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        질서자유주의와 한국의 경제 질서

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ),정남기 ( Namki Chung ) 한국질서경제학회 2016 질서경제저널 Vol.19 No.3

        Although the polarization of wealth already existed in Korea, the polarization has become more serious in Korea, since the financial crisis. Especially, the scope of polarization has been extended to generation, enterprise, worker, housing, child care and so on. It seems that the growing polarization of problems becomes an obstacle to prevent promoting sustainable growth of Korea. From this point of view, we has grown very attentive to ordoliberalism. Ordo means the market needs an economic order to maintain a healthy level of competition. To do so, the state should be allowed to intervene the market. This is the basic thought and theory of ordoliberalism. Ordoliberalism differs from other schools of liberalism. The state should form an economic order instead of directing economic processes, and two negative examples ordoliberals used to back their theories were socialism and laissez-faire liberalism. For example, even though socialism does not admit the private property and free trade of means of production, ordoliberalism admit those. Ordoliberalism was a major influence of the economic model developed in the post-war West Germany. Ordoliberalism in Germany became known as the social market economy. This paper is to take a general view of ordoliberalism, and then to drew its implications of economic order for Korea in terms of taking care of the polarization of problems. The four implications are as follows. Firstly, ordoliberalism is more preferable than laissez-faire liberalism in these days of Korea. During the period of the rapid economic growth, the Korean economy emphasized on effectiveness ideologically based on laissez-faire liberalism. The results of effectiveness are the polarization of wealth and an increase in hiring irregular workers which prevent the sustainable economic growth. Secondly, the basic principle of the economic order is the market competition. Also, the state takes active measures to foster competition. The economic order helps social integration. The central tenet of ordoliberalism is that government should regulate markets in such a way that market outcomes approximate the theoretical outcome in a perfectly competitive market. In order words, ordoliberalism theory holds that public policy should guided by the imperative of building a competitive market economy through upholding a set of credible rules and institutions. Thirdly, in terms of preventing social friction which is a disincentive of sustainable growth, the policy should be a positive discrimination. It is impossible for someone who does not have an market power to compete with someone who has a market domination power. Therefore, the state based on ordoliberalism has to take care of second-class citizen and enterprise. Lastly, it is significant for all economic players to recognize the important of public interest instead of private interest. If a economic player pursues the private interest and then holds the economic power, the state should not only intervene in the market but also violate personal liberty. Therefore, all economic players agree with that the public interest should connect directly with the private interest.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 한·베트남 FTA 활용을 위한 전략품목

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ),이찬우 ( Chanwoo Lee ) 한국질서경제학회 2016 질서경제저널 Vol.19 No.2

        KKorea and ASEAN including Vietnam already signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2006. Since then, economic cooperations such as trade and investment between Korea and Vietnam have expanded, rapidly. Therefore, the two countries began the FTA negotiations, and singed the bilateral FTA. Meanwhile, Korean SMEs are very interested in globalization. In this sense, Vietnamese markets is one of the most favorite markets which Korean SMEs want to enter by making full use of the FTA. We open up the article with Vietnam’s macroeconomic circumstances. Along with its population of approximately 100 million, Vietnam's GDP growth rates have been higher than 5% since 2012. and purchasing powers of Vietnam have increased in every year with abundant labor forces. The high economic growth rate will be continued for the time being. Vietnam as a main economic growth country of ASEAN participates actively in Mega FTA such as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), RCEP (East Asia Regional Economic Partnership Agreement), and EU-Vietnam FTA in order to sustain a high economic growth rate. Recently, the world's leading companies-Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, LG are expanding investment in order to utilize the advantages of Vietnam. Furthermore, the bilateral trade between Korea and Vietnam has increased sharply every year since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two in 1992. Vietnam was ranked the fourth largest export market of Korea in 2015. So, it is essential to analyze the trade structure and select ‘strategic export goods’ between Korea and Vietnam as the Korea-Vietnam FTA enters into force. This is the main purpose of this article. We use the HS Code Trade Statistics of the UN Comtrade data system. in order to select ‘strategic export goods’ for SMEs. And then, we utilize Trade Specification Index (TSI), Korea-Vietnam FTA commitments and SMEs’ export statistics as a tool of deriving some ‘strategic export goods’ for Korean SMEs. Through the analysis, we categorize two kinds of products as Korean SME’s ‘strategic export goods’ in the Korea-Vietnam FTA era. First, to maximize the effect of tariff elimination we derive the ten products such as adhesives (HS 350691), ethylene polymerization (HS 392010), paperboard boxes (HS 481920), other capacitors (HS 850780). We expect that if Korean SMEs utilize strategically these products for exporting, the SMEs should have an opportunity for entering the Vietnamese market. Second, to utilize the industry structure of Vietnam we derive the six products such as other fibrous materials (HS 392390), plastic containers (HS 392390). Theses six products are satisfied by the three specific conditions-Vietnamese specialized export goods to the world and Korean specialized export goods to the world as well Vietnam. Considering the industry and trade structure of Vietnam, we believe that it is possible for the two countries to increase the intra-industry trade between the two. It will give a chance to establish global value chains between Korea and Vietnam.

