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        현장 아동학대위험도 평가기반 학대발생가족 유형화 연구

        김기현(Kim, Kihyun),염동문(Yum, Dong-Moon),유 비(Ryou, Bee) 한국피해자학회 2019 被害者學硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        2014년 아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법 제정 이후 개발된 아동학대 위험도 평가척도는 타당도와 신뢰도를 인정받은 척도이다. 그러나 척도의 당위성과 별개로 아동 학대 위험도 평가항목을 기반으로 한 아동학대 가족의 하위 유형화 탐색연구는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 2015년 중앙아동보호전문기관의 기록사례 중 16세 이하 5,435개 사례정보를 아동학대 위험도 평가척도의 9개 지표로 유형화하였다. 아울러, 아동요인과 행위자 및 가족요인 등의 예측변인이 유형화 분석을 통해 도출된 하위집단에 미치는 영향을 파악하여 보았다. 연구결과, 아동학대 가정의 사례들은 ‘지속적 학대위험 형‘, ’안전망부재 학대위험형‘, ’의존관계 위험형‘, ’학대저위험형‘으로 나타났다. 또한 학대 저위험형 집단을 준거집단으로 설정한 다항로지스틱분석에서 아동의 연령, 학대여부, 외현화 수준과 학대 행위자의 성별, 스트레스와 알콜남용 및 양육지식부족 등의 요인이 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. The Child Safety and Risk Assessments, developed after the establishment of an Act on Special Cases concerning child maltreatment in 2014, is a measure that has been recognized for its validity and reliability. Apart from the justification of the measure, however, exploratory research for subtypes of child maltreatment families based on Child Safety and Risk Assessments is warranted. Therefore, in this study, among the documented cases of the National Child Protection Agency in 2015, 5,435 case information under the age of 16 was categorized into nine indicators of Child Safety and Risk Assessment measures. In addition, we examined the effects of predictive variables such as child factors, perpetrator factors, and family factors on the sub-groups derived from the profile analysis. Results showed that cases of families where child abuse occured were classified in to four different subtype such as ‘persistent maltreatment risk type’, ‘absence-of-safety net maltreatment risk type’, ‘dependent-relationship type’, and ‘maltreatment low-risk type’. Further, the multinomial logistic regression analysis, in which the maltreatment low-risk type group was defined as a reference group, found that factors such as child’s age, maltreatment status, externalization level, perpetrator’s gender, stress, alcohol , and lack of parenting knowledge were related differently to different subtypes of abusive families. .

      • KCI등재

        아동학대 위험도 평가척도의 타당도 검증 연구

        김기현(Kim Ki Hyun),염동문(Yum Dong Moon),장화정(Jang Hwa Jung),장희선(Jang Hee Sun) 한국피해자학회 2016 被害者學硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        This study examined the validity of the Child Safety and Risk Assessments developed for Korean Child Protective Services. Based on the actuarial assessment model, risk factors for maltreatment recurrence were extracted from the existing studies as well as assessment tools. Field experts reviewed the factors and drew upon their experiences. Through this process 9 items for child safety assessment and 10 items for child risk assessment were developed. Using various data sources, the researchers examined inter-item reliability, inter-rater reliability, as well as criterion validity. The tests yielded excellent and reasonable results for the properties of the assessments. The results for predictive validity required further replication based on a prospective, longitudinal study. The researchers discussed future directions for developing assessment tool for child protective services including developing Structured Decision Making(SDM) system integrating the actuarial assessment for future risk and clinical inputs for service provision.

      • KCI등재

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