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      • KCI등재

        20세기초 서울말 모음 음운현상에 반영된 계층적 지표 : 1930년대 김복진의 동화구연유성기자료의 분석

        오새내(Sae Nae Oh) 국어문학회 2005 국어문학 Vol.40 No.-

        The purpose of this paper to introduce the historical gramophone recordings of Kim Bok-Jin's oral-narrated fairy-tales and to analyze this recording about phonological phenomena related to vowels. Kim Bok-Jin was famous storyteller and actress at 1930s' and also she was upper-class Seoulite. Based on the result of this paper, these phonological phenomena are characters of Seoul Korean; darkening of bright vowels, umlaut, vowel rising, vowel fronting, vowel rounding, vowel centralizing and vowel shorting. Finally, darkening of bright vowels and umlaut are may indicated the sociolinguistic indexes of 1930s' Seoul Korean.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후, 최초의 국정교과서 『바둑이와 철수』(박창해 저, 1948) 편찬의 국어학사적 맥락 연구-고(故) 박창해 구술 자료를 중심으로-

        오새내 ( Sae Nae Oh ),김양진 ( Ryang Jin Kim ) 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the first government designated Korean textbook Badugi wa Chulsoo(1948) and the life history of Chang-hai Park(also known as Ch’ang-hae pak) who wrote the book. The book was published after Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule. This paper represent contexts of the study of the Korean language and Korean language education in the U.S Military Government. The textbook reflected author’s personal history and opinion about language education. He applied to communicative approach, learner centered education and democratic education. It appeared contents of textbook and methods of education. Chang-hai Park grew up in a Christian home around foreign missionaries at Manchuria. His personal background related to the compilation process of the textbook. Communicative approach, learner-centered education and democratic education led to Korean language research and Korean language education as a foreign language of Chang hai Park.

      • KCI등재

        도농복합지역의 청년 지역민의 지역어 사용 양상 -전라남도 나주 지역 사례 연구-

        오새내 ( Sae Nae Oh ) 겨레어문학회 2013 겨레어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate social factors affecting the change of dialect in Naju area in Jeollanam-do. Employing the qualitative methodology of sociolinguistics, this study examines semi-structured interview of Naju native people, especially the twenties and the thirties. The study finds that 1) informants` topic and words are closely related with lifestyle, lifecycle, identity and concern in all ages. It means dialect has not decline rather than reduction of register or change of lifestyle and everyday words. 2) Young informants recognized depopulation that they presented the situation as ‘‘small area” and they feel uncomfortable with acquainted relationships on rural community. 3) Informants have consciousness of dialect and standard forms. They controlled usage of dialect according to interlocutors. 4) Young informants used markers of dialect. Markers include intonation, connectors, discourses markers and exclamations. 4) Cultural desire and job opportunity, urban lifestyle is affected young informants and that precipitate migration. In 21th age, move motivated by education, job and military service is indispensable. Dialect is closely linked with speaker’s social behavior, social status and stance. So dialectologists have to develop new methodology of rural dialect considering migration and urbanization.

      • KCI등재

        사회언어학적 맥락으로 본 방송언어

        오새내(Sae Nae Oh) 한국어학회 2011 한국어학 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to suggest broadcasting language investigated as sociolinguistic context Speakers of broadcasting language are also analyzed sociolinguistic paradigm because of broadcasting situational variation Broadcasting language is the product of broadcasting process it reaches viewers. Korean broadcasting language governed social norms and a government- affiliated organization. Broadcasting language has characteristic features like regulation, publicness and social pressure which different with everyday language uses. Factors determined speech styles in broadcasting language has various sociolinguistic features. Speakers consider their speech style with colleagues, addresses auditors, situational variation and genre of television programming. Speakers` audience design is possible to conflict the social and governmental criterion. Regulation is only part of the broadcasting language. Phenomena of language at broadcasting context are social and historic conglomeration. Technical circumstances have influenced broadcasting language. Sociolinguistic approach of broadcasting language it hereafter preferable ways that led research and settlement of Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1920년대 일본인 대상 조선어 회화서의 서울지역어에 대한 사회언어학적 접근

        오새내(Sae Nae, Oh) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2012 서울학연구 Vol.- No.49

        The purpose of this article is to describe the value of 1920s’ Korean conversation textbooks for Japanese were reflected in the sociolinguistic features of Seoul dialect. Sociolinguistic features of conversation textbooks consist of participant, topic, scene and geographical space of Seoul. Conversations included particular locations and scenes reads stereotyped characters whose lived in urban areas. These features related to “registers” as modern sociolinguistic idea. Textbooks themes also related to cultural method of foreign language education. In contrast to 21th’s honorific system, mercantile class usages of honorific system are different. Current honorific forms are decided age and social station. Mercantile class of 1920s conversation textbook used honorific forms for example ‘-읍시오’ to customers and customers used informal forms to merchants or retailers. Textbooks are portrayed in considerable details of the manners and customs of those days. These are worth considering reliable historical linguistic materials. It is needed to reveal characteristics of urban dialect of Seoul Korean in the period of the first half part of the 20th century.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이완응의 「고등조선어회화(高等朝鮮語會話)」의 사회언어학적 분석

