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      • 各種 腦腫瘍 組織의 Neuron-Specific Enolase, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein 및 S-100Protein 에 對한 免疫組織化學的 檢索

        申一均,沈載桓,李惠洙,吳敬烈,金象皓 의과학연구소 1988 全北醫大論文集 Vol.12 No.2

        To help the diagnosis and classification of the grain tumors and investigate the origin of their cells, immunohistochemnical studies for neuron-specific enolase (NSE), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and S-100 protein in the 58cases of various brain tumors were performed by means of immunoperoxidase technique with peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. The results were as follows ; 1. Collected brain tumors were 10 cases of astrocytoma, 10 cases of meningioma, 8 cases of glioblastoma multiforme, 6 cases of oligodendrogloima, 5 cases of neurilemmoma, 4 cases of ependymoma, and 3 cases of craniopharyngioma. And other neurogenic and nonneurogenic tumors were 12 cases. 2. NSE activities were observed in the tissues of astrocytoma, gloiblastoma multiforme, oligodemdroglioma. neurilemmoma, ependymoma, menihgioma, craniophrayngioma, and pituitary adenoma with various pattern. But in the nonneurogenic tumor tissues, most of them were negative for NSE staining although there were a few cases weakly positive reactions. 3. In astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme, relatively strong positive reaction were observed for GFAP staining, but any correlations between the degree of the positivity and the differentiation of the tumors were not recognized. And except a few cases of meningioma and craniopharyngioma with weakly positive reactions, most of the neurogenic an nonneurogenic tumors were negative for GFAP staining. 4. S-100 proteins were detected in most of the neurogenic tumors, e.g., astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme, oligodemdroglioma, neurilemmoma, ependymoma, meningioma, and craniopharyngioma, but the positivities were not related to the degree of differentiation of the tumors. And nonneurogenic tumors were negative for S-100 protein staining. These results indicate that immunohistochemical demonstration of the specific antigens for nervous tissue such as NSE, GASP, and S-100 protein by PAP method might be useful tool in diagnosis of brain tumors and origin of tumor cells. (Key words : Brain tumors, Neuron-specific enolase, Glial fibrillary acidic protein, S_100 protein, Immunohistochemical study)

      • X線 照射가 白鼠 胃의 組織學的, 組織化學的 및 酵素 組織化學的 變化에 미치는 影響

        金鍾德,沈載桓,崔三任,吳敬烈,金象皓 의과학연구소 1988 全北醫大論文集 Vol.12 No.2

        To investigate the effects of ionizing radiation on gastric tissue, various doses of X-ray(1,000 rads, 1,400 rads, and 1,800 rads) were irradiated to the left upper quadrant of the abdomen of rats(source-skin distance, 1m.; field, 23×23mm), by means of a linear accelerator. At 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after the single exposure to each dose, histological(H & E), his tochemical(PAS,trichrome, and reticulin) and enzyme histochemical(alkaline phosphatase, ALP ; nonspecific esterase, NSE ; succinic dehydrogenase, SDH; adenosine triphosphatase, ATP) stains on the gastric tissue were performed. The results were as follows; 1.Histologically, the overall lesions were more prominent in 1,400 and 1,800 rad-groups than in the 1,000 rad-group. Dysplastic changes of the gastric glandular epithelium, ulceration and inflammatory reaction were prominent in the 1,400 and 1,800 rad-groups, especially at 3 and 4 weeks after exposure. In 1,000 rad-group, hyperplasin, but not dysplasia, of the gastric glandular epithelium, mucosal cysts and mild inflammation were evident. Vascular changes in the gastric mucosa were realtively mild. 2.Histochemically, the intracellular PAS positive granules were markedly decreased in the cells with dysplsastic changes. Fibrosis was also prominent at 3 and 4 weeks after exposure to the larger doses(1,400 and 1,800 rads). 3.On enzyme histochemical examination, the activities of ALP, NSE and SDH were markedly decreased or disappeared in dysplastic glandular rpithelium. These results suggest that ionizing radiation-induced injury of gastric mucosa is not a secondary lesion due to the primary vascular damage, but a primary lesion with a direct effect on the gastric mucosa. These mucosal lesions, namely ulceration, dysplasia of epithelial cells, etc., are progressively developed during the time sequence. It suggests that gastric adenocarcinomas can be developed more than 4 weeks after exposure to the large dose of X-ray.

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