      • KCI등재

        제조 중소기업의 혁신을 위한 정책과제 고찰

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ) 한국질서경제학회 2015 질서경제저널 Vol.18 No.2

        Due to the need for job creation, developed countries are focused on the value and importance of the manufacturing industry and promote the ‘manufacturing renaissance’ in these days. As a result, these countries’ manufacturing production is increasing. South Korea is also seeking to revive manufacturing through the ‘Manufacturing Innovation 3.0.’ However, Korea’s manufacturing slump may be longer. Let’s look at ‘the four innovations’ in manufacturing-product, process, organization, and marketing, we can find the cause of the poor innovation. The level of four innovations of SMEs showed a low rate of innovation rates compared to large enterprises. There is a gap in the innovation taking place in accordance with the company even between large scales. The product innovation was the most active among the four innovations of SMEs, followed by organization, marketing, process innovation in order. This is a common phenomenon to all the companies regardless of size. The reason for this high rate of product innovation is related with the demand and supply chain of manufacturing SMEs. Product innovation is generally guarded by occupying positions in the market, and considered the most innovative strategy to strengthen the relationship with the mother companies. About half of the manufacturing SMEs are participating in the supply and demand relationship. Therefore, we are able to guess the reason for product innovation coming out of high rate. On the other hand, process innovation is the innovation to enhance the competitiveness and flexibility of production over the production costs. Even though the production of manufacturing SMEs in general or modular production steps, slow process innovation can be seen that cost reduction and mass production are difficult. In addition, the sluggish process innovation leads to decreased productivity. Process innovation is costly, because innovation occurs is related to production systems and structures. Thus, the sluggish process innovation can be pointed to as the cause costs. South Korea’s ‘Manufacturing Innovation 3.0’ does not contain the innovation policy for SMEs. The accessibility to R&D tax credit, the consideration of small businesses (mainly services), and the cooperation between university and industry can be the useful policies to promote innovation in manufacturing SMEs. The probability of using tax incentives falls as financing constraints increase, while the likelihood of using direct funding increases. Regarding the association with appropriability, SMEs that are able to protect their innovations are more likely to use tax incentives, even if financing constraints increase. For large firms we find that difficulties in external access to funds are positively correlated with the use of subsidies, and negatively to the use of tax credits. This suggests that direct support may induce non-R&D doers and young firms to invest in R&D, while tax credits are unlikely to do so. These findings have some policy implications. First, R&D tax incentives and R&D subsidies do not appear to be equivalent tools for SMEs. Tax incentives provide a reward to firms that do not face important financing constraints and whose projects enjoy high appropriability, while they are likely to leave out projects that should be supported. Tax incentives, nevertheless, might be potentially useful in addressing mild appropriability difficulties of firms that are not financially constrained.

      • KCI등재

        중국경제 연구의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래

        오동윤(Dong Yoon Oh),김태식(Taeshik Kim) 영남대학교 중국연구센터 2018 중국과 중국학 Vol.- No.33

        본 연구는 1997년부터 2016년까지 중국경제 연구의 흐름을 정리 · 분석했다. 중국경제 연구의 비중이 높은 「한중사회과학연구, 「중국과 중국학」, 「동북아경제연구」를 중심으로 중국경제를 연구한 666개 논문을 선정했고, 이를 중주제와 대주제 분류한 후 각 주제별 연구의 흐름을 짚어봤다. 초기에 중국경제 연구는 지역학에 기반을 뒀으며, 중국에서 경제학을 전공한 학자들이 중국경제 연구에 참여하면서부터 연구의 주제와 방법이 다양해졌다. 특히, 실증분석 활용함으로써 중국경제 연구가 지역학이 갖는 한계를 극복하고 서서히 경제학으로 그 중심이 이동했다. 특히, 거시경제 연구는 이러한 현상이 가장 두드러졌다. 아울러 지역학에 기반을 둔 연구도 주제가 다양해졌으며, 그 수 또한 크게 증가했다. 따라서 중국 경제 연구는 질과 양에서 성장을 거듭했다. 그러나 중국이 세계 경제와 정치에서 차지하는 비중과 한국경제의 대중국 의존도가 커지면서 보다 심도 있는 중국경제 연구가 필요한 시점이다. 이를 위해 지역학에 기반을 둔 중국경제 연구가 정통 경제학과 융합연구를 통해 연구의 가치를 높여야 할 것이다. This study analyzed the flow of Chinese economic research from 1997 to 2016. To do so, we selected 666 papers from the three top journals – Korea-Chinese Social Science Studies, Chin and Sinology and the Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies. Chinese economic research was based on area studies. By utilizing empirical analysis, Chinese economic research has overcome the limits of area studies and gradually shifted the focus of research to economics. In addition, the existing research based on area studies has diversified, and the number has greatly increased. Therefore, Chinese economic research has grown in quality and quantity. However, with the growing Korea’s dependence on China and China’s stature in the global economy and politics, it is time for Chinese economic research to upgrade. Therefore, Chinese economic research based on area studies should boost the value of research through joint research with economics.