        오새내(Sae Na Oh) 한국어학회 2012 한국어학 Vol.55 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to consider sociolinguistic features of 1920s` customs in Seoul and honorific System on the "Advanced Korean Conversation" by Yi Wanung. "Advanced Korean Conversation" was serialized 1925-1928 at Monthly journal "Joseoneo(or Choosengo)" This journal was published by ``Research Group on Korean Language in Seoul(or Choosengo Kenkuukai)``. Yi Wanung, the author of the conversation book was also Chair of the group. This paper presents a previously unknown history of Yi through Chronology. Customs in Seoul reflected the conversations selected to be interesting of Japanese living in Seoul. Important factors include Gisaeng, weekend outings on the suburbs of Seoul and street hawker. "Advanced Korean Conversation" appeared honorific system of Seoul dialect. The conversation book`s honorific system was sophisticated, for example, ``Half-Talk``, vowel rising of word final ending and changing speech levels Considering Discourse Situation. "Advanced Korean Conversation" is worth to studying informed that the early 20th century`s colloquial style of Seoul dialect and Korean language education for foreigners of the colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 일본인 대상 조선어 교육에 종사한 조선인 교육자들의 행적에 대한 국어학사적 연구 -언론 기록과 출판 자료를 중심으로-

        오새내 ( Sae Nae Oh ) 우리어문학회 2016 우리어문연구 Vol.55 No.-

        일제강점기 일본인 대상 조선어 교육에 관여한 조선인 교육자들은 19세기말~20세기 초의 한국어를 교육 대상 언어로 하여 문법서, 조선어 표기법에 대한 해설서, 회화, 작문, 독해를 아우르는 다양한 출판물을 남겼다. 특히 1920년대 일본인 대상 조선어 교육자들은 조선총독부에 직접적으로 협력하는 방식으로 조선어 연구나 교육에 관여했다. 이 연구는 일제의 침략이 가시화되었던 19세기 말에서 일제강점기까지 일본인들을 대상으로 한 조선어 교육에 관여한 조선인 교육자들의 행적을 조사, 기록하고 국어학사의 관점에서 검토하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 당시 일본인 대상 조선어 교육에서 교재나 강좌의 수에 영향을 미친 사회적 요인에 대해 논의하고 일제강점기 직전부터 1930년대까지 일본인 대상 조선어 교육에 종사했던 교사들의 명단과 이들의 행적과 논저를 정리하였다. 조선인 교육자들은 신교육을 받은 사람들로 일본 유학생 출신, 양반 출신, 당시 관립학교 교사, 매일신보 기자 등 상당한 수준의 조선 지식인들 이었다. 일본인 대상 조선어 교육은 조선총독부의 직간접적인 지원과 교육 수요자들의 요구에 따라 부침을 거듭했다. 해방 이후 이들은 국어학사에서 잊혀졌다. 그렇지만 이들의 행적을 추적하여 기록하는 작업은 일제강점기에 한국어를 연구하고 교육했던 한국의 지식인 중에 일제에 협력하며 일본인 교육 수요자의 요구에 맞춰 다수의 조선어 교재를 저술했고 교육 활동에 종사했음을 후대에 알려준다는 점에서 가치가 있다. Native Korean teachers of Korean as foreign language education for Japanese whose wrote various textbooks about modern Korean grammar, orthography, reader, conversation and writing in Japanese colonial era. They cooperated directly with the Japanese Government-General of Korea. The purpose of this paper is to discuss about the history of Korean teachers educated Japanese from late 19th century to the 1940s. This paper explains social factors that influenced by Korean education in the Japanese colonial era. And it organizes lists of Korea teachers and historical background of them. Korean Education during this period was influenced by the needs of the consumer and commercial, the policy of the Japanese Government- General of Korea. Korean educators who received an education of “new studies” compose members of the international student of Japan, government officials, former teachers of Public school and reporters of Mae-Il-Shin-Bo (Korea Daily News) which is the voice of the Japanese Government-General of Korea. Korean education is swayed by needs of Japanese and commercialism. After the independence of Korea, They have been forgotten by history of the study of the Korean language. In this paper, I argue their educational activities and pro-Japanese activities should be remembered for later generations.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 일본인 경찰, 관리 대상 조선어 교육의 역사적 배경과 『경찰관전용조선어교범』의 내용 분석

        오새내(Oh, Sae-nae) 중앙어문학회 2013 語文論集 Vol.54 No.-

        This paper presented to the historical background of Korean textbooks for Japanese police and colonial officials and to analyze speech style with honorific system and usage strategies in 『Gyeongchalgwanjeonnyongjoseoneog-yobeom』(1923~1924).The historical background of Korean as a foreign language in Japanese colonial era had the Press-related-rules in the 1920s after March first independence movement, the Japanese population influx into Korea and aims of the Japanese colonial government directly controlled Korean people by Korean. As a result, the effects of education were negligible but still remain a large number of educational materials which were historical records of language policy in a Japanese colonial era. Topics and conversations of Korean textbooks for police officer reflected Japanese police had full-scale intervention in Korean’s everyday life. Characteristic of Police officer’s conversation is using the overlap of two honorific level at the same time. In the example, highest level ‘합니다(Habnida)’ and high level ‘하오(Hao)’ appeared in a conversation section. The situation of address and command, ‘하오(Hao)’ increased strategically. The results suggest that variation of honorific means revealed authority and audience control. The results of the content analysis of textbooks emphasized authority, unilateral command and interference to colonial Korean.

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