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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외자유치에 있어서 조세제도의 역할: 동아시아지역을 중심으로

        오문석 ( Moon Sok Oh ),임한자 ( Han Ja Lim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2010 유라시아연구 Vol.7 No.1

        Companies are expanding their businesses through outward direct investments and many countries in the world are using these corporate activities and trying to attract foreign capital to develop their industry. So Korea``s company``s outward direct investments and foreign investments that are flowing into Korea is getting bigger. But the host country that are trying to receive the foreign investments is taking a serious view in tax incentive system as incentive policy. In Asia, expressly in Indonesia, they changed their tax incentive policy in many times in 1990``s and the attract results had changed a lot by this reason. Now we can see that host country``s tax incentive policy effects the decision of investments abroad. In most countries, generally gives the tax incentives above 5~10years after foreign investment. The host country can give tax incentive policy only to foreign investments that gives help to their economy, or can give tax incentive to all foreign investments. Also the host country``s tax incentive policies are devided into soliciting new investments and to attract reinvestments. To deside to reinvest the foreign incomes, it is desided by tax incentive policy about foreign dividends in host country and home country. In company``s side, there is country that tax rate of income is lower compared with home country. If a company makes large business income in the country, it is decreasing tax burden of big business groups that the company dose not send dividends to home country. Companies prefer to reinvest in low-tax areas rather that high-tax area, but the capital flow from high-tax area to low-tax area are becoming meaningless. Because many countries keep decreasing the tax rate in order to attract foreign investments. Most of all OECD countries are preferring to decrease the tax rates. The countries are decreasing the tax rate to attract foreign capital to solve their unemployment and regional economy to be active. One foreign capital``s reinvestments gives expand of investments for R&D in their country. In any situation, tax is significant point in soliciting foreign investment. So, to bring in more foreign investments, they need to have more tax cuts competition as much as they want. From one research, South Korea``s R&D center abroad is about 72 in 2007, but all countries think that company``s own work on R&D should be performed in home country. So, the tax incentive connected with company``s R&D abroad is not discussed yet. South Korea company``s R&D business investments are not figured out, but R&D business work in local area is getting bigger. A company makes the more investment on R&D, it has the more business competition. This also leads to transfer of experience, knowledge, and technology to host country``s industry. So in this part, there are lots of tax incentives to attract foreign investment. Expressly in Asia, there are tax incentives to encourage the development of new technology. As global economic systems are lasting, host countries will try to attract foreign investments with business taxation, and companies will use outward direct investment and reinvest to make the tax burden smaller.

      • KCI등재

        해외 자회사 업적평가에 있어서 세무관리의 역할

        오문석 ( Moon Sok Oh ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.1

        During the business decision-making process, the tax environment is considered more important than the economic function of the foreign country, because the tax level can be very important environmental factor when the business performances, including parent company and foreign subsidiary, is evaluated. Global firms give a motive to CEO to make foreign subsidiary get better results. But during the process of funds transfer, the tax management which carries heavy tax burden can be negative factor that decreases the autonomy of CEO. Also, the point of autonomy of foreign subsidiary has a considerable relationship with matters of arbitrary decision by the CEO. Many parent companies have most of all parts of decision power. Therefore foreign subsidiaries are under control of parent company, which is shown by many researches. But by other research, we can see that the faster in going of foreign subsidiary and the longer time of in going, the more decision power are increased and the higher autonomy levels are given. And the higher autonomy levels are given, the higher foreign subsidiary`s earning is achieved too. The delegation of decision power induces the high performance of CEO, which is also called virtuous circle. This means that autonomy level which is given to CEO is becoming the basic evaluation factors of foreign subsidiary. The efficient transfer of technical and managerial know-how from parent company, to foreign subsidiary, and foreign subsidiaries of global firms are significant factors of achievements in target earnings. It`s, however, critically effected by international transfer pricing taxation and it can cause tax burden which is called international double taxation. In this case, the cost-sharing arrangement between parent company and foreign subsidiaries can be effective in managing taxation business. But in case of foreign subsidiary which has low level of autonomy, the cost-sharing arrangement increases the cost which is an effects of tax saving. But in the other hand, it has negative effect to CEO for foreign subsidiary. Eventually, to CEO who manages foreign subsidiary which has high level of autonomy, earning indicator is a significant factor for performance evaluation. Using new technology and tax saving money, cost-sharing arrangement will be a basic development source of foreign subsidiary. It, however, will take a long time to produce significant results. So, the CEO`s performance has to be evaluated in the perspective of long time.

      • KCI우수등재

        환율결정모형의 원 / 달러환율 예측력 비교

        오문석(Moon Sok Oh),이상근(Sang Keun Lee) 한국경영학회 2000 經營學硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        This Paper compare monetary model, real interest differential monetary model and Hooper and Morton model of asset market approaches with random walk and ARIMA to forecast Won/dollar exchange rate in long and short term. According to the empirical result, random walk model was excellent to forecast Won/dollar exchange rate in short-term but asset market approaches were better than random walk model and ARIMA model to forecast Won/dollar exchange rate in long-term.

      • KCI등재

        해운기업의 환위험관리에 관한 실무적 접근

        오문석 ( Moon Sok Oh ) 한국해운물류학회 2004 해운물류연구 Vol.41 No.-

        In this paper, an analytic structure is studied by which shipping companies can manage the foreign exchange risk and get over the difficulties of financial reporting. This paper introduces an analysis model which is summing up analysis factors of individual overseas branches and Prindl`s model regarding influence of volatility, foreign exchange gain and loss, and profitability. The focal point of this paper is overall analysis model in order that shipping companies understand exchange risk management for all practical purpose.

      • KCI등재

        해운업의 외환손익 과세제도에 관한 분석적 연구 : 미국 및 영국의 세제를 중심으로

        오문석 한국해운학회 2001 해운물류연구 Vol.32 No.-

        This paper has analyzed the taxation of USA and British which are advanced in foreign exchange gains and losses of shipping companies. The results from those two countries will be important guide. Cash flow of shipping companies in USA is determined whether integrated approach or separate transaction approach is applied. In British, it is very important problem that there are two kinds of separating processes to calculate taxable income for hedging transaction and its original transaction of shipping companies because exchange losses which come from refunding foreign currency long-term liabilities are not accepted as deductions and exemptions.

      • 사립대학 회계제도에 관한 연구

        오문석 聖潔敎神學大學校 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        AbstractThe purposes of this study are to investigate accounting procedures in private university and to present a few favorable improvements.In order for more appropriateness about university information, external audit by an Certified Public Accountant must be executed. And university management must be performed by experts who are proficient in accounting and finance field. As university becomes huge and complicated, administration must be done by professional management skill. It is time for universities to bring in various management techniques.

      • 일본의 해운기업 재무제표 변천 과정에 관한 연구

        오문석,정희석 한국해운물류학회 2001 해운물류:이론과실천 Vol.- No.1

        현재 우리 나라 해운업계의 심각한 환차손과 이에 연동하여 나타나는 높은 부채비율은 일반 기업회계준칙의 적용이 한 부분을 차지한다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 해운업계에 일반의 기업회계준칙을 폭넓게 적용하고 있지만, 해운업계의 구체적인 실무처리에 있어서는 회계관습을 준용하여 해운기업의 거래관행에 따라 회계처리가 이루어지고 있다. 이런 관점에서 해운업계의 특수한 환경을 고려한 제도적인 보완이 무엇보다 시급한 실정이다. 본고는 제도적인 보완측면에서 해운업계의 재무제표준칙의 필요성을 일본 해운기업의 재무제표준칙을 통해 제시해 보았다.

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