      • KCI등재

        대기업의 내부거래가 중소기업에 미치는 영향

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ),김대환 ( Daehwan Kim ) 한국질서경제학회 2017 질서경제저널 Vol.20 No.2

        Korea initiated its industrial policy in the 1960s. The main focus of Korean industrial policy in the late 1970s shifted from light industry toward the heavy and chemical sector. This sector needed the integration of the supply chain in order to produce final goods because many parts, components and materials are combined into its products. Generally, small and medium-sized enterprises (SEMs) produce intermediate goods, and then supply those to large enterprises (LEs). LEs, meanwhile, produce final goods, and then export those to the world market. As a result, the increase in exports of LEs leads to an increase in turnover of SMEs which supply intermediate goods to LEs. This virtuous circle has continued for the last forty years. We call this a trickle down effect by the vertical integration between LEs and SMEs. According to Adam Smith, the vertical integration facilitates both division of labor and specialization because the economic unit has a tendency to trade and exchange his own things with others. Also, he addressed that in order to accomplish division of labor and specialization, external transactions by contract are more effective than intra-firm transactions in the group. However, fair distribution by LEs has not been well implemented. LEs have more benefits than SMEs. Meanwhile, as the global market becomes more competitive, LEs need higher quality parts and materials. For this reason, LEs tend to procure parts and materials through intra-firm transaction in large business group rather than external vertical transaction with SMEs. This purchasing behavior of LEs is to minimize transaction cost and maximize utility, theoretically based on Ronald Coase’s ‘The Nature of the Firm’ which introduces the concept of transaction costs to explain the nature and limits of firms. Thus, the government entered the market and began to regulate ‘winner takes it all’ and intra-firm transaction. Over the past five years, intra-firm transactions of LEs have declined, not because of government regulations, but because of the decline in turnover of LEs. On the other hand, LEs use intra-firm transactions as a means of expedient corporate succession rather than utility maximization. Intra-firm transactions in large business group have a negative impact on the business and management environment of SMEs. As results of analyzing the influence of internal transactions of LEs on SMEs, the number of enterprises and employees decreased by 63 and 25,738, respectively when intra-firm transactions of LEs increased by 10%. Meanwhile, the turnover of SMEs increased by about 8 trillion won. However, the increase on turnover of SMEs reflects the industrial speciality of heavy and chemical industries. If LEs increase intra-firm transactions with their affiliates, LEs have to source the necessary parts from outside. LEs will have to source the necessary parts from outside. Eventually, the increase in intra-firm transactions of LEs leads to the increase in production of SMEs in heavy and chemical industries. But, conversely, SMEs in light industry have severe consequences of reducing turnover and closing down. The government should now enter the market, seeking to curb intra-firm transactions of LEs and maximize market utility. In this regard, Germany’s ordo liberalism has great implications. According to ordo liberalism, a free market economy can be formed when it is organized and managed by the government. In order to realize this, competition policy is necessary to operate a market function, to create an environment of fair competition, to maintain a balance of society, and to compete for a society dominated by individual responsibility and ethics.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 부당공동행위 유형과 정책시사점

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ),정남기 ( Namki Chung ) 한국질서경제학회 2021 질서경제저널 Vol.24 No.1

        There is a limit to the common actions of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). This is because the current Fair Trade Act strictly regulates common actions that infringe on consumer interests. This study aims to analyze the impact of SMEs’ unfair common action on social welfare and find policy implications for revitalizing SMEs’ common action. Unfair common action occurs in limited competitive markets with a small number of suppliers. The restricted competitive bidding method should be converted to general competitive bidding to block unfair common action and to eliminate the barriers to market entry. This should give new companies a chance. When evaluating performance capability, the delivery performance should be excluded so that new companies do not suffer disadvantages, and the market should be devoted to new companies for about 30% of the total volume. In addition, public institutions, monopsonists, must change the method of calculating the estimated price. There are many limited lowest-priced bidding methods for monopsonists because they do not consider quality much when targeting SMEs. Therefore, SMEs participating in such bids are inevitable to have a bleeding competition. In order to prevent bleeding competition between companies rather than simply the lowest-priced bidding method, the planned amount should be calculated in consideration of costs and appropriate profits. Also, in the monopsonistic market, it is important to calculate the estimated price comparable to that of the competitive market, because social welfare increases when the price increases.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 글로벌화 성과 분석: 수출을 중심으로

