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        육용계에 었어서 계절 및 성별 산육능력변화에 관한 연구 2. 계절과 성별간의 상호작용이 산육능력에 미치는 영향

        오기석,정익정,정선부,오세정 한국가금학회 1990 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 육용계에 있어서 온도변화에 따르는 계절 및 암수 분리사육에 따르는 성별 사육방법이 생존율, 체중, 사료섭취양 및 사료요구율 등에 미치는 효과를 구명하기 위하여 '86∼'89연도의 4연간의 상용계 경연능력검정성적을 3 계절(봄, 여름, 겨울)과 성별(수탉, 암탉)로 분류하여 계군당 240∼360수씩 12회에 걸쳐 118계군 38,451수를 6, 7주간 조사기록한 성적으로 분석하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 생존율은 암탉이 수탉에 비해 6, 7주령에 0.4∼0.6% 더 높았으며 (P<0.01), 계절과 성별간에도 모든 계절에서 암탉의 생존율이 높았다. 2. 체중은 수탉이 암탉보다 6주령에 17.4%, 7주령에는 19.1%가 어 무거웠으며(P<0.01), 계절과 성별로도 수탉이 암탉보다 봄 18.0∼19.6%, 여름 17.6∼18.4% 그리고 겨울에는 19.6∼19.3% 더 무거운 것으로 나타났다. 3. 사료섭취량은 수탉이 암탉에 비해 약 13.3∼13.8%를 더 섭취하였으며 (P<0.01), 계절과 성별로도 같은 경향이었는데 수탉이 암탉보다 사료를 봄11.7∼13.5%, 여름 17.3∼15.0% 그리고 겨울에는 11.5∼13.0% 더 섭취한 것으로 나타났다. 4. 사료요구율도 수탉이 암탉보다 4.3∼4.6%가 더 많았고(P<0.01). 계절과 성별에서도 같은 경향으로 수탉의 사료요구율이 봄 6∼7.1% 여름 5.9∼1% 그리고 겨울에는 5.4∼5.5%로 모든 계절에서 높았다. 5. 계절별로 암수 분리사육한 육계의 산육형질에 대한 상관계수에서 봄에는 체중과 사료섭취양간에 수탉은 0.81∼0.87, 암탉은 0.84∼0.88, 체중과 사료요구율간에는 수탉이 -0.32∼-0.51, 암탉은 -0.17∼-0.45로 나타나 수탉의 사료이용효율이 암탉보다 높은 관계를 나타내고 있다. 6, 여름에는 생존율과 체중간의 상관계수는 수탉이 -0.1∼-0.37, 암탉은 -0.36∼-0.51, 체중과 사료섭취양은 수탉에서는 0.66∼0.77, 암탉은 0.5∼0.82, 체중과 사료요구율은 수탉이 -0.42∼-0.22, 암탉은 -0.24∼0.001로 나타났다. 7. 겨울의 상관계수에서는 생존율과 체중간에 수탉이 -0.02∼0.02, 암탉은 -0.81∼-0.19 그리고 체중과 사료섭취양간은 수탉이 0.92, 암탉은 0.88∼0,83으로 높은 정(+)의 관계를 보였고, 체중과 사료요구율간에는 수탉 -0.08∼0.2, 암탉은 0.04∼0.09로 봄, 여름에 비해 높게 나타났다. Data are presented concerning the effect of different seasons and sexes during the growing period on broiler performance. Total 38, 451 broiler chickens were raised in spring summer and winter and they were marketed at 6 or 7 weeks of age. Birds were alloted to 118 groups (240∼360 birds per pen) and weighted at termination in order to determine variation in several economic traits between the sex groups. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1. The rate of livability of the females were higher than that of the males in all seasons (P<0.01). 2. Body weights of males were heavier than that of females by 17.4% at 6 wks, and 19.1% at 7 wks of age and by 18.0∼19.6% ,17.6∼18.4% , and 19.6∼19.3% in spring, summer, and winter, respectively (P<0.01). 3. Males consumed more feed than females by 13.3∼135% . And same trends was noted by season : 11.7∼13,5% in spring 175∼15.0% in summer, and 11.5∼13.0% in winter. 4. Peed requirement of the females was less than that of the males : by 5.0∼7.1%, 5.9∼1.0% , and 5.4∼5.5% in spring, summer, and winter, respectively (P< 0,01). 5. The correlation coefficients between body weight and feed intake in spring were 0.81∼0.87 in males, and 0.84∼0.88 in females and those between body weight and feed requirements were ∼052∼0.51 in males, and -0.17∼-0.45.45 in females. 6. In summer the correlation coefficients between livability and body weight were -0.1∼-0.37 in males, and -0.36∼-0.51 in females, those between body weight and feed intake were 0.66∼0.77 in males, and 0.5∼0.82 in females, and those between body weight and feed requirement were -0.42∼-022 in males, and 0.24∼-0.001 in females. 7. In winter the correlation coefficients between livability and body weight were -0.02∼0.02 in males, -0.18∼-0.19 in females, those between body weight and feed requirements were -0.08∼02 in males, and 0.04∼0.09 in females.

