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        한국어 말하기 'Can-do' 능력기술항목 개발에 대한 고찰

        오문경(MoonKhyoung Oh) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2016 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.61

        This study aims to examine TheAssessment Tool Development of Korean Speaking Proficiency, 'Can-Do'based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR) for helping Korean learners feel a sense of accomplishment byspecifically realizing their own language change and continue theirstudy under the environment. Korean learners who learn Korean as aforeign language are in a difficult situation to maintain their learningpurpose and learning motivation, necessary for improving their Koreanproficiency due to the problems of education course such as KFLenvironment on the condition that learners can learn a language only inthe classroom and the exclusion of spoken language-basedcommunication skills in assessment. Therefore, this study intends todiscuss Korean speaking Can-do Statements by making use of CEFRwhich can be utilized in 'Speaking Assessment' in European Universitieswhich use the same text, with a view to providing clues to effectivelearning goals, in consideration of the individual educational fields ofKorean learners which are getting diversified.

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