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ),김대환 ( Dae Hwan Kim ) 한국국제통상학회 2016 국제통상연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 논문의 목적은 현재 한국경제가 안고 있는 일자리 창출을 위해 중소기업의 글로벌화가 필요함을 강조하고 정부의 관심과 지원을 끌어내기 위함이다. 중소기업 글로벌화-특히 수출을 통한 성과를 경영(매출, 당기 순이익), 노동시장(고용,임금), 투자(연구개발)로 나눠 분석한 결과, 중소기업이 글로벌화를 추진하면 3개 모든 영역에서 긍정적인 효과를 가져왔다. 특히, 예를 들어, 중소기업 수출이 10%증가하면, 중소기업의 업체당 11개의 일자리가 창출됐다. 중소기업의 글로벌화는 시장실패의 영역인바, 정부의 지원이 필요한 부분이다. 선진국도 중소기업 글로벌화 지원은 시장실패로 인정하고 지원을 확대하는 추세다. 한국도 이미 많은 중소기업 글로벌화 지원사업을 실시하고 있다. 그러나 대부분 지원이 수출 마케팅이 집중됐기 때문에 현장에서 중소기업이 가장 필요한 전문가 지원은 거의 없는 실정이다. 따라서 정부는 기존 지원사업을 효율적으로 개편해 중소기업 글로벌화를 촉진해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the need of small and medium-sized enterprises`` globalization in order to solve the issue of job creation as the first-priority for the Korean economy, currently. To do so, we analyzed and estimated the performances and effects of SMEs`` globalization. The performances and effects are greatly divided into three categories. management (sales and net profit), labor market (number of jobs and wage), investment (R&D). As a result, SMEs`` golobalization has positive effects on all three categories. Especially, for example, if SMEs increase exports by 10%, each SEM creates 11 jobs. However, it is difficult for SMEs to globalize by them selves because of the lack of experts, funds and so on. Therefore, the support and interest of government for SMEs`` globalization are very necessary. In spite of many government support programs for SME``s globalization, they only focuss on exports. For an example, even through SMEs suffer from the shortage of experts, more than a half of programs are related with marketing. The government should arrange all programs in effective ways.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 중소기업의 수출결정요인 분석

        오동윤 ( Dong Yoon Oh ) 한국국제통상학회 2012 국제통상연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문은 1992~2010년까지 패널자료를 이용해 중력모델로 한국 중소기업의 수출결정요인을 분석했다. 특히, 대기업과 비교를 통해 중소기업이 가지는 수출 결정요인을 비교했다. 분석결과, 한국 중소기업의 수출증가 요인은 수출대상국의 GDP와 인구, 권력과 거리, 불확실성 회피였으며, 수출감소 요인은 수출대상국과 거리, 수출대상국의 관세율, 환율변동성, OECD 가입 여부, 개인주의, 남성성 등 이었다. 대기업도 중소기업과 비교해 각각의 변수가 미치는 정(+), 부(-)의 영향 력을 같았다. 그러나 수출대상국의 인구는 중소기업에게 정(+)의 영향이, 대기업 에게는 부(-)의 영향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과를 종합해 보면, 한국 중소기업은 선진국 시장에서 어려움을 겪고 있으나 그렇다고 새로운 시장을 개척하는 것도 쉽지 않는 것으로 평가된다. 거래비용(관세, 물류비등)에 대한 부담이 크기 때문이다. 이러한 문제점을 극복 하기 위해서는 FTA 활용이 필요하다. FTA 체결에 따른 관세철폐는 수출비용을 줄일 수 있는 기회이기 때문이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of Korean SMEs` exports with gravity model using panel data on the export destinations of Korea SMEs from 1992 to 2010. In particular, it has been investigated that what factors would be primary determinants of Korean SMEs` exports, through comparison with the large firms`, The main causes of increased exports are GDP, populations and shrinking of uncertainty, while volatility of exchange rate, tariff rate, distance with the export countries, masculinity and individualism are the principle reasons of dropped exports. In short, Korean SMEs are not only hard put to it in developed countries but also under difficulty in breaking into new markets, since trading costs such as tariff and distribution costs are a burden. So, it is recommended to use FTA for Korean SME to settle the matter, as tariff elimination through FTA can reduce export charges.

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