      • KCI등재후보

        초음파검사 및 호르몬검사에 의한 젖소 번식검진과 발정유도 II. 황체가 존재하는 난소낭종의 진단과 치료

        오기석,박상국,김방실,고진성,신종봉,백종환,홍기강,문광식,임원호 한국임상수의학회 2003 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        To establish the differential diagnosis and treatment method in bovine ovarian cysts, specially ovarian cysts with corpus luteum, serum progesterone concentration, rectal palpation and ultrasonography for measuring the cystic wall thickness and diameter of cyst and corpus luteum were investigated from 1,188 dairy cows with ovarian cysts. The plasma progesterone concentrations were 0.3$\pm$0.4 (mean$\pm$SD) ng/ml in 629 cows with follicular cysts, 3.7$\pm$1.1 ng/ml in 431 cows with luteal cysts, and 3.8$\pm$1.2 ng/ml in 128 cows with coexist of ovarian cysts and corpus luteum, respectively. The cystic wall thickness by ultrasonography were 1.6$\pm$0.4 mm in 629 cows with follicular cysts, 4.2$\pm$1.5 mm in 431 cows with luteal cysts, and 1.6$\pm$0.6 mm in 128 cows with coexist of ovarian cysts and corpus luteum, respectively. The days from initial treatment to insemination in follicular cysts were 28.1$\pm$6.9 days in treatment of GnRH alone, 15.9$\pm$2.9 days in combination of GnRH and dinoprost, and 15.1$\pm$3.1 days in combination of GnRH and cloprostenol. The percentages of cows conceived within 100 days after initial treatment were 61 %, 68% and 73% in treatment of GnRH alone, combination of GnRH and dinoprost, and combination of GnRH and cloprostenol, respectively. The days from initial treatment to insemination in luteal cysts were 3.8$\pm$0.6 days in treatment of dinoprost alone and 3.8$\pm$0.7 in cloprostenol alone. The percentages of cows conceived within 100 days after initial treatment were 69.5% and 68.5% in treatment of dinoprost and cloprostenol, respectively. The days from initial treatment to insemination in coexist of cysts and corpus luteum were 3.7$\pm$0.7 days in treatment of dinoprost alone and 3.8$\pm$0.6 in cloprostenol alone. The percentages of cows conceived within 100 days after initial treatment were 87% and 84% in treatment of dinoprost and cloprostenol, respectively. These results suggest that the best choice for treatment agents in ovarian cysts were combination of GnRH and PGF$_2$$\alpha$ in follicular cysts, and the PGF$_2$$\alpha$ in luteal cysts and in coexist of cysts and corpus luteum, respectively. In conclusion, it is suggest that ultrasonography is useful diagnostic tool for diagnosis and selection of treatment remedy in cystic ovaries of bovine.

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