohk Oh ) 한국의료복지건축학회 2014 의료·복지 건축 Vol.20 No.4

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to examine the nurses` needs for the spatial compositionof geriatric hospital. Methods : The survey method was used for collecting the data. The subjectswere 110 nurses who worked at 6 geriatric hospitals in Busan. They answered the questionnaireby the self-administered method. The questionnaire consisted of items which asked the spatialcomposition of patient room, bathroom, dining space, resting space, care-givers` room, andgarden. Results : 1) The patient room using a bed on ondol floor would be useful. Also, it wouldbe desirable that most patient rooms consisted of 4 or 6 persons per patient room and the otherswere 1 or 2 persons per room. 2) The bathroom for only patients and the shower room for theirfamilies or care-givers are needed in the geriatric hospital. 3) The dining room for patients in eachfloor would be useful to old patients. In addition to that, the cafeteria for their families orcare-givers are needed. 4) The resting space for patients and their families, for the staff, and forcare-givers are needed. 5) The personal locker and refrigerator are necessary fixtures in care-givers` room. Also, table, sofa, sink, and shower booth are also needed. 6) On the base of activities ofcare-givers, the space for preserving, washing, and heating foods are needed. Also, the storagespace for personal items and the fitting space are needed. Implications : The results of this studywould be the fundamental data for space planning of the geriatric hospital.

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      • KCI